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Baring Grudge

Page 14

by Cynthia Sax

  Need coursed through her. She burned with wanting.

  Her fingers twitched. The urge to touch Grudge was strong.

  She’d indulge that yearning.

  Passion she could handle. Desire she was familiar with, could retreat into.

  With her cyborg.

  He would be her temporary escape.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Grudge followed his Taelyn into her private chambers. The door closed behind him.

  His female started discarding her clothing and boots, leaving a tantalizing trail behind her.

  Stars. His big physique shook. He wanted her with an all-consuming intensity.

  Not shifting his gaze from his female’s increasingly bare form, he ripped the body armor off his arms, chest, hips, legs, stripping quickly, without processing his actions. All he had the bandwidth for was the proud set of her spine, the glow of her dark skin, her swaying ass, defined legs.

  Blue veins of light lit her mechanical arm. The limb was a work of art and it was functional, was as perfect as the rest of her.

  His fingers splayed. He had been watching her, wanting her since their training session. His cock was rigid. Desire coursed through his circuits. He yearned to touch her. All over.

  “Choose the breeding variation, my delicate little enhanced human.” His voice deepened. “My control is strained.” Her beauty, strength, grace had ravaged his restraint.

  “I haven’t started straining your control, cyborg.” The scent of her arousal strengthened, swirling around him. It fogged his processors, made him wild with need. “You’re taking me from behind this first time.”

  She crawled onto the sleeping support, positioning herself on her hands and knees. His cock bobbed in anticipation, her submissive stance exciting him.

  “And you’re taking me with everything you have.” She waved her lush ass in the air. “When I sit in the captain’s chair at sunrise and activate the engines, I want to feel the reverberations of your big cock being driven hard inside me.”

  Her words pulled a rumble from his chest. His female had issued a challenge and, fraggin’ hole, he would satisfy it or die trying.

  “You’ll feel me, my female.” He positioned himself behind her, ran both of his hands between her shoulder blades, along the arch of her back, over her abundant curves. Her skin was decadently soft. Her form was supple. He petted her again and again, savoring his female’s design, wondering at her beauty.

  She undulated, a rippling wave of decadent femineity under his fingers. His female enthralled and captivated him.

  “The contrast of your palms, your warm rough skin, the cool smooth metal, makes me so hot.” She moaned. That throaty sound pulled at his shaft.

  Grudge’s processors spun with her revelation. His damage increased his female’s bliss. It didn’t decrease it.

  “You were manufactured for me.” His voice lowered with awe, with appreciation.

  “No.” She fought him in this as she fought him with everything. Her constant pushback comforted him, conveyed that his enhanced human would speak the truth whether he wanted to hear it or not. “You were manufactured for me.”

  “We were manufactured for each other.” He amended his statement. They were equals.

  But he would give her the dominance she craved now, would bend her to his will as she desired, supply the display of power she asked for, reassure her in that and every other way.

  “Show me all of you.” He wedged his knees between her legs and nudged them apart, widening her stance.

  Her pussy lips glistened with wetness. He breathed deeply, inhaling her readiness. His female was as needy, as wanting as he was.

  He stroked her yielding flesh with his mismatched fingers, seeking to spiral her passion upward. As he was fast becoming lost in her, he wanted to bring her to the same place, sever her hold on reality also.

  “Hmmm…” Her erotic humming flowed down his body, stroking his hipbones, brushing over his tip, plucking at his balls. Not waiting for his response, she moved against him, grasping her own satisfaction. Her aggression, her confidence thrilled him.

  His female was powerful, independent. She didn’t require a big strong warrior to protect her, to pleasure her. His little enhanced human was capable of obtaining safety and fulfillment herself.

  She chose to be with him, chose him as her warrior.

  He would ensure she never regretted that decision. Lowering over her, he mouthed along her lower back as he worked her pussy with his fingers. She quivered under him. He sucked on her left ass cheek. Her form vibrated with increasing intensity.

  “You’re such a freak.” Her husky voice conveyed that was a good attribute.

  Then he would be her freak. He licked her right ass cheek, laving that curve with the flat of his tongue, tasting the salt of her skin.

  “Oh fuck.” She arched her back. “I need you inside me.”

  His balls ached, his female’s commanding tone arousing him to the point of pain. He withdrew his fingers, aligned his tip with her tight little hole, deliberately bumping against her once, twice, taunting both of them with that breeding play.

  “Fuck me already.” His female wasn’t appreciative of his efforts. She turned her head and glared at him. Her pretty brown eyes glittered with shards of gold. Those mini explosions in the dark called to his soul, testified to her strained state.

  “Be patient.” He playfully cuffed her ass.

  Her body twitched. Her pussy dripped for him. “Cyborg.”

  “Enhanced human.” He countered with that designation, feigning innocence.

  “Fuck me. Now.” His Taelyn punctuated her command with a cute little growl.

  Grudge grinned, his physique quaking with suppressed humor. His female was fierce.

  If he didn’t breed with her soon, she would seek to take over the act, and he doubted he would be able to contain his wanting then. He gripped her hips.

  The time for teasing had passed.

  “You’re mine.” He thrust hard, burying his cock in wet, warm female. Bliss rushed along his shaft. His systems flickered.

  She shrieked. Loudly. She pushed back on him as he pushed forward.

  He gritted his teeth, battling the urge to come. She was so snug, fabricated just for him. The fit, the bliss, was divine.

  Everything he’d endured, done, suffered, had been worth this, this one moment of happiness, of connection with his female. She was all a warrior could ever want or need.

  His base touched yielding pussy lips and he paused, relishing her, his female, his most titillating challenge, his greatest reward. He massaged her hips with his fingertips, kissed her nape, nuzzled against her back, covering his face with the scent of her skin.

  His female’s breathing turned ragged. Her shoulders trembled. She appeared as tested by their joining as he was.

  That heated his chest. “This is my home now—inside you.” He drew back. “I will always return to this place, to you.” He thrust forward, delving deep into her intimate embrace, swaying her body with the force of his advance. “Always, my female. There’s no escaping me.”

  “Pain. In. My. Ass.” She huffed.

  “Pleasure in your pussy.” That was what he strove to give her—unimaginable bliss. And even that wouldn’t equal what she was granting him.

  Grudge drew back, thrust forward, drew back, thrust forward, breeding with his female as hard and as fast as she had demanded, processing she could take his aggression, could take him.

  She more than absorbed his advances. His little enhanced human met him halfway.

  Her lean muscles flexed. The lights along her mechanical arm brightened. Beads of sweat glistened on her dark skin.

  He was enamored with her power, with her loveliness, her poise. She lifted her chin and moved into him. Their skin slapped together. The metal over his purely mechanical leg heated. The sleeping support rocked.

  She was his. He would follow her anywhere, would protect her and the beings she loved with ever
ything he had, including his lifespan. She could count on him to be there.

  Grudge pounded that message into his female, imprinting his ownership on his Taelyn. She feared losing him. He feared losing her too. They would conquer that terror together.

  And, in time, she would trust in his constancy, would have faith in them. His female would deem him worthy, would relay the human love words to him.

  He increased his pace, his vigor, grunting with joy. She already viewed him as being whole, and that was more than he had ever expected to have, more than he had ever hoped for.

  If that was all he had, he would be content with that, would cherish it, treasure her.

  Because, frag, being with her, being inside her, was the greatest thing he had ever experienced. Her pussy juices streamed between his balls. Her inner walls surrounded him. He clenched his jaw.

  “Harder.” His daring female drove back on him, impaling herself on his shaft. “Faster.”

  A laugh of pure joy escaped his lips. Stars. She was magnificent.

  He plunged into her, taking his fragile enhanced human with more fervor, the savagery of their breeding appealing to his organic side, to his primitive nature.

  It was too much, too good for his machine. That part of him struggled to accommodate the sensory inputs. His visual system flashed light and dark.

  But he could manage. He could—

  “Mine.” His female released a victory cry and clenched around his shaft.

  “Mine.” Grudge bellowed his claim to the sky and surged into her. When his base hit her pussy lips, the last strand of his control snapped. Cum shot from his tip. Pleasure blasted him.

  Its acuteness overwhelmed his machine. His visual and auditory systems shut down. Energy was diverted from gathering more inputs to feeling, to absorbing the bliss.

  His female screamed, that response felt, not heard. Her entire form danced against him, around him. She squeezed him with her inner walls.

  He came again, filling her with his essence, with him. Every spurt from his cock was accompanied by the most exquisite ecstasy. His processors whirred. His fingers splayed, his hold on her tightening.

  His defiant female fought him, fought the rapture. He lowered his form, containing her twisting, writhing body within the confines of his chest, his arms, his legs. She was his. He would protect her.

  The euphoria rose and then slowly fell. “I have you.” He mouthed over her nape. “I’m here.” He soothed her with his lips, his words, his voice.

  “Fuck.” She collapsed, sagging against the sleeping support. “I like how you have me, cyborg.” Her voice was soft.

  Grudge lay on his side, shifting his female with him, and he pulled her close, curving his big physique around her much smaller form. “I will always have you.”

  He would never let her go.

  They added three more variations to their repertoire during the rest cycle, expanding their breeding skills, strengthening the connection between them.

  Between breeding sessions, Grudge held his little enhanced human while she slept.

  And he safeguarded her, monitoring the terrain around them. He processed when their offspring woke, relocating to the hallway.

  He sensed when enhanced humanoids approached their ship at sunrise.

  That potential threat to his female, their offspring, had to be investigated.

  “There’s a situation I have to deal with outside our freighter.” He pressed his lips against his female’s nape. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Fuck off.” She batted at him with one of her hands. Her eyes didn’t open. “It’s too fuckin’ early.”

  A grin spread across his face. His little enhanced female wasn’t a sunrise being.

  He wanted to lick her all over but that would have to wait. The enhanced humanoids hadn’t deviated from their course.

  Grudge dressed quickly and slipped out of their private chambers.

  Jasny sat in the hallway outside their door. “Are you leaving?” She put her hand protectively over the wrist armor she wore high on her arm.

  There was a 57.1248 percent probability he was never getting that piece of his Humanoid Alliance-assigned outfit back.

  That would have unsettled him half a solar cycle ago. Cyborgs preferred to be fully functional in all ways.

  But half a solar cycle ago, he didn’t have an enhanced humanoid offspring to reassure.

  “I’ll return in a moment.” He met Jasny’s gaze. “I’m counting on you to guard the ship and its captain while I’m gone.”

  The kid glanced at the closed door behind him and then back at him. “Once she exits her private chambers, I won’t leave her side.” Her tone was solemn.

  Grudge nodded, suppressing a grin.

  Jasny was better than a tracking device. She wouldn’t allow their Taelyn out of her sight lines.

  He stepped over the offspring, walked through the ship, out its doors.

  Mulls, the beverage outlet owner and his female’s trusted friend, had opened the cargo doors and was directing an assortment of warriors to load containers of nourishment bars and beverage into the space. Every member of his team had mechanical limbs.

  “Welcome to the planet of misfit beings.” The blue-furred Ungarian somehow intercepted his processing. “Trust our girl to find someone who fuckin’ fit right in.”

  The warriors around them laughed.

  All the locals on Antares II called his female their girl. They considered her to be part of their makeshift family. Grudge doubted she realized the number and the quality of connections she’d made.

  “This is for her.” Mulls tossed him a pack. “Don’t fuckin’ drop it.”

  Grudge caught the pack easily. “It contains explosives.” He projected its contents.

  “It contains the supplies to make explosives.” Mulls grinned. “She likes to craft her fuckin’ own.”

  Grudge extracted one of her explosives from a holster on his body armor. “They’re the prettiest explosives I’ve ever seen.” He breathed deeply. They smelled like her. “The wire work is effective yet beautiful.”

  “The green wire is a pain in the ass to fuckin’ source.” The Ungarian nodded. “She made that change for the kid, of course.” He lowered his voice from extremely loud to very loud. “Green is fuckin’ power and all that shit.”

  Grudge was 99.2365 percent certain he had processed the origins of his female’s colorful language.

  The warriors worked quickly, their actions relaying they’d done this many times for his Taelyn in the past. The last container of beverage was loaded before he could offer to help.

  Mulls’ team closed the cargo doors and guided the conveying support in the direction of the beverage outlet, leaving him alone with the Ungarian.

  “You’re a big-ass male so I packed extra nourishment bars and beverage and other shit for you.” Mulls moved closer to Grudge. “Look, cyborg. I don’t know what your fuckin’ deal is.” He locked gazes with him. “Our girl doesn’t chatter much. But I do know what your number-one fuckin’ priority should be on this mission, and that’s keeping her safe. She fuckin’ dies.” He pointed one mechanical finger at the ship. “You die.” He stabbed the air in Grudge’s direction. “I’ll blow you up. No fuckin’ hesitation. The pieces will be so fuckin’ small no one will ever fuckin’ find them. Are we fuckin’ clear?”

  The Ungarian loved Taelyn. That was as apparent as the blue fur on the male’s flattened nose.

  “Cyborgs have one genetic match, one mate we are manufactured to be with.” Grudge honored that caring with the truth. “She’s that being for me. I would kill for her, die for her. You won’t have to take action if she—” His voice broke. He looked away, unable to voice his greatest fear.

  A moment passed.

  Grudge modified his words. “I won’t allow anything to happen to her.”

  “Yeah. That’s good.” Mulls slapped his arm. “Fuck. Look out for the fuckin’ kid too. Our girl loves her, would be torn to bits if anyth
ing fuckin’ happened to her.”

  That was obvious also. “I will protect both of them.”

  “Don’t let our girl fuckin’ hear that.” The Ungarian laughed. “She’ll kick your fuckin’ ass.”

  Grudge grinned. His female would kick his ass for saying that.

  Mulls nodded at him and then hobbled after his warriors.

  Grudge watched him for a few heartbeats, checked the cargo doors, walked around the freighter, looking for damage. The ship was fit to fly.

  Barely. His lips twisted. It was a piece of space garbage.

  He entered the vessel, retracted the ramp, secured those doors.

  His female and his offspring were situated on the bridge. They occupied the two available seats.

  Jasny gave him a defiant look and grasped the armrests of her chair so tightly her organic knuckles turned pale green.

  “While you were yapping with Mulls, I entered the coordinates for the nearest fraggin’ space station on Kutta’s list.” His female waved the memory chip in the air before stashing it back in her holster. “I’ve plotted the route, did a systems check, and we’re ready to lift off.” She tapped her leather-clad fingertips over the controls embedded in the console. The floor vibrated under Grudge’s booted feet. “If you’re joining us, find somewhere to position yourself, cyborg.”

  “I am joining you and I’ve found the perfect place to position myself.” He scooped her out of her seat, claimed that chair for himself, plopped her on his lap.

  “Cyborg.” His female turned her head and glared at him.

  “We’re ready for liftoff, captain.” He reminded her with a cheerful smile.

  “You’re a pain in the ass.” As she guided the freighter upward, she wiggled. Her lush leather-clad ass brushed over his body armor-covered cock.

  It was exquisite torment.

  He gripped her hips, stopping her movements. His female had outmaneuvered him yet again, blast it. He was as hard as a dagger and she processed that. A smug little smile curled her lips.


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