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The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45

Page 18

by William Harrison Ainsworth

  "I am aware of the grounds of your quarrel," pursued the prince, "andI hold that you, Sir Richard Rawcliffe, are in the wrong. I trust youwill offer a sufficient apology--not merely to Colonel Townley, but toCaptain Legh, whom you have insulted."

  "Your royal highness's injunctions must needs be obeyed," rejoined thebaronet, haughtily. "To Colonel Townley I am quite willing toapologise; but to Captain Legh----"

  "I will accept no apology from you, Sir Richard, in which my friend isnot included," interrupted Colonel Townley. "I have now a right todemand the cause of the insolent treatment Captain Legh has received,and an explanation of your reason for refusing him the satisfaction towhich he was entitled."

  "Come with me for a moment, Sir Richard," said Charles, taking himaside. Then bending down towards him, and lowering his voice, headded, "Certain circumstances have just come to my knowledge, showingthat you must have some knowledge of Atherton Legh's history, andaccounting in some measure for your otherwise incomprehensible conducttowards him."

  Sir Richard endeavoured to hide the confusion into which he wasthrown, but could not conceal it from the searching glance fixed uponhim by the prince.

  "Answer me one question?" pursued Charles. "Answer it explicitly? Areyou not Atherton Legh's mysterious guardian?"

  The baronet's confusion perceptibly increased. Charles seemed to readhis thoughts.

  "I am wholly at a loss to conceive whence your royal highness hasobtained this information respecting me," he said, at length.

  "No matter how it has been obtained," remarked Charles, sternly. "Isit true?"

  "It is correct in the main," replied the baronet. "Although I wouldgladly be excused from giving any further explanation, I shall bewilling to do so at some more convenient opportunity."

  "The explanation cannot be deferred," said the prince,authoritatively. "After the levee this morning you shall have aprivate audience."

  "I will not fail to attend upon your royal highness," replied SirRichard, evidently much relieved.

  But his brow again clouded, when the prince said:

  "You will be pleased to bring your daughter with you."

  "My daughter!" exclaimed the baronet. "She has nothing whatever to dowith the explanation I have to offer."

  "You have heard my injunction, Sir Richard. Both Miss Rawcliffe andCaptain Legh must be present at the audience."

  "I make no objection," replied the baronet; "but it pains me to findthat I am viewed with suspicion by your royal highness, to whom I havegiven unquestionable proofs of my zeal and devotion."

  "Justice must be done, Sir Richard," rejoined the prince, sternly. "Ifthere has been a wrong it must be righted. The mystery attaching tothis young man's birth must be cleared up, and since you are able togive the information required, you are bound to furnish it. I shallexpect you and Miss Rawcliffe after the levee."

  Then turning to Colonel Townley, he added: "All obstacles to a perfectreconciliation between you and Sir Richard are now removed. I hope,therefore, to have the pleasure of seeing you shake hands, and trustyou will become as good friends as ever."

  The injunction having been complied with, the prince prepared to takehis departure, saying:

  "After a morning duel in France, all those engaged in it--if theprincipals are fortunately unhurt, or but slightly wounded--make apoint of breakfasting together, and I don't see why the custom shouldnot be adopted in this country."

  "Nor I," cried Colonel Townley. "I have gained an excellent appetite."

  "Then I shall expect you all at breakfast an hour hence," said theprince. "I have much to do to-day. Among other important matters Ihave to attend the muster of your Manchester Regiment," he added toColonel Townley.

  "I was afraid your royal highness might be prevented," said thecolonel. "And that would have been a great disappointment to us. Itrust you do not feel any ill effects from the rough shake you gotlast night."

  "A little stiffness--that is all," replied Charles.

  "Have you come to any determination in regard to Weir?" inquiredColonel Ker. "Is he to be shot?"

  "No," replied the prince. "I shall send him to the Duke of Cumberland.Now for a ride round the town. I shall be back in time for breakfast.Au revoir!"

  With this he bounded up the side of the hollow and rode off in thedirection of the town, followed by the orderly.



  It was a fine November morning, and as the surrounding hills wereclearly distinguishable, the prince enjoyed the prospect as hecantered along.

  The atmosphere being free from smoke as well as fog, the town had abright, clean, and cheerful look, which it seldom wears now-a-days.What would Charles have thought if he could have conjured up inimagination the smoky factories and huge warehouses now covering thepleasant orchards and gardens near which he rode?

  Manchester in '45, as we have already stated, resembled a countrytown, and on no side was the resemblance more complete than on this,since not more than half a dozen scattered habitations could bedescried, the upper end of Market Street being then really a lane.

  But though the outskirts of the town were quiet enough, it was evidentfrom the tumultuous sounds that reached the ear, not only that theinhabitants generally were astir, but that the numerous companiesbilleted upon them were likewise moving about.

  The call of the bugle resounded from various quarters, and the beatingof the drum was heard in almost every street. Charles listeneddelightedly to sounds that proclaimed the presence of his army. Hethought of the advance he had already made--how another week's marchwould bring him to London; his breast beat high with hope and ardour;and he fully believed at that moment that his romantic expeditionwould be crowned with success.

  Just then the bells of all the churches began to ring, and theirjoyful peals heightened his enthusiasm.

  Not wishing to enter the town, he commanded the orderly to guide himto Castle Field; upon which the man rode on in front, and describing awide circuit then entirely unbuilt upon, but now converted intodensely-populated districts and large streets, brought him at last toa large open piece of ground, almost encircled by the river Medlock,and partly surrounded by the crumbling walls of an old Roman-Britishcastle, in the centre of which the artillery was parked.

  Not far from the field-pieces were the powder carriages; while a largeportion of the area was occupied by baggage-waggons; the remainder ofthe space being filled by artillerymen and their horses.

  No better place in the town or neighbourhood could have been found forthe purpose. Castle Field would have accommodated double the number ofcannon, and thrice the men, it now held.

  It was a very pleasant spot, and a favourite resort of the townsfolk.Sports of various kinds took place within the ring, and an annual fairwas held there. But it had never looked more picturesque than it didnow, filled as it was with cannon, ammunition, baggage-waggons,sumpter-horses, and men.

  Early as was the hour, there were numerous spectators on thespot--women as well as men, for the artillery was a greatattraction--and some dozens had climbed the old walls, and plantedthemselves on the top, to obtain a better view of the novel scene.

  As soon as the crowd collected on Castle Field became aware of theprince's arrival, they gathered around him, cheering and expressingheartfelt satisfaction that he had escaped the treacherous attack madeupon him overnight.

  There could be no doubt from the enthusiasm displayed that theprince's escape had greatly increased his popularity, all those whogot near him declaring they were ready to defend him to the death.

  Warmly thanking them for their zeal, Charles extricated himself fromthe press, and was joined by the Duke of Perth, and some officers ofartillery, with whom he rode over the field, examining differentmatters as he went along.

  While making this inspection he encountered many ladies, from all ofwhom he received congratulations, and to whom he had somethingagreeable to say.

  Amongst others, whose curiosity had induced them to pay an e
arly visitto Castle Field, was Beppy. She had come thither, attended by HelenCarnegie.

  Charles stopped to speak to the young lady, and noticing that she wasdecked in white, and wore a St. Andrew's cross, he said, "You have notforgotten, I perceive, Miss Byrom, that this is the fete-day of ourScottish patron saint."

  "I was reminded of it by Helen Carnegie, your highness," repliedBeppy. "She came to tell me of your most fortunate escape, for which Icannot be sufficiently grateful, and offered to make me a cross."

  "No one has done me a like good turn," laughed Charles.

  "Here is a braw St. Andrew's cross, if your royal highness will deignto wear it," cried Helen, offering him one.

  Charles smiled his thanks, and fastened the cross to his jacket.

  "Are you staying with Miss Byrom, Helen?" he inquired.

  "'Deed I am, your royal highness," she replied.

  "She will have a lodging at my father's house so long as the armyremains in the town," added Beppy.

  "I am glad to hear it," replied the prince. "I am certain she will bewell cared for."

  He then bowed graciously to the young lady, and bestowing a partingsmile on Helen, rode on.

  But he soon came to another halt.

  A little further off he discovered Constance Rawcliffe and Monica.They were attended by Father Jerome. Graciously saluting the twodamsels, and bowing to the priest, he said to Miss Rawcliffe:

  "You are the very person I desired to see. I have some news foryou--but it is for your private ear."

  On this intimation Monica and the priest drew back.

  Charles then continued in a low voice: "You will be surprised to learnthat your father has just fought a duel." Seeing her change colour, hehastened to add: "You need have no sort of uneasiness. He is unhurt. Ileft the ground only a short time ago, and can therefore speakpositively."

  "With whom was the duel fought?" inquired Constance, unable to repressher emotion. "Not with----"

  "Not with Atherton Legh," supplied the prince; "though the quarrel wason his account. Sir Richard's adversary was Colonel Townley. Luckily,your father was disarmed, and so the affair was brought to an end. Theduel appears to have been unavoidable, since Sir Richard refused toapologise to Captain Legh for rudeness offered him, and would not evengive him satisfaction. Colonel Townley, therefore, took up thequarrel, and you know the result."

  "Is the affair ended?" she asked, eagerly.

  "Not quite. A full explanation seems to me to be due from Sir RichardRawcliffe to Captain Legh; and to insure it, I have laid my commandsupon Sir Richard to meet Captain Legh in my presence after the levee,in order that he may answer certain questions which I shall then putto him. I fear this will not be agreeable to your father; but he mighthave avoided it. A few words would set all right, but these he refusesto utter. I had, therefore, no alternative but to compel him to speakout."

  "It is right that Captain Legh should know the truth," remarkedConstance.

  "I felt sure you would think so, and I therefore enjoined Sir Richardto bring you with him; but if you see any objections, I will excuseyour attendance."

  "Perhaps my presence may be necessary," she rejoined. "I will come."

  "That is well," said the prince. "I owe Captain Legh a large debt ofgratitude, and am anxious to pay it. I shall begin by setting himright. That done, I shall use all my influence to effect areconciliation between---- You understand my meaning, I am quitesure."

  "No more on that subject, I implore your highness," she rejoined,blushing deeply.

  "I hope I have said enough to prove how much interested I am in theyoung man, and how anxious I am to promote his happiness," he said."Why, here he is!" he exclaimed, as Atherton was seen riding towardsthe spot. "If I had summoned him, he could not have appeared more apropos. I hope Miss Rawcliffe will not continue to look coldly uponhim."

  "I am bound to obey," she rejoined, demurely.

  "I wonder what message he brings me?" remarked the prince.

  "I dare say your royal highness could give a shrewd guess," sherejoined, with an almost imperceptible smile.

  At this moment Atherton came up, and, removing his hat, delivered aletter to the prince.

  "From Lord George Murray," he said, still remaining uncovered.

  "'Tis not very important," observed Charles, opening it, and glancingat its contents. "But I am glad you have brought it, since it gives methe opportunity of placing you in attendance upon Miss Rawcliffe, whomay want an escort when she quits the ground."

  "I shall be charmed with the office," rejoined Atherton; "but I am notsure that Miss Rawcliffe will be equally well pleased."

  "Have no misgiving," replied Charles, with a significant look, whichimplied that all was arranged. "I have some further orders to giveyou, but it will be time enough when you return to head-quarters.Meanwhile, I charge you to take especial care of these young ladies."

  With this he rode off, and almost immediately afterwards quitted theground, accompanied by the Duke of Perth.

  How much surprised Monica and Father Jerome had been by the earnestdiscourse that took place between the prince and Constance, we needscarcely state; but they were still more surprised when Atherton cameup, and was placed in attendance upon the young lady.

  It was quite clear to the lookers-on that the prince had generouslytaken Atherton's cause in hand, and meant to carry it through to asuccessful issue. Monica, who had been much pained at themisunderstanding between the lovers, was rejoiced; but the priest feltdifferently.

  Meantime, Atherton, by no means certain that he was welcome,endeavoured to excuse himself to Constance.

  "I trust Miss Rawcliffe will not blame me for this intrusion," hesaid. "She can dismiss me as soon as she thinks proper."

  "That would be impossible, since you have been left with me by theprince," she rejoined. "But I have no desire to dismiss you. On thecontrary, I am glad to have an opportunity of congratulating you onyour good fortune. You have gained the prince's favour, and aretherefore on the high road to distinction."

  "If I am restored to your good opinion I shall be satisfied," herejoined.

  "My good opinion is worth little," she said.

  "'Tis everything to me," he cried.

  She made no direct reply, but after a moment's pause remarked:

  "To-day may prove as eventful to you as yesterday. Has not the princeacquainted you with his intentions?"

  "He has told me nothing. I am ordered to attend him after thelevee--that is all."

  "'Tis to meet my father, who, by his highness's command, will disclosecertain matters to you. But pray ask me no more questions. I ought notto have told you so much. You will learn all in good time. And now Imust relieve you from this irksome attendance."

  "You know very well it is not irksome," he replied, with a look ofreproach.

  "At all events, you must have other duties to attend to. You have toprepare for the muster of your regiment. Jemmy Dawson is fullyoccupied, or he would be here with Monica. I really must set you atliberty."

  "Pray let me see you safely from the ground?" entreated Atherton.

  "Well, I cannot object to that."

  Then turning to Monica, she said:

  "Are you ready to depart?"

  "Quite," replied the other.

  Atherton cleared the way, and having brought them to the longunfinished street that led from Castle Field to the centre of thetown, he bowed, and rode off, fondly persuading himself he should soonmeet Constance again.



  "You must see your father without delay, Miss Rawcliffe," said thepriest in an authoritative tone to Constance, as soon as Atherton wasgone. "We are almost certain to find Sir Richard at the Bull's Head,and if he should not be within, he will have left a message for you,or a letter."

  Constance quite agreed that it would be proper to call at the Bull'sHead, though she felt quite sure her father would make all needfularrangements for the meeting appointed
by the prince, and theyaccordingly proceeded to the inn.

  So crowded was the market-place with troops, that they hadconsiderable difficulty in crossing, and when at length they reachedtheir destination, Sir Richard was absent.

  "He had gone out at a very early hour," said Diggles, "and had not yetreturned."

  "He cannot be long," observed Father Jerome. "We must wait for him."

  "I vote that we order breakfast," said Monica. "I am frightfullyhungry."

  As Constance and the priest both sympathised with her, breakfast wasordered, and it was lucky the precaution was taken, for nearly an hourelapsed before Sir Richard made his appearance.

  Long ere this, they had finished their meal, and when the baronetentered the room, were watching the troops from the windows thatcommanded the market-place, and listening to the shrill notes of thepipes.

  Sir Richard did not seem surprised, and perhaps expected to find themthere. Constance sprang forward to meet him, and bidding him goodmorrow, said eagerly:

  "I know all about the arrangements, papa. I have seen the prince atCastle Field."

  "I am aware of it," he said, sternly. "I have just left his royalhighness."

  "Of course you will attend the meeting he has appointed?" she said,alarmed by his manner.

  He made no reply, and scarcely noticing Monica, signed to the priest,who understood the gesture, and followed him into the adjoining room.

  "What does this mean?" said Monica, uneasily.


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