Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 29

by Lorraine Margaret

  “I have fulfilled my mission, Talia, for I only wanted to make you happy. I told you the aids to sexual pleasure were nothing to fear and now you know that to be true. But you must always remember I don’t need them. You and you alone are everything I need.”

  His words were as spectacular as the something in his eyes. She must absorb and treasure them, not fall asleep and lose this magical moment. But there was so much to process and she was so very tired now. She fought to keep her brain working and her eyes open.

  “You are everything I need,” she whispered. “You have shown me my place in this world, the meaning of my existence. It is so simple, Your Majesty, yet profound. I am one with you as I am one with the world. The unity of creation has never been more apparent to me – I have had an epiphany.”

  The wonder in his eyes thrilled her all over again. “I have blessed you with all this simply by introducing you to deviant sexual delights? I believe I have surpassed myself, Talia.”

  His words were playful but the tone of his voice and the awe in his eyes were anything but. She smiled up at him as her eyelids grew heavier still, invisible weights pulling them down, but she would not allow this perfect moment to be stolen. Not yet…

  “You have, my love, you have… you are my angel.”

  “And you are mine,” he murmured. “You have transformed my world with your magic. When I was inside you, I felt the intensity of your emotions – you elevate fucking to a higher place.”

  Wondrous words… so why were her eyes closing? She needed to relish this unity, wallow in his tenderness, his love…

  “Isaac… I do… have intense feelings… for you.”

  He rolled off her, his precious body leaving hers. Her eyes closed as he lifted her… wrapped blankets around her… brushed his lips against her forehead.

  “I know, Wanwisa, I know. You need to sleep now.”

  “Isaac… I…”

  “I know. You, Talia, you and you alone are everything I need.”

  He got under the blankets with her, his body pressed tightly against hers. His arms encircled her, pulling her against his warm chest, against the strong, regular, hypnotic beat of his glorious, emotional heart. She sighed happily as she let go of her desire to remain conscious, for now she had everything she needed to blissfully drift into sleep.

  You and you alone are everything I need. Wonderful words from her angel… and he didn’t sound scared anymore.

  “You, Isaac, you alone…”

  “You and you alone are everything I need. Sleep now, Talia, sleep.”

  Lull Before the Storm

  She was dazed and bedazzled, her breath coming short and fast even after deep and restful sleep. Isaac had taken up residence inside her soul and was vibrating through her body, flowing through her blood, blessing her with peace and pleasure. It was an addictive combination, the merging of spirit and body, the reason for a Lokian’s existence in mortal form. She and Isaac were no longer separate beings – they were intermingled, fused for eternity and beyond.

  She snuggled into his hard, warm body, relishing his vice-like hold around her. He needed this connection as much as she, their bodies entwined even as they slept. She was glad of the time alone with her thoughts for she needed to examine everything that had happened last night, every word that had fallen from Isaac’s lips. She searched for a deeper insight into how such a decadent, erotic act had resulted in a profound spiritual experience. She was sure nothing that occurred in their blessed blue room could ever surpass it. Her love for Isaac had opened up a magical world of erotic delights that enhanced her visionary gifts. It was further proof of their joint destiny, the love that was simply meant to be. All she wanted was to explore this sensual world – for Isaac’s pleasure as well as her own. He was her captor and master but that was not her motivation for pleasing him. Love… love was her motivator in all things.

  Isaac’s hands moved gently up and down her back, caressing her with a tenderness that brought tears to her eyes. She had dreamed of such love… and found it with her captor. She pressed her lips to his chest, baring her teeth and tugging lightly at the hairs there. He groaned.


  “Isaa… Your Majesty.”

  His amused smirk told her Isaac had awoken the same man who had fallen asleep with her last night, not her master demanding absolute submission but her adoring lover. She beamed up into his eyes.

  “Come, my love, we must rise; I have plans for you today.”

  She was still my love and he had plans for her. She hoped for another blissful day spent in the blue room with Isaac buried deep inside of her. So, she was surprised and more than a little disappointed when Isaac did not summon Katrina to prepare her but led her to his bathing room where a charming white muslin gown had materialised while she slept. Isaac helped her dress and she became more bemused than ever. Her lustful, oversexed king was dressing her so tenderly in touching contrast to his carnality last night. Theirs was not a simple, one-dimensional relationship but a multi-faceted one. She was adored in every way.

  She was at peace when Isaac led her through the deserted corridors of his palace, no longer caring if she ever saw another human face. Nothing mattered as long as she was bathed in the spectacular something of Isaac’s eyes. He and he alone was everything she needed…

  And now there was not only romance but intrigue too, for as they walked out into the grounds Isaac led her away from the river and out towards the distant fields.

  “Close your eyes.”

  She obeyed his soft command immediately, stunned into acquiescence. Where were they going? Surely this was not an erotic assignation, out of doors and in public view? Her heartbeat accelerated at the thought, but she trusted Isaac with her safety and comfort. She allowed him to take her hand and lead her forwards across the flat grassland with no fear in her heart. Was this all part of his game? Another ploy designed to increase her trust and faith in him? If so, it was succeeding. She no longer had any defences where Isaac was concerned, was happily bared to him in every way. She relished his gentle care as he walked her slowly forwards in comfortable silence, his loving touch telling her all she needed to know. The warmth of the sun caressed her face and she could hear the geese calling to each other by the river. Life could not be any better. As they walked the soft neighing of horses became louder and her mood lifted still more.


  “Would you like to stop and say hello to them, Wanwisa?”

  “Yes, please, Your Majesty.”

  She waited patiently for his next instructions, enjoying the contented whickers nearby.

  “Open your eyes.”

  They were standing by the fence of a large wooded field, inches away from a glorious grey stallion and a young palomino colt. Isaac’s free hand rested on the stallion’s neck as the horse’s nose brushed gently against his shoulder.

  “Talia, meet Assisi, one of my greatest friends and the boldest and bravest horse that has ever lived. And also the kindest. He adopted this little one on his arrival two weeks ago.”

  Tears stung her eyes as she stared at the colt. “A kind stallion is a rare and precious thing.”

  She moved closer to the inquisitive-looking palomino and blew softly through her nostrils into his. He was a baby, his eyes huge and enquiring as if the world was a fascinating mystery to solve. He danced on the spot, barely restrained nervous energy coursing through his powerful body, his muscles rippling under his shiny coat. As she blew into his nostrils, he quietened to stand as peacefully as Assisi and she took a closer look at him. He would grow into a most impressive stallion but first he had to adapt to life amongst men. She sighed softly in sympathy. Such a momentous task for a horse used to following no one’s dictates but his own! Her heart ached for him. She prayed he would never lose his spirit.

  “So beautiful,” she murmured as the horse nudged her cheek with his soft muzzle. “He is young, Your Majesty, only one summer I think?”

  “Very good, Tali
a,” Isaac said approvingly. “We believe he is a yearling. He is quite a find.”

  She stroked the colt’s velvety nose and beamed as Assisi nudged her shoulder, eager to share in her caresses.

  “They are both so affectionate, I do love stallions.”

  Isaac laughed lustily, a salacious twinkle in his eyes. Both horses whickered and turned their attentions to him, good-naturedly jostling each other for his affections. Isaac placed a hand on both their necks and grinned lasciviously. There was so much erotic suggestion in his smile it was obscene.

  “I know you well already, Talia. I thought you would approve of stallions – you have an affinity with wild males.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” she murmured demurely, and Isaac caught his breath, his eyes glinting dangerously.

  “The colt certainly likes you.”

  She beamed as the young horse dropped his head, inviting her affections. She stroked her hand over his golden cheek, and he nickered appreciatively.

  “The feeling is mutual, I love him. Thank you for bringing me here, Your Majesty.”

  “All I want is for you to be happy,” Isaac whispered into her hair as she luxuriated in another perfect moment. And then something occurred to her.

  “Your Majesty, am I being rewarded for my sexual performance last night?”

  Her voice sounded strangely polite, at odds with the subject of her question. But Isaac was not laughing. He held her away from him a little and stared gravely down into her eyes.

  “No, my love, although I am very pleased with that. I am trying to make you feel at home. My mission is to put an end to your tears, they destroy me,” he finished simply, melting her heart with his sincerity.

  “I fear your kindness has incited my happy tears again, Your Majesty,” she whispered, her head whirling with joy.

  “Your happiness is everything to me, Talia, soon…” His voice was firm as he emphasised the word. “Soon, we will enjoy riding together – when we have completed your training.”

  “Wonderful, I would like to ride the wildest stallion you have,” she whispered, boldly meeting his eyes with hers. Isaac laughed softly and ran his fingers over her cheek.

  “Such reverence for wild things, I rather think that is why I…” He bit his lip and turned away to stroke the palomino’s neck. “Good boy, well done, you have made Talia happy.”

  And she knew Isaac was still afraid, still running from the truth.

  I rather think that is why I…

  … why I love you.


  She blinked up into his questioning eyes. “Your Majesty?”

  “I’m glad you enjoy the horses but your surprise is over here. Close your eyes.”

  Her surprise – another gift? Slaves did not receive gifts; where had sex slave Talia gone? Had she been usurped by Wanwisa, goddess of the sea, worshipped by King Isaac, her every whim his command?


  Sex slave Talia had not gone anywhere. She must remember that. She was Isaac’s captive and he was her master. If he chose to reward her for her good behaviour or was kind to her, even if he wanted her happiness above all things, it did not change that. Even if Isaac loved her – she was still his slave.

  For now.


  Isaac sounded exasperated. She must wait until they were in bed and Isaac was asleep, then she could muse and ponder all she liked. Not now. She must focus on her master. He was afraid and she must ease his fear.

  “Open your eyes.”

  She opened her eyes to greet her angel hawk, but she had not journeyed to the spirit realms and her spirit animal was not flying free…


  She stalked towards the bemused-looking Abraham who was holding the angel hawk prisoner, a captive just like her…


  Isaac sounded perplexed, but she was too distraught to care…

  “Off!” she whispered through her sob-consumed throat, tears blurring her vision of the poor restrained beauty perched on Abraham’s arm. As she reached out, both men caught their breath. Angel hawk beaks were notoriously sharp – but they would never harm her. The hawk’s piercing golden eyes stared into hers as she tugged gently at the chain around his leg. “Off,” she repeated, resting her fingers against the bird’s neck as she turned to Isaac. He breathed in sharply, his eyes bewildered and full of pain.

  “Talia, this is your surprise, my gift to you, your spirit animal.”

  She took a deep but shaky breath. “Thank you, Your Majesty, for blessing me with this precious gift, but if this angel hawk belongs to me, I can do whatever I wish with him, yes?”

  Isaac stared silently into her desperate eyes as she prayed for his understanding. This could have terrible consequences for her and the hawk.


  Isaac’s voice was emotionless, told her nothing about his state of mind, and her trauma was interfering with her intuitive powers. She had no idea what he was thinking but at this moment she cared about only one thing.


  She tugged at the chain again. Abraham’s eyes moved to Isaac who nodded curtly at his friend. She was in serious trouble. Abraham produced a key from his pocket and undid the cuff around the angel hawk’s leg, just as Isaac had undone the cuffs around her wrists last night, but her captivity had been consensual – hadn’t it? She let out a long, slow breath. The angel hawk stared into her eyes as she caressed his snow white neck, their communication pure and effortless.

  “Free, you’re free,” she whispered, “free to do whatever you desire as it is meant to be.”

  The hawk screeched as he spread his snow white wings and soared from Abraham’s arm. The men stared, silently watching the bird disappear over the tall trees, clearly stunned by her behaviour. But they were about to be shocked still more…

  “No more tears, Talia, the hawk is free now.”

  Isaac’s voice was quiet, expressionless, only a slight tremor betraying his emotion. He only wanted her happiness… No more tears, Talia…

  “Yes, Your Majesty, the hawk is free as he is meant to be.”

  She smiled as she caught a glimpse of angel wings soaring high above the trees, the hawk gracefully winging his way back to her.

  “God in heaven.”

  Abraham muttered reverently as the angel hawk swooped low over the long field and headed back towards them, her spirit animal, her kindred soul, her familiar… The bird landed on her muslin-covered arm as gently as a mouse, his snow white wings outstretched, resplendent in their beauty. Both men gasped as she bent to brush her cheek against his soft head.

  “The most precious of gifts, Your Majesty, chooses to give itself. The only love worth having is given freely.” She stared up into the spectacular something of his eyes and could not censor her words. This had to be said. “I saw the love and respect you have for horses and so I know you would never want this hawk to be afraid or force him to do anything he didn’t want to do. I will not subjugate him to my will, I will love him, build a relationship with my spirit animal like the one you have forged with Assisi. I treasure your gift, Your Majesty, because you gave it freely, allowed me to let it go so it could choose to return to me.”

  It was a heartfelt speech yet Isaac stared impassively at her. Did he know her words about the hawk reflected the turmoil in her love-struck heart? She wanted an equal, mutual love more than anything on earth. She thought they had the nucleus, the beginning of something incredible. It was fragile, but it was there.

  Or was she deluding herself?

  She was Isaac’s sex slave yet thought she could nurture a loving relationship based on trust and respect. Could she really do that?

  Or was she a poor, captive bird seduced into submitting to her master?

  And what did it matter anyway?

  It hit her like a thunderbolt. Isaac had gently caressed the colt’s neck while Assisi nudged his shoulder, eager for his affection. He was the horses’ friend, not their master. Wild stal
lions would never give love so freely to one who tried to overpower them and rob them of their will. Animals were excellent judges of character and the horses sensed Isaac’s love and respect for them.

  She must remember that. She was Isaac’s sex slave, but she must remember her revelation. He loved her and was afraid of that. It would take time and sensitivity on her part but she could have everything she wanted with him.

  Isaac still hadn’t spoken. He stared at her, his eyes inscrutable as she smiled up at him. “I shall look forward to us both forging a relationship with Epiphany, Your Majesty. I shall look forward to it very much indeed.”

  Shock flashed across Isaac’s face but disappeared so quickly she thought she had imagined it, questioning the evidence of her eyes. Was she mad?


  “Yes, it is his name, Your Majesty. Epiphany. It is perfect for him.”

  Isaac breathed in sharply. She did not imagine that.

  “A magnificent name. You are right, Talia, it suits him.”

  Epiphany rubbed his face against her shoulder. He knew Isaac was precious. He understood. Talia took a deep breath. She must not forget for a moment that Isaac was afraid. He was demonstrating the depth of his love with everything he did but was still terrified of it.

  “You are a lucky boy, Epiphany, to have a mistress as clever and loving as Talia.”

  “Not mistress, Your Majesty, friend,” she whispered, and Epiphany pushed his sharp beak gently against her cheek as if he was thanking her for wanting an equal relationship. Two beings loving each other unconditionally and revering the uniqueness of each other’s spirit was a rare and precious thing. Suddenly she felt unbearably emotional. Her life hinged on the possibility of such a relationship – a devastatingly beautiful yet fragile possibility she could not control. The wonder of a relationship could also be its tragedy. A bond must be forged by two people, one could not decide for the other how it should progress. That was at the root of Isaac’s fear… and hers too. They were both vulnerable, dependent on the other behaving with kindness and compassion, and at anytime one or both of them could cause an irretrievable breakdown of the beauty of their bond. Fragile didn’t even begin to cover it. They were walking a tightrope, each tentative step waiting to plunge them into the love abyss. Well, not if she had anything to do with it. She would fight for their shared spiritual energy with every breath she took.


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