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The Rover Boys Megapack

Page 98

by Edward Stratemeyer

  When the girls arose they found the boys and Captain Jerry already preparing breakfast. On the shore Tom, had found some oysters and shell-fish, and these were baking. Among the provisions were a little tea and coffee, and old Jerry had made a pot of coffee, which did one good to smell. Sam had brought down some cocoanuts from a nearby tree, and also found some ripe bananas.

  “We won’t starve’ to death here, that’s certain,” said Dick, when they all sat down to eat. “The island is full of good things. If I had a gun I could bring down lots of birds, and monkeys, too.”

  “I don’t think I’d care to eat a monkey,” said Grace. “But I wouldn’t mind eating birds.”

  “There must be plenty of fish here, too,” said Tom. “In fact I saw some sporting in the waters of a little bay up the coast.”

  “Shall we go up and down the coast after breakfast?” asked Sam.

  “My advice is to climb yonder hill and take a squint around,” came from Captain Jerry.

  “That’s a splendid idea, providing we can get to the tap,” said Dick.

  “There is no use of all of us going, lad. You can go with me while the rest stay here.”

  “What shall we do in the meantime?” asked Sam.

  “Better try your hand at fishin’, lad, and see if you can knock some birds over with sticks and stones. If ye get anything, let the girls cook us somethin’, for we’ll be powerful hungry by the time we get back.”

  Half an hour later Captain Jerry and Dick set out. Each carried a few ship’s biscuits and also a heavy stick which had been cut in the thickets. Each wished he had a gun or a pistol, but those articles were not to be had.

  The climb up the hill was by no means an easy one. The rocks were rough and in many spots the jungle of brush and vines was so thick that to get through was next to impossible. It was very warm, and they had to stop often to cool off and catch their breath.

  “I don’t wonder that people in hot countries move slowly,” said Dick. “I feel more like resting than doing anything else.”

  It was almost noon when they came in sight of the top of the hill. There were still some rough rocks to climb, and these they had to ascend by means of some vines that grew handy.

  “What a magnificent view!” cried Dick.

  It certainly was magnificent. Looking back in the direction they had come they could see the Pacific Ocean, glittering in the bright sun-light and stretching miles and miles out of sight.

  The island they were on looked to be about half a mile in diameter. Northward, eastward, and westward was the ocean, but to the southward was a circlet of six islands, having a stretch of calm water between them. Between some of the islands the water was very shallow, while elsewhere it looked deep.

  “Seven islands in all,” said old Jerry. “And not a sign of a house or hut anywhere.”

  “We are the Crusoes of Seven Islands,” said Dick. “But do you really believe they are uninhabited?”

  “Do ye see any signs of life, lad?”

  “I must say I do not. It’s queer, too, for I rather imagined one at least of the other boats had reached this place.”

  “I thought the same. But it looks now as if they all went to Davy Jones’s locker, eh?”

  “It certainly does look that way.”

  From the top of the hill they took a careful survey of the situation. The elevation was in the very center of the island. Down toward the other islands the slope was more abrupt than it was in the direction from which they had come.

  “We can take a look at those other islands later on,” said old Jerry. “Reckon as how we have done enough for one day. If we don’t git back soon, they’ll become anxious about us.”

  “I wish we had a flag,” said Dick. “Here is a tall tree. We could chop away the top branches and hang up a signal of distress. If we did that, perhaps some ship would come this way and rescue us.”

  “Right ye are, lad, but it aint many ships come this way. They are afraid o’ the rocks we run on.”

  Having looked around once more, to “git the lay o’ the land,” as Captain Jerry expressed it, they started to descend the hill. This proved as difficult as climbing up had been.

  Dick went in advance, and was half-way down when he stepped on a loose stick and went rolling into a perfect network of vines and brushwood.

  “Are ye hurt?” sang out old Jerry.

  “No—not much!” answered the eldest Rover. “But my wind—Oh, goodness gracious!”

  Dick broke off short, and small wonder. As ‘he arose from the hole into which he had tumbled, a hissing sound caught his ears. Then up came the head of a snake at least eight feet long, and in a twinkle the reptile had wound itself around the boy’s lower limbs!



  “What’s wrong, lad?”

  “A snake! It has wound itself around my legs!”

  “Ye don’t say!” gasped Captain Jerry, and then leaped down to the hollow. “Well, by gosh! Take that, ye beast!”

  “That” was a blow aimed at the reptile’s head with the sailor’s stick. Old Jerry’s aim was both swift and true and the head of the reptile received a blow which knocked out one eye and bruised its fang. But the body wound itself around Dick tighter than ever.

  Fortunately the youth had not lost his wits completely, and as the neck of the reptile came up, he grasped it in his hand with the strongest grip he could command.

  “Cut it—cut its head off!” he panted. “Get your pocket-knife!”

  At once Captain Jerry dropped his stick and pulled out his jack-knife, a big affair, such as many old sailors carry. One pull opened the main blade, and then old Jerry started in to do as Dick had suggested. It was no easy job and the body of the snake squirmed and whipped in every direction, lashing each on the neck and the cheek. But the head came off at last and then they left the body where it fell, and leaped out of the way of further danger.

  “A close shave, lad,” said the old sailor, as he peered around for more snakes.

  “I—I should sa—say it wa—was,” panted Dick. He was deadly pale. “I—I thought it would strangle me sure!”

  “If it had got around your neck, that is what would have happened. Reckon as how we had better git out o’ this neighborhood, eh?”

  “Yes, yes, let us go at once,” and Dick started off once more.

  After that both were very careful where they stepped and kept their eyes wide open for any new danger which might arise. So they went on until they came in sight of the seashore.

  “We had better say nothing about the snake,” said the eldest Rover. “It will only scare the girls to death.”

  “No, lad, you are wrong. We must warn them of danger. Otherwise they may run into it headlong.”

  All of the others were glad to have them back and plied them with questions.

  “So there are seven islands,” said Tom. “Well, as there are seven of us, that is one island apiece. I don’t think we need complain,” and his jolly manner made all laugh.

  When Jerry told the story about the snake Dora set up a scream.

  “Oh, Dick, if it had really strangled you!” she gasped. “You must be very, very careful in the future!”

  “Yes, and you must be careful, too, Dora,” he answered.

  “There is a nice beach right around the edge of the island,” said old Jerry. “So, when we want to visit the other islands, we can walk around on the sand. That is better than climbing the hill.”

  “But the beach doesn’t run to the other islands, does it?” asked Sam.

  “No, but we can carry our rowboat around with us, to that bay between the islands. There the water is smooth enough for anybody to row in.”

  “The six islands are shaped exactly like a ring,” said Dick. “And this island is the big stone on top.”

>   “As the island is uninhabited I suppose we’ll have to settle down and build ourselves huts or something,” came from Nellie.

  “To be sure. We’ll be regular Robinson Crusoes,” answered Tom. “Why, I can tell you it will be jolly, when we get used to it.”

  “Where will we build our huts?” asked Sam.

  “We can build them here, if we wish,” replied Dick. “But I rather favor the side fronting the other islands.”

  “Yes, that’s the best side,” said Captain Jerry. “If we build here, a strong storm may knock our huts flat. That side is more sheltered and, consequently, safer. Besides, there is more fruit there, and I’m sure better fishing in the bay, and that’s what counts, too.”

  “Of course it counts—since we must live on fruits, fish, and what birds and animals we manage to knock over,” said Tom.

  The boys had been fairly successful in hunting and fishing, having knocked over half a dozen birds and caught four fair-sized fish. Everything had been done to a turn over the camp-fire, and Dick and old Jerry did full justice to what was set before them—on some dried palm leaves Nellie had found. Their coffee they drank out of some cocoanut shells. They had no forks, but used sharp sticks instead, and the knives the boys carried in their pockets.

  The weather continued fine and that night the moon shone as brightly as ever. The boys took a stroll on the beach to talk over their plans.

  “I am sorry to say there is no telling how long we may have to stay here,” said Dick. “It may be a day, a week, or for years.”

  “Oh, some ship is bound to pick us up some day,” returned Tom. “And if we can find enough to live on in the meantime, what is the use of complaining? I am glad my life was spared.”

  “So am I, Tom.”

  “I would like to know what became of Dan Baxter,” put in Sam. “Can it be possible that all of the rest perished?”

  “Certainly it is possible, Sam. You know what a time we had of it.”

  “It is an awful death to die—in the midst of the ocean,” and the youngest Rover shuddered.

  “I agree with you,” said Tom. “But I am more sorry for Captain Blossom than for Baxter.”

  “The wrecking of the ship was the fault of the mate. He was drunk,” said Dick. “The man at the wheel was doing what was right until Jack Lesher came along.”

  “Well, I guess the mate went down with the rest.”

  “Look!” cried Sam, pointing to sea. “I see something dark on the water.”

  All gazed in the direction he pointed out and made out a mass of wreckage. They watched it steadily until the breakers cast it almost at their feet.

  “Some wreckage from the ship!” cried Dick, on examination. “See, here is the name on some of the woodwork. I reckon the vessel went to pieces on the rocks.”

  The wreckage consisted mainly of broken spars and cordage. But there were also some boxes, which, on being opened, proved to contain provisions.

  “It’s not such a bad find, after all,” said Tom. “I hope some more comes ashore.” But though they waited the best part of the night, nothing more came to view.

  In the morning the boys felt tired and they did not rouse up until nearly noon. They found old Jerry at the beach, inspecting the wreckage.

  “The ropes may come in handy,” he said. “But the wood is of small account, since’ we have all we want already to hand.”

  It was decided to remain at the beach for the next day, to look for more wreckage. But none came in, and then they started in a body to skirt the shore around to the South Bay, as old Jerry called it. At first they thought to carry the boat around, but concluded to come back for that later.

  It was a journey full of interest, for the sandy beach was dotted with many strange and beautiful seashells, and just back of the sand was the rich tropical growth already mentioned. The woods were full of monkeys and birds, and once Tom thought he caught sight of some goats or deer.

  They reached an ideal spot fronting the little bay a little before noon, and then the girls were glad enough to sit down in the shade and rest. The bay was full of fish, and before long they had caught three of the finny tribe. Fruit was also to be had in plenty, and a spring of fresh water gushed from the rocks of the hill behind them.

  “This is certainly a beautiful place,” murmured Dora, as she gazed around. “Were it not for the folks at home worrying about us, I could spend quite some time here and enjoy it.”

  “Well, as our situation cannot be helped, let us make the best of it,” said Dick cheerfully. “There is no use in being downhearted when we ought to be glad that we were saved.”

  Close to the rocks they found several trees growing in something of two circles, and they decided that these trees should form the corner posts of a double house or cabin.

  “If we had an ax we might cut down some wood, but as it is we will have to use strong vines and cover the huts with palm leaves,” said Captain Jerry.

  The boys were soon at work, cutting the vines and gathering the palm leaves, and the girls assisted as well as they were able in fastening up the vine-ropes and binding in the leaves. It was slow work, yet by nightfall one half the house was complete and the other had the roof covered.

  “Now, if rain comes, we can keep fairly dry,” said Tom.

  It rained the very next day and they were glad enough to crowd into the completed part, while the rain came down in torrents. When the worst of the downpour was over the wind arose and it kept blowing fiercely all of the afternoon and the night.

  “We can be thankful we are sheltered by the hill,” said Sam. “Were we on the other side of the island, the wind would knock the hut flat and drench us in no time.”

  The storm kept all awake until early morning and when it went down they were glad to sink to rest. All slept soundly and it was not until ten o’clock, when the sun was struggling through the clouds, that Tom arose, to find the others still slumbering.

  “I’ll let them sleep,” he said to himself “They need it and there is no need for them get to up.”

  Stretching himself, he walked quietly from the hut and down to the beach. His first thought was to try to collect some wood, more or less dry, and start a fire.

  Gazing across the bay to one of the other islands, he saw a sight which filled him with astonishment. There, on the beach of the island, lay the wreck of the Golden Wave.



  “The Golden Wave! Hurrah!”

  Tom could not resist setting up a shout when he saw the familiar hull of the schooner, resting quietly on the beach of an island on the other side of the bay.

  The cry awoke Sam, Dick, and old Jerry, and they came running out to learn what it meant.

  “The schooner!” came from Sam. “How did that get there?”

  “The storm must have driven her off the rocks and into this bay,” answered Dick. “She didn’t go down, after all.”

  “It’s a fine thing for us,” put in Captain Jerry, his broad face beaming with pleasure. “Now we can have all the provisions we want, and clothing and guns, and if we can anchor the wreck in some way, we can live on her just as comfortably as in a house at home.”

  The excited talking brought the girls out one after another, and they were equally pleased over the stroke of good fortune.

  “She seems to be cast up pretty high on the sand,” said old Jerry. “But even so, the sooner we get to her the better, or the sea may carry her off.”

  “I am ready to go now,” said Tom. “But how are we to get to that island? It’s a pity we didn’t bring our boat around.”

  “There are two islands of the circle in between,” came from Sam. “Why can’t we swim from one to the next and get around that way?”

  “We can try it, lad. But we want to be careful. There may be sharks around in these pa

  “Oh, don’t let the sharks eat you up!” cried Grace.

  “We’ll keep our eyes open, never fear,” said Dick.

  A vote was taken, and it was decided that Sam should remain with the girls, to protect them in case of unexpected danger, while Tom, Dick, and old Jerry should make their way as best they could to the wreck.

  The old sailor and the two boys were soon off. They tramped down the beach a short distance and then reached a coral reef leading to the next island. Here the water was not over a foot and a half deep, and as clear as crystal, so the passage to Island No. 2, as Tom named it, was comparatively easy.

  The second island crossed they followed the shore around until they came opposite to the island upon which the wreck rested. Here there was a channel sixty or eighty feet wide and of unknown depth, the channel through which the wreck had most likely entered the bay. The water here was by no means smooth and Captain Jerry shook his head doubtfully.

  “It won’t be no easy swim,” he said. “Reckon as how I’ll try it first.”

  “I can get over easily enough,” said Dick, and threw off part of his clothing and his shoes. He was soon in the water and striking out boldly, and the others followed.

  Short as was the distance, the swim was as hard as any of them looked for, and when they reached the other side of the channel all were out of breath and had to rest for a moment.

  “It’s a good thing no shark happened to be near,” said Tom. “The monster would certainly have had us at his mercy.”

  When they reached the wreck they found the stern well out of the water. The Golden Wave lay partly on her left side and it was a comparatively easy matter to, gain the deck.

  The masts were gone and there was a big hole in the bow, but otherwise the craft had suffered little damage. Why she had not sunk was a mystery until, later on, old Jerry discovered that some of the cargo, consisting of flat cases, had got wedged into the break, thus cutting off a large portion of the leak.

  “We can anchor her without trouble,” said the old sailor. “And perhaps straighten her up too, so the deck won’t be so slanty. Then she’ll be a reg’lar hotel for all hands.”


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