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Talia and Isaac

Page 55

by Lorraine Margaret

  “Keep still and silent unless I say otherwise,” he warned, his voice soft, but with an ominous edge of menace. She would defy that voice at her peril. She nodded submissively and his eyes glinted in the candlelight. “Good little visionary.”

  He pulled one of her legs from underneath her and manacled her ankle, caressing her foot as he completed his task, his fingers warm and tender. She moaned softly as a shiver of delight coursed through her body, her eyes glazing over with love and need. She would do anything for Isaac. He stretched her leg wide and attached the other manacle to the bars. She knew exactly what was coming now. She whimpered as he repeated the procedure, ensuring her legs were stretched as far apart as possible. She was immobilised and exposed, her sex displayed for his pleasure, her breasts thrust forwards as the merciless chains stilled her arms and legs. The dull ache in her shoulders and thighs intensified as they were forced to endure this challenging position, and yet she had never been more aroused. Wetness dripped from her sex, coating her thighs, and Isaac had noticed, a lascivious gleam in his sky blue eyes. Poor little captive Lokian visionary – she was truly his slave now.

  “Try to move your legs, my little sex toy.”

  She squirmed as the sensations in her sex and clitoris intensified, incited by his words and the deep erotic timbre of his voice. She obediently struggled against her restraints, but she was helpless, bound in the most demanding of positions. It was painful and exhausting. The tiniest tremor of trepidation fluttered through her veins and her heart danced inside her chest. She gazed imploringly at her master, begging for his mercy and understanding. His eyes softened, and her fear melted away like ice bathed in sunshine on a summer’s day. Isaac was aflame with love and desire, there was nothing cold or hard about his dominance. He asserted his authority with a core of steel wrapped up in burning, everlasting love. His desire was so heated there was fire crackling between them, a physical energy surging through the dark dungeon, transforming it into a place of pleasure and delight. Beauty and light. It was a force so intense and bright it could only have come from the spirit realms. Isaac was travelling with her again, journeying into the untapped potential of his soul, exploring their shared spiritual energy. She had experienced an epiphany when they used the aids to sexual pleasure and Isaac had said she transformed all she touched. But she knew the truth. It wasn’t her – it was them. It was what happened when destined souls united in love and desire, the spirit realms merging with the mortal world. She boldly opened her mind to everything and everyone, to any of her people who might be meditating at this moment. She would share her experience with them for everyone deserved to know the beauty and splendour of a love that was destined to be.

  “The spirit realms are in your eyes, my little slave.”

  She blinked, dazzled by Isaac’s captivated face and the synchronicity of their thoughts. He knelt between her bound legs, stroked his fingers over her belly, and his worship of her clitoris began.

  Her master was worshipping her again, and her mind spun into delirium. She threw her head back against the metal bars of the cage as the tip of his tongue paid homage to her most sensitive organ. Created purely for pleasure, purely for him. His tongue was the only part of his body touching hers, and it was intoxicating. Isaac was a slave to her happiness as she was to his. The thought tipped her over the edge of her cliff of pleasure, and she climaxed hard, pulling against the chains restraining her, whimpering as she tried to control the intensity. She failed. Her body couldn’t absorb or dilute the pleasure, her wicked master had made sure of that. She couldn’t move away from the tip of his terrifyingly talented tongue, was forced to endure everything he gave her. Her tiny bud of nerve endings shuddered and jerked, unable to bear the relentless stimulation, and still he wouldn’t stop. It was an ecstasy consisting equally of pain and pleasure. All the sensation in the world was located in her clitoris and was threatening to render her unconscious and insane…

  Isaac stared up at her, dark salacious satisfaction in his eyes. He had achieved what he set out to achieve, reduced the Lokian visionary to a helpless mass of worshipful feminine flesh. She heard herself whimpering, begging for mercy, but was unable to silence her tongue. She stared pleadingly into his eyes and lost herself in the spectacular something. She had no shame. She belonged to her master, existed for his pleasure. He loved her as she loved him.

  Isaac stood on his knees and unbuttoned his trousers, his mouth curved in an arrogant smile. Her serenity shattered. She whimpered in terror. She could not bear any more pleasure, love would destroy her tonight.

  “Hush, my little visionary, hush, it is time for your master to take his pleasure.”

  She sagged against the bars, hanging limply from her chains, helpless and surrendered. She had to trust Isaac would take care of his wife, save her from her merciless master. He slid his hands under her thighs and grasped her buttocks, burying his erection inside her with one brutal thrust. And she realised she could bear more pleasure – needed it in fact. Her sex was wet and swollen, and Isaac’s engorged manhood plunged easily into its depths, assuaging the aching emptiness, the void that was Talia without Isaac, a soul without its twin. It was a violent claiming she needed as she needed air to breathe.

  “Mmm… Isa… Master.”

  She couldn’t obey her rules, couldn’t remain silent. The pleasure was overwhelming and she was losing control of her mind. She was a bad slave. Isaac looked down into her unfocused eyes as she surrendered to a haze of pleasure. Her husband was her king and her master – but always a kind one. She knew what he was doing even in her dazed state. He was searching her eyes for her emotions, making sure she was content, happy, safe. And she loved him like never before.

  “Isaac, oh, Isaac.”

  “Such a badly behaved little visionary.” He bent to brush his lips over her forehead and thrust hard, making her gasp with fear and delight. “Such an impudent little slave, daring to call your master by name.”

  “Your Majesty, Master, please… forgive me, please!”

  She strained up towards his mouth, tantalisingly just out of reach. She was desperate to touch him, hold him, kiss him. But she couldn’t do any of those precious things, and now he was fucking her like an angel possessed by a demon, thrusting hard and deep into her over-pleasured sex. She yearned to wrap her arms and legs around him, touch his sweet lips with hers, but Isaac was a merciless master. This was the most unbearable of tortures, the most pleasurable of things…

  “Isa… Your Majesty, Master, please, please…”

  She shook her head frantically from side to side, unable to look into his beautiful eyes a moment longer. They were too inviting, too tempting, too full of love… and power. He was taunting her with his love by withholding its expression, tormenting her, torturing her – and it was so erotic…

  Her second climax overwhelmed her, sudden and brutal, an unstoppable force from the spirit realms. Isaac groaned and pulled out of her while her head was still spinning and her sex still contracting around him. She whimpered with loss. Her clenching muscles ached for the thrust of his manhood, for the connection, the intimacy – but she accepted her fate. Her only wish was to please her master, her soul vibrating with pure, unselfish love. Unconditional love was the reason for life in this mortal world, and she had found it with Isaac. The spirit realms would be celebrating tonight.

  Her pure love was instantly rewarded for Isaac was tearing his clothes off like a man possessed. She drooled at his naked beauty, her vision blurred and distorted by pleasure. He undid the chains around her ankles, and she writhed under his tender touch, driven half mad by the need for intimacy. Her eyes locked with the spectacular something, clinging to it desperately. She had never needed it more. He released her wrists and pulled her onto his gigantic erection, impaling her with one greedy thrust.

  “Master, oh, Master!”

  She was finally free to hold him but couldn’t move. Her aching arms and legs wouldn’t work, the blood flowing slowly, painfully, ba
ck into them. She groaned as she forced her protesting limbs to curl around his thrusting body, naked skin against naked skin at last. The spiritual ecstasy made the waiting worthwhile for denial had created something truly spectacular…

  The spectacular something of their love, a miracle, the spirit realms incarnate on mortal earth…

  She gazed into the spectacular something of his eyes and saw herself reflected there, together with Isaac in the world all Lokians aspired to. And she wept with happiness as his lips found hers at last. Miraculously she was nearing climax yet again, and as her master found his release, her sex contracted around his pulsating manhood, stimulating and prolonging his pleasure. Their lips clung together as they merged into one spirit and one body, tranquil, harmonious and at peace…

  “Sweet Talia, no more tears, please, no more.”

  Her face was soaking wet. “Isaac?”

  “I’m here, Wanwisa, I’ll always be with you. I love you as no other has ever loved before. No more tears, please.”

  “Tears of happiness.” She beamed up at him and his eyes closed momentarily in relief.

  “Tears of happiness? Really? I thought it might have upset you… being taken like a slave. This is just a game, Talia, you know that, don’t you? You are not my slave and never will be, you’re my treasured, precious wife.”

  Her smile grew wider as she ran her fingers through his soft black hair. “I know, all part of the game. I love this game, Isaac, I love being your slave. Not being able to touch you was unbearable but it was worth it in the end. Our game took us to the spirit realms and I don’t think we will ever leave again. Our love is unconditional and unselfish – and the spirit realms are celebrating it tonight.”

  His eyes were soft and peaceful, his lust satisfied – for now. He stroked his fingers over her neck and sighed. “I am selfish, Talia, I enjoyed it far too much. I lost control, lost myself in fucking you.”

  She snuggled into him contentedly. “You are too modest, Isaac. However much you enjoyed it, you thought only of me. You didn’t take your eyes off me for a moment, you were determined to ensure I was happy. I know the truth, and the spirit realms know it too. They know we have transformed each other’s lives with our pure, unselfish love.”

  They clung together on the dusty cage floor, finding epiphany in the most unlikely of places.

  “Can we do this again soon, Isaac? Please?”

  He grinned at her shameless begging. “You’d like to play in the cage again? Fuck, yes! Anytime you like, Wanwisa.”

  She giggled and rubbed her nose against his, peace and elation vibrating through her well-loved body.

  “I can’t believe you wanted to do this, Talia, your trust means so much to me.”

  “I trust you as no other has ever trusted before.”

  He chuckled. “Are you adding some new sentiments to our words of love, Wanwisa?”

  “Yes.” She smiled up at him as tiredness overwhelmed her, a sweet exhaustion born of so much intense emotion spent. “Do you approve, husband?”

  “Oh, yes. I am sure we will find more magic every day to inspire ever new words of love. I love you, my unique little visionary wife, as no other has ever loved before. Bonded for all time.”

  “Bonded for all time, Isaac, bonded for all time.”

  The End


  Mystical, sensual, passionate, intense… Their love is as magical as the woods it was born in, but can it survive in the real world?

  Princess Lilliana is fighting for her freedom in a world governed by men and falling in love with its dominant, charismatic leader is not part of her plan…

  When Princess Lilliana is abandoned by her cruel uncle in the perilous woods of Sapphira, she relishes the first moments of freedom in her restricted life and vows, if she survives, to never obey a man’s command again.

  Lord Elijah finds a beautiful, naked woman dying in the woods. He is shocked to discover she is the princess of his deadliest enemies and stunned by the immediate onslaught of strange new feelings of love and tenderness when he looks into her eyes.

  Lilliana and Elijah are thrust together in a desperate situation beyond their control – to ensure Lilliana’s safety they must promise themselves to each other and consummate their union in the woods that very night. Entranced by the tender, uninhibited passion of their lovemaking, they are propelled headlong into an intense, tempestuous relationship for which neither is prepared. All too soon, Lilliana realises she has fallen hopelessly in love with a dominant alpha male used to absolute obedience in all things…

  Breathtakingly romantic and seductively sensual, discover the magical world of Lost in the Woods today!


  Rays of golden light shine from his ocean blue eyes but is he a gift from God or is she even crazier than she thought?

  Ailith returns to the small town where she was viciously gang raped, intent on revenge. She is stalking her first victim when she meets Ryan, an angelically beautiful man. His very existence threatens her mission as the conflict begins between good and evil, rebirth and revenge…

  Discover the powerful magic of sexual healing with a truly heavenly romance. Enchanting, haunting and intensely sensual, immerse yourself in the unique world of Samsara today.


  Immense thanks to my fabulous copy editor Louise Pearce. I was terrified about working with a new editor, but you immediately put me at ease with your calm, friendly manner and professional expertise. You polished my precious Talia and Isaac, and I will be eternally grateful and recommend you to everyone!

  Enormous thanks to my amazing cover artist Jacqueline Sweet. You were dedicated to creating my dream cover, and I appreciate your talent and friendliness more than I can say. You are a superstar!

  Thank you, Claire! I love you, crazy girl, you’re beautiful, inside and out, and you read all of my books even though you hate reading! That is surely the mark of a true friend. However dark the world may be you always make me smile and I will treasure you forever.

  Lorraine Margaret

  In a former life, Lorraine studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Institute in Los Angeles but decided to give uncensored expression to her crazy imagination and write her own words instead of saying those of others. She first began creating fantasy worlds when she was growing up as an only child and has never grown out of doing this. She adores creating the vivid, exciting worlds she has always dreamed of living in, where quirky, idealistic heroines believe in soulmates and love overcoming all obstacles and passionate alpha males have submerged spiritual yearnings that only their true love can bring to life. Lorraine believes too much emphasis is placed on sexual connection and writes about relationships where uninhibited sexuality is an expression of a profound spiritual bond and not an end in itself. She doesn’t quite understand how her characters begin life as her beloved babies only to turn into errant toddlers whose thoughts and actions she has no control over. She has decided it is one of the mysteries of the universe and has given up analysing it.

  Lorraine lives in England, which is regrettably in the real world, but her mind more often inhabits an alternate universe where unicorns, true love and cake reign supreme. When not immersed in her latest fantasy, Lorraine is often to be found dancing madly around the house and eating chocolate in the bath. She believes passionately in soulmates and in kindness and respect towards all beings, human or otherwise.

  Lorraine is a member of The Society of Authors and is currently working on her new novel. She is always thrilled when readers take a leap of faith and choose to read her quirky, very individual stories. She thanks them for their courage and support and loves to hear from them! Talk to Lorraine at

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