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The Rover Boys Megapack

Page 46

by Edward Stratemeyer

  “Oh, stow it, Peleg,” interrupted George. “You know those horses couldn’t run away if they tried. You only want us to act as if we were a funeral procession coming—”

  A wild blast of horns from below drowned out the remainder of his speech, and this finished, the football team and the other cadets began to sing, in voices more forceful than melodious:

  “Putnam Hall! Putnam Hall!

  What is wrong with Putnam Hall?

  Nothing, boys! Nothing, boys!

  She’s all RIGHT!

  Right! right! Right! Right! RIGHT!”

  Through the woods and far across the clear waters of Cayuga Lake floated the words, followed by another blast from the horns and then continued cheering. And their cheering was answered by others who passed them, some in carriages and others oil bicycles. It was a clear, sunshiny day, and nearly all of the inhabitants of Cedarville, as well as of other villages along the lake, were out in honor of the occasion. It had been a general holiday both at Putnam Hall and at Pornell Academy, and the whole neighborhood had taken advantage of it.

  “I believe Captain Putnam is as proud as any of us,” remarked Dick Rover, when the excitement had calmed down a bit. “When Tom kicked that final goal I saw him rise up and nearly pound the life out of the railing with his gold-headed cane. I’ll wager the cane is split into a dozen pieces.”

  “Oh, that’s nothing,” put in Harry Blossom slyly. “When Tom did his little act I saw Nellie Laning actually throw him a kiss from the grand stand. If she—”

  “Hi, below there! Who’s taking my name in vain?” came from Tom, and suddenly his head appeared at the top of one of the openings on the side of the stage.

  “I was just telling what Nellie Laning did, Tom. When you made that splendid kick—”

  “Stow it, you moving-picture camera!” cried Tom, his face growing suddenly red. “You see altogether too much.”

  “Do I?” drawled Harry dryly. “Maybe. And then when Dick made his run, pretty Dora Stanhope just put out her arms as if she wanted to hug— Whow!”

  Harry Blossom’s banter came to a sudden ending, for, as red in the face as his brother, Dick Rover reached forward and thrust a banana he was eating into the tormenter’s half open mouth. Harry gulped once or twice, then the fruit disappeared as if by magic.

  “All right, Dick, I accept the bribe and will henceforth be silent,” he said solemnly, as soon as he could speak.

  “That’s right, tie up your tongue, unless you want to be lifted from the stage,” said Tom.

  “It’s all right,” put in Dave Kearney, another cadet. “Dora Stanhope and the Laning girls are nice folk and I don’t blame anybody for being sweet on them.”

  “Yes, but you keep out of their cornfield, or you’ll have all three of the Rovers after you,” came from Harry warningly.

  “What are we going to do to-night?” asked Dick abruptly, and in such a tone that the others felt the bantering must come to an end. “Is it feast, or fireworks, or both?”

  “Make it both!” came in chorus from a dozen cadets. “Captain Putnam is just in the humor to let us do anything to-night. And Mr. Strong’s in the same good humor. Let us make the best of it.”

  “All right; feast and fireworks it is,” said Dick. “But both will cost money. Who’ll pass around the hat?”

  A groan went up, as is generally the case when an academy boy is asked to part with some of his spending money. But the groan counted for nothing, and the passing of the hat brought in over ten dollars.

  “Ten-sixty for this load,” announced the cadet who had made the collection. “And there are two other loads following, besides those who were on their wheels. We ought to be able to collect at least thirty dollars, and that will buy out half of Cedarville.”

  “If only old Carrick has some of his Fourth of July fireworks left,” said Sam.

  “Chust so!” grinned Hans Muelle, the German cadet who had joined the academy the season before. “Vot is von celebration midowit firevorks, hey? He vos chust noddings!”

  “Do you want another pistol explosion?” asked one of the others, referring to an incident between Tom Rover and Hans which had nearly ended in a tragedy.

  “Mine cracious, no!” howled the German lad. “I go me not py a hundred feet mid an old pistol again alrietty! I vould radder sit town on von can of dynamite to sleep, yes I vould!” And he shook his curly head earnestly.

  “We won’t have any pistols in this,” broke in Tom, who felt like shuddering every time the incident was mentioned. “We’ll just have skyrockets, and Roman candles, and pin-wheels, and all of the rest of the good old-fashioned things—that is for the celebration on the outside.”

  “And for the celebration on the inside let us have cake, ice-cream, fruits, and nuts,” put in Larry. “At this minute I feel hungry enough to eat the captain out of house and home.”

  “Ditto myself,” came from another student.

  “Perhaps the captain will be glad enough to have us celebrate—at our own expense,” suggested a cadet in one corner, yet he did not mean what he said, knowing that bluff Captain Putnam, the owner and headmaster of Putnam Hall was whole-souled and generous to the core.

  The stage had already covered over a mile of the road, and now the turnout left the lake shore and began to climb a long hill leading to the heights upon which the academy was located. But there was still a little valley to cross, at the bottom of which dashed a rocky mountain torrent on its way to the placid waters beyond.

  At the top of the first long rise Peleg Snuggers stopped the team for a few minutes’ rest. Here the view was magnificent, and many a cadet stopped his idle talk to gaze at the mountains to the westward and the sparkling lake winding along in the opposite direction. It was early fall, and nearly every tree was tinted with red and gold, while here and there the first frosts had covered the ground with leaves and nuts.

  “Don’t wait too long, Peleg,” urged Tom impatiently. “It will take some time to get ready for our celebration to-night, you know.”

  “I’m hurrying as fast as I can, Master Tom,” was the reply. “Git up, Jack! git up, Sally!” And once more they moved off, and again some of the boys tooted their horns. At this Sally picked up her ears and gave a little start to one side of the narrow road, dragging her mate along.

  “Whoa! Steady there!” cried Peleg Snuggers, and tried to pull the team in. Failing in this He grabbed the brake handle and pushed it back vigorously. He was so nervous that he gave the handle a mighty wrench, and in a twinkle the brake bar snapped off, close to the wheel. Onward bounded the stage, hitting the team in the flanks, and away leaped both horses on a dead run!

  “The brake is broke!”

  “Stop the team, Peleg, or they’ll upset us sure!”

  “Whoa, there, Jack! Whoa, Sally! Don’t you know enough to stop?”

  Such were some of the cries which rang out. Peleg Snuggers grasped the lines and pulled with might and main. But then came an awful bump, and away flew the driver into a bush along the roadside, and the reins fell to the horses heels, scaring them worse than ever.

  “We are in for it!” gasped Tom. “I don’t see how we are going to stop them now.”

  “The bridge! The bridge across the gully!” screamed another cadet, in terror-stricken tones. “They were mending it this morning. Supposing they haven’t the new planking down?”

  “There is the bridge!” burst out another, pointing ahead. “Oh, Heavens, boys, we are lost!”

  All strained their eyes ahead to see what he meant, and then every face grew pale. The bridge was torn up completely, not a single plank of the flooring remained.



  The Rover boys were three in number, Dick being the oldest, Tom coming next, and Sam the youngest. In their younger days they had resided with their pare
nts in New York, but after the death of their mother and the disappearance of their father they had gone to live with their uncle, Randolph Rover, and their Aunt Martha, on a farm called Valley Brook, near the village of Dexter Corners, on the Swift River.

  Those who have read the previous volumes of this series, entitled respectively, “The Rover Boys at School.” “The Rover Boys on the Ocean,” and “The Rover Boys in the jungle,” know that our three heroes had already passed through many trying experiences and thrilling adventures. From home they had been sent to Putnam Hall, a military academy of high standing, and here they had made many friends, including those already mentioned, and several enemies, among the latter being one Dan Baxter, who was known as the school bully, and John Fenwick, better known as Mumps, the bully’s toady. They had also made a bitter enemy of Josiah Crabtree, the headmaster of the Hall.

  But since those first days at the school many things had happened and many changes had occurred. It was discovered that Dan Baxter was the son of one Arnold Baxter, a rascal who had, years before, tried to swindle the Rover boys’ father out of some valuable mining property in the West, and that the son was little better than his parent. Dan had left the school in a hurry, and soon after this his father had been arrested in Albany for a daring office robbery, and was now in jail in consequence.

  The disappearance of Dan, and Josiah Crabtree’s yearning for wealth, had led to further complications. Near Putnam Hall resides the widow Stanhope and her pretty daughter Dora, and Crabtree, who exerted a sort of hypnotic power over the widow, tried to get the lady to marry him, so that he might obtain the fortune she held in trust for her daughter. But how the Rover boys fooled the grasping teacher, and how Dora was saved from the plot Crabtree and Dan Baxter hatched up against her, has already been told in “The Rover Boys on the Ocean.”

  Anderson Rover had gone to Africa to locate certain mines in that country, and when many years passed and no word came from him the three boys grew worried and wanted to go in search of him. At last came a strange letter written by a sea captain, containing some important information, and acting on this the Rover boys, accompanied by their Uncle Randolph, set out for the heart of the Dark Continent to find the long-lost. On the way they fell in with one Alexander Pop, who had formerly been a waiter at Putnam Hall, who proved a valuable friend when it came to dealing with men of his own ebony hue. In this hunt they likewise ran across Josiah Crabtree, who was out with an exploring party from Yale, and with Dan Baxter, and both of these rascals tried to do them much harm. But the schemes of the rascals fell through, and Crabtree only escaped after a severe whipping at the hands of Dick Rover, while Dan Baxter fared little better. Soon after this Mr. Rover was found, as a prisoner of a savage African tribe, and rescued, and then the entire party returned to the United States. Alexander Pop remained in the employ of the two elder Rovers, and the three boys returned to finish the term at Putnam Hall.

  These are a few of the things that had happened. But there were countless others, which space will not permit being mentioned here. There had been many contests, in baseball, football, and other sports, and jokes that seemed to have no end, and there had also been a disastrous fire, which none of the Putnam Hall cadets were likely ever to forget—a fire as thrilling as the scene now being enacted on the road. But I am afraid I have already left the boys in the runaway stage too long, so we will return to them without further delay.

  “The bridge is down!” The cry rang through the stage, bringing every cadet to his feet on the instant.

  “Don’t jump!” cried Dick, as he saw several preparing to leap. “You will break your necks!” For now the bushes were left behind, and on either side of the road were jagged rocks, covered here and there with withered vines.

  As Dick spoke he pushed his way to the front of the stage and crawled out on the driver’s seat.

  “The back—drop off at the back!” came from Frank Harrington, and he showed how it could be done. But the road was now rougher than ever, and he landed on his knees and his face, giving himself an ugly cut on the chin.

  Dick was trying to reach the reins when Tom came down beside him.

  “Can you make it?” asked Tom.

  “I can try,” was the desperate answer. “If only we could block those wheels!”

  “Block the wheels!” came from half a dozen, and one boy, who happened to have a stout cane with him, thrust it out between several of the spokes of the wheel on the left, in the rear. For an instant the stick held, then it snapped, and the wheel went around as before.

  The bridge was now less than two hundred feet away, and whatever was to be accomplished must be done quickly. At last Dick had the reins, and he began to pull upon them with all of his strength, at the same time calling upon Tom to hold him to the seat.

  “To the right—turn ‘em to the right!” sang out Sam, as he saw a narrow opening between the rocks.

  “Yes, the right!” added Fred Garrison. “It is our only hope!”

  Dick did as requested, and at the last instant the heavy stage swung around. There was a grinding and a splitting of wood as the front wheels met the rocks and went to pieces, and then Dick came down on the horses, with Tom on top of him—and the elder Rover knew no more.

  “Dick’s hurt!” gasped Sam, as he scrambled out of the side window of the turnout. “Don’t let the horses kick him.”

  For the runaway team were struggling wildly, amid the rocks and the wreck of the harness. But Tom was already up, and he and Larry Colby dragged Dick to a place of safety. In the meantime some of the other cadets who were used to managing horseflesh took care of the team and led them away and tied them fast to a tree.

  “Dick, Dick! are you badly hurt?” The question came from Tom, as he gazed anxiously into his brother’s face. There was a nasty cut on the left check from which the blood was flowing.

  Dick did not answer, and Tom asked somebody to run down to the stream for some water. When this was brought he and Sam bathed Dick’s face, and presently the latter opened his eyes and stared around him in bewilderment.

  “A touchdown—I claim—” he began, and then stopped. “Wha—what has happened?” he stammered. “Oh, I remember now!” And he feel back again.

  “He thinks he’s still in the football game,” whispered Harry Blossom. “Oh, but he’s a plucky one.”

  All of the other lads had been severely shaken up, but nobody had been hurt excepting Frank, as before mentioned. Soon he came limping up, followed by Peleg Snuggers.

  “I missed it by jumping,” he observed ruefully. “Hullo, is Dick knocked out?”

  “So ye stopped ‘em, eh?” cried the general utility man. “It was prime plucky to do it, so it was! Poor Dick, hope he ain’t bad.”

  By this time Dick was opening his eyes once more, and this time he kept them open.

  “I—I—that was a nasty tumble, wasn’t it?” he muttered. “I’m glad I didn’t go under the horses’ feet.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “I guess I had the wind knocked out of me, that’s all.” He tried to get up, but his legs refused to support him. “I’ll have to keep quiet awhile.”

  “Yes, don’t you move,” said Sam. “We can’t get across the stream anyway, now the bridge is down. We’ll have to go around to the other bridge.”

  “It’s queer the workmen didn’t put up some sort of a sign as a warning,” said Fred Garrison. “I believe they can be held liable for this disaster.”

  “To be sure they can be held liable,” burst out Peleg Snuggers.

  “But a sign wouldn’t have kept the brake from breaking,” said Tom.

  “True, lad, but ye must remember that it was their duty to put the sign up at the beginning of this road, which is on the top of the hill. If the sign had been there we would never have started to come down this way.”

  “Perhaps we missed the sign,” put in another cade

  “Of dot is so, ve besser run pack und stop udder carriages from comin’ dis vay,” broke in Hans Mueller quickly. “Listen to dot!”

  They all listened, and heard merry cries of laughter and carriage wheels rapidly approaching.

  “A carriage—with ladies!” gasped Sam. “Come on and stop them!” And away he, dusted up the hill, as well as his short legs would carry him. Hans, Larry, and several others followed. They had barely gained the top of the hill when a large carryall belonging to John Laning appeared. In the carryall were the farmer and his two charming daughters, and, Mrs. Stanhope, who was his sister-in-law, and her daughter Dora. Mrs. Laning was also present, along with several neighbors.

  “Hi, whoa! stop!” yelled Sam. “Stop!”

  “Hurrah for Putnam Hall!” cried Grace Laning, waving a tiny flag toward Sam, which made the younger Rover blush.

  “Glad to be able to congratulate you, Sam!” said Dora Stanhope. “Where are the other members of the football team?”

  “Just ahead—down by the gully. You mustn’t drive down here, for the bridge is down.”

  “Bridge down!” ejaculated John Laning. “Darwell said he was going to mend it this week, but I saw no sign up at the cross-roads.”

  “Neither did we, and we came near to going overboard. As it is, we had a pretty bad smash up!”

  “Indeed!” came from Mrs. Stanhope, in alarm. “And was anybody hurt?”

  “Dick was thrown out and knocked unconscious, and Frank Harrington had his chin cut, while the rest of us were pretty well shaken up. Peleg the driver was thrown into some brushwood and that most likely saved his life.”

  Mrs. Stanhope grew pale, for she remembered only too well that fateful ride she had once taken with Josiah Crabtree, which had almost cost both of them their lives.

  “I will go to the poor boy!” she said, and leaped to the ground, followed by Dora and the two Laning girls. Soon the carryall was led to the side of the road, and the others alighted, to see what damage had been done.




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