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Talia and Isaac

Page 26

by Lorraine Margaret

  Isaac was afraid of his love for her.

  I don’t feel the need to do it with you… you and you alone are enough for me.

  Those words made perfect sense now. Isaac didn’t need to take her to the rooms of pleasure, didn’t need to enhance his sexual enjoyment. He didn’t need any artificial stimulation or titillation because he loved her. That was a wonderful thing. This king, who had indulged in erotic excess, gained true satisfaction from simply being inside of her body. She meant that much to him. She was not a doll or a sex slave, she was Talia, Lokian visionary, and Wanwisa, goddess of the sea.

  Anything that happened in the future, whatever setbacks or dramas they endured, would never have the power to destroy them for now she knew the truth. And she realised an incredible thing.

  “Talia? Are you alright?” Katrina’s large brown eyes anxiously scrutinised her face. “You gasped so loudly. Are you in pain?”

  Talia’s face relaxed into the most heartfelt of smiles. Katrina had made this moment possible, had transformed Talia’s life.

  “I feel no pain, Katrina, thanks to you. You will never know how much you have helped me. I am eternally grateful.”

  Katrina’s eyes widened, a glorious light glowing in their chocolate depths. “You look so happy, Talia, I am thrilled my words helped you.”

  Talia clasped Katrina’s hand in hers. “Your words have changed everything for me. You are a true friend, Katrina.”

  Katrina’s eyes were wet again. “Talia, I do… I do not think His Majesty would approve of our speaking this way but… it means so much that you consider me your friend. I feel the same about you.”

  Talia didn’t care if Isaac approved or not. She would tackle him about her friendship with Katrina soon but at the moment it was not necessary. Just as she and Isaac shared a deep unspoken love, she and Katrina were friends. Nothing could change that, not even the despotic demands of her poor frightened king. She and Isaac were deeply in love, and she and Katrina were friends. It was that simple.

  The two women embraced before leaving the bath, and as Katrina applied exotic oils to her body, Talia’s mind returned to her revelation.

  She must be gentle with Isaac, take care of his fragile emotions, make him safe and secure in her love. He was King of Cornicunia, the ruler of this land, he was her master and she was his sex slave. He had absolute power over everything and everyone.


  Talia had more power than anyone in Cornicunia for she had power over their king. But power did not make a great person, indeed it often did the very opposite…

  Compassion and empathy made a great person.

  She had always wanted to be the very best Talia she could be, the kindest, the wisest… and now she had the opportunity to be just that. She held ultimate power and would use it wisely.

  Isaac loved her as intensely and profoundly as she loved him. Yet he had none of her experience with emotions – this was new and terrifying for him.

  She loved the most powerful man in Cornicunia and she must be gentle with him.


  Talia was not happy. His beautiful little visionary had such an expressive face and had been unable to hide her displeasure when he forbade her from conversing with Katrina. She wouldn’t accept his control, not even for a few precious days when he could learn about her on his own terms. Talia had to know everything now, question all he said and did, ferociously and relentlessly… She was a fucking nightmare.

  He worshipped her.

  Isaac sighed as he meandered his way to the fields. The game was the best way to uncover how her mind worked, discover the many mysteries and secrets of Talia. The game worked; it would teach her to trust him and bond them together for all time. Talia would find peace in the knowledge he would never hurt her or lie to her. How many women were that safe and secure with the man they loved? He had seen enough manipulative, dishonest relationships to know the answer and was determined he and Talia would be different. She could find true happiness in her new life if she trusted him to make decisions for her just a little longer and learnt he would never abuse that trust. All he wanted was to make Talia happy, surely that wouldn’t be so very difficult to achieve? Once committed to a course of action he would always see it through to its conclusion but nothing he had ever done had been as difficult as this. Winning battles outnumbered four to one was easier than love… He had always had a flair for anticipating the enemy’s next move and staying one step ahead of them. Not now. Talia easily outwitted him and he loved her more than ever because of it. Everything about the Lokians that had scared him, he now loved because of her. He admired her integrity and strength of character, worshipped her spiritual gifts. He understood why his people were in thrall to the Lokians and their way of life. Talia was spectacular.

  But for once he had outwitted her – she would not foresee this move. This morning’s events had been traumatic, and she probably thought he wanted time away from her to regain equilibrium. Little did she know… or did she? Maybe she was even more spectacular than he thought? Anything was possible. A few short days ago he would never have imagined such a goddess existed on this earth of mere mortals. He held her in such high esteem that her question about rooms of torture had wounded him deeply. Rooms of torture? How could the woman he adored think so badly of him? He had wanted to lash out, show her just how evil he could be, live down to her tiny expectations, but he loved her too much to truly hurt her – and what was worse, he was sure she knew. Talia knew he loved her.

  Good God, he was doomed.

  She had welcomed the brutal, rough fucking against the wall of the blue room, had wanted him despite his base behaviour. She knew he loved her – it was the only explanation. She had called out his name like the insubordinate goddess she was, and it had all been too much for him. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his climax and his love for her, all he had thought about was winning the game. Talia could not win! She controlled him too cleverly, revelled in her power over her king. He had resolved to teach her the error of her ways, but she had refused to accept her punishment and defied him, instigating yet another argument he couldn’t win. Talia had reversed their positions – she had given him an ultimatum, and he had stupidly allowed his vulnerability to show. Terrified of irrevocably damaging their relationship, he had lost control, of himself and of her. He had lost hold of King Isaac, the impenetrable leader of men, and become a floundering volcano of emotion. And after the drama was over, Talia had been loving, conciliatory and all things admirable. Fuck! He shook his head ruefully as he reached the fields, unable to believe his ineptitude. Talia had exposed him for what he really was, an idiot king with no emotional intelligence. He needed to rectify that… and fast.

  And this was the first tiny step of his long journey into the emotional unknown, a gift and an apology in one exquisite package. He leant against the fence and drank in the glorious sight, his eyes glazing over as he imagined Talia’s reaction. Surely this gift would make her realise the profundity of his feelings for her?

  “Isaac? Katrina said you wanted to meet me here.”

  He grinned at Abraham as he thanked God for Katrina. He could always rely on her, valued her loyalty and devotion beyond words. Talia adored her too. Yet he had forbidden the woman he loved from forming a friendship with his trusted servant, intent on following the rigid rules of his game. He sighed again.

  “Thanks for coming, Abra. I need your support today.”

  Abraham grinned easily, but his shrewd eyes missed nothing, the preoccupations of Isaac’s mind transparent to him.

  “What’s troubling you, Isaac? How is Talia?”

  Isaac’s sigh was heavier than ever for he knew he was going to get the hard time he deserved. Abraham always told the truth even when it was uncomfortable… just like Talia.

  “She’s fine, Abra, but I fucked up badly, didn’t I? Whatever… it’s over and done with now. Talia is forgiving and happy to move forwards so I plan on saying sorry the best way I can by givin
g her a gift.”

  Abraham’s grin grew wider. “Oh, Isaac, you’re learning fast.”

  “I need to,” Isaac said, far too sincerely, causing Abraham’s eyes to narrow in concern.

  “Relax, Isaac, you look like you’ve got a mutiny to contend with. Love is meant to be pleasurable, you know.”

  Isaac smiled wearily. Abraham understood his torment, knew now was not the time for berating him about his stupidity. He needed help with this strange situation he found himself in.

  He was in love.

  “You’re a true friend, Abra, but I’m not skilled at love. It’s a new and alien concept to me. I’m not used to having my behaviour questioned and I don’t share my personal feelings with anyone but you. And you’ve never given me such a hard time as Talia.”

  Abraham roared with laughter. “Good for her! Isaac, you need a strong woman who will stand up to you. You’re a powerful king who would crush a lesser woman and without respect and equality there can be no love. Talia may be a difficult proposition, but I think that’s a major part of why you love her. She is your perfect match, a woman you can respect and admire as much as she respects and admires you. Talia is worthy of you, Isaac.”

  “But am I worthy of her?” Isaac stared at his friend, his mouth curving into a wry smile. “Your king is a fool, Abra. I expected her to trust me and everything about her new life in three short days.” He laughed emptily. “Talia is a Lokian through and through – she will not change for me. And the irony is she doesn’t need to. I don’t want to change a thing about her, she’s perfect exactly as she is.”

  Abraham bit his lip. “Have you told Talia that?”

  “Yes, that would be the intelligent thing to do, but no, not in so many words. I want to win her affections, Abra, I want her to learn she can trust me from my behaviour. And I want to learn all about her and discover just how intimate this relationship can really be.”

  Abraham’s eyes widened. He grasped Isaac’s shoulder and stared intensely into his eyes. “Isaac, don’t tell me you’re still playing the game with her?”

  “I wouldn’t call it a game, it’s life or death with Talia,” Isaac said melodramatically. “It’s the most important game I’ve ever played; this is my life, my future… and Talia’s.” He sighed again, irritated with his ineptitude. How could he, renowned king and ruler of Cornicunia, flounder in face of one small Lokian visionary? “Anyway, what did you think I was doing? You know I have been taking her to the blue room.”

  “Yes, and only Katrina and I know exactly what that room means to you.” Abraham searched Isaac’s eyes for a long moment, and nodded, seemingly satisfied with what he found. “I knew Talia was special because of the blue room, but I didn’t examine it any closer than that. I didn’t expect…” Abraham shook his head again, Isaac’s stupidity clearly confounding him. This was not good, not hopeful for his chances of wooing the spectacular Talia. Only an exceptionally clever man would be capable of such a feat. Abraham wrinkled his nose and tightened his grip on Isaac’s shoulder, his eyes soft and compassionate. “I know what you’re doing, Isaac. I don’t know if I agree with it, but I do understand. But does Talia?”

  Isaac shrugged, affronted by this challenge to his method of wooing his beloved. He was stubborn, obstinate to the end. He knew the game worked. It had to. Talia was his life now. He stared boldly into the challenge in Abraham’s wise eyes. He had to stand firm, have the courage of his convictions. Had to be a man worthy of Talia.

  “Sometimes I think she knows exactly what I’m doing, but she can’t possibly understand the game. It’s an intricate psychological test, it’s complex… even Talia can’t be that spectacular.” Isaac stopped talking as he had a truly terrifying thought.

  She couldn’t – could she? Could Talia really be that shrewd, that insightful? Could she see right through him and the complicated facade he had so cleverly created? If so, he had no protection at all, was even more vulnerable than he had imagined. And a lot less intelligent… He shook his head violently as terror coursed through his body, leaving him weak as a newborn. “Talia can’t possibly understand the game. She shouldn’t understand what I’m doing, she has to learn to trust me unconditionally, that’s the point. That level of trust will bind us together for all time and I’m sure that’s what we both want. And most of the time the game is working.”

  Abraham grinned, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “That is an outlandish way to woo a lady especially a Lokian visionary! Isaac, please, don’t get too obsessed with winning the game. Play it by all means but don’t care if you win or lose.”

  Abraham knew. A power struggle with a sensitive, intelligent woman could go very badly wrong. Isaac was in a precarious situation and the outcome would affect the rest of his life.

  “I only want to win Talia’s love, I know that is not a game,” Isaac said quietly, a little embarrassed by his admission. Abraham was a trusted confidante, but this… this was new. But Abraham, being Abraham, did not overreact to Isaac’s words, he simply looked thoughtful.

  “Good. You’re right, Isaac. But what you were just saying… she has to learn this, she shouldn’t understand that… This game is not about your ego. You have to let go of that if you want to win Talia’s love. Control and power have no place in matters of the heart.”

  “I know!” Isaac laughed, his mood lightening as it invariably did when with his wise advisor. Abraham had a way of making sense of things for him. His head felt clearer now. “I am very aware I have to battle with myself over this. I know Talia is not a challenge or a war to be won but… good God, in some ways she is. I can’t escape that, the need for dominance and control is an inherent part of my character. I’ve been King of Cornicunia all my adult life and I expect to rule Talia the same way I have always ruled everyone. But I know that’s not going to happen and I don’t even want it to.” He stared Abraham straight in the eyes. “I want me and Talia to learn about each other, trust each other completely, and the game is the only way I know to achieve that. All I want is to make her happy. And that’s love, yes?”

  “Oh, yes.” Abraham punched him playfully on the arm, his appreciative nod reassuring Isaac instantly. His friend approved of his awkward words, recognised their sincerity. “I’m proud of you, Isaac, it takes a truly brave man to open himself up to change. Now, tell me, what exactly are we doing here?”

  “Looking at Talia’s present.” He nodded past the horses to the far end of the field where Darren was handling an angel hawk. It was the most beautiful bird he had ever seen, its snow white wings otherworldly and majestic as they opened to form a perfect imitation of an angel’s wings, an avian interpretation of a celestial visitor. “She loves angel hawks and can take it everywhere with her – whenever I decide to let her out of the bedroom.”

  Isaac smirked as Abraham roared with laughter. “That is an inspired idea, Sire. Angel hawks are exquisite, living works of art, and I have never seen a more magnificent specimen. That bird is stunning.”

  “Yes, it is the perfect gift for Talia,” Isaac said quietly, embarrassed by the emotion rising in his chest. “I sent Darren on a quest to the villages yesterday and he surpassed himself by finding this hawk so quickly. He must have known I would need to make an apology today.” He smiled wryly, watching the hawk gaze imperiously at Darren, just about tolerating the chain on its ankle and its place on his arm. The bird’s pride and dignity were indisputable, its poise awe-inspiring. “This hawk is the perfect match for Talia – beautiful, intelligent… and wilful.”

  The two men grinned at each other.

  “She’ll love him but he is strong-willed as you say. Do you think she can handle him?”

  “She can handle anything. I respect her people’s skill with animals and she has great empathy and love for them. The angel hawk is her spirit animal.”

  Abraham blew his breath out slowly, sounding like the horses nearby. “Talia already trusts you if she told you about her spirit animal. They are highly significant in Lokian
culture, an integral part of daily spiritual life. I would love to learn more about them. Talia clearly respects you very much, Isaac – and you respect her too, don’t you?”

  Isaac stared Abraham unflinchingly in the eyes. Suddenly he felt as strong as a lion. “I revere her. I will do absolutely anything to make it work between us.”

  Buoyed by his sudden clarity, Isaac quickly made his excuses, leaving Abraham to arrange care of the hawk with Darren until it was delivered into Talia’s capable hands. The hawk was her spirit animal, they were perfect for each other… as were he and Talia, even if they hadn’t attained a state of blissful harmony as yet. Seeing the hawk had revived his spirits as had his conversation with Abraham. He could do this. He could achieve anything if he wanted it enough and he had never wanted anything as much as he wanted Talia. Needed her… Good God. His mission to make her happy was beginning to take shape, and he felt calmer and stronger as a result. Love was a strange and painful condition, but he would learn how to live with it. The next stage of his plan was a risk but one he was prepared to take. Talia was brave, strong and passionate – and she trusted him. She would respond well to this – or so he thought. He had to trust his instincts. This could bring them closer together, break down the final barriers between them. This was the ultimate in trust.

  He was lost in his thoughts as he strode into the storeroom of aids to sexual pleasure to be greeted by Bernard’s salacious smirk. The gleam in his friend’s eyes heralded an avalanche of prurience, of that Isaac was certain…

  “Your Majesty, have you decided to introduce your little visionary to our erotic games? That will be quite an experience for her!”

  Isaac narrowed his eyes at his bawdy advisor. He was prepared to indulge Bernard’s sexual curiosity… just a little.


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