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Talia and Isaac

Page 48

by Lorraine Margaret

  She shook her head, privacy was the last thing on her mind. She would gladly fuck Isaac in front of the entire court if she could have him back.

  “What was he doing, Abraham?” Tears finally fell from her eyes. “Why did he feel the need to surprise me? I don’t need gifts or surprises, I have everything I need – I have Isaac. This is my fault.”

  “No, Talia!” Bernard’s voice was impassioned. “His Majesty worships you; whatever he was doing he wanted to do for you…”

  Bernard stopped talking and bit his lip, and Talia knew why. She saw it in his haunted eyes. Whatever way you looked at it, if she and Isaac hadn’t married yesterday, if they had never met, if Michael hadn’t attacked poor Jenna… Isaac would be safe. If, if, if! She shook her head to try to shake the confusion out of it. Isaac had been so happy; she must not wish that away from him. She must not obsess over ifs and whys, but concentrate on nows and hows. What they did now. How they would get Isaac back.

  For she knew the worst was yet to come…

  Lokians believed in forgiveness and attrition – for most things. Not this. The abduction and debasement of two Lokian women was the ultimate sin. Isaac would be punished, his supposed crime too terrible to be forgiven. She and Isaac were united, one body and one mind, she felt his pain and it was jeopardising her mission. Her thoughts were disjointed and confused; Isaac couldn’t think straight – and neither could she. Now more than ever she needed a calm mind and a clear path to the spirit realms, supreme control of the spiritual gifts they had blessed her with. But Isaac was terrifying her – he could barely breathe. She felt his constricted breath in her narrowing airways, in the tightness of her chest, but it was his emotional agitation that most disturbed her. He was relying on her, blindly clinging to his faith in the power of their love. He believed she was his only hope, his saviour.

  Isaac was in a desperate situation, in mortal danger…

  And the worst was yet to come…

  The natural order must be restored. Justice must take place in the mortal world in order to align with the laws of the spirit realms. Your behaviour is too barbaric to be forgiven, a crime against humanity and the spirit world alike. Such evil cannot go unpunished. You will be castrated at sunset in divine retribution for the horrors you have inflicted on pure Lokian souls. Then the mortal world and the spirit realms will be in harmony again.

  “Let’s go. Now! Get Isaac back.”

  All eyes turned to her, stunned by the strength and steeliness in her voice. They had been waiting for her to become hysterical with grief. That would not happen. She stared impassively at Abraham’s ashen face, her throbbing head reeling from her nightmarish vision. She was determined to hide the truth – from him, from everyone. She focused her attention on Abraham; he was the one she had to convince, he was in control now Isaac had gone.

  “We need to get Michael and Jenna and leave. Now!”

  Abraham stepped back, his eyes widening in horror. You will be castrated at sunset… Abraham loved Isaac, she couldn’t tell him the truth – it was too much to bear. She must bear it alone.


  “Jenna will vouch Michael was her assailant and he is proof of Isaac’s belief in righteous punishment and justice. We can still resolve this situation without bloodshed, I am sure of it.”

  Abraham shook his head slowly as if it were muddled, dazed. “Talia, Jenna is weak, injured…”

  “And Isaac is threatened with castration,” she snapped, her resolve crumbling so easily. She could not bear this horror alone, but now she had to watch the devastation her impulsive words had caused. The women no longer cried quietly, they wailed hysterically, the sound of despairing souls echoing around the great hall. The men’s faces were white as death, their horrified eyes fixed on her. She took a deep cleansing breath, willing the oxygen to travel along her constricted airways. Isaac, please be strong. “I know Jenna is weak, but she will want to travel. She will want to save Isaac.”

  “Talia… What did you just say? Isaac is threatened with – what?”

  She waved her hand dismissively, ignoring the tremor in Abraham’s voice. “Trust me, Abraham, and focus only on what we must do. I know we can avert disaster and save Isaac, but we must act. Now!”

  “Her Majesty is right, Abraham,” Bernard interjected, “Jenna will want to help.”

  Abraham nodded, a grim look of resignation on his face. “We’ll make the journey as comfortable for her as possible.”

  “We have to go now!”

  Abraham’s eyes widened but he nodded again. “Would you like to tell Jenna?”

  “No time,” she snapped, and instantly regretted it. Poor Abraham! Isaac was like a brother to him, she was insensitive and selfish. She was not the only one who loved Isaac – but he was her destiny and she would not lose him. She took another deep breath and turned to Katrina. “Will you prepare Jenna for the journey, please?”

  Katrina’s face mirrored her own, grim and resolute. She worshipped Isaac, would do anything to get him back.

  “Of course, Your Majesty, I will travel with her, take care of her.”

  So assertive, so unlike Katrina. Talia nodded. “Yes, we will take a carriage; it will be slow, but I can manage my people until Jenna arrives.”

  The spectres had returned to the palace. The white faces and haunted eyes of Isaac’s advisors were no longer human, the wailing of the women an eerie, supernatural sound. But there were no empty corridors anymore, there were people everywhere. Only Isaac was missing. She wanted to join in with the wailing and crying but would have to wait until she was safely back in Isaac’s arms. Then she would cry like a newborn, like nobody had ever cried before, like no other had ever loved before… But not until then.

  “Strong,” she muttered absentmindedly. She had to stay strong and get Isaac back.


  Abraham sounded concerned, and she improvised quickly; she would not be trusted to organise this mission if she was muttering manically to herself.

  “Strong horses for the carriage, less likely to stumble and jolt Jenna, and cushions, Katrina, to aid her comfort on the journey. Hurry now!”

  “Your Majesty.” Katrina scuttled off, clearly terrified of the new, commanding Talia.

  “And potent medicine for Jenna’s blissful unawareness of it all,” Abraham muttered, his voice grim. Talia stared stonily at him, Jenna’s comfort was incidental, the most empathetic Lokian visionary ever born had disintegrated and in her place stood a cold, ruthless monster. Only one thing mattered. Get Isaac back. Before… Tears pushed hard behind her eyes.

  “She’ll be fine, she’ll want to help. She knows how much I love…” She bit her lip hard as her strength began to crumble, and her stomach lurched. How much I love Isaac, as no other has ever loved before…

  She walked with the men to the stables, striding out as they did, still wearing Isaac’s clothes. His shirt caressed her bare skin, comforting her with Isaac’s sensual scent of orange blossom, sandalwood and musk. She scowled as men appeared with flasks of water for the journey, furious at their need for comfort when Isaac’s manhood was in danger.

  “We can’t help His Majesty if we collapse from dehydration.” Bernard’s hand was gentle on her elbow, his eyes brimming with admiration for her strength and single-mindedness, her determination to get their king back in one piece.

  “Not Isaac’s manhood,” she whispered in sudden horror. Bernard’s face paled as Abraham appeared at his side.


  “Um…” Bernard obviously didn’t want to repeat what she had said.

  “Isaac’s manhood.” She stared into Abraham’s shocked eyes. “Fetch the marriage papers, Abraham, you’re an ordained minister, I need to prove we are legally married.”

  “Already done, Talia.” Abraham patted his coat to indicate the location of the precious document. There was no time, but she stepped forwards and wrapped her arms around him as he did her. No words, just a silent apology for her cur

  They began saddling horses, and she was grateful for the firm feel of leather under her fingers, the smooth, warm coats of the horses soothing her racing mind. Get Isaac back. Assisi. She would ride Isaac’s beloved stallion. Abraham was leading him from his stable, and she snatched the leading rein and sprang atop Assisi’s bare back before he could react.


  “This is how I have always ridden, Abraham, I will not change now. And I will ride my husband’s stallion.”

  Abraham opened his mouth as if to argue, but a sudden piercing cry caught his attention. They looked skywards to see Epiphany circling overhead.


  With one last drawn-out screech the angel hawk fell from the sky, swooping dramatically to land on her proffered arm. The men froze for a second, their mouths hanging open, but she scowled so fiercely they hastily finished saddling up.

  “Talia! Oh, God and the spirit realms!”

  Jenna was lifted into the carriage, her eyes huge, her face paler than ever, but Talia simply nodded at her friend. She was a warrior now. She had transformed in that terrible moment when she lost Isaac and was no longer a peace-loving visionary, gentle and compassionate. Now she was a leader, making harsh decisions, commanding others like a man. She was behaving with such a strong, unshakeable sense of entitlement that the men did not react when she boldly moved Assisi forwards to ride alongside Abraham and Bernard at the front. They led the way from the palace, watched by the older men and the women, as she embarked on the most important journey of her life.

  They galloped through the forestland with neither breath nor inclination for words. Isaac’s breathing was becoming more laboured by the second, and when she sucked in air it scarcely reached her lungs. Her breathing was shallow and restricted, but she ignored it, focusing on the strength of her spirit instead. The fragility of her body was too terrifying to contemplate for God only knew how Isaac was feeling. I am coming for you, my love, please stay strong. She felt the depth of Isaac’s love, his belief in his Talia, a faith so powerful it was humbling. He trusted her to rescue him; she wished she trusted herself… Epiphany soared overhead, calling to her constantly, his cry agitated yet strangely calming. Her spirit animal was urging her to fulfil the most important mission of her life. He believed in her too. She would save Isaac; he knew she was coming, and his spirit was strong.

  As they galloped, she felt the tenderness deep inside her sex, a poignant reminder of the passion of their wedding night. She relished the discomfort, the physical connection to Isaac, but then the worst began to happen, a wrecking of their world…

  A sickening pain attacked her stomach, slamming into her guts. She gasped for breath and lurched against Assisi’s strong neck, trusting Isaac’s stallion to take care of her. The soreness in her sex transformed into something terrible, agonising stabs of pain, twisting and turning, stealing her last remaining breath. The contents of her belly churned and nausea gripped, the truth scrambling her spinning head. Isaac. Isaac’s manhood was under violent attack. Assisi threw his head back, snorting wildly as if he shared her terrible vision, and she clung to his warm body, driftwood keeping her afloat in a stormy sea. Isaac, stay strong, please, I’m coming for you. Assisi galloped like a horse fleeing the hounds of hell, but his gait was smooth underneath her. Isaac’s brave stallion was cosseting her, taking care of a woman he hardly knew. She swallowed hard to stem her rising nausea and ran one hand gently down his neck. “Thank you, boy, you are the best of friends to Isaac. Thank you for taking care of me.” Assisi whinnied as Epiphany let out an agonised screech of distress. A wrecking of their world, the worst had begun…

  Abraham signalled to stop and let the horses drink from the river, and she seethed silently. The lack of empathy in her warrior’s soul was not aiding her mission. She had to take care of Isaac’s horses and men; living creatures needed food, water, rest. She took a deep breath and tried valiantly to resurrect her compassionate nature, but it was impossible to do. The air she sucked in wouldn’t reach her lungs, her breath becoming shallower by the second, her throat crushed by giant invisible hands. Isaac could barely breathe and neither could she. His terrible plight was her only focus, there was nothing left of her for anything else. Those who were blessed with shared journeys to the spirit realms enjoyed physical and spiritual unity, but this rare and most sublime of blessings was also a curse. When Isaac was inside her, they were one being, their bodies and souls merging until any sense of life as a separate entity disappeared. The euphoria and the ecstasy, the passion and the peace, were unrivalled in this mortal world, but that meant something truly terrible…

  Their shared pain and suffering were unrivalled too.

  This was the balance that existed in all things, the natural order of the mortal world and the spirit realms. Pleasure was the other side of pain, one impossible without the other. She felt Isaac’s pain as if it were hers, his constricted breath in her airways, his rising panic in her chest. All his energy was focused on simply trying to breathe. Keep strong, Isaac, please keep breathing, I need you. I am coming for you, my love… The pain in her chest made her cry out, and Abraham moved alongside her in concern. She smiled weakly and stilled. The horse drinking from the clear waters alongside them had a man strapped face down across its back. His body as still as a corpse, a scarlet stain spreading slowly across his trousers…

  “Do you think your people will approve of Michael’s punishment, Talia?”

  Abraham’s usually kind, warm voice was cold and hard. This intensely spiritual man believed in justice and balance in the world just like her people. She felt a sickening surge of satisfaction as she realised they had removed everything from Michael, penis and testicles. Nothing more than he deserved. But this pathetic, emasculated body was still home to the evil spirit that had abused her beloved friend.

  “Do you think he’ll still be alive when we get there?”

  “Do you care?”

  Their voices were bitter, the harsh tones not directed at each other, but at the inert body alongside them. Abraham raised an eyebrow, sure of her answer. There was no need to reply.

  “Talia… what you said in the great hall… do you know it to be true?”

  Abraham’s voice was soft and tremulous, his eyes barely able to meet hers. She breathed out slowly and stared him directly in the eyes, her head swimming from lack of oxygen. “It was the clearest vision I have ever had and the most terrible. I heard Rowan’s words to Isaac as if he was standing in front of me. You will be castrated at sunset in divine retribution for the horrors you have inflicted on pure Lokian souls.” She bit her lip as she stared into Abraham’s horrified eyes.

  “Do you think Isaac is safe until we get there?”

  “My people believe great acts of evil cause imbalance in the universe and it must be realigned. Punishing the perpetrator restores the natural order, the balance between the mortal world and the spirit realms. Our rituals always take place at sunset, as day changes into night, to signify the changes our ceremonies bring about, turning evil into good, darkness into light. Isaac’s manhood is safe until then. But if they hurt him, if he loses even the tip of his little finger, I will hack each and every one of them into a million tiny pieces, including Jenna’s husband.”

  Abraham’s eyes were admiring as well as shocked.

  “I will do it, Abraham.”

  “I have no doubt about that, Talia,” Abraham said grimly. She nodded, unable to talk any longer. Isaac was suffering, his breathing becoming more laboured by the second. She hadn’t believed it could get any worse but it had. She kept trying to draw air into her body but she was failing, fighting for breath just like him, her throat making nasty, constricted little noises she could not control.

  “Talia? Are you alright? You’re not breathing properly!”

  “I’m… fine, Abraham… let’s go.”

  Abraham didn’t need to know why she was struggling, didn’t need any more pain and worry to contend with. She
willed herself to stay calm and fought her rising panic just as Isaac did. Stay strong, Isaac, please, we’re coming for you. I love you, bonded for all time. Abraham placed his hand on her arm, but she shook it off and waved her hand impatiently in the air to alert the men. The nearby soldiers remounted immediately, signalling the others to do the same. Talia stared, transfixed by the seismic shift in her relationship with them. No longer just a Lokian visionary and Isaac’s adored new wife, now she was their queen.

  “You are terrifying everyone, Talia,” Abraham said as they remounted and turned their horses towards the grasslands leading to the Lokians’ forest home.


  Abraham grinned, his first smile since Isaac had been taken. “You have to ask? You have transformed into someone else, you’re not the same woman, not Talia anymore.”

  She stared at him, her eyes widening as her breath became even shorter. “I am, Abraham. I am Talia… Lokian visionary, bonded for all time… to Isaac, King of Cornicunia, reacting to my husband being stolen from me… the morning after our wedding. I am the same woman… who simply wants her husband back.”

  “And will do anything to achieve that.”

  Tears crept into her eyes, and she didn’t even try to hide or deny them.

  “I meant what I said. I will gladly die for Isaac.”

  Abraham shuddered. “Let’s hope not.”


  Isaac tugged impotently at the chains holding his naked body against the dungeon’s cold stone wall. The fuckers had even wrapped one around his neck, constricting his airways and making it almost impossible to breathe. His throat was crushed, starving his lungs of life-giving air, and his chest ached more each agonising eternal moment. Time was passing so slowly as if the world had stopped and he had been trapped in this stinking dungeon for all eternity. An eternity without Talia, without true love… His little Wanwisa, his goddess of the sea. Her turquoise eyes flooded his mind and he surrendered to her without fear. His need for dominance and control had evaporated leaving a love-struck king only too happy to be governed by his new wife. He had wasted so much time with posturing and power games, and now he craved the honesty and vulnerability of love. He floated in turquoise eyes and concentrated on breathing, on staying alive for his little visionary wife and the eternity of love he had promised her. Bonded for all time. He adapted his breathing, changing his natural easy rhythm into a shorter, sharper cadence that coped better with the restrictions on his body. Talia was coming for him. He just had to stay calm, be patient and wait. Panic would make breathing more difficult than ever, but it was hard to relax when the most essential of all human needs was compromised, his life force threatened by the fucking chain around his neck. His head spun as he indulged in a feverish fantasy, a paradise where he could freely breathe pure, clean air into his fading body. The Lokians must think he was superhuman; how did they expect him to break free from the manacles around his wrists and ankles, and the chain wrapped threefold around his chest? There was no need for the chain around his neck, they just took sadistic delight in his torture and suffering. It was penance for his sins against Jenna and Talia.


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