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Baring Grudge

Page 5

by Cynthia Sax

  Fraggin’ hole was right. She added that phrase to her vocabulary as she retreated, allowing herself to breathe once more. Her mechanical fingers returned to his base.

  Her skills at cocksucking were unsurpassed.

  She circled his rim with her tongue, dipped into his slit. Effervescence coated her flesh. The taste of him flavored her mouth.

  His fingers flexed, splaying and folding into fists, splaying and folding into fists. The skin over his handsome face drew tight. Bolts of blue brightened his eyes.

  He was on the edge of release, and she hadn’t yet fully applied herself to driving him wild.

  She bobbed over him, taking him shallow, shallow, then deep, shallow, deep, deep, deep, shallow, varying her advances, her angles, her suction. The goal was to keep him constantly off-balance, unable to predict, to mentally block her next move.

  He rocked into her, losing the battle to remain still, and she smiled around him, rejoicing in that victory. The cyborg would soon surrender completely to her, would be forced to admit his world was tilted…by her, the being he called a fragile little enhanced human. She tugged on him with every inward breath, released him with every exhalation.

  “I have to touch you.” He sank his fingers into the tuft of hair on top of her head, his grip on her unrelenting. The rumble in his chest grew louder.

  Preferring to be in charge of the cocksucking, she glared up at him.

  He immediately lifted his hands. There were red crescent-shaped grooves in his organic palm.

  The damn male had hurt himself, while he resisted touching her.

  Fuck. She shouldn’t care about that, about him. He was the enemy, was a bit of a freak. But while he was in her mouth, he was hers, hers to pleasure, hers to safeguard.

  She reached up, grabbed his hands, placed them back on her head.

  His fingers curled over her skull, and that physical connection felt scarily right. He opened his mouth as though to thank her.

  She sucked him. Hard.

  His entire body stiffened. A keening sound came from his lips.

  She let him go and he relaxed. Too much. She slapped his shaft with her tongue.

  That pushed him over the edge. He held her to him and thrust, forcing her to take his cock again and again. His base smacked against her mechanical hand, her grip on him preventing him from blowing out the back of her throat. His balls slapped her chin.

  Her lips hummed and her eyes watered, but she didn’t fight him. She could handle anything he flung at her, could tolerate his aggression.

  Shit. She more than tolerated it. She loved it, loved him using her like a fuck object. He ravished her without ceasing, pounding into her mouth, his eyes wild, his pace breathtakingly fast and rigorous.

  Her cyborg had lost all control, and that turned her on. Her nipples strained against the confines of her garment, every brush of the leather over them escalating her need. She pulsed at the same rhythm as his thrusts.

  His fingertips, one set covered with skin, the other manufactured of metal, pressed into her skull, that bite of pain adding to the sensory assault. She inhaled, her cheeks indenting around him.

  “Frag. Frag. Frag.” His fucking of her face grew more savage. He grunted, the sounds of his passion echoing off the walls.

  He was close but not yet there.

  She would shove him into the abyss. Taelyn met his gaze.

  His eyes widened.

  She skimmed her teeth along the length of him.

  “Frag.” He roared as he drove his cock into her. The ferocity in his countenance, in his grip, stole her breath. No one seeing him now would ever think he was a machine, an emotionless weapon of war. His fervor rivaled hers.

  The intensity of his release surpassed any she’d ever witnessed. His biceps bulged. His eyes blazed.

  Cum shot from his tip, splattered against the back of her throat, and the most extreme bliss hit her. She screamed around his shaft. Her pussy clenched down on nothing. Her arms and legs, organic and mechanical, vibrated, the impact shaking her entire form.

  Her cyborg’s eyes went dark, yet he continued to fill her mouth with his essence. She swallowed and swallowed and swallowed, her ecstasy spiraling higher, purging thoughts of everything else from her beleaguered brain. All she knew was her male, the metallic taste of him, her rapture.

  She drained him dry, savoring every drop of him, and her euphoria leveled, then lowered to manageable levels. His cock remained semi-hard in her mouth. The sexy bubbling engulfed her from the tips of her boot-covered toes to the top of her head.

  Her cyborg shuddered once, twice, his broad shoulders quaking. She released him and he dropped to his knees.

  Skin smacked against hard surface. The floor tiles dented under the impact.

  She winced. That must have hurt.

  Yet he showed no signs of trauma. His expression remained bliss-blasted.

  He bracketed her face with his big hands and drew her to him, covering her lips with his. She tasted of him. The freak didn’t care. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, claiming that part of her once more.

  She hadn’t the energy left to fight him, couldn’t remember why she should do that. Their flesh twined and twirled. The connection between them became stronger.

  “You are mine.” His eyes had returned to their energy-infused blue. There was possessiveness in their depths. “I will track you to the end of the universe if that’s necessary.”

  That was why she should be fighting him. The male was her enemy, wanted to capture and kill her.

  “Fuck you.” She smacked her palms against his chest, leaving handprints on his gray skin.

  “You can do that the next time we meet.” He tightened his clasp on her jaw.

  They wouldn’t be meeting until she had destroyed the other Humanoid Alliance space stations. “Let go of me.” She twisted out of his grip, rose to her booted feet.

  The male was completely naked. His weapons were attached to his discarded body armor.

  She was fully dressed. Her hands drifted over the hilts of her best blades. She should try to kill him before he killed her.

  “Keep those cute little daggers in their sheaths, female.” His body blurred. “You might need them in the future.”

  The damn male had dressed in mere heartbeats. He loomed over her, big and broad and menacing. Her opportunity to strike at him had passed.

  “My cute little daggers have ended many lifespans.” She scowled at him.

  He grinned back at her.

  “I don’t like you.” Those words burst out of her mouth.

  “You like me.” His grin widened. “Communicate with that damn kid, as you call your tiny green friend, reassure her you are undamaged and will meet with her soon. And I’ll show you how much you like me. I’ll lick your sweet pussy, drink you dry, and you’ll scream your liking to the universe.”

  Fuck. Taelyn’s mouth dried.

  Her need for him had revived. Desire clouded her brain. She was tempted to pull down her garments, spread her legs, and allow him to do as he described.

  That would be a damn dangerous response. The cyborg was her foe, was working for the Humanoid Alliance, the beings who were responsible for the severing of her arm and the deaths of her family, her friends, everyone she loved, on her home planet.

  “We had a deal and we’ll stick to that deal.” She stomped toward the docking bay. It was time to get the fuck off the space station before her lust overruled her logic.

  And before the kid started looking for her. The cyborg was right. Jasny would be worried about her and Taelyn didn’t want her leaving the safety of the ship. The girl was a damn menace, and there were threats all around them.

  “I sucked your cock and am carrying your tracking device.” Taelyn looked over her shoulder, unable to resist gazing at the biggest threat one more time. The cyborg was so damn handsome. “You will let me go.”

  “I will follow you when I’m able to do so, and I’ll show you how much you like me at tha
t later time.” The male burst into motion, catching up to her frustratingly easily. “I agree with that plan.” He grasped her mechanical hand, shortening his stride to match hers.

  A tremor of awareness, of rightness, coursed over her. “That isn’t the fuckin’ plan.” She tugged on her hand.

  He didn’t release her. “That is very much the fuckin’ plan.” He squeezed her fingers. “First, I’ll fuck your pussy with my tongue. I’ll taste you, savor you, bring you to release a minimum of three times.”

  Stars. She quivered, imagining his mouth on her flesh, his tongue inside her. “I’m not listening to you.”

  That was a lie. She wanted to hear the rest of his plan.

  “Then I will fuck you with my cock.” His hip brushed against hers, that innocent touching curling her toes. “I will suck on your breasts as I fill you with my cum, transferring more of my nanocybotics to you. You will be mine in all ways.”

  And, once he had done all the freaky things he wanted to do to her, he would kill her.

  She jutted her jaw, firming her resolve.

  The cyborg was her foe, her downfall, her potential executioner. He was not her fuck buddy and definitely not an ally.

  If she wanted to live, she couldn’t allow him to find her.

  Chapter Five

  Breeding with his female’s mouth had been the best experience of Grudge’s long lifespan. She not only tilted his universe, she had shut down his visual and auditory systems. The joy he experienced had overclocked his processors.

  He wouldn’t exchange those moments with her for all the explosives in existence. If he could, he would never venture from her side.

  Togetherness wasn’t possible. Not at this time.

  His female was intent on leaving. Having had his own movements severely restricted in the past, having suffered that emotional damage, he would never willingly inflict that trauma on his enhanced human.

  He had to remain on the space station. Grudge had vowed to protect the structure and the warships within it until Cadet and the rest of the cyborg retrieval team returned.

  Breaking his word wasn’t an option. Retaining his integrity was now more important than ever. He had a female, and she deserved a warrior worthy of her.

  He linked his fingers with hers as they walked back to her ship. The hand he gripped wasn’t organic. He was 99.9999 percent certain of that. That hadn’t dampened their connection. Energy flowed between them, pure and palpable.

  “You can’t escape me, my tiny little thief.” He processed his fighter of a female planned to do exactly that. “If you discard the tracking device—”

  “I said I would carry your tracking device and I’ll fuckin’ do that.” Her big brown eyes flashed with fierce emotion. “Don’t question my honor, cyborg.”

  Fraggin’ hole. Her passion turned him on.

  He gazed at her with admiration. She was his. He wasn’t merely a cyborg. He was her cyborg.

  She now hosted his nanocybotics. He breathed deeply, and a primitive sense of satisfaction fell upon him. Every warrior would process she belonged to him.

  He had to ensure he didn’t lose her, that he kept her safe. That would be easier to accomplish if he processed her next steps.

  “You’re planning something.” He probed for more inputs.

  His female’s jaw jutted. She said nothing.

  Because she was planning something. And his enhanced human refused to lie about that.

  She had that integrity. Pride filled him.

  “I’ll search the universe until I locate you.” He wasn’t letting her go. “You can’t run from me.”

  “I should have killed you when I had the chance.” She tried to shake off his grip.

  “You didn’t ever have that chance.” He didn’t release her.

  She was skilled…for a human. But he was a cyborg, was manufactured for battle, enhanced, faster, stronger. His female might have damaged him. There was a 0.0000 percent probability she could have killed him.

  “You’re an ass.” She utilized one of her many endearments for him.

  “You’re adorable.” He shared his feelings for her also.

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head, but she stopped fighting the hand-holding. He processed that as a win.

  They walked together. Her body brushed against his as they moved, those gentle caresses exhilarating him. There was much he wanted to share, to ask, to uncover. He quashed the urge to chatter. There would be opportunities for that later. He focused on being with her, on her presence, the sway of her hips, the soft sounds of her breathing, her tantalizing scent.

  Too soon, the two of them entered the docking bay, moving toward her battered freighter. Every step brought them closer to her departure point.

  He slowed their pace, seeking to prolong their togetherness, capturing every detail of it in his databases and organic memory. That would be replayed during the moments they were separated.

  The doors to his female’s ship opened. A head stuck out of it.

  The kid, as his female called her, looked in their direction. Her green eyes widened. She disappeared into the ship once more and the doors closed.

  “She can’t follow a single fuckin’ order.” His female’s tone held frustration…and love.

  “She was worried about you.” Grudge shared the offspring’s apprehension. His female was fragile and mostly human, was easily damaged, and once she left the space station, he couldn’t safeguard her.

  Needing the reassurance of her form, he hooked his arms around his female’s waist and drew her to him. They merged, meshed, became one. Her leather-clad curves flattened against his body armor-covered muscles. Her back arched. Her head tilted back. He splayed his fingers above her ass.

  His delicate little enhanced human was small in stature yet she was perfect for him, fitting against his physique as snugly as his protective garments.

  She frowned up at him. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m kissing you.” He covered her lips with his before she could issue a protest.

  His female lodged a silent complaint, resisting their kiss, closing her mouth to him.

  Stars. She was a delight. His chest shook with suppressed humor.

  She wouldn’t defeat him. He prodded the seam of her lips with his tongue. His female continued to deny him entrance. Her eyes blazed with emotion, heating him to his frame.

  But her hips swiveled, grinding against his confined cock. And the scent of her desire intensified.

  His female was aroused by their sensuous battle. Encouraged, he pushed with more vigor, spearing his flesh into her softness.

  She sighed, her breath wafting against his skin, and she capitulated, parting her lips, allowing him inside her mouth.

  Triumph swelled within him. Another skirmish had been won. More ground had been gained.

  He stroked into his female with his tongue, relishing her warmth, her taste, saving the moment, as he had saved the others, to be captured for all eternity within his databases.

  Her leather-clad hands crept upward, sliding along his chest, around his neck. His already-stimulated form, noting her progress, shook with anticipation.

  She clasped his nape, her grip on him thrillingly tight, and she twined her tongue around his, sucking on that flesh as she had sucked on his cock.

  That part of him was fully hard yet again. He wanted her with a processor-straining force.

  The planet rotations of separation would test him.

  He would endure, would tackle that challenge, prove himself worthy of her. Their lips, mouths, souls joined. Her intoxicating musk swirled around them. He curved his hands over her lush ass, pulled her closer to him.

  Her breath hitched. That small sound traveled down his throat, venturing further and further until he felt her excitement in his very core.

  Frag. She lit up all his circuits, made him feel like a whole warrior once more. He squeezed her ass and released her, squeezed and released her as they battled with their tongues.
She pressed her leather-clad fingers into his nape, rubbed against him.

  He craved more, yearned for—

  An alarm sounded in the freighter. Lights flashed. A siren pulsed.

  “Ugh.” His female closed her eyes for a heartbeat. “What is she doing now?”

  Grudge tilted his head to the side, contemplating the possibilities. “There’s a 64.2356 percent possibility she activated the proximity alert. There’s a 57.2364 possibility she tried to start the engines without having access to that system. There is a—”

  “There is a very real possibility she hit the console with her elbow.” His female shook her head. “That has happened…multiple times…in the past.”

  If it happened again in the future, it could put her and the offspring in danger.

  “The kid isn’t skilled in stealth.” Grudge’s lips flattened. “Ask another being to assist you.”

  He yearned to take the role, but he had to remain on the space station, safeguard it.

  “I didn’t ask her to assist me.” His female lowered her voice. “These missions are dangerous, are no place for a kid. But she has attached herself to me and I don’t know how to shake her.”

  She couldn’t process how to discourage the offspring from helping her without damaging the little enhanced humanoid’s emotional system.

  That wasn’t relayed in her words, but he heard it in his female’s tone.

  “I could communicate with her.” He could gather more inputs to assist her.

  “You will not speak with Jasny or interact with her in any way.” His female glared at him. “If you fuckin’ harm her, cyborg, our deal is off.”

  He wanted to retort that he would never damage her Jasny.

  But his female believed he was under Humanoid Alliance control. And the Humanoid Alliance were that dishonorable. They had forced him and his brethren to kill offspring in the past. That was done quickly and as painlessly as possible, but each death had tormented him.

  His female continued to skewer him with her gaze, expected an answer from him.

  “You love her.” He relayed that observation instead.

  “Fuck you.” She twisted out of his grip. “She’s a kid.”


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