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Angel Peak

Page 20

by Shirleen Davies

  Caleb tightened his grip on May’s hand as they left his house to walk between the buildings. As in the previous two nights, they’d stay to the south end of town, taking their time as they passed the closed shops, the Dixie, and the St. James before crossing the street to start the route over again.

  Other than saying their hellos to people they recognized, the first turn around town was uneventful. Caleb thought the second round would be the same until the hairs on the back of his neck prickled. Slowing his pace, he let go of May’s hand, unbuttoning his coat to expose his gun before draping his arm over her shoulders.

  Looking up at the window in the second floor of the St. James, he spotted Noah’s silhouette. The other men were inside shops or hidden behind large, wooden barrels between the buildings. He knew Cash would be in the apartment above his wife’s millinery, his rifle poised and ready.

  Crossing the street, he stayed vigilant. The instincts telling him to get her into the St. James and out of danger warred with the need to stay calm and focus.

  “I’ll bet you thought you’d never see me again, Covington.” The raspy voice he recognized came from behind them. Turning, he didn’t see Devlin. Moving his hand to the handle of his six-shooter, he pushed May behind him.

  “Come out and show yourself, Devlin. No need to hide like the coward you are.”

  He heard a scornful laugh an instant before Chad stepped out the door of the original clinic to the edge of the boardwalk, his gun pointed at Caleb. “I’d say that description fits you a helluva lot better than me. I mean, you’re the one who shot my brothers in the back when they ran.”

  He felt May’s arms go around him from behind, her head resting against his back. “What does he mean, Caleb?”

  Ignoring her question, Caleb took a quick glance down the street, seeing Mack standing in one doorway, Hex in another.

  “Don’t move until I tell you to, May.” Caleb bit out the request, hoping she’d do what he asked.

  “Why don’t you introduce me to your pretty lady, Deputy?”

  Caleb stiffened. “I believe you’ve already met her, Chad.”

  The outlaw’s features twisted into a menacing grin. “Maybe I did. I’d still like a formal introduction. I assume you’ve already told her all about me.”

  “Come out onto the street and I’ll think about it.”

  The feral laugh didn’t surprise Caleb. “Well, now, I’m thinking this spot right here is just fine.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted movement in front of the gunsmith shop. Not wanting to take his attention off Chad, Caleb didn’t risk a look. A few seconds later, he saw Mack and Hex walk into the street, their guns drawn. He knew Cash would have a good shot, but doubted Noah could see Devlin.

  “Hey there, Deputy.” Caleb startled at Enoch Weaver’s familiar, slurred voice. “I see you have your lady with you tonight.” Coming up to stand in front of Caleb, Enoch whipped his tattered hat from his head and bowed. “Good evening, miss. I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” His garbled voice had May taking a quick look around Caleb.

  Wincing at the smell of sour whiskey, unwashed clothes, and body odor, Caleb didn’t take his gaze off Chad. “May, don’t move. Enoch, why don’t you head over to the Dixie and we’ll meet you there in a bit?”

  Enoch shook his head in a frantic gesture, waving toward the Dixie. “I think it would be a marvelous idea if you two came with me. We can all have drinks and talk—”

  “What the hell is going on over there, Covington?” Chad stepped onto the street, his gun still pointed at Caleb.

  Whipping around, Enoch teetered before reclaiming his balance and walking straight toward the outlaw. Settling his hat back on his head, he extended his hand. “I’m Enoch Weaver.”

  “I don’t give a damn who you are. Get out of the way before you get shot.” Chad kept his gaze on Enoch, not noticing the deputies moving up behind him or the others positioned nearby.

  Shaking his head again, Enoch continued forward, staggering a little. “Ah, now. You wouldn’t shoot an old man like me, or the nice deputy and his lady.”

  “I’m warning you, old man. Get out of the way.” Chad shifted his aim to point the gun at Enoch.

  “No need to get angry.” Enoch’s face broke into a tight grin.

  “Enoch, get out of the way.”

  The drunk heard Caleb’s voice, ignoring it.

  Nostrils flaring, Chad’s deadly eyes locked on Enoch. “You were warned.”

  “Enoch, get down!”

  Before anyone could react, Enoch pulled a gun and fired, putting a bullet in the middle of Chad’s forehead. Taking the last few steps, he stared down at the fallen man, shaking his head before turning back to Caleb and shrugging.

  “All I wanted was to introduce myself.” Sliding the gun into the hidden holster, Enoch staggered off the street and into the Dixie.

  Caleb paced the lobby of the St. James on Christmas Eve. After last night, fearing he might lose May, he’d made a decision. He’d already spoken with Reverend Paige, Dilly, Gabe, and Mack, leaving the most important conversation for last. Hearing May’s light laughter, he looked up, seeing her come downstairs on the arm of her father.

  Dilly walked up, extending his hand, a knowing look in his eyes. “Good evening, Caleb.”

  He gripped the offered hand. “Mr. Bacon.” Swallowing, his gaze shifted to May. “Good morning, May.”

  “Hello, Caleb.”

  Dilly deftly moved his daughter next to Caleb, slipping her arm through his. “Are we all ready for the Christmas service?”

  Smiling up at Caleb, May nodded. “I believe we are, Father.”

  A few minutes later, they entered the newly finished church, sharing a row with Mack, Sylvia, and Dom. After several hymns and the message, Reverend Paige put his notes aside and looked out onto the crowd.

  “Before I excuse you to enjoy your Christmas, I’ve received a special request.” His gaze landed on Caleb. “Deputy Covington.”

  Chest constricting so much he had a hard time drawing a breath, Caleb stood. Last night, his idea seemed perfect. This morning, he wasn’t so certain. Shoving aside his doubts, he extended a hand to May, drawing her up to stand next to him. The moment she straightened, he dropped to one knee, eliciting a gasp not only from May, but from several others.

  “May Bacon, I’ve been a blind fool long enough. I love you. Have for a long time.” He paused a moment, seeing moisture in her eyes. Blowing out a ragged breath, he continued. “I know we’ve had some problems, and you’ve put up with a lot from me. Even with all that, I’m hoping you’ll excuse my failings and agree to be my wife.”

  Unable to speak without bursting into tears, she nodded frantically while swiping moisture from her face.

  Standing, the corners of Caleb’s mouth tilted upward into a broad smile. “Is that a yes?”

  Nodding again, she launched herself into his arms. “It’s definitely a yes.”


  The following Saturday…

  Caleb’s heart stilled as he watched May walk down the church aisle in a dress Allie created over the last two days. In her hands she held a bough of pine decorated with sprigs of holly. The smile on her face sliced right through him, causing his chest to squeeze. He’d never seen anyone more beautiful.

  The ceremony passed in a blur. Before Caleb realized it, he held May in his arms, brushing a kiss across her lips. “I love you, May.”

  “I love you, too, Caleb.”

  Turning them around, he held up their joined hands to the congratulations and joyous shouts from the guests. A few minutes later, chairs had been pushed to the side and tables set up, allowing Suzanne, Gary, and several other women to set out a wide array of food and drinks along one wall. In one corner, three men played music, encouraging the guests to get out in the middle of the floor and dance. In another corner, May and Caleb, both still reeling from the events of the past week, stood with her father and several friends.

id anyone know Enoch was a retired U.S. Marshal?” Dom lifted a glass of punch to his lips, grimacing at the thick, sweet taste.

  “Perhaps this will help.” Nick held out a flask, shielding Dom from the rest of the crowd while he poured a small amount into his glass. Taking another sip, he grinned.

  “Thanks, Nick. That’s much better. Back to my question about Enoch.”

  Gabe shook his head, as did Mack and Hex.

  “The man may spend a lot of time with a glass of whiskey in his hand, but he’s a mighty fine shot.” Nick tilted his glass toward Enoch, who’d wandered inside to congratulate Caleb and May. “I do believe we owe him a dinner at the Eagle’s Nest. Don’t you, Gabe?”

  “I do.” He watched his friend’s gaze settle on a couple across the room. “When are you going to let Clay know you have no issue with him courting Olivia?”

  Nick grinned. “Just seeing how long it will take for him to show some spunk and force the issue. I don’t want my daughter marrying a man who won’t fight for her.”

  “From what I know, you’re not going to get a fight from the doctor, Nick. He’s as calm as any man I’ve ever met.” Dom lifted his glass again, looking over the rim at the woman standing next to Olivia. He’d been attracted to Josephine Dubois from the moment she’d stepped off the stage, smiled, and dashed into Olivia’s open arms. The uninhibited, spontaneous scene had stuck with him. Now all he could think about was getting to know Olivia’s best friend.

  “Did you hear back from Washington about the Marshal position, Dom?”

  Tearing his gaze away from Josephine, he looked at Gabe. “A telegram came yesterday saying I’d been accepted. Neil Howie is going to ride over from Big Pine next week to administer the oath.”

  Hex clasped him on the shoulder. “That’s great news. Will you be moving to Big Pine?”

  Dom gave a crisp shake of his head. “Nope. Staying here was a condition of my application. Doesn’t mean I won’t be traveling a lot, though. I’d appreciate it if all of you would witness the oath.”

  “Does that mean you won’t be buying the property?” Mack asked.

  “I’m buying the land. By the time Howie gets here, I’ll be the owner of enough land to run some cattle and have a few horses.” His gaze wandered back to Josephine, who was now talking and laughing with Hex’s brother, Zeke.

  “Why don’t you go over and ask her to dance?” Hex took a draw from his flask, slipping it back into a pocket when Dom declined a sip. “Zeke can’t dance a lick. My guess is the pretty young woman from New Orleans can.”

  Feeling a strong hand clasp his shoulder, Dom stiffened, realizing it belonged to Nick.

  “You be real careful with what you do about Josephine. The same as Olivia, she’s a sweet, naïve girl without experience and from a real strict upbringing. I wouldn’t want to call you out, Dom.”

  Jaw tightening, he absorbed the warning. “I understand your meaning, Nick.”

  Dom already suspected everything Nick said about Josephine, deciding nothing would keep him away from the enticing southern beauty. Unlike Clay, Dom knew how to fight for what he wanted. And he definitely wanted Josephine Dubois.

  Thank you for taking the time to read Angel Peak. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  Watch for book nine in the Redemption Mountain series, Restless Wind.

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  About the Author

  Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical and contemporary western romance with a touch of suspense. She is the best-selling author of the MacLarens of Fire Mountain Series, the MacLarens of Boundary Mountain Series, and the Redemption Mountain Series. Shirleen grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. Her passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance. She lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona. Between them, they have five adult sons who are their greatest achievements.

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  Books by Shirleen Davies

  Historical Western Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Tougher than the Rest, Book One

  Faster than the Rest, Book Two

  Harder than the Rest, Book Three

  Stronger than the Rest, Book Four

  Deadlier than the Rest, Book Five

  Wilder than the Rest, Book Six

  Redemption Mountain

  Redemption’s Edge, Book One

  Wildfire Creek, Book Two

  Sunrise Ridge, Book Three

  Dixie Moon, Book Four

  Survivor Pass, Book Five

  Promise Trail, Book Six

  Deep River, Book Seven

  Courage Canyon, Book Eight

  Forsaken Falls, Book Nine

  Solitude Gorge, Book Ten

  Rogue Rapids, Book Eleven

  Restless Wind, Coming next in the series!

  MacLarens of Boundary Mountain

  Colin’s Quest, Book One,

  Brodie’s Gamble, Book Two

  Quinn’s Honor, Book Three

  Sam’s Legacy, Book Four

  Heather’s Choice, Book Five

  Nate’s Destiny, Book Six

  Blaine’s Wager, Book Seven

  Fletcher’s Pride, Book Eight

  Bay’s Desire, Coming next in the series!

  Contemporary Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Second Summer, Book One

  Hard Landing, Book Two

  One More Day, Book Three

  All Your Nights, Book Four

  Always Love You, Book Five

  Hearts Don’t Lie, Book Six

  No Getting Over You, Book Seven

  ‘Til the Sun Comes Up, Book Eight

  Foolish Heart, Book Nine

  Forever Love, Book Ten, Coming next in the series!

  Peregrine Bay

  Reclaiming Love, Book One, A Novella

  Our Kind of Love, Book Two

  Burnt River

  Shane’s Burden, Book One by Peggy Henderson

  Thorn’s Journey, Book Two by Shirleen Davies

  Aqua’s Achilles, Book Three by Kate Cambridge

  Ashley’s Hope, Book Four by Amelia Adams

  Harpur’s Secret, Book Five by Kay P. Dawson

  Mason’s Rescue, Book Six by Peggy L. Henderson

  Del’s Choice, Book Seven by Shirleen Davies

  Ivy’s Search, Book Eight by Kate Cambridge

  Phoebe’s Fate, Book Nine by Amelia Adams

  Brody’s Shelter, Book Ten by Kay P. Dawson

  Boone’s Surrender, Book Eleven by Shirleen Davies

  Watch for more books in the series!

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  Copyright © 2018 by Shirleen Davies

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including informa
tion storage and retrieval systems or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  For permission requests, contact the publisher.

  Avalanche Ranch Press, LLC

  PO Box 12618

  Prescott, AZ 86304

  Angel Peak is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is wholly coincidental.




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