Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 28

by Lorraine Margaret

  His eyes glinted dangerously. “Good, I am glad to hear that. I am thrilled this is all so new to you. Your trust in me must be immense tonight.”

  She swallowed as she gazed up at him. If he wanted to control her, this was the way to do it. The mere thought of such an extreme erotic experience was causing her to fall apart. She was unable to speak or even think clearly. Her mind felt fuzzy as if she were drunk or half asleep with only one thought piercing sharply through its foggy depths.

  Trust Isaac. Trust the man she adored, the man grinning demonically into her eyes. Trust a demon masquerading as an angel…

  She pushed this unwelcome thought into the recesses of her befuddled brain. Trust Isaac. That was all she had to do. It was such a small thing. She loved him after all. Trust Isaac. He would do the rest…

  “So, Wanwisa, do you want to play?”

  Play. But this was dark play, not the innocent play of idealistic, romantic lovers. This was all so new to her. She nodded, still strangely mute. Isaac laughed loudly.

  “Your mood is perfect for this experience, my love, at last I have submissive Talia in my clutches.”

  He tore the flimsy gown from her quivering body while she stared dazed into his beautiful eyes. Trust Isaac… her demon masquerading as an angel…

  “Lay on your front for me, Wanwisa.”

  She swallowed hard as she did as she was told. Isaac stroked his strong hands over her back, caressing her as if she were a goddess, not his slave…

  “That’s right, such a beautiful little visionary. Move up onto your knees now, Wanwisa. Good. Now, bend forwards and wrap your hands around the two middle posts of the headboard.”

  Yet again she did as asked, clasping the thick wooden posts as if they were driftwood keeping her afloat on a stormy sea. Her heart pounded and her stomach lurched as she repeated her desperate mantra… trust Isaac, trust Isaac… Isaac loved her. He did not want to humiliate her. Her trust was instantly rewarded. Isaac caressed her trembling back, his tenderness calming her agitated heartbeat. She moaned gratefully.

  “Remember your rules, Wanwisa, now is the time for them.”

  But we are not in the blue room, Your Majesty; that was what she wanted to say. But she didn’t. She remained silent and lowered her eyes, certain this was the right thing to do.

  “Good girl, Wanwisa, good.”

  She knew what Isaac wanted and would give it to him because she loved him. Simple really. She watched furtively as he wrapped the chain around the bedposts and cuffed both her wrists, ensuring she could not move her arms at all. He was expert at this, had done it many, many times before. A cold shiver swept through her body at this devastating thought but Isaac was hers now, hers and hers alone. He had promised her. No other women for Isaac, only Talia. He caressed the tender skin of her arm and the cold chill evaporated to be replaced with burning love. Yes, Isaac was experienced, but this was new for him. She was Talia, the woman he loved, his destiny. Her wrists were cuffed and she was clinging to the bedposts, the heavy chain forbidding movement of her arms. She had to trust, she had no other choice. She was helpless, naked and on her knees, bent forwards, exposing her behind and sex. She had no protection, nowhere to hide.

  Trust Isaac. Her trust was all she had. She was powerless, unable to move away from his touch, dependent on his kindness. Her trust in him must be immense tonight – that was what he had said. And her trust was all he had wanted right from the start.

  “Whatever you do don’t pull too hard and break our bed, Wanwisa. You will be in serious trouble if you do.”

  His voice was a menacing whisper, brimming with dark intent. Her shoulders shook, but she stared resolutely at the bedposts, her eyes transfixed by the tiny engravings on the wood. Crosses. Tiny Gothic crosses of exquisite beauty, perfect in their intricately crafted detail. Crosses. It was as if her angel masquerading as a demon had wanted her to discover them like this. Naked, on her knees, chained to Isaac’s bed, waiting to be initiated into debauchery, she had uncovered the truth.

  She was always safe with Isaac, her angel masquerading as a demon, his spirituality submerged deep within his soul, waiting for her to set it free…

  Isaac had control, but she had given it to him. It was a gift she knew he would revere and treasure. Isaac would not abuse his power. Her master worshipped her.

  He ran his hands down her back, his touch firm but gentle, soothing her oversensitive skin, calming and exciting her. Isaac was capable of miracles, of reassuring and arousing at the same time. So as they embarked on their decadent erotic game, she could trust and relax. Her master and captor only wanted her happiness. He was taking her on a dark, erotic journey yet was focused on her emotional response. It was pure Isaac, a mercurial man of many contradictions, a multi-faceted angel masquerading as a demon…

  “Breathe, Wanwisa.”

  She sucked in a huge lungful of air to steady her spinning head as Isaac brushed his skilled fingers over her clitoris.


  His delicate touch caused happy tears to press hard behind her eyes, her vulnerability deepening her sexual pleasure. She was open and exposed, restrained and controlled, unable to evade the sensations surging through her body… her mind… her soul. She was forced to accept everything she felt and trust Isaac unequivocally. It was easy to do for she was sure of his unspoken love, not only of the body he was pleasuring so tenderly but of her spirit, the essence of Talia.

  She moaned so loudly she shocked herself. Had that depraved, wanton sound come from her?

  “Oh, yes, that’s right, good girl, Wanwisa, enjoy.”

  Isaac’s voice was warm and approving, and she moaned even louder as she felt his sweet breath between her thighs.

  “You are perfection, Wanwisa.”

  He stroked his tongue over her throbbing clitoris and her head swam, dizzy with love and pleasure. Isaac was licking and sucking at her sex as she knelt naked before him, offering herself as blatantly as a whore. And she had never felt more loved.

  “Mmm… Master.”

  “You’re so wet, so ready for me, Wanwisa, such a very good girl. Everything we do tonight is for my pleasure, remember that as I fuck you.”

  Even as he spoke she knew it was part of the game. Isaac knew his salacious words would enhance her excitement – he understood her erotic nature.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Isaac grunted as if he were Neanderthal man about to rut with his mate, and she was at peace with that, embraced it with every fibre of her being. Life with Isaac would include pleasures she had never envisaged, reveal a new and fascinating world that would enrich her soul.

  And that was true love.

  True love did not diminish. It did not threaten or force or shame. True love cocooned lovers in their own private world of wonder where they were nurtured unconditionally, allowed to be themselves, be happy…

  Isaac wanted this world of wonder to be hers. Theirs. He wanted to fulfil her erotic curiosity, bless her with pleasure as she wanted to bless him with love and trust. She was equal in every way to this king who was squeezing her buttocks possessively…


  Equal in every way to this king who was arrogantly claiming her…

  She yelped as he thrust his swollen manhood inside her, taking her urgently while he was still fully clothed. He wrapped her long hair around his fist and gently pulled her head up, her back arching submissively into his touch. Isaac was using her for his pleasure and it was everything she wanted it to be.


  “Quiet, Wanwisa, while I take my pleasure.”

  His voice was commanding but warm. All part of the game. Her sex clamped around him, aroused by his words of ownership and entitlement. Her body was not betraying her for her heart wanted the same thing – to belong to Isaac. He was her loving master and she was an eager slave to his love. He had addressed her as Wanwisa since they began this erotic game. It was his pet name for her, his toy, his doll, his goddess of the sea�

  And she was Talia, Lokian visionary, stronger than ever before.

  Her head whirled with the dichotomy between her power and submission, each moment more revelatory than the last.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast, Wanwisa, and you will climax when I do. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  They would climax together as they always did, proof of their divine connection on this mortal earth. Isaac growled, a sound of primal male satisfaction. Her submission had incited him, and he thrust savagely, riding her deep and fast, intent on achieving his climax. And all she wanted was his pleasure for it was her pleasure too. Her sex clenched around his manhood, so swollen and wet the violence of his thrusting was welcome relief, satisfying the nerves eager for pleasurable release. Her body ached for this, she ached for this… for him. Only this brutal thrusting could bring her peace. He stroked her throbbing clitoris as his manhood jerked inside her, her hair still wrapped around his fist. She was safe within his tender grasp, secured by his love. They were perfectly attuned, in body and spirit.

  “Come, little Wanwisa, come.”

  Yes, Master, anything you desire. Her clitoris and her sex joined him in his climax, an endless orgy of sensation and love. Her head spun, her knees wobbled, and her arms ached as her heart burned with all-consuming love. She tugged impotently at the bedposts, desperate to hold him…

  He released her hair and collapsed against her back, his breathing as erratic as her own. The contact with his warm body satisfied her burning need to hold him and their breathing slowly quietened, effortlessly harmonising as peace embedded in her soul. She was cocooned in love and Isaac, a swaddled visionary, held in the tight embrace of Isaac’s chains and Isaac’s heart.

  But then he was gone…

  He pulled out of her trembling body and marched to the bedside table, how she did not know. She was certain she would never walk again. So weak, spent in every way… She whimpered and pulled gently at the cuffs, too feeble and too scared of damaging Isaac’s bed to do more. His eyes locked with hers as he took a long drink from his flask, and she whimpered again, signalling her desire to hold him. Dominance and control mastered his eyes, the spectacular something lost when she needed it most. She would have to endure more of Isaac’s punishment for that was what this was. Her gift of pleasure was her greatest punishment yet. It showed her just how lenient he had been until now. He had allowed her to touch him, hold him – but not tonight. Tonight she must suffer for her pleasure and she would do it for him, make him secure in his love for her…

  “Drink, Wanwisa.”

  He held the flask to her mouth and she suckled weakly, staring up into his glittering eyes. The spectacular something could not resist her gaze. The longer she stared the brighter it burned, overpowering Isaac’s need for control and his pleasure in sexual domination. He loved her more than he needed those things. He ran his fingers through her damp, tousled hair and she whimpered at the reverence of his touch.

  “You are such a good girl, Wanwisa.”

  He strode back to the table, leaving her bereft again. She should feel humiliated, her naked body covered in a fine sheen of sweat and chained in such a vulnerable position… but she didn’t. She only felt an all-consuming need to touch him. This was her test and she had passed with distinction. It was not just a test of trust but of the depth of her love. And her love held no fear of hurt or pain for true love could never feel such things. Isaac watched as she stared adoringly at him, a submissive mate worshipping her proud alpha male. He was toying with her… but why?

  To learn more about her reactions and emotions, understand her, become closer; she and Isaac wanted the same thing.


  The spectacular something burned in his eyes, his need for control expunged and satisfied. Sweet Isaac had returned to her. He tore off his shirt, his eyes fixed on hers. She whimpered happily, pulling hard on her restraints.

  “Not long now, Wanwisa, not long, be patient and don’t break our bed. Be my good girl just a little longer, my precious little visionary, be good.”

  As he murmured his sweet words of reassurance he dropped his trousers to the floor. His manhood was swollen and erect, a majestic, awe-inspiring sight – and she had power over it, over him. As he had over her. She and Isaac were equal.

  She needed to hold him, satisfy her love. Yearned to pull harder at her cuffs and beg him to free her – but she didn’t. She trusted Isaac and wanted to give him all he desired so she waited meekly for his instructions.

  “Such a very good girl, Wanwisa.” He knelt on the bed beside her and planted a soft kiss on the back of her neck. “I am going to show you just how pleased I am with you.”

  He released one of her wrists, and she resisted the urge to beg him to hurry. She also resisted the urge to grasp him as soon as her arm was free. She was his good girl. For now…

  “Don’t let go of the bedposts until I tell you to, Wanwisa,” he murmured as he undid the second cuff.

  “Yes, Master.”

  He chuckled softly. “Such a good girl.”

  As he released her, he brushed his lips against her shoulder. “Now, let’s get you fucked again.”

  She really couldn’t take any more. The physical and emotional intensity was overwhelming; twice in one night would kill her or even scarier bond her to Isaac so resolutely she would no longer know where she ended and he began. She had been reckless, left herself unprotected. How could one woman feel so much? The intensity of her feelings would destroy her and leave a quivering, helpless mess in her wake. She whimpered in terror but Isaac was merciless, and she didn’t protest as he moved to conquer her again. He stroked her behind as he eased back inside her and somehow she did not fall. She focused on the beauty of the tiny crosses on the bedposts, begging them to bless her with the strength to endure her tumultuous emotions. She must stay still, do as she was told, be Isaac’s good girl. She must please him and ensure he was never afraid again. She must accept her vulnerability in order to help Isaac face his, embrace her sexual power to help Isaac heal his fear. It was a terrifying but life-enhancing thought. Only by becoming more fragile and breakable than she had ever been before could she save Isaac from himself. She was willing to risk everything and this could mean only one thing…

  True love. The spirit realms sang its praises as pure love vibrated through her being. She was a celestial creature who had transcended the mortal world and attained the pure spirituality all Lokians craved…

  And all because of true love. Because of Isaac…

  Regardless of the consequences, she had to do this. How could she run from the one thing that gave life meaning? Spiritual power surged through her body as she knelt naked on the bed and submitted to her master, his manhood buried deep inside of her…

  Isaac caressed her back with the reverent touch of an angel, her angel masquerading as a demon… She had always known the truth. She stared at the tiny crosses as Isaac took hold of her waist and gently pulled out of her body.

  “Let go of the posts now, Wanwisa, I’ve got you. Let go.”

  She gasped as yet again she did as she was told. She had been obedient for so long it was unnerving. Isaac pulled her towards him so her back met his front, the pressure of his skin against hers the single most exquisite sensation she had ever felt. Tears threatened to spill and her heart threatened to burst – too much emotion to contain, too much joy…


  His sharp teeth nipped at her neck as he moved one hand from her waist to stroke her face with tender fingertips.

  “Beautiful Wanwisa, my love.”

  Her head whirled with joy as he flipped her onto her back, moving over her and inside of her in one deft movement. And then his lips met hers and her love spilled out in an orgy of emotion. She wrapped her legs and stiff, aching arms around him, melding him to her body so they were entwined as tightly as two bodies could ever be. She would never let him go again. They would stay like this fore
ver, bodies entwined as their spirits were destined to be…


  His manhood jerked as she erupted into the most ecstatic orgasm of her life. The pleasure was so intense it almost rendered her unconscious, but the spiritual epiphany sweeping through her soul kept her awake. This was her destiny. She was born to unite with Isaac. She was one with him and the earth and every being on it, her spirit expressed and fulfilled as never before. And all because of true love.

  Isaac had blessed her with this miracle; his gift of pleasure was not just an erotic one. Her spirit had climaxed as it recognised the wonder of its true place within the universe.

  With Isaac.

  She was part of everything. All life flowed through her as she flowed through all life. She was part of a glorious, harmonious whole she had never seen so vividly before today.

  But mainly she was part of Isaac.

  It was simple, almost too simple to comprehend. She was part of Isaac, no longer separate from him in any way.

  She wept silently into his neck, her emotions too euphoric to contain. Isaac, I love you, please don’t notice my tears…


  She was Talia again now their decadent game was over. Isaac tipped up her chin and stared into her sodden eyes but didn’t reprimand her for her tears.


  She ran her fingers lightly over his wet cheek, gazing in wonder at the glistening droplets. Were they his tears or hers?


  “Talia… my perfect little visionary.”

  “Isaac… my angel.”

  He chuckled and brushed his lips against hers. “Is my little Wanwisa happy? Did she enjoy her introduction to the world of erotic debauchery?”

  She smiled shyly up into the spectacular something. It was dazed, unfocused… Isaac felt as she did. Neither of them had anything to fear. Their love was mutual and profound.

  “I enjoy everything with you, Your Majesty, but this was spectacular. I don’t understand how such dark eroticism took me to the spirit realms and beyond.”

  Her words had entered the universe and could never be retracted, were part of the glorious oneness of being. But what would Isaac’s reaction be? To her surprise, his eyes were wet.


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