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Jewel of the Surf

Page 16

by B. C. Johnson

  Cain’s vessels were like toys in a child’s bathwater, the tiny skiffs easily capsized and sank with little to no effort while the frigates were spun left and right by waves and winds, causing them to mistakenly fire on each other or even collide in the open water. The once intimidating drumming from the armada was now drowned out by the howling wind and cheering from the Lochmare defenders. With renewed vigor, the Navy made quick repairs to their weapons and started volleys once more, surprised that their ammunition sailed through the storm without being subjected to the torrential winds or downpours.

  As the storm picked up more momentum, lightning bolts managed to catch a few of the frigates as they spun through the surf, setting them ablaze as their powder reserves exploded. The defenders’ morale was sailing as they pummeled away at the helpless armada. That is until one sailor’s yell cried out over the western flank. “MAN-OF-WAR!!!”

  Two monstrous ships of the line sailed into the loch from the canal and didn’t seem to budge as the hurricane’s torrents hit. The ships were gigantic, easily one and a half times larger than the frigates. Their sails were stronger than the others, able to withstand the hurricane’s wind currents and even use them to their advantage. The two ships of the line split north and south as the other frigates had before them, each preparing their three sub-decks with cannons to fire upon Lochmare’s Navy. The defenders, barely recuperated from the shelling of the frigates, dove for cover as more cannonballs sailed over their heads or collided with their tethered vessels.

  A terrifying roar echoed across the great lake as the black dragon from the banquet attack took off from the deck of one of the titanic vessels and started straight for the center of the city. Sam grabbed the general’s attention. “It’s Lilith! She’s going for the palace to stop the storm! If she manages to get there, the frigates will be back to pummeling us.”

  “Three steps ahead of you, Guardian,” Sillis exclaimed, nodding to the flag messenger, the man pulling up a whistle that was hanging from around his neck. “I recruited your companion to give us a little air cover,” Sillis smirked.

  The man blew the high pitched whistle in three sharp blasts, the sound echoing over the noise of the wind and cannon fire. At the docks, Ahtash perked up when she heard the whistle, her attention taken from some welding repairs she had been engrossed in. She pulled her heated hand away from the hull she was working on and looked towards the skies, seeing the black dragon sailing straight for the palace, despite the hurricane winds. Ahtash’s blood ran red hot as she leapt from the vessel to the borough street nearly two stories below her. She began to sprint, collapsing to all fours and allowing her true power to be released. Members of the militia dove for cover as Ahtash’s body transformed and grew exponentially as she ran. Her wings sprouted from her back, her skin became covered in scales, and her mouth grew into a snout. By the time she reached the inner wall Ahtash had morphed into her truly magnificent dragon form, using the wall to spring herself into the air and flapping her wings to gain altitude. She roared and slammed into the underside of the black dragon and the two spiraled down towards the ground like dancing sparrows. Just as they were about to hit the ground, they separated, weaving back higher again to repeat the combat. The dragon’s roars echoed through the city as they tore at each other miles above the battle.

  * * *

  Lilith managed to release herself from her dragon and plummeted towards the palace far below her. She periodically teleported a few feet to slow her fall, her wings fanned out to help with the process. Just as she was about to land on the roof of the palace, an arrow whizzed past her face. The demon flapped her wings and looked about, another arrow colliding with her thigh. She bellowed and hissed as she discovered the source of her injury. Dinaer stood atop the palace roof, notching another arrow into his bow. The vampire lashed towards the elf ranger, who landed another arrow in the demon’s arm before he fell back and withdrew two blades to protect himself. The two traded blows, back and forth, across the palace roof. The opponents moved faster than most would be able to see, slashing and clawing, slicing and swiping, sometimes coming inches from inflicting major damage. As the battle went on, Lilith grew frustrated. “Do you think you can stall me long enough Elf?” She called. “My master’s ships will destroy your defenses within minutes.”

  Dinear kicked the vampire in the stomach, sending her flying across the rooftop. “You demons always talk too much.”

  “Then allow me to bring you some peace and quiet!” The succubus cooed, flying straight towards him in a burst of speed.

  Dinaer jumped back preparing for her to strike, but the vampire’s hideous mouth opened and she spit a black substance straight towards his face. Dinaer instinctively blocked with his hand, but the goo impacted his palm and surrounded his head, effectively blocking his vision and fusing his hand to his face. He could hear Lilith laughing maniacally. “You elves are always so vain, can’t keep your hands off yourselves for a second.”

  Dinaer’s muffled growls escaped his prison as Lilith kicked the elf in the back. Dinaer rolled down the roof until he got hung up on the decorative railing; the only thing keeping him from falling to the grounds below. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have a date with an Apprentice that he’ll just be dying to make.”

  Chapter 11

  Into the Frey

  The Navy tried desperately to combat the Man-of-War ships as they decimated their defensive lines. Some vessels strapped to the docks were only held afloat by their tethers to the nearby buildings. The continual cannon fire ripped through wooden hulls, houses, and barricades, sending hundreds to painful deaths. As frigates were tossed around the waves, the Man-of-War barged through them, completely disregarding their comrades in need. On one such occasion, the Ship of the Line collided with a frigate and the smaller vessel exploded when its powder reserves were struck. The explosion ripped the frigate apart, damaging a major section of the Man-of-War’s hull and rudder. The titanic vessel leaned starboard, arching its way towards Lochmare's northernmost borough. All attention was drawn to the lumbering ship, every weapon trying desperately to slow the vessels’ destructive path. It was no use, the mammoth warship crashed into the northern defenses, carving a path of destruction roughly three blocks into the borough. The Man-Of-War looked like a beached whale as it lumbered to one side against a large house. Militia started to scramble over the vessel’s hull like ants on a sugar cube, but their commanders desperately tried to call them back, they knew the titan had one last punch. As if on cue, the vessel fired all of its cannons in one last barrage, sending cannonballs seven city blocks in either direction and maiming half of the militia that were scrambling over its hull. Buildings toppled over, barricades were splintered, and screaming could be heard from everywhere. Sam had had enough. April grabbed his arm as he started for the stairs. “Where do you think you’re going?” She demanded.

  “People are dying April, I can’t sit by and watch any longer, not when there’s something I can do about it,” Sam wrenched his arm free.

  Everyone looked at Sillis, who nodded. “Go, hold them back.”

  Sam, April, and Nathaniel thundered down a nearby stairwell and onto the street. They gathered a platoon of soldiers and sprinted north, heading straight for the marooned Man-of-War. Members of the militia stood and cheered as they ran past, the warriors’ morale bolstered by the sight of the vengeful Guardian of the Wind.

  * * *

  Lilith had made quick work of the palace guards as she moved through the castle hallways. She knew her way around from her many visits with the prince, but which of the hundreds of rooms the Magi were hiding in remained a mystery. She walked along grand hallways, kicking in doors only to find frightened servants and sometimes more guards. Either way, she would simply kill them and move on. A path of death and blood followed her as she hunted.

  Finally, she rounded a corner to find a platoon of armored soldiers and a couple of princes. Edmund and Lucas both stood before her, guarding a massive set of doors
behind them. Surely this was the room that hid the storm makers. “Edmund, my love, come to see my victory?” She cooed.

  “I’m no love of yours, monster,” Edmund straightened, holding a rapier in his hand.

  Lilith made a pouty face and her features changed back to the beautiful raven haired woman who had seduced him so many times. “Forgotten all those nights already lover? Surely I was more memorable than that…”

  Lucas sent his brother a disgusted look and then turned his attention back to the succubus. “Enough! Leave this place demon. You cannot hope to win.”

  “Ooo. The big, strong, older brother!” Lilith cooed. “I can’t wait to get a taste of you,” She laughed seductively.

  Lucas lifted his broadsword off his back and pointed it at her. “Your words are poison. I will cut that foul tongue from your lips, snake!”

  Lilith’s vampire features returned as two orbs of energy began to form in her hands. “You’ll have to take it from me, big boy. Let's play!”

  Lucas charged with a gallant battle cry, the armored guards behind him following, screaming in unison. Lilith’s hands shot forward, sending the energy balls from her that exploded in the middle of the crowd of soldiers. Bodies went flying, one of which was Edmund, slamming into the wall and falling onto broken furniture. Edmund tried to rise, but a large piece of wood from the broken bench had impaled his leg. The man watched as soldier after soldier fell before Lilith’s attacks, his brother being batted away time and time again. Edmund could see they wouldn’t win this fight. He managed to crawl towards a side passage and open the door. Lucas, taking a glance over the battle, noticed his brother slipping away. “Edmund!” He cried out.

  Edmund, ashamed and limping, scurried away and closed the door behind him. Lucas sighed heavily and his anger filled him again. He locked eyes with Lilith, who had just snapped the neck of the last remaining soldier. Forty-five dead men lay strewn about the large hallway, only the demon wench and the noble prince remained. “You should take a cue from your brother little prince and run…” Lilith taunted. “There’s no victory for you here.”

  “All I have to do is buy time, monster. My life means nothing in the long run,” Lucas paced towards her, rotating his shoulder and getting into a fighting stance.

  “Such nobility, you're absolutely scrumptious,” Lilith cooed.

  The two tangled in fierce contest. Stepping over the tattered bodies of the dead soldiers, they traded blow for blow, the demon’s power seeming endless as their melee inched closer and closer towards the massive doors. Lilith clearly had the upper hand, knocking the prince’s cumbersome weapon away many times and striking the man with her claws in his face, chest, and legs. Every time however, Lucas came back with renewed vigor. He charged, but Lilith’s speed was greater than his. She maneuvered around his blade and grabbed him. Using his momentum, she swung him around and threw him against the doors. The massive wooden portals opened with a bang, the rune scribbles pulsing as the three Magi sat motionless in the center of the room.

  Lilith strode confidently into the dwelling, Lucas barely able to stand to stop her. Lilith’s eyes were fixed on David, barely able to pay attention to anything else. “Hey!” Lucas called out. “Slut!”

  Lilith stopped in her tracks. She turned to see the prince, bloody and battered, on his knees near the splinters of the door. “You heard me…” Lucas said, laughing.

  Lilith’s eyes burned as she turned her attention on Lucas. She started towards him, ready to rip him limb from limb. The prince never stopped laughing. “Oh, by the way I forgot to introduce you to someone…” Lucas said.

  Lilith wrapped her nightmarish fingers around the prince’s throat and lifted him clear off the ground. “Who?” She hissed.

  “The Queen,” Lucas said.

  Suddenly a beam of light shot Lilith clear across the room and slammed her up against the wall. Lucas, cleared from the demon’s hold, managed to get to his feet as Queen Victoria came into the room, two fireballs resting comfortably in her hands. “And did I mention she’s also an accomplished Sorceress?”

  Victoria threw her spells at the demon, who managed to dodge the first but the second sent her back to the wall. Victoria encircled her hands and closed her eyes. She opened them to send forked bolts of lightning across the room, causing Lilith to cry out as she was run through with the searing heat.

  The succubus, with a hole in her stomach, collapsed to her knees. Victoria stood confidently between her and the unaware Magi, Lucas limping to her side. “Give it up monster. You’re through,” Lucas said.

  “You’re forgetting…one last trick… your Majesty…” Lilith panted.

  The vampire disappeared in a cloud of smoke, but reappeared directly in front of them. With speed as fast as a rattle snake, she had them both by the necks, her hands sending those same pulsing waves of black energy that she had used on the soldiers through her victims. Both Victoria and Lucas’ faces twisted into expressions of pure pain, the prince screaming as if his very soul was being ripped from his body.

  A crash at the window took Lilith’s attention for only a second. A blue hooded figure tumbled into the room from a grapple hook and chain. Dinaer somersaulted to a standing position, notched an arrow in his bow and let it fly. Lilith let go of her victims just a second too late, the black smoke of her teleportation powers couldn’t help her disappear fast enough. The arrow stuck directly between her eyes and her body collapsed to the floor in a heap.

  Lucas and Victoria clung to each other as Dinaer walked to the succubus’ body. “Is she dead?” Lucas asked.

  Dinaer notched another arrow to his bow and sent it straight through the vampire’s cranium. He nodded to the prince. Guards spilled into the room and immediately tended to the royals. “See to it that body is quartered and burned immediately. We can’t take any chances,” Lucas ordered the guards.

  Lucas helped Victoria to some awaiting caretakers and joined Dinaer at the now shattered window. The hurricane still raged outside, the sounds of war still echoed through the streets. “We’ve got a long way yet my friend, but you have saved my life today. That is not something I will soon forget.”

  Dinaer scoffed, looking at the Magi still completely unaware of how close they came to death. “Still more war to come…” He said in his raspy voice.

  Lucas nodded as cannon fire thundered from outside.


  In the skies over the city, Ahtash scratched and slashed at the corrupted dragon. She had sparred with members of her brood before, knew where the weaknesses in the armor were, but battling this dragon was like fighting a rabid dog. It didn’t think, didn’t anticipate, just attacked again and again. She had been on the defensive for a majority of the fight, just trying to keep the creature’s attention away from David and the other Magi. She knew David was still away, could feel it through their bond, but her opponent was getting fed up with her. Twice Ahtash had needed to collide with the rabid dragon in order to break its descent towards the palace, like some unseen force was directing it to stop the storm. Ahtash could only guess it was the Dark Ones’ commands, becoming stronger as the fight went on. She needed to end this.

  The female dragon slammed into her opponent and took hold of its arm. She began to twirl and spin as she often had as they spiraled towards the ground, but this time she used the momentum of their plummet and their spinning to launch the dragon towards a borough on the south end of the city. The corrupted lizard impacted with a thunderous crash and toppled over two blocks of buildings as it skid to a stop, militia members running for cover. Ahtash hovered for a moment, flapping her wings as the dust settled from where her opponent had landed and she surveyed the battlefield. She could see the first Man-of-War beached to the north, enemy marauders flowing out of it to combat the militia and Lochkary soldiers on the streets. The second Ship of the Line still circled the city, now sending barrages towards the south east defenses. An idea came to mind.

  The female dragon began to plummet towards he
r downed adversary. Using her wings to guide her and pick up speed, she rocketed towards the bewildered animal. To her surprise, the beast turned towards her and opened its jaws. Blue flame erupted from the black dragon’s open mouth, lighting up the dark sky full of hurricane clouds. Ahtash didn’t have time to stop; she opened her own mouth, feeling the rage and the power rise from her lungs. The stone of fire, barely noticeable now in her monstrous true form but still imbedded between two scales in her shoulder, began to shine as she let loose a plume of red fire from between her jaws. The two scorching bursts impacted with each other, mixing and then exploding in a shock wave that shook the very foundations of the city. In the smoke that ensued, Ahtash’s descent was masked as she collided with the black dragon who stood dazed after the explosion. The two skidded across the borough’s man made ground until they took flight, clawing and scraping and biting. The two mythical lizards passed over the defending ships by mere feet, screaming out above the open water. Ahtash looked in front of them, lining up her angle and moving her grip so she could hold the raging black dragon in a choke hold. She pushed the dragon’s body in front of her, mere seconds before they collided with the Man-of-War that was still circling the city. The ship exploded as its powder reserves were ruptured, practically vaporizing half of the black dragon’s body despite its scaled protection. Ahtash was thrown roughly a mile back out into the open water, her gigantic splash spraying droplets a few hundred meters into the sky. As she laid on her back, floating amongst the debris, she could hear the cheering coming from the city as the defenders rejoiced the destruction of the second ship of the line. The dragon began the long swim back towards the city, the choppy water making the trip difficult. She began to slowly transform back to her humanoid body as she came closer to the ships, a rowboat tethered to one of the anchored Navy vessels coming out to greet her. The sailors hoisted her up and wrapped her nude body in a blanket as the dragon’s hot skin almost immediately began to evaporate the water still dripping off of her. Christian MacDougal slapped a meaty hand on her back and immediately mocked like he had burned it. “Right fine thing ya did there Lizzy! Right fine thing indeed.”


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