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Lovely Little Lies

Page 8

by Travis Szablewski

  “Why did Victoria have to take Gordon tonight? Was Kylie busy?” Tatum asked as she cut her steak knife through a chicken breast on her plate.

  “Kylie’s no longer working for us,” Lillian said sternly, leaning back in her chair.

  “What?” Tatum asked as she dropped her fork onto her plate, shocked.

  “She told Gordon, Tatum. She told him that...he was adopted.”

  “So, you fire her?” Tatum asked as her eyebrows rose in confusion.

  “We told her from the beginning to not say anything to him. She had no right to do that, Tatum. I can handle the whole being late thing…the occasional slip up on the housework…but what I won’t handle is disrespecting my wishes when it comes to my son.”

  “Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?”

  “What?” Lillian snapped as her eyes widened, leaning closer…her elbows on the table as she stared back at Tatum across the table.

  “He’s six years old, Lil. He isn’t stupid. He knows that we’re not like a normal family. I mean, think of it as a burden off you; not having to have that conversation with him…about where he really came from,” Tatum shrugged as she picked up the knife and sliced into her chicken.

  “OK, did I just slip into the twilight zone? Are you seriously defending her right now?” Lillian asked as she glared.

  “I’m just saying…maybe you were a little over the top. I’m sure she told him in a respectable and honest way. He was going to find out sooner or later. I mean, we agreed to tell him when he turned ten…but Gordon isn’t a naïve little kid; he’s smart and he takes in the world around him. He knows he’s different.”

  “I seriously can’t believe I’m hearing this right now,” Lillian smirked, stunned, as she leaned back in her chair. “If anyone should have had that conversation with him, it should have been one of us. She had no fucking right to tell him that. That was ours, Lillian; he is OUR son.”

  “Well, I’m going to call her after dinner and ask her to come back,” Tatum said, eating a piece of chicken from the tip of her fork.

  “The hell you are,” Lillian said angrily, leaning forward. “She’s not coming back into our house…she’s not getting anywhere near Gordon.”

  “What are we supposed to do about work, huh? We can’t afford to miss any more days, Lillian. Did you not think about that? Victoria isn’t going to agree to watch Gordon every day and Connelly is busy enough with the shop. What do you expect us to do?”

  “Hire a new nanny.”

  “By tomorrow?” Tatum smirked.

  “I have a few sick days left. I can stay with him until we find someone else,” Lillian nodded as she grabbed her wine glass and took a sip.

  “Did you ever think about Gordon…about what he wants? Him and Kylie really bonded. Taking her away from him is going to hurt him more than finding out about his adoption,” Tatum said.

  “Well, that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I could give two shits about missing work…about being a few dollars short. What I care about…what my number one priority is…is to make sure that Gordon is safe and taken care of. Kylie was a ticking timebomb and I told you that from the beginning. I’m not stupid, Tatum. I see the way she looks at you. When you’re in the room, it’s like nothing else exists; not me…and not Gordon. I’m done ignoring my gut and my intuition. She is not the kind of person I want in my house…and around my family. So, before you go up to bat for her, you better really fucking think about whose team you’re on…because right now, you’re batting for the losing one.”


  Connelly picked a crispy pepperoni off of the greasy slice of pizza on her plate and popped it into her mouth as her eyes rose, meeting Victoria’s who sat beside her at the center island of the Hampton’s kitchen.

  “He passed out fast,” Connelly smirked as she glanced over her shoulder, staring through the doorway leading to the living room…to see Gordon asleep on the couch, his tiny chest rising and falling beneath a white faux fur blanket.

  “I gave him a couple Benadryl,” Victoria joked as Connelly elbowed her playfully. Victoria reached forward and grabbed another slice from the pizza box and sat it onto her own plate, picking at the globs of cheese.

  “So, Fiona got an apartment downtown,” Connelly said, staring down at the pizza slice.

  “What? You mean she is staying here?” Victoria gasped.

  “I can kick her out of my house…but I can’t kick her out of Harmony. You should have heard the things she said about Silas. She said he hit her…cheated on her. I just can’t…there’s no way any of it’s true.”

  “I still can’t believe she just showed up at your house in the first place. And then to lie straight to your face. I thought I was twisted…but damn,” Victoria said, shaking her head, as she licked the grease from her thumb.

  “She deserves an Oscar; I mean, there were real tears and everything. For a second, I almost believed her,” Connelly said…her eyes locked on the pizza, picking at the crust.

  “Do you still?”

  “No, of course not,” Connelly said as she shook her head. But deep down…she knew she was questioning it. The look in Fiona’s eyes…the terror…the pain…was so real. The sound of her voice trembling echoed through Connelly’s head over and over; the words glued to the sides of her brain, tormenting her…poisoning the positive thoughts that tried to push the negative ones down below.

  “Silas is a good man…but a good man isn’t a perfect man. He’s never…hit you or anything, right?”

  “God no,” Connelly said, shaking her head. “He knows if he did, I’d lay his ass out,” Connelly giggled along with Victoria as she took a bit of her pizza.

  “You do know that…if anything ever does happen…you can tell me. My house is always open,” Victoria said as she grabbed Connelly’s hand.

  “I know that, but really…there’s nothing to worry about. Trust me, I’d tell you. If he ever laid a hand on me, I’d be gone in an instant.”

  “And I’d kill the sun of a bitch,” Victoria said sternly as she smiled to Connelly. “I watch enough Forensic Files to know how to dispose of a body; don’t test me,” Victoria joked as Connelly grinned.

  “So, why did you have to watch Gordon?”

  “Lillian fired that bimbo bitch Kylie…finally,” Victoria smiled.

  “She fired her? What the hell happened?” Connelly gasped.

  “She told Gordon that he was adopted,” Victoria whispered, just in case Gordon was listening in the next room.

  “Oh, my God,” Connelly said, shaking her head in disgust. “How did Tatum react?”

  “I don’t know, she’s telling her tonight.”

  “I swear, something is in the water on Magnolia Cove,” Connelly giggled. “If it’s not one thing, it’s the other.”

  “So has Fiona tried to contact you again?”

  “Nope, not a damn word; and I hope it stays that way. She’d be an idiot to show up at the house again.”

  “Well, she doesn’t sound like the brightest shade of lipstick in the clutch. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did. I’m telling you…she is off her rocker. I’d expect anything. I wouldn’t put anything passed her,” Victoria nodded. “Did you tell Silas about the things she said?”

  “No, because I knew he’d just lose his shit. He was already so pissed that I let her stay in the guest house. I didn’t want to feed his ego anymore since he was right,” Connelly giggled…as her phone sounded off in her pocket.

  “Speaking of prince charming,” Victoria smiled as Connelly pulled out her phone…to see Silas’ picture on her screen.

  “Hey, baby,” Connelly said as she answered, placing the phone to her ear. Victoria stood up and grabbed her plate, carrying it to the sink as Connelly’s smile faded softly. “What?” Connelly said, nearly gasping. “Oh, my God.”

  “What’s wrong?” Victoria asked as she spun from the sink and rushed to the center island and back to Connelly’s side.

, I love you too,” Connelly said softly as she ended the call…and looked to Victoria beside her. “They found…bruises on Ally’s neck during the autopsy. Her death has officially been ruled a homicide,” Connelly said…as Victoria covered her mouth in shock.

  Connelly knew everyone on Magnolia Cove had secrets. She knew that every house, no matter how big, luxurious, or beautiful…had ugly secrets hidden behind the front door.

  But she never imagined…that Magnolia Cove would be the home of a killer. And it could be anyone of her neighbors. But the most terrifying thought that kept circling through Connelly’s head…was that only two other people besides her knew that Ally would be home alone that night.

  Victoria…and Lillian.


  Victoria gently closed her front door, locking it tightly, as she peeked through the glass and into the night…watching Lillian walk down the sidewalk with Gordon by her side, their hands interlocked. Something was off about Lillian. Usually you couldn’t get her to shut up…but tonight…when she picked up Gordon…she was distant. Victoria could tell she had been crying from the red veins that branched out around her iris’. Clearly, there was trouble in Sinclair paradise.

  “Are they gone?” a deep voice rang out as Victoria spun around…to see Harlan shuffling down the stairs, only wearing a pair of basketball shorts. His muscular torso tightened as he stepped off of the last step and into the foyer, gently flexing his solid abs.

  “Yes, but your father will be home soon, so we only have time for a quickie,” Victoria smiled flirtatiously as she walked to Harlan and placed her hands on his strong pecs. Victoria stood up on her toes, kissing Harlan on the lips…as his strong hands wrapped around her waist. Harlan then pulled away, his eyes closed tightly, as he wiped his moist lips.

  “We need to talk…about this whole Elle thing,” Harlan said nervously. “It’s seriously freaking me out, Vic.”

  “Harlan, there is nothing to worry about. Can you not just trust me for once?” Victoria asked as she placed her soft palms gently around his cheeks.

  “If this goes wrong…I’m going to lose you, Victoria. If we get caught, then we’re screwed. You know how powerful dad is. He can end us in the blink of an eye.”

  “We have nothing to worry about. If anyone should be worried, it should be your sister,” Victoria winked as she stepped around him and made her way towards the kitchen doorway ahead.

  “Wait, what? What do you mean?” Harlan asked as he spun around, rushing forward, following Victoria into the kitchen.

  “Everything will be taken care of, Harlan,” Victoria sighed as she walked to the center island and folded the pizza box lid shut. Victoria took it into her hands and walked to the refrigerator as Harlan sat down at the bar.

  “We’re way in over our heads here, Victoria. Why don’t we just leave? You know Elle is going to do something shady. You know her as well as I do,” Harlan begged as he rested his elbows on top of the counter, rubbing his hands over his face.

  “And do what, Harlan? Be broke? Live on the street? If we left together, your father would drain the both of us dry in a snap. We need to be smart about this,” Victoria said as she rolled her eyes and placed the pizza box into the fridge.

  “Which is why I think we should call this whole plan off! This isn’t going to work! You know how bad I want to be with you…but I don’t want to see us ruin the rest of our lives if we get caught,” Harlan said as he stood up and walked towards Victoria as she turned from the fridge.

  “We will ruin the rest of our lives if we don’t go through with it, Harlan,” Victoria said softly as she stepped towards him, their body’s inches apart. “Your father has a solid twenty years left. If you want to be with me so bad…then you’re going to have to prove it. If you’re not willing to do this, then you’re not as in love with me as I thought you were. Clearly, I’m not that important to you,” Victoria snapped as she turned from Harlan, walking towards the doorway. Harlan reached out, wrapping his around Victoria’s arm, stopping her.

  “I’m just scared that we’ll get caught, Victoria. There is so much riding on this,” Harlan said sadly as he stared down to the floor.

  “We won’t get caught…but Elle will,” Victoria said sternly as she looked to Harlan. Victoria moved her hand forward…placing it gently on Harlan’s bulge sticking out against the mesh fabric of his shorts, cupping his penis and balls softly. She slowly moved her hand up and down, massaging his hardening member beneath the slick shorts. Harlan’s breathing grew heavier, his muscular chest rising and falling…faster and faster…as his eyes looked onto Victoria’s, struggling to focus.

  “What do you mean?” Harlan asked, his voice quivering as Victoria’s hand moved gently along the head of his penis through the shorts.

  “I mean…this,” Victoria said as she raised her phone with her other hand…and played the recording. Harlan’s eyes widened…as Elle’s voice sounded off through the speaker…the cryptic words echoing around them from the phone. “We can kill two birds with one stone, Harlan. We can get rid of your father…and get rid of Elle; we can frame her, Harlan. We’ll be set…for life; no Derek and no Elle. Every lose end…cut,” Victoria smiled as she placed her phone onto the counter and wrapped both of her hands around the front waistband of his shorts. Victoria tugged his shorts down as his throbbing cock waved in the air, extended in front of him. Harlan bit his bottom lip as his shorts fell around his ankles. Victoria slowly sank down to her knees in front of him…as her eyes peeked up at him from below. “So, are you in…or out?” Victoria asked…as she slowly stuck out her tongue…inching it towards the swollen tip of his erect penis…teasing him. Harlan hesitated…as he stared down at Victoria. His strong hands then slowly wrapped around the back of her head…as a soft smile spread across his face.

  “I’m in,” Harlan said.

  “That’s what I thought,” Victoria smiled…as she leaned forward and opened her mouth, slipping his thick, pulsating cock between her moist lips and into her warm, wet mouth.


  Lillian swallowed hard as she glanced around the waiting room of Dr. Deborah Hills’ office, staring through the large window that looked out to downtown Harmony. Why did they always request for you to come in fifteen minutes early…when the doctor was always at least thirty minutes behind? Lillian’s leg bounced anxiously along the floor as she shifted uncomfortably in the hard-wooden chair. Her eyes glanced up at the small twelve-inch TV that looked like it belonged in the 80s…to see the local news channel. The volume, muted. Lillian squinted…as she read the tiny headline below the talking reporter’s face…


  Every newspaper she saw…every news report she heard on the radio…was about Ally. Lillian quickly looked to the table beside her, snatching the remote. She pointed it up, turning the TV off, and slammed it back onto the table. She was already haunted by the things that Ally told them that night; about Kendrick…about their marriage. How was Kendrick still a free man? Did they just not have anything concrete yet? How could they possibly think that anyone else besides Kendrick was responsible?

  “Mrs. Sinclair?”

  Lillian quickly looked to her right…to see a nurse standing in the doorway in the corner, a chart in her hand. Lillian quickly stood up and walked towards the nurse…as her stomach twisted inside of her. Ever since they got home last night from dinner, she had been sick; chills, diarrhea, vomiting…the wonderful trio. Lillian followed the nurse into a room as the door shut behind them. She did the usual as always; blood pressure, heart rate, temperature check. Why did they always waste time with this? She just wanted some flu medicine and be on her way.

  “Good morning, Lillian,” Dr. Hills said as the door opened, walking inside as the nurse removed the thermometer from Lillian’s mouth.

  “How are you?”

  “The real question is, how are you? Chills and vomiting?” Dr. Hill asked as she stepped up to Lillian who sat on the edge of the examin
ing table. Lillian watched as the nurse sat down at a mall desk in the corner…and scribbled a few notes onto the clipboard.

  “Yeah, I think it may be the flu,” Lillian said as the nurse turned and handed the clipboard to Dr. Hill.

  “Well, you don’t have a fever; what about body aches or stuffiness?” Dr. Hill asked as she read the notes on the clipboard in her hand.

  “No, it’s really weird; it just came out of nowhere,” Lillian shrugged, shaking her head.

  “Well, the flu is going around. Would you be willing to do a blood test? I just want to rule it out; I know you have a little one at home and I don’t want to risk infecting him as well,” Dr. Hill nodded.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Whatever you have to do,” Lillian nodded as the nurse pulled open a drawer at the desk and lifted a syringe into the air, ripping the plastic package open.

  “So how is your little guy?” Dr. Hill asked as she rolled up Lillian’s sleeve.

  “He’s good; he’s growing so fast. It’s like I blink, and he grows three inches,” Lillian smirked as the nurse stepped up beside her, rubbing the fold of her arm with an alcohol pad. Lillian winced, closing her eyes tightly…as she felt the needle dig into her skin, wiggling through the first layer of her tissue and into a vein.

  “Trust me, I know how that is. My son was born and then I blinked, and he was twenty-five, on his third marriage…and his fourth bankruptcy,” Dr. Hill smirked as Lillian smiled, her eyes still closed as the nurse extracted the blood from her arm. Lillian felt the needle pull out of her arm…as the nurse handed the filled syringe to Dr. Hill. “It should take about twenty minutes or so; I’ll be back as soon as we figure out what’s going on with you, alright?”


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