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Talia and Isaac

Page 46

by Lorraine Margaret

  He murmured into her open mouth, his breath warm and sweet, “Wanwisa, what have you done?”

  “This is your wedding gift,” she gasped, barely able to speak. Isaac’s journey was only just beginning and the pleasure was exquisite, her sensitised nerves vibrating as never before.

  “Wanwisa.” His tongue skated over her lips, and she moaned deliriously. “Thank you, this is incredible.”

  “It’s for you,” she gasped, “your wedding gift… Oh!”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, clinging to him for safety as she fell headlong into the most turbulent erotic storm of her life. It was reminiscent of the time in the blue room when pain had threatened to triumph over pleasure and win the war to consume her, when she had been unable to escape the merciless erotic assault of Isaac’s torturous tongue. Isaac’s thrusting pelvis transformed arousal into agony, a multitude of tiny knives assaulting the tip of her clitoris, the sharp stabs of pleasure making her body jerk beneath him. She had to escape, this was torture. The knives of pleasure were ripping her apart, destroying her clitoris, tearing the skin away and exposing her raw, sensitive nerves, making that tiny bud the sole focus of her existence.

  “Your eyes are wild, Talia, am I hurting you?”

  “No, it’s just… so intense… the pleasure is unbearable, painful.”

  She tossed her head back on the pillows as her body convulsed beneath his. Isaac caught his breath, his face contorted in pain and pleasure.

  “It is the same for you, my love?”

  “Yes, too much pleasure is painful, Wanwisa, it is the price we pay for the intensity of our love. You can bear its beauty; remember, I will never give you more pleasure than you can endure.”

  I will never give you more pleasure than you can endure, but I will enjoy pushing you to your limits even if it includes a little pain.

  She remembered, she remembered every word he had ever said to her.

  “I will.” She had said those two precious words twice on her wedding day. Her vision blurred, and her head was dizzy and disorientated, but she forced herself to focus on her destiny. “I will bear it for you, Isaac, I will do anything for you. I don’t exist without you anymore.”

  “I don’t exist without you, Talia, it’s mutual.”

  “Always… for eternity and beyond.”

  “For eternity and beyond. I love you, Talia, and I love my wedding gift.”

  He thrust deeper inside of her, deeper still, and just when she thought she could not take any more Isaac, she held all of him.


  His tongue entered her open mouth, and her body relaxed, focused only on the unity of their shared spiritual energy and not the almost unbearable pleasure…


  But the sensations were even more intense when Isaac thrust deep inside of her, again and again and again, stimulating all the nerve endings inside her sex at once. Her raw, exposed, over-sensitised nerves. The tiny knives in her clitoris mercilessly invaded her body, infusing the entirety of her being with never-ending, torturous pleasure. There was no escape from this torment nor would there ever be. Her devil masquerading as an angel would make sure of that. She gazed beseechingly up into his liquid-soft eyes, the spectacular something evermore powerful with the passing of time. Her body shuddered as he thrust in and out of it, slowly, sensuously, in a languorous rhythm that made her giddy. There was no ending to her punishment for the pleasure encompassed every part of her body as it harmonised with his. The walls of her sex throbbed and tightened, threatening to contract in a climax more intense and terrifying than ever before… and each merciless thrust brought her closer to Isaac, deepened their eternal bond.

  “I love you as no other has ever loved before.”

  “Sweet Talia, I love you as no other has ever loved before. This oil intensifies sexual sensation but tonight it also intensifies love. The two things are inseparable now I have you, my precious wife. Your pleasure is my pleasure, your happiness mine. Bonded for all time.”

  “Bonded for all time,” she managed to murmur as the nerve endings in her sex ignited and exploded over and over again, each time more intense than the last. The feeling of peace and unity she felt in the spirit realms spread throughout her body. Isaac was right. Sexual pleasure and spiritual love were inseparable now she had found him. The enhanced sensations and the depth of their love carried them to the spirit realms, blessing them with a shared sacred journey.

  “You have taken us to the spirit realms, Isaac, you are fucking and making love. You have achieved unity of body and soul, and the spirit realms are in ecstasy. It is all they want us to do.”

  “You have taken us to the spirit realms, Wanwisa, you – only ever you.”


  His manhood jerked inside her as it blessed her with his royal seed. Isaac’s face twisted with pleasure, his lips trembling as they caressed her lips, the weight of his body pressing into hers. But she felt no pain for she was not present in the mortal world. She was flying with Isaac in the spirit realms, embracing the unity of all creation as she embraced unity with him. Everything was in sharp focus, crystal-clear. Isaac would enhance her spiritual gifts, true love would lead the way for an inspired visionary…


  “Are you alright, Talia?”

  Isaac’s voice was gentle and concerned, soft and tremulous as if it were travelling from many, many miles away.

  Travelling from the spirit realms…

  “Yes. What happened to me?”

  “I have been a brute of a husband, Talia, I collapsed on top of you.”

  “Mmm… I’m fine, wonderful in fact.” She opened her eyes to gaze into the spectacular something. “Are you alright?”

  “Am I alright? I was crushing you, Wanwisa, I’m fine.”

  “Not crushed, happy.” She beamed up into his dazed eyes.

  “Good. I really don’t want to injure you on our wedding night, crushed by your over-pleasured, out-of-control groom. Abraham would be furious with me.” She giggled, and his eyes shone, soft azure lakes of emotion. “That was the best gift I have ever had.”

  “Good.” She snuggled contentedly against his chest. “Was I unconscious for a minute?”

  “We both were… such intense pleasure. I think my mind needed to escape, there was too much emotion for it to process… I felt far too much love for my soul to contain.” He shook his head. “I find it hard to believe I am capable of… so much.” He smiled at her enrapt face. “Maybe I’ll get used to it eventually.”

  “I don’t want to get used to it, Isaac, it is a blessing and a miracle.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  They smiled serenely at each other, and she marvelled at the rapid development of their relationship, married so soon, lovers, playmates, equals… and the awe-inspiring discovery of Isaac’s latent spiritual nature. I felt far too much love for my soul to contain. He was close to understanding some very elemental truths.

  “Thank you for the most beautiful wedding day anyone has ever had.”

  “Thank you for being the most beautiful bride any groom has ever been blessed with. Bonded for all time, Talia.”

  “Bonded for all time, Isaac. Thank you.”

  “What are you thanking me for, you crazy little Lokian?”

  She stared solemnly at him. “For trusting me and trusting us, allowing our relationship to be honest and truthful. For showing me the real Isaac, the man behind the king.”

  “Destiny cannot be denied by anyone, Talia, even a king, I know that now. The human capacity for change is a wonderful thing.”

  She nodded sleepily. “Yes, it is. More sex, please, Isaac.”

  “More?” He raised his eyebrows. “You’re exhausted.”

  “I know, but just a little more…”

  He chuckled as he rolled off her, pulling her with him so they lay side by side, their bodies pressed together. “Are you sure, Wanwisa?”

  “More sex,” she murmured as her eyes c
losed. She could battle with them no longer, such a long, emotionally intense day. Poor Isaac, his wife falling asleep on their wedding night! “Sorry, Isaac, can’t stay awake… any longer… bonded…”

  He chuckled again. “… for all time. Sleep, Wanwisa, sleep, there is no need to apologise, we have the rest of our lives together.”

  Day of Reckoning

  They had woken early, and he had enthusiastically satisfied Talia’s demand for sex, but shortly after yet another intense orgasm her eyes had closed again. His little Wanwisa had been blissfully happy, her turquoise eyes shining with love, her skin luminous and wearing the satisfied glow of a well-fucked woman. A well-fucked wife. He stared at her cherubic face, peaceful and serene in sleep, and felt elated. He had created Talia’s happiness as she created his, and now possessed a deep-seated inner peace that had always eluded him before. As he eased himself out of her arms, she mumbled his name and he held his breath; if she woke now his surprise would be ruined. He quickly threw some clothes on and penned a note, unable to take his eyes off her for a second. It was hard to believe she was his wife, this extraordinary woman who had changed his life in a few short days. He brushed his lips against her forehead as he laid the note on her pillow. The ache in his chest begged him not to leave her, but he was determined to begin his mission to make each moment of Talia’s life more exquisite than the last. With one final glance at his little sleeping visionary, he left the bedroom and padded stealthily through the palace, praying he went unseen. He didn’t want to indulge in small talk or meet the knowing eyes of lusty men. This was the morning after his wedding and all he wanted was to dream of his beautiful new wife.

  He strode out into the palace grounds, breathing in the delicious scent of the lavender he would gather for Talia. A handful of meadow flowers would complete his surprise, a simple, heartfelt gesture of love. A screeching cry shattered the tranquillity of the moment, and he stared into the perfect blue of the sky to see Epiphany circling overhead. The angel hawk was exceptionally noisy this morning, his excited cries piercing through the deserted grounds. Isaac dawdled, watching the hawk swoop and soar backwards and forwards over his head, its cries growing louder and louder. It was as if it was congratulating him on his marriage to Talia. He chuckled to himself; he was a foolish, love-struck king and couldn’t be happier. The glorious morning reflected his mood, the golden sunlight sparkling on the serene waters of the river, enhancing its beauty and that of the many birds who lived there. The world was a magical, awe-inspiring place but nothing compared to the wonder of Talia.

  His love was his downfall…

  He had taken his eye off the ball. He had forgotten who he was and what he had done, forgotten how he and Talia had met. He had forgotten his appalling decision to kidnap her, an act that could not be excused or denied. He had forgotten the terrible events surrounding their marriage; Jenna, Michael, the entire disgusting mess. And he had stupidly disregarded the intelligence of the Lokians and their loyalty to their own kind. He had been consumed by love, with finding his destiny and his true place in this world. Had been arrogant to the point of madness, believing in his charmed life as King. He was untouchable, invincible, indestructible…

  Except he was none of those things…

  He had ignored the cries of Talia’s angel hawk, underestimated the bird’s intelligence. Talia would never do that, he was a foolish, foolish king. Epiphany was not excited, but agitated…

  Not greeting him, but warning him…

  He had taken his eye off the ball alright. They all had, but he should have known better. A king should know better… Isaac, all-powerful King of Cornicunia, had been undone by love, destroyed by his finer emotions. He was an inspired leader who always anticipated the move of the enemy before the enemy considered it themselves. Where had that man gone? And what impotent fool had taken his place? Love had made him a better man, stronger and more rounded of character, but it had led to his downfall, to the destruction of a king.

  Eye off the fucking ball, alright…

  He was hit by a force that stole the breath from his body, slammed him to the ground and held him there. He struggled and fought, but couldn’t move. He was immobilised, restrained and rendered useless by the violent fury of six muscular Lokians, hatred imbuing them with the strength of a thousand men. Six Lokian warriors with auburn hair and turquoise eyes just like Talia…

  “God is on our side, friends, the spirit realms have blessed us with the greatest of prizes. We will liberate my wife and Talia now for sure.”

  “You’re right, Rowan, this monster is a gift. It is against the natural order to let him live but live he must. It is our only chance of rescuing Jenna and Talia.”

  Isaac reacted fast. He was a foolish king, consumed by love, impotent and useless, but his battle skills were not just physical ones. One strong man, unarmed and taken unawares, had no chance against six angry Lokians. He had nothing to fight with except an intricate, high-pitched whistle, his message to his soldiers that something was very wrong. He pursed his lips, sent his distress call, loud and clear and strong, praying someone was listening. His captors realised what he was doing, of course, and his punishment was a terrible one. Once, twice, three times, a solid wooden club smashed against his head, each strike harder than the last, slamming against his skull. The sickening thump resonated inside his mind along with the amplified, laboured sound of his breathing. He blinked repeatedly as his brain vibrated inside his skull. His mind slowed, became foggy, confused, evading his control as it had when fucking Talia last night. Talia. His precious new wife. He had to remain conscious, stay awake, stay strong, return to his destiny…

  The Lokians dragged him along the riverbank towards a rowing boat hidden behind the weeping willows. A brave handful of them had come upriver, entering the palace grounds and accosting their king all too easily. Epiphany was still circling overhead, Isaac’s only friend. The hawk’s constant screeching was ear-piercing, vibrating agonisingly inside his damaged mind. The bird’s agitated cries of distress would attract more attention than Isaac’s feeble whistle ever could. Yet who would pay attention to a bird? Talia. Talia would, his beloved new wife was his only hope. Talia would come for him…

  They bundled him into the boat as he fought with the pain in his sluggish mind. It needed rest so badly, it was closing down, closing down… Darkness blunted the sharpness of his thoughts, blurred the edges of his vision. It relentlessly closed in on him, blocking out all light, enveloping him in its merciless, oppressive hold. The darkness would never let him go, would smother his mind until there was no more Isaac. He had to fight, stay awake, resist the lure of the darkness, of a blessed existence without the agonising thumping in his head – without Talia. He had to focus on returning to the little sleeping visionary in his bed. True love had transformed his world into a wonderful, enchanted place, but it had led him astray, made him forget life’s grim realities. Too in love to take note of his surroundings, too in love to anticipate the worst. Everyone’s eyes had been on the wedding and firmly off the ball and none more so than his. He should have anticipated this. Talia was the Lokians’ most gifted visionary and Jenna was a beloved wife. Wife. Talia. She would be furious with him for deserting her the morning after their wedding. Eyes badly off the ball, Isaac, and look where it has got you…

  His eyes half-closed as warm sticky blood trickled into them and when they reopened his entire world was red. He looked out through a scarlet curtain and saw salvation: Abraham, an angel, a man of God. There were other men running in the distance, as tiny as ants, too far away to help… and the boat was moving swiftly, rowed by triumphant Lokian demons intent on revenge. One demon held a bloody club against his temple, and Isaac knew his soldiers would not risk his life. They would let the Lokians take him and pray he was kept alive until Jenna and Talia were returned to them.

  “I will… give you your wife,” he gasped. “There is… no need for this.”

  Another whack on the side of his head, a brut
al, unforgiving one. His skull rattled, his eyes rolling in their sockets as they glazed over and half-closed. His stomach churned as he looked out at the world through a scarlet veil. A tribe of demonic Lokians danced before his dazed eyes, intent on dragging him to hell, and hundreds of angel hawks called out to Talia, telling her the terrible news. She would share no more journeys to the spirit realms with her husband – her husband was in hell…

  “Monster! What have you done to them?!”

  Nothing, I’ve done nothing, but, fuck, someone did.

  He couldn’t tell the Lokians the truth, couldn’t explain about the love he felt for Talia or about Jenna’s horrific experience. He couldn’t speak, his mouth incapable of forming words. His brain couldn’t communicate with his tongue anymore. It was dying, drifting away from the mortal world. He was doomed – King Isaac was finished. The destined love of Talia and Isaac was over before it had begun. The pain in his head was excruciating, his mind crumbling into tiny pieces that would never mend. Talia’s people had destroyed it with their club. I’m sorry, Talia, I’m sorry, please forgive me, my love. His hold on her was slipping away, his memories disintegrating as if they were just another blue dream, a promise never to be fulfilled. The fragments of his shattered mind floated around in his head, disconnected, disjointed, unable to make sense of Isa… Isaiah? Ishmael? Who was he? Was he really a king? Was his beloved mother still alive? Raven hair and the smile of an angel… He didn’t know why he had been on the riverbank this morning, couldn’t remember his own name. There was nothing but blind panic, a terrifying feeling of disassociation from the world. Did he exist? Was he part of everything or part of nothing? Was this all just a never-ending blue dream from which he would never wake? No, this nightmare was black, not blue, and contained nothing but darkness and terror. Nothing…


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