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The Rover Boys Megapack

Page 67

by Edward Stratemeyer

“They are very bitter against you, that’s certain,” went on the owner of the schooner smoothly. “They want me to do all sorts of mean things. But I have declined. I am playing a game with them, but I want to do it as becomes a man.”

  Dick looked around, to see that no outsider was within earshot. “Why do you play the game with them, Captain Langless?” he whispered.

  The owner of the schooner frowned.

  “Well, one must make a living, if you want an answer,” he returned shortly.

  “True, but you might make a living more honestly.”

  “By helping us, for instance,” added Tom.

  “By helping you?”

  “Yes, by helping us,” resumed Dick.

  “I must say, lads, I don’t quite understand you.” The captain looked at them sharply, as if anxious for either to proceed.

  “Let us review the situation,” continued the eldest of the Rovers. “In the first place, we take it that you have been hired by the Baxters to do a certain thing.”


  “The Baxters have promised to pay you for your work and for the use of your vessel.”

  “Granted again.”

  “You are running on dangerous ground, and if you get tripped up it means a long term of imprisonment.”

  “You are a clever fellow, Rover, and your school training does you credit. However, I don’t know as any of us expect to get tripped up.”

  “No criminal does until he is caught.”

  “There may be something in that. But I am willing to take my chances. As the old saying goes: ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained.’”

  “But wouldn’t you rather venture on the right side?”

  “You want me to come to terms; is that it?”

  “We do. We can make it worth your while, if you will help us and help bring the Baxters to justice. Do you know that Arnold Baxter is an escaped convict, who got out of a New York prison on a forged pardon?”

  “No, I know very little of the man.”

  “He is a bad one, and his son is little better. Standing in with them is a serious business. I don’t know much about you, but you don’t look like a man who is bad by choice.”

  At this the captain of the Peacock let out a light laugh. “You talk as if you were a man of deep experience instead of a mere boy.”

  “I have had some experience, especially with bad folks—not only in this country, but in Africa, so that gives me an age not counted by years. To my mind it seems that a man ought to be more willing to make money honestly than dishonestly.”

  A long silence followed this speech.

  “Tell me what you have to offer,” said the captain, and leaned back in his chair to listen.



  It was easy to see that Captain Langless was “feeling his way,” as the saying is, and Dick felt that he must go slow or he might spoil everything. Criminals are of all shades and degrees, and look at affairs in a different light from honest men. It is said that some would rather be dishonest than honest, and Dick did not yet know how the owner of the Peacock stood on that point.

  “Perhaps you had better tell us first what Arnold Baxter has offered you,” said the elder Rover, as he looked the owner of the schooner squarely in the eyes.

  “Well, he has offered considerable, if his schemes go through.”

  “And if they fail you get nothing.”

  “I am a good loser—so I shan’t complain.”

  “Supposing I was to offer you several hundred dollars if you saw us safe on shore.”

  “How can you offer any money? You haven’t got it with you, have you?”

  “No. But I could get the money, and what I promised to pay I would pay.”

  “But several hundred dollars wouldn’t be enough.”

  “If you helped to bring the Baxters to justice we might make it a thousand dollars,” put in Tom, who was now as anxious as Dick to bring the captain to terms.

  At the mention of a thousand dollars the eyes of Captain Langless glistened. The sum was not large, but it was sufficient to interest him. He had already received three hundred dollars from Arnold Baxter, as a guarantee of good faith, so to speak, but there was no telling how much more he could expect from that individual. If he could obtain thirteen hundred dollars all told, and get out of the affair on the safe side, he might be doing well.

  “How would you pay this thousand dollars?” he asked.

  “Our father would pay it. He is a fairly rich man, and anxious to see Arnold Baxter returned to prison.”

  “To get the man out of his path?”

  “Partly that, and partly to see justice done. Come, what do you say?”

  Before the captain could answer there came a call down the companion way.

  “Two vessels in sight—a schooner and a steam tug,” announced a sailor.

  “Coming this way?” asked the master of the schooner.

  “Aye, sir.”

  Captain Langless arose at once.

  “I will have to ask you to step into the hold again,” he said politely, but firmly. “I will talk over what you have offered later.”

  He motioned to the passageway leading to the hold. Sam was on the point of objecting, but Dick silenced him with a look.

  “All right, we’ll go,” grumbled Tom. “But I’m going to take the dessert with me,” and he took up a bowl of rice pudding and a spoon. Dick followed with a pitcher of water and a glass, at which the captain had to grin. As soon as they were in the hold the owner of the schooner bolted the door and fixed it so that it might not again be opened from the inside.

  “Two ships in sight!” cried Sam, when they were alone. “We ought to have made a dash for liberty.”

  “It wouldn’t have helped us,” answered his oldest brother. “Those vessels must be some distance away, and before they came up we would be down here, handcuffed, and in disgrace with the captain. If we treat him right, we may win him over and finish the Baxters’ game.”

  Sitting in the darkness they took their time about eating the rice pudding, and Dick placed the water where it could be found when wanted. Then they listened for the approach of the two vessels which the lookout had sighted.

  Yet hour after hour went by and nothing of importance reached their ears. The vessels came up and passed them, and then the Peacock turned in for the mouth of the Detroit River. Soon the boys knew, by the steam whistles and other sounds, that the schooner was approaching some sort of harbor.

  A dreary evening and night followed. The Peacock came to a standstill, and they heard the sails come down and the anchors dropped. But nobody came to them, and they had to sink to rest supperless. They remained awake until after midnight, then dozed off one after another.

  When they awoke a surprise awaited them. The hold was lit up by the rays of a bright lantern hung on a hook near the door leading to the cabin passageway. Below the lantern stood a tray filled with eatables, and near at hand was a bucket of fresh water and half a dozen newspapers and magazines.

  “By Jinks, this is not so bad!” observed Tom. “We are to have breakfast, that’s certain.”

  “And reading to occupy our spare time,” added Sam.

  Dick, however, looked at the layout with a fallen face. “I don’t like it,” he said. “This looks too much as if the captain and the others meant to keep us here for some time.”

  “I suppose that’s so,” came from Tom, and then he, too, looked crestfallen.

  “Well, let us make the best of it,” said Sam, and began to eat, and the others did the same. Since time seemed no object they ate slowly, in the meantime reviewing the situation from every possible standpoint, but without arriving at any satisfactory conclusion.

  They had allowed their watches to run down, so there was no telling what time it was.
But at last a faint streak of sunshine, coming through a seam in the deck, told that it must be near noon. Yet no one came near them, and all was as silent, close at hand, as a tomb, although in the distance they heard an occasional steam whistle or other sound common to a great city.

  There was nothing in the hold by which to reach the hatchway, but, growing weary of waiting, Tom dragged a box hither and asked Dick and Sam to stand upon it. Then he climbed on their shoulders, to find his head directly against the beams of the deck. He pushed with all of his strength on the hatch, to find it battened down on the outside.

  “Stumped!” he cried laconically, and leaped to the floor of the hold. “We are prisoners and no mistake.”

  After this they went back to the door leading to the cabin. But this likewise could not be moved, and in the end they sat down a good deal discouraged.

  It was well toward night when they heard a noise at the door. As they leaped up, expecting to see the Baxters or Captain Langless, the barrier opened and the cook of the schooner appeared, backed up by two of the sailors. The cook had another trayful of food, which he passed to Dick in silence, taking the other tray in exchange.

  “Where is Captain Langless?” asked Tom.

  “Can’t come now,” answered the cook.

  “Then send the Baxters here.”

  “They can’t come either.”

  “Have they gone ashore?” questioned Dick.

  “I can’t answer any questions,” and the cook started to back out.

  “Who is in charge? We must see somebody.”

  “I am in charge,” said a rough voice, and now the mate of the schooner thrust himself forward. “You had better be quiet until the cap’n gits back.”

  “Then he has gone ashore?”

  “Yes, if you must know.”

  “And the Baxters with him.”

  “Yes, but all hands will be back soon.”

  “Are we in Detroit harbor?”


  “Then I’m for escaping!” shouted Tom, and taking up the water pitcher he aimed it at the mate’s head. The blow struck fairly, and the sailor went down, partly stunned. Seeing the success of his move Tom leaped for the passageway, and Dick and Sam followed their brother.



  There are times when a movement made on the spur of the moment is more successful than one which is premeditated. The enemy is taken completely off guard and does not realize what is happening until it is over.

  It was so in the present instance. The mate of the Peacock was a tough customer and a heavy-built man, and the men behind him were also large, and none of the three had imagined that the boys would really undertake to combat them.

  As the mate went down Tom leaped directly on top of him, thus holding him to the floor for the moment, and then struck out for the nearest man, hitting him in the chin. Then Dick came to his brother’s aid with a blow that reached the sailor’s ear, and he too fell back.

  But the third man had a second to think, and he retaliated by a blow which nearly lifted poor Tom off his feet. But before he could strike out a second time, Sam, with the nimbleness of a monkey, darted in and caught him by one leg. Dick saw the movement, gave the sailor a shove, and the tar pitched headlong in the passageway.

  The opening was now tolerably clear, and away went the three boys for the cabin, gaining the compartment before any of the men could follow. The door to the companion way was open, and up the steps they flew with all the speed at their command. They heard the sailors yell at them and use language unfit to print, but paid no heed. Their one thought was to put distance between themselves and those who wished to keep them prisoners.

  “Stop! stop!” roared the mate. “Stop, or it will be the worse for you!”

  “I guess we know what we are doing!” panted Tom. “Come on!” And he caught Sam by the arm.

  The deck gained, they gave a hasty look around. The schooner was lying at anchor about a hundred yards from shore, at a short distance above the busy portion of the city.

  “There ought to be a small boat handy,” said Dick, leading the way to the stern.

  “We can’t wait for a boat,” answered Sam. “Let us swim for it. Perhaps somebody will come and pick us up.” And without further ado he leaped overboard. Seeing this, his brothers did likewise, and all three struck out boldly for the nearest dock.

  It was a risky thing to do, with all their clothing on, but each was a good swimmer and the weather had made the water very warm. On they went, keeping as closely together as possible.

  “Are you coming back?” furiously yelled the mate, as he reached the rail and shook his fist at them.

  To this none of the boys made reply.

  “If you don’t come back I’ll shoot at you,” went on the man.

  “Do you think he will shoot?” asked Sam, in alarm.

  “No,” answered Dick. “We are too close to the city, and there are too many people who would hear the shot.”

  “A boat is putting off from the shore,” said Tom, a second later. “It contains three persons.”

  “Captain Langless and the Baxters!” burst out Dick. “Dive, and swim as hard as you can down the stream.”

  All promptly dove, and the weight of their clothing kept them under as long as they pleased to remain. When they came up they heard the mate yelling frantically to those in the boat, who did not at once comprehend the turn affairs had taken.


  But when they saw the boys they began to row toward them with all swiftness.

  “We must recapture them,” cried Arnold Baxter. “If they get away, our cake will be dough.”

  “Then row as hard as you can,” replied Captain Langless. He was at one pair of oars while Arnold Baxter was at another. Dan sat in the bow.

  Slowly, but surely, the craft drew closer to the Rover boys, until it was less than a hundred feet off. Then it was seen that the lads had separated and were moving in three directions. Dick had ordered this.

  “If we separate, they won’t catch all of us,” were his words. “And whoever escapes can inform the authorities.”

  On pushed the boys, striving as never before to gain the shore before the rowboat should come up to them.

  The small craft headed first for Tom, and presently it glided close to him. He promptly dove, but when he came up Captain Langless caught him by the hair.

  “It’s no use, lad,” said the captain firmly, and despite his struggles hauled him on board.

  “Let me go!” roared Tom and kicked out lively. But the captain continued to hold him down, while Arnold Baxter now headed the boat toward Sam.

  Sam was almost exhausted, for the weight of his wet garments was beginning to tell upon him. As the rowboat came closer he also thought to dive, but the effort almost cost him his life. He came up half unconscious, and only realized in a dim, uncertain way what was happening.

  But the capture of Tom and his younger brother had taken time, and now those in the rowboat saw that Dick was almost to shore. To take him, therefore, was out of the question.

  “We’ll have to let him go,” said Captain Langless. “The quicker the Peacock gets out of this the better.”

  “Yes, but if he gets away he’ll make the ship no end of trouble,” returned Arnold Baxter. “I’ve half a mind to fire at him,” and he drew a pistol.

  “No! no! I won’t have it,” cried the captain sternly. “To the schooner, and the quicker the better.”

  Holding Tom, he made the Baxters turn the boat about and row to the Peacock. The mate was waiting for him, and it did not take long to get on board. The mate wished to explain matters, but Captain Lawless would not listen.

  “Another time, Cadmus,” he said sharply. “Into the hold with them, and see they
don’t get away again. We must up sail and anchor without the loss of a minute. That boy who got away is going to make trouble for us.”

  “Aye, aye, sir!” said Cadmus, and dragged the unfortunates away to the hatch. He dropped both down without ceremony, and then saw to it that hatch and door were tightly closed and made fast.

  In a few minutes the anchors were up and the sails hoisted, and the Peacock was steering straight up Lake St. Clair toward the St. Clair River. To reach Lake Huron the schooner would have to cover a distance of seventy-five to eighty miles, and the captain wondered if this could be done ere the authorities got on their track.

  “Once on Lake Huron we will be safe enough,” he observed to Arnold Baxter. “I know the lake well, and know of half a dozen islands near the Canadian shore where we will be safe in hiding.”

  “But that boy may telegraph to St. Clair or Port Huron, or some other point, and have the Peacock held up,” answered Arnold Baxter.

  “We’ve got to run that risk,” was the grim reply. “If we get caught, I’ll have an account to settle with Cadmus.”

  A while later the mate and the sailors who had been with him were called into the cabin, so that Captain Langless might hear what they had to say. The mate told a long story of how the boys had broken open the door leading to the cabin, with a crowbar, obtained from he knew not where, and had fought them with the bar and with a club and a pistol. There had been a fierce struggle, but the lads had slipped away like eels. The sailors corroborated the mate’s tale, and added that the boys had fought like demons.

  “I’ll fix them for that,” said Arnold Baxter, when he heard the account. “They’ll find out who is master before I get through with them.”

  But this did not suit Captain Langless, who had not forgotten his talk with the Rovers at the dinner table. If it looked as if he was going to be cornered, he thought that a compromise with Tom and Sam would come in very handy.

  “You mustn’t mistreat the boys,” he said, when Cadmus and the other sailors were gone. “It won’t help your plot any, and it will only cause more trouble.”

  “You seem to be taking the affair out of my hands,” growled Arnold Baxter.

  “I know I am running a larger risk than you,” answered the captain. “I own this craft, and if she is confiscated I’ll be the loser.”


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