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Twisted Tales of Mayhem

Page 74

by Sapphire Knight

  “Never again,” he mutters. Our faces are still inches apart, I can feel the hot breath escaping from his lips on my heated cheek. My heart rate spiking, he has never been this close to me before. His woodsy scent invades my senses, making my lady parts tingle. I take a deep breath, taking in all of him, because I have no clue when he will be like this again. He gets so hot and cold with me, he makes my head spin.

  “What do you mean, Zero?” I whisper. My blood is rushing around my veins, making my heart beat amplified in my ears. Wiping my clammy hands on my skirt, I wince when pain radiates up my left wrist.

  “Fuck, baby, I think we need to take you to the ER, you need that x-rayed.” He stands up, gently pulling me to my feet, before brushing my hair off my face. He offers me a small smile, forcing the breath out of my lungs before leaning in and kissing me.

  Holy motherfucking hell.

  Scott Payne is kissing me.

  Was I knocked unconscious, last night and I am in a coma?

  Oh I have wanted this for so long. For years I have dreamed of this man kissing me, making me his. His beard rubs against my skin, making my pussy clench with need and want. I melt into his, careful of my wrist, but I don’t need to worry, because Scott breaks the kiss, cradling my wrist in his large palm.

  He rests his forehead against mine and breathes deep, I follow him, sucking in much needed air into my lungs.

  “Fuck, baby, I never thought it would be that good. I can’t wait to strip you down and taste and feel every inch of you.” I shiver at his words, making him smirk at me. He kisses my lips one more time before taking my uninjured hand and leading me out of his room.

  My mind is spinning, with thought of what just happened and what he just said to me.

  What the hell?

  I try to stop his steps, but he tugs more on my hand.

  “Zero, stop.” We hit the main room, everyone cheers. Clapping and whooping at us, thinking we just fucked in his room. Do they really think that Scott fucks in three-minutes flat?

  “SCOTT!” I yell his name. He spins around to look at me, a frown maring his handsome face.

  “What? Are you hurting?” he asks, concern lacing his gruff voice. I huff out a breath and go to answer but Grit and Trace come out from the back office with Wolf following them. I turn to look at them over my shoulder, as Scott steps closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, resting his hand on my hip.

  “Did you find out what happened?” Grit asks looking at Scott. I look up at him and see him nod at my father. “What the fuck is this?” Grit waves his hand in the direction of where Scott’s hand rests on my body.

  “This is me, taking what is mine. You know it was going to happen, old man, you have had time to put a stop to it. Well try anyway.” Scott explains and winks down at me. What did they know was going to happen?

  “Someone had better explain to me what I am missing here.” I demand, looking at each of the men around me.



  My girl is fiesty when she doesn't get what she wants. I told her back at the clubhouse that we will talk once we get home from getting her wrist checked out.

  We are sitting in a room at the hospital, they are looking over her x-rays to see if she has broken her wrist or not, I am hoping for the latter. I hate seeing her in pain. My heart has been fucked up since shit went down with Kristine, but I know that Pepper can make it all whole again.

  “You okay, baby?” I ask her, she gives me a sharpe nod, giving me my answer. “Okay then.” I mutter. I lean forward resting my elbows on my knees, watching her as she plays on her phone. Is she texting that fucking punk from her date?

  “Who you texting?”

  “Indie,” she answers. My gut is telling me she is lying because she wont met my eyes.

  “You wanna try that answer again, babe.” She huffs from the bed, before looking at me and answers.

  “Okay, fine. It’s Isaac. He is checking on me.” I jump to my feet and rip the phone out of her hand, ignoring her protects. I click on the punks name and wait for him to reply.

  “Hey, sweetness, how you feeling? I feel so bad for what⎯.” I cut the fucker off.

  “She isn't your sweetness, or anything, fucker. You do not call or text her again. Do you hear me? You stay well fucking clear of Pepper.”

  “Who the fuck is this? Where is Pepper?” he whines from the phone, trying to act all hard and shit, on the other end of the phone where I can’t throat punch the bastard.

  “SCOTT.” Pepper yells at me, practically scrambling out of the bed to get to me.

  “Listen here, fuckface. You stay clear of my girl, plain and simple. That way you won’t end up eating through a straw for the foreseeable future.”

  “What the fuck? Where is Pepper? Let me talk to her. You can’t make me stay away from her.” Fucking hell his voice is annoying. I turn to look at Pepper who is kneeling on the bed, scowling at me, but looking cute as fuck. I keep the phone by my ear but talk to my girl.

  “How the hell did you manage to listen to this fucker talk to you all night? His voice is annoying the fuck out of me. It's like dragging nails across a chalkboard” I wink at her. She can’t stop the giggles that explode from her delectable mouth. The sound goes straight to my cock.

  I turn my attention back to the voice on the other end of the phone call.

  “You need to stop calling my Old Lady, she won’t be needing any pissants in her life anymore. She is Reckless Angels MC property. My property. Now lose her number.” I hang up on the punk, giving Pepper my full attention. Her mouth is gaping open, shock quite clear on her face.

  “Pepper Monroe?” a older guy walks into the room,m wearing a white lab coat, completely holting out talk. Thank fuck, I really didn’t want to get into things with her here.

  “Yes.” She answers. The doctor explains that she hasn’t broken her wrist but it is badly bruised, which she needs to rest it for the next few weeks.


  I pull up outside my house and turn the car off. Pepper fell asleep as soon as we hit the highway, she looked wrecked so I let her sleep. Climbing out of my truck, I stretch, sitting in the hospital chairs are killing my back, fuck I am getting old. My age was a minor factor in the past decisions to stay away from Pepper, but clearly the twelve-year age gap never bothered her.

  I pull open the door and stand there looking at her for a minute longer, taking in how sweet and innocent she looks, deep in sleep. Her hair has fallen into her face, making me chuckle.

  “Baby, you need to wake up. Come one, Pepper.” She stirs, blinking the sleepy fog away. Her eyes connect with mine, going wide like she is just remembering that I am here.

  “Hi.” She whispers. Why is she being so shy? This isn’t my Pepper.

  “Hey, you okay? Do you need another pain pill or something?” I ask her.

  “Thats cute.”

  “What’s cute, babe?”

  “You. The way you are fussing over me.” She explains her words.

  “Cute? Nah, baby, bikers aren't cute. Fuck, men aren’t cute. Handsome yeah, maybe. Sexy as fuck. Most definitely.” I wink at her, making her giggle, again that sound makes my cock perk up. Horny bastard.

  “Come on, let's get you inside. The kids are waiting to see you, they love having you here at the house.” The smile on her face brighten up at the mention of my kids. She fucking loves them, like they are her own. It’s one of the things I love about her. Yes love. I have loved her for years, but shit happens and things were never right, for once I was fucking married to a cunt, and even with the bad rep us bikers have, I am no fucking cheat.

  “Just the kids?” she asks me, in a unsure voice. Our gazes stay locked on each other. I step closer, sliding between her creamy thighs, pushing her dress up more. Her injured hand sits on in her lap, so I am careful not to touch it.

  “No, baby, not just the kids. I love having you here, in my house. My bed...tonight.” Her eyes widen in shock but before she can bitch me out, I
slam my mouth onto hers, stopping her words. We kiss for what seems like for-fucking-ever, but high pitched squeals make us break apart. We both chuckle, seeing Tovi my eight-year-old daughter barreling towards us. Ash my eleven-year-old is staying on the porch, watching.

  “Daaaad.” She jumps into my arms, strangling me with her tiny arms around my neck. She pulls away to look at Pepper, who is blushing like a nun in a strip club.

  “Hey, Pepper. Why was you kissing my daddy?” she asks, with attitude. Don't get me wrong, the kids love Pepper, but Tovi is fiercely protective of the men in her life.



  ‘Why are you kissing my daddy?’ Tovi’s question bounces around my head. I look to Scott for support, but he is smirking at me, great no help from him then. Bastard. I look at her and she is smiling me but with an expectant look on her cute little face.

  “Umm, well.. We.. I.” I look at Scott. “Help.” He must see the panic written all over my face because he takes mercy on me. He kisses the side of her head and explains.

  “Pepper is my girlfriend, baby girl, do you know what the means?” I gape at him. Did he just say that? Holy shit.

  “Yeah, daddy, it means that you love her.” I hold my breath, waiting to see what he says next. I know he will correct her, tell her that he doesn't love me, but I know he also won’t explain that he just wants to fuck me. Saying I am his ‘girlfriend’ is easier to explain to the kids. I wish it was more, oh fuck I wish it was but I know that…

  My thoughts are cut off my his words.

  “Yeah, Tovi, it means I love her.” I choke on the air I was holding. I gasp, bending at the knee, resting my good hand on my legs. I try to suck in oxygen, try to stop myself from passing out. How embarrassing would that be?

  “Scott.” I whisper, still facing the ground with my eyes closed. I hear a scuffle, just before I feel a hand on my back.

  “Breath, baby. In and out. Good girl.” He praises me when I listen to him, and my breathing starts to settle. I straighten up and look at the man that just confessed his love for me in front of his daughter.

  “Why? Why would you say that?” I whisper. My throat a little scratchy from the coughing. His intense gaze penetrates mine, telling me everything I need to know.

  Fuck me, Scott Payne loves me.

  “Because it is true, babe. I was just too fucking stubborn to see things for what they were.” He steps closer, wrapping his arm around my waist, holding me securely to him. The heart from his body seeps into mine, giving me comfort. I can’t not touch him anymore, I lift my good hand and cup his jaw. I watch as his eyes soften and close, as he leans into my touch. My heart is trying to burst through my chest at the contact and his words, fucking thing about this moment will forever make my heart beat faster.

  “What things?” I whisper my question. Scott pulls me unbelievable closer to him before he answers.

  “Things like I know how amazing you are with my kids, you treat them like you gave birth to them. You are hard working, loyal as fuck and can charm the pants off any man you come into contact with.” He winks at me for the last part. I playfully slap his arm as he continues.

  “Things like how much you love those you care about. Even me after the million fucking times I pushed you away and hurt you. Never again, baby.” My stomach knots thinking about all the nasty comments he threw at me, or the actions he did the make sure he pushed far enough away.

  “You did hurt me.” My voice barely a whisper.

  “Hey, look at me.” I raise my head, bring my gaze to his. He he has the look of regret in his eyes, making me feel uneasy again.

  “I’m sorry for everything, I will say I am sorry for the rest of my days if that’s what it takes to keep you. I fucked up, Shy, I know that.”

  “Why now though, Scott? I have thrown myself at you plenty of times before.”

  “I know, baby, I know. I was a fucking cunt for not listening to my heart, my head overruled it. But I am standing here right now, in front of my kids,” He nods at the house and sure enough Ash and Tovi are standing there, watching us. “I am claiming you as my Old Lady, my girlfriend, soon-to-be-wife. I want is fucking all, Miss Monroe. So what do you say?” he leans in and kisses my lips, stopping me from answering. My mind goes blank of all other thoughts and thoughts of Scott fill my brain. A coughing sounds makes us break the kiss, I turn my head and see Ash frowning at us, by Tovi is giggling.

  “I’m hungry, Dad. What’s for dinner?” Ash asks, folding his arms across his chest. Does he not want me with his dad? I thought we got on great, I guess not. My heart sinks into my boots thinking that Ash, won’t accept us as a couple. Fuck, is that what me and Scott are; a couple?

  Scott pulls back and takes my hand, pulling me towards the house, my steps are slow and he notices it, I offer him a small smile. We get closer to the kids and Tovi bounds into the house, chatting excitedly about me being Scott’s girlfriend. He chuckles but my heart is aching and it will do so until I know how Ash feels. I will not stay with Scott if it upsets Ash too much.

  “Hey kiddo.” I greet him. “You go on in and start cooking, I want to have a chat with Ash.” I tell Scott, giving him an unsure smile, he frowns, looking between me and his son. He nods and walks into the house leaving us alone.

  “Sit,” I nod in the direction of the porch swing. “Talk to me, Ash. Are you not happy that me and your dad are together now?”

  Ash bursts into tears, and my heart breaks for him. He tells me his thoughts and his worries, my heart breaks all over again for him. He thinks that when and if me and Scott don't work out, that I will not come around to see them anymore. We talk for what seems like ages, when Scott calls us letting us know that dinner is cooked, we stand and make our way into the house. The chat was needed and I am glad that the air was cleared. Now I just need to sort through my own thoughts and worries where Scott payne aka Zero is concerned.



  Dinner was a fact full event. The kids asked questions, even if Ash was a little reserved. I know it’s a big change for these kids, but they are strong and they adapt. Tovi, that girl will be a fucking lawer when she gets older, damn the kid could interrogate a man on death row and make him confess to crimes he didn’t commit.

  Now we are laying in my bed, Pepper is wearing one of my club shirts, because she didn’t have any of her clothes her, fuck she didn’t think she was staying here. She looks sexy as fuck right now. No makeup, her hair down around her face as she lays next to me.

  I haven't slept next to a woman in fucking years. When Kristine fucked me over, I fucked like crazy with anyone that would spread their legs for me, but that come to a grinding halt one day, when Ash walked in on me and a random hook-up. He was pissed at me for weeks after.

  “Tell me again.” She prompted. I chuckle, taking her mouth in a searing kiss again. Fuck I will never get enough of touching, kissing her.

  “I love you, Pepper Monroe.” I reply against her mouth. “Now are you going to answer my question, before we were rudely interrupted by our kids.” Her eyes widen when my words sink in. I said ‘our kids’ and I fucking meant it.

  “From here on out, they are ours, baby. You love them like they are your own.” Her eyes fill with tears and she buries her face in my neck, I run her back soothing her. We stay like that for a few minutes, soaking in the moment, fuck look at me, thinking like a fucking female.

  “Yes,” My heart stops in my chest at her soft word. Did she just agree to be mine? I pull my head back and look down at her, she is giving me wet smile her eyes and cheeks are wet from her tears.

  “Did I just hear you say ‘yes’ to be fucking mine?” she nods. Then shocks me, as she leans up and kisses me. I shift my body so I am leaning over, keeping my full weight off her. Our mouths are fused together, getting to know each other on a brand new level.

  It doesn’t take long before my hand starts to wonder down her body, I slide my hand over her bare thigh, sliding it up, taking the ma
terial with me. I come to the thin strip of material of her silk panties, I pull them down her legs, throwing them on the floor. I sit back on my hunches, carefully pulling her into a seating position.

  “Off,” the demand sounds husky, my voice always does that when I am turned on. Pepper smirks at me, before lifting her arms up above her head, indicating for me to take the shirt off and I fucking listen. I gently lift the material and letting it join the tiny panites on the floor. Pepper lays back down, giving me the perfect view of her body.

  “Fucking beautiful.” I state. She smiles up at me, then drops her eyes to my boxers.

  “Off,” she smirks at me.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I stand above her, on the bed, making her giggle when the mattress rocks, from my weight. I hook my thumbs into the waistband and push them down, letting them drop at my feet, before kicking them across the room. That causes Pepper to burst into a fit of giggle again.

  “Like what you see, my beautiful Pepper?”

  “What’s not to like, my handsome Scott.”

  “True, I am a sexy beast.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her, making her snort with laughter. I laugh with her until I make my move.

  The giggle soon stops, when I drop to my stomach between her legs and run my tongue up her sexy pussy. It is all wet, swollen and a pretty pink shade. Her taste explodes on my tongue making me groan. Fucking hell she tastes fucking amazing, like sweet, sweet honey.

  “Damn, baby.” I grind my cock into the bed, to get some sweet fiction for my aching cock. Burying my face in her pussy again, I lick and suck at her clit and the perfect fucking hole I plan and burying my hard cock into in a matter of seconds. Her moans fill my bedroom, she is lucky my kids sleep like the fucking dead, plus they are on the other side of the landing.

  “I need you in me, Scott. I wanna feel you, baby.” Her words make my cock screaming for more action, and who am I to not listen. I kiss my way up her body, nipping at her hip bones, making her cry out. My lips touch her ribs and she giggles, but in a breathy way.


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