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The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45

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by William Harrison Ainsworth

  Another person quite as zealous as Dr. Deacon in promoting the causeof the Pretender, though he observed much greater caution in hisproceedings, was Dr. John Byrom, whose name is still held in thegreatest respect in Manchester. A native of the town, and wellconnected, Dr. Byrom occupied an excellent social position. He was aman of great versatility of talent--a wit, a scholar, a linguist, anda charming poet. But his witty sayings were playful, and, thoughsmart, entirely divested of ill-nature. Clever at most things, heinvented a new system of short-hand, which he taught, so long as itwas necessary for him to improve his income; but on the death of hiselder brother he succeeded to the family property, Kersal Cell,situated in the neighbourhood of the town. His diary andcorrespondence, published by the Chetham Society, give a completeinsight into his truly amiable character, and not only display him inthe most pleasing colours, but place him in the first rank as aletter-writer. Dr. Byrom contributed two papers to the _Spectator_,and wrote many delightful songs and humorous poems, but he will bebest remembered by his admirable letters. He was fortunate in hiswife, and equally fortunate in his children--a son and daughter--andit is to these members of his family, to whom he was tenderlyattached, that most of his letters are addressed.

  At the time of our story, Dr. Byrom was between fifty and sixty--astriking-looking person, tall, thin, erect. Without being handsome,his features were pleasing and benevolent in expression. His mannerwas singularly courteous, and his temper so even that it couldscarcely be ruffled.

  A third person, who made his appearance in Manchester immediatelyafter the outbreak of the rebellion in Scotland, was Colonel FrancisTownley. He belonged to an old Lancashire Roman Catholic family, thehead of which, Richard Townley, of Townley Hall, took part in therebellion of 1715, and was tried before Judge Powis, but acquitted.

  Born at his father's house near Wigan, Frank Townley, at the period ofour story, was just thirty-eight. Some seventeen years previously hewent over to France, and being remarkably handsome, made a figure atthe court of Versailles. Befriended by the Duke of Berwick, hereceived a commission from Louis the Fifteenth, served at the siege ofPhilipsburg, and was close beside the duke when the latter was killedby a cannon-shot. Subsequently he served under Marshal de Broglie inthe campaign against Austria, and was present at several sieges andactions, in all of which he displayed great spirit and intrepidity,and acquired a very brilliant military reputation.

  Frank Townley continued in the French service for fifteen years, andthen returned to England, living for some little time in retirement.When the young Chevalier landed in Scotland, and an invasion wasmeditated by France, Louis sent him a colonel's commission to enablehim to raise forces for the prince. With this design he came toManchester, thinking he should have no difficulty in raising aregiment, but he was not so successful as he anticipated.

  A simultaneous rising of the Jacobites in the northern counties and insome of the larger towns had been confidently looked for by thepartisans of the House of Stuart, but as this did not take place, theexcitement in the prince's behalf, which had been roused inManchester, began quickly to subside. The intelligence that the victorof Preston Pans was marching southward at the head of an army of fivethousand Highlanders, though it raised the hopes of some of the bolderspirits, carried consternation among the bulk of the towns-people--notonly among those who were loyal, but among the disaffected. TheJacobites wished well to the Pretender, but declined to fight for him.Numbers left the town, and the shopkeepers began to remove their goodsand valuables. The Presbyterians were especially alarmed, and sentaway their wives and families.

  News that the prince had reached Carlisle increased the excitement.The militia was quartered in the town for its defence; but the menwere disbanded before the insurgent army appeared. The bridge atWarrington was destroyed to impede the march of the rebels; otherbridges were blown up; and Salford Bridge was threatened, but escapeddestruction.

  In the midst of the general alarm and confusion now prevailing in theplace, Colonel Townley found it impossible to enrol a sufficientnumber of men to form a regiment. All those who had been lavish inpromises made excuses, or got out of the way.

  By this time Carlisle had surrendered, and the prince, whose armymoved in two divisions, was marching southward. Greatly disappointedby his ill success, Colonel Townley resolved to set out and meet himat Lancaster, in order to prepare him for his probable reception atManchester.

  On the night before his departure on this errand, the colonel had aconference with Dr. Deacon and Dr. Byrom at the Bull's Head in themarket-place--a tavern frequented mainly by the High Church Tories andJacobites; just as the Angel Inn in Market Street Lane was resorted toby Whigs and Presbyterians.

  The party met in a private room at the back of the house. A cheerfulfire blazed on the hearth--it must be borne in mind that it was thenin November--and a flask of claret stood on the table; but the seriouslooks of the three gentlemen betokened that they had not met merelyfor convivial purposes.

  With the tall, thin figure, benevolent countenance, and courteousmanner of Dr. Byrom, we have endeavoured to familiarise the reader.The doctor was attired in a murrey-coloured coat with long skirts, andwore a full-bottomed tie-wig, and a laced cravat, but had laid asidehis three-cornered hat.

  Dr. Deacon was somewhat advanced in years, but seemed full of vigour,both of mind and body. He had a highly intellectual physiognomy, and alook about the eyes that bespoke him an enthusiast and a visionary. Hewas dressed in black, but his costume was that of a physician, not adivine. Still, the Nonjuring priest could not be wholly disguised.

  Colonel Townley had a very fine presence. His figure was tall,well-proportioned, and commanding. He might easily have been taken fora French officer; nor was this to be wondered at, considering hisfifteen years' service in France. A grey cloth riding-dress faced withpurple displayed his lofty figure to advantage. An aile-de-pigeon wig,surmounted by a small cocked hat edged with silver lace andjack-boots, completed his costume.

  "Now, gentlemen," said the colonel, drawing his chair closer to them,"before I join the prince at Lancaster, I desire to have your candidopinion as to the chance of a rising in his favour in this town.Latterly I have met with nothing but disappointment. The conduct ofyour leading merchants fills me with rage and disgust, and how theycan reconcile it with the pledges they have given his royal highnessof support, I cannot conceive. Still, I hope they will act up to theirprofessions, and maintain the honourable character they have hithertoborne. How say you, gentlemen? Can the prince calculate on a generaldeclaration in his favour? You shake your heads. At least he may counton a thousand recruits? Five hundred? Surely five hundred Manchestermen will join his standard?"

  "A few weeks ago I firmly believed half the town would rise," repliedDr. Deacon. "But now I know not what to say. I will not delude theprince with any more false promises."

  "'Twill be an eternal disgrace to Manchester if its inhabitants deserthim at this critical juncture," cried the colonel, warmly. "Is this tobe the miserable conclusion of all your plots and secret meetings? Youhave invited him, and now that he has complied with the invitation,and is coming hither with an army, you get out of the way, and leavehim to his own resources. 'Tis infamous!"

  "I still hope my fellow-townsmen may redeem their character forloyalty," said Dr. Deacon. "Perchance, when his royal highnessappears, he may recall them to their duty."

  "I doubt it," observed the colonel.

  "I will not attempt to defend the conduct of the ManchesterJacobites," observed Dr. Byrom; "but they are not quite so culpable asthey appear. They ought not to have invited the prince, unless theywere resolved to support him at all hazards. But they have becomealarmed, and shrink from the consequences of their own rashness. Theywish him every success in his daring enterprise, but will not risktheir lives and fortunes for him, as their fathers did in theill-starred insurrection of 1715."

  "In a word, they consider the prince's cause hopeless," said thecolonel.

  "That is so," repl
ied Dr. Byrom. "You will do well to dissuade hisroyal highness from advancing beyond Preston, unless he is certain ofreceiving large reinforcements from France."

  "Dissuade him from advancing! I will never give him such dastardlycounsel. Were I indiscreet enough to do so, he would reject it. Hisroyal highness is marching on London."

  "So I conclude. But I fear the Duke of Cumberland will never allow himto get there."

  "Bah! He will beat the Duke as he beat Johnnie Cope at Preston Pans.But he need not hazard a battle. He can easily elude the duke if hethinks proper."

  "Not so easily, I think; but, should he do so, he will find theElector of Hanover prepared for him. The guards and some otherregiments are encamped at Finchley, as we learn by the last express,for the defence of the capital."

  "You are just as timorous as the rest of your fellow-townsmen, sir.But no representations of danger will deter the heroic prince from hisprojected march on London. Ere long, I trust he will drive out theusurper, and cause his royal father to be proclaimed at Westminster."

  "Heaven grant it may be so!" exclaimed Dr. Deacon, fervently. "'Twillbe a wondrous achievement if it succeeds."

  "I do not think it can succeed," said Dr. Byrom. "You think me aprophet of ill, colonel, but I am solely anxious for the prince'ssafety. I would not have him fall into the hands of his enemies. Evenretreat is fraught with peril, for Field-Marshal Wade, with a strongforce, is in his rear."

  "Better go on, then, by your own showing, sir. But retreat is out ofthe question. I am at a loss to understand how you can reconcile yourconduct with the principles you profess. The prince has need ofzealous adherents, who will sacrifice their lives for him if required.Yet you and your friends, who are pledged to him, keep aloof."

  "I am too old to draw the sword for the prince," said Dr. Deacon; "butI shall identify myself with his cause, and I have enjoined my threesons to enrol themselves in the Manchester Regiment."

  "You have done well, sir, but only what might have been expected fromyou," said Colonel Townley. "Your conduct contrasts favourably withthat of many of his self-styled adherents."

  "I can bear the taunt, colonel," said Dr. Byrom, calmly. "Whateveropinion you may entertain to the contrary, my friends and myself areloyal to the House of Stuart, but we are also discreet. We have hadour lesson, and mean to profit by it. To be plain with you, ColonelTownley, we don't like the Highlanders."

  "Why not, sir? They are brave fellows, and have done no mischief. Theywill do none here--on that you may depend."

  "Maybe not, but the people are desperately afraid of them, and thinkthey will plunder the town.

  "Mere idle fears," exclaimed Colonel Townley.

  "Have you a list of recruits, colonel?" inquired Dr. Deacon.

  Colonel Townley replied in the affirmative, and produced amemorandum-book.

  "The list is so brief, and the names it comprises are so unimportant,that I shall feel ashamed to present it to the prince," he said. "Thefirst person I have set down is James Dawson."

  "Jemmy Dawson is a young man of very respectable family--in fact, aconnexion of my own," observed Dr. Byrom. "He belongs to St. John'sCollege, Cambridge."

  "Next on the list is Mr. Peter Moss, a gentleman of this county,"pursued the colonel. "Then come Mr. Thomas Morgan, a Welshman, and Mr.John Saunderson, a Northumberland gentleman. All those I haveenumerated will be officers, and with them I shall couple the names ofyour sons, Dr. Deacon--Thomas Theodorus, Charles, and Robert."

  "All three are prepared to lay down their lives in asserting therights of their only lawful sovereign, King James the Third," said thedoctor. "They have constantly prayed that Heaven may strengthen him sothat he may vanquish and overcome all his enemies, that he may bebrought to his kingdom, and the crown be set upon his head."

  "In that prayer we all join," said the colonel. "I shall not fail tomention your sons to the prince. Then we have a young parson namedCoppock, who desires to be chaplain of the regiment. From hisdiscourse he seems to be a good specimen of the church militant."

  "He will give up a good benefice if he joins you," remarked Dr. Byrom.

  "He will be rewarded with a bishopric if we succeed. With a fewexceptions, the rest are not persons of much rank--Andrew Blood,George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Chadwick, and Thomas Syddall.The last is a member of the Nonjuring church, I believe, Dr. Deacon?"

  "I am proud of him, though he is only a barber," replied the doctor."He has never sworn allegiance to the usurper, and never will. He isthe son of that Thomas Syddall who was put to an ignominious death in1716, and his head fixed on the market-cross of this town. ThomasSyddall, the younger, inherits his father's loyalty and courage."

  "He shall be an ensign," said the colonel. "Next, there is a youngman, whom I have put down, though I don't feel quite sure of him. Heis the handsomest young fellow I have seen in Manchester, andevidently full of spirit."

  "I think I can guess whom you mean," said Dr. Byrom. "'Tis AthertonLegh."

  "Right! that is the youngster's name. He was introduced to me byTheodore Deacon. Who is he? He looks as if he belonged to a goodfamily."

  "Atherton Legh is Atherton Legh--that is all I know of his familyhistory, and I believe it is all he knows himself," replied Dr.Deacon.

  "I can tell you something more about him," said Dr. Byrom. "He wasbrought up by a small tradesman, named Heywood, dwelling in Deansgate,educated at our grammar-school under Mr. Brooke, and afterwardsapprenticed to Mr. Hibbert, a highly respectable merchant; but as tohis parentage, there is a mystery. Beyond doubt, he has some wealthyrelative, but he has prudently abstained from making inquiries, sinceit has been intimated to him that, if he does so, the present liberalallowance, which is regularly paid by some person who styles himselfhis guardian, will cease."

  "A very good reason for remaining quiet," observed the colonel. "But Isuppose Heywood is acquainted with the guardian?"

  "He has not even heard his name. Atherton's allowance is paid througha banker, who is bound to secrecy. But you shall hear all I know aboutthe matter. Some eighteen years ago, an elderly dame, who describedherself as Madame Legh, having the appearance of a decayedgentlewoman, and attired in mourning, arrived in Manchester, and putup at this very inn. She had travelled by post, it appeared, fromLondon, and brought with her a very pretty little boy, about threeyears old, whom she called her grandson, stating that his name wasAtherton Legh. From this, it would seem, there was no disguise aboutthe old dame, but there is every reason to believe that the namesgiven by her were fictitious. Having made some preliminary inquiriesrespecting the Heywoods, and ascertained that they had no family,Madame Legh paid them a visit, taking her little grandson with her,and after some talk with Mrs. Heywood, who was a very kind-heartedwoman, easily prevailed upon her to take charge of the child. All thearrangements were very satisfactorily made. Mrs. Heywood received apurse of fifty guineas, which she was told came from the boy'sguardian--not his father. She was also assured that a liberalallowance would be made by the guardian for the child's maintenanceand education, and the promise was most honourably fulfilled. Allbeing settled, Madame Legh kissed her little grandson and departed,and was never seen again. The child quickly attached himself to theworthy pair, who became as fond of him as if he had been their ownson. In due time, Atherton grew into a fine spirited lad, and, as Ihave just intimated, was sent to the grammar-school. When hiseducation was completed, in compliance with the injunctions of hismysterious guardian, conveyed through the banker who paid theallowance, the youth was apprenticed to Mr. Hibbert--the fee beingfive hundred pounds, which, of course, was paid. Thenceforth, Athertonresided with Mr. Hibbert.

  "Such is the young man's history, so far as it is known, and it iscertainly curious. No wonder you have been struck by his appearance,colonel. He has decidedly a fine physiognomy, and his look and mannerproclaim him the son of a gentleman. Whether he will venture to enrolhimself in your regiment without his guardian's consent, which it isnext to impossible for him to obtain, is more than
I can say.

  "It does not seem to me that he is bound to consult his guardian onthe point," remarked Dr. Deacon. "I have told him so; but he has somescruples of conscience, which I hope to remove."

  "If his guardian is a Hanoverian, he ought to have no authority overhim," said the colonel. "You must win him over to the good cause,doctor. But let us have a glass of claret," he added, helping himself,and pushing the bottle towards Dr. Byrom, who was nearest him.



  "By-the-bye," continued Colonel Townley, looking at his watch. "Iforgot to mention that I expect Sir Richard Rawcliffe, of RawcliffeHall, to-night. He will be here anon. 'Tis about the hour he named.You know him, I think?"

  "I knew him slightly some years ago," replied Dr. Byrom. "But I daresay he has quite forgotten me. He rarely, if ever, comes toManchester. Indeed, he leads a very secluded life at Rawcliffe, and,as I understand, keeps no company. He has the character of beingmorose and gloomy, but I daresay it is undeserved, for men aregenerally misrepresented."

  "Sir Richard Rawcliffe is certainly misrepresented, if he is sodescribed," said Colonel Townley. "He is haughty and reserved, but notmoody. When I left for France he had only just succeeded to the titleand the property, and I knew little of him then, though he was anintimate friend of my uncle, Richard Townley of Townley."

  "He was not, I think, engaged in the insurrection of 1715?" remarkedDr. Deacon.


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