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The Rover Boys Megapack

Page 167

by Edward Stratemeyer

  “Ton’t dare to mofe,” Hans was saying. “Of you do I vos put oxactly fourteen shots into your poty, ain’t it!”

  “I am not moving,” grumbled Baxter. “Didn’t I tell you I am sick of the whole thing, Dutchy? I don’t want to fight, or anything.”

  “Tan Paxter, you chust remember dot old saying, beoples vot lif in glass houses ton’t got no right to tell fish stories,” answered Hans, gravely.

  “Hans, that’s a good one!” roared Tom, coming forward. “Say, you’re a whole regiment in yourself, ain’t you?”

  “Yah, I vos so goot like ten or sefenteen soljers, alretty!” answered the German youth, proudly. “Paxter, he ton’t got avay from me, not much!”

  Hans lowered his pistols and Dan Baxter was glad enough to put down his hands. Dick glanced into the staterooms and saw that the two sailors were still sleeping heavily.

  “We’ll throw them down into the hold,” said the eldest Rover. “That will keep them out of mischief, when they awake.”

  “Vot apout dem men?” asked Hans, anxiously.

  “All prisoners,” answered Sam.

  “Prisoners!” ejaculated Dan Baxter.

  “Yes, Dan, they are prisoners, down in the engine room,” answered Dick. “We’ve given them the same dose they gave us.”

  “Then you are in possession once more?”

  “Yes—as far as it goes. And I want to talk to you as soon as we’ve disposed of these sailors,” added Dick.

  “Shall I help you carry them out?”

  “Do you want to?”

  “If you wish it.”

  “Mind you, I don’t want any trick played, Dan.”

  “I won’t play any trick, Dick—I give you my word.”

  “This is a serious situation and we don’t propose to take any more chances. We are on top and we mean to stay on top,” added the eldest Rover.

  While Hans held a lantern, the three Rovers and Dan Baxter carried the two sailors through the cabin and out on the deck. Tom was working with the former bully of Putnam Hall and declared afterward that he never felt so queer in his life. But Baxter worked with a will and did his full share of lifting.

  The hatch to the hold was not far off and the men were put down without great trouble. Then the hatch was closed and fastened.

  “Now, Dan, you are the only enemy we have who is at liberty,” said Dick, turning to the big youth. “I want to know exactly what you propose to do.”

  “What I do will depend a good deal on what you do,” was the somewhat low answer. “I know I am in your power. But I’d like you to remember one thing—about how I warned you not to drink the drugged water and how I brought you some good water.”

  “I am not going to forget that.”

  “That’s a point to your credit, Dan,” said Sam.

  “If it hadn’t been for that I—er—I don’t know where you’d be now. As I said before, I’ve been pretty bad—but not quite as bad as that.”

  “Do you think we ought to let you go for what you did for us?” asked Tom, who never wanted to beat about the bush.

  “I don’t know as you ought to do that—but I’d like you to do it. I’d like to have the chance to go away—far away—and strike out fresh. My father wants me to do it—he’s written me three letters about it. He wants me to go to the Hawaiian Islands, or the Philippines, or to Australia. He says—but I don’t suppose you are interested in what he writes.”

  “I am,” answered Dick, promptly.

  “He spoke of what you did for him and he says I—well, I ought to be ashamed to keep up the old enmity after what happened—after you saved his life. I—er—I guess he’s right—and I am sick of it all.”

  “Well, I hope you stay sick of it—I mean sick of doing wrong,” said Sam.

  “Maybe I will—I don’t know and I am not going to promise. But I am sick enough of being here, among such rough men as Sack Todd and Gasper Pold and that crowd of counterfeiters that was captured. I haven’t had any real comfort for months.”

  “I don’t believe a criminal ever feels real comfortable,” said Tom. “How can he, when he knows the officers of the law are constantly after him?”

  “There is something in that. When I go to bed I generally dream of being caught and dragged to prison. And those men always wanted me to drink, and I don’t care much for liquor.”

  “Then cut it out—cut it out by all means,” said Dick. “You can’t do better.”

  “And there is another thing,” went on Dan Baxter. “I don’t feel well—everything I eat lately goes against me, and sometimes I’m in a regular fever. I ought to rest somewhere, I suppose, and have a good doctor attend me. But I can’t do anything to make me feel better chasing around like this.”

  After that Dan Baxter told a good deal more about himself—how he had been knocking around in all sorts of questionable places and how the dissipation had grown very distasteful to him. It had certainly ruined his health, and his eyes had a hollow, feverish look in them that made his appearance rather pitiable.

  “You are certainly run down,” said Dick, “and unless you take extra good care of yourself you’ll be flat on your back with some serious illness. But the question still is, Dan, What are we to do with you?”

  “I know what I’d like you to do.”


  “Let me land somewhere where I am not known, so that the officers of the law can’t get hold of me. Do that, and I’ll promise to go far away and never trouble you again.”

  “I don’t think that would be right,” said Tom. “We might be willing, but we can’t assist a criminal to escape—that’s a crime in itself.”

  “Then you won’t let me go?”

  “Tom is right, we can’t do it, legally. Personally I’d be willing to let you go,” said Dick.

  “So would I—if you really wanted to do better,” came from Sam.

  “Yah, I ton’t stand in nopody’s vay,” added Hans. “I vos glad to see a man make a goot poy of himselluf!”

  There was an awkward pause. Twice Dan Baxter started to speak and checked himself. They almost looked for one of his former wild outbreaks, but it did not come. He hung his head low.

  “All right—have your way,” he whispered, hoarsely, and dropped into a chair. “I am done fighting. I’ll take my medicine, no matter how bitter it is.”

  “Perhaps we can make matters a little easy for you,” said Dick, in a gentle tone. “I am sure none of us want to see you suffer—if you want to reform.”

  “Of course we’ll be easy,” said Sam, and Tom and Hans nodded.

  “Well, if you’ll do—What’s that?”

  Dan Baxter broke off short and all in the cabin listened. There was a thud and a crash, followed by another crash.

  “They are trying to break out of the engine room!” yelled Dick. “Come, we must stop them!” And he started for the deck, and all of the crowd went after him.



  The news that the men were trying to break out of the engine room was true. Gasper Pold and Sid Jeffers had gotten a long piece of iron pipe and with this they were hammering at the hatch. One of the fastenings was already off and the others much weakened.

  “Stop!” cried Dick, rushing up. “Stop, or we’ll open fire on you!”

  “We are bound to get out and you can’t stop us!” yelled back Gasper Pold, and started to mount the iron ladder with a long wrench. This instrument he placed under a corner of the hatch and began to pry the wooden barrier upward.

  “Not so fast!” sang out Tom, and rushing up he sprawled over the hatch and caught the end of the wrench. “One good wrench deserves another!” he muttered, his love of fun coming to the surface even in such a pitch of excitement, and with that he gave the wrench a wrench that brought it from Pold’s grip and al
lowed the hatch to fall into place.

  “All aboard!” sang out Tom, and Dick, Sam, and Hans leaped on top of the hatch. “Nothing like holding ’em down!”

  “Let us up!” roared Sid Jeffers, and a moment later a pistol shot rang out and a bullet came crashing through the hatch, but its force was so spent it merely bounced against Han’s trouser leg.

  “I vos hit! I vos hit!” shrieked the German youth, dancing around. “I vos a teat boy alretty!”

  “Hans, are you really hit?” asked Dick, in alarm.

  “Yah, but—I guess it ton’t vos much,” added Hans sheepishly, as he realized that no damage had been done.

  “Here, hold it down with this,” cried Dan Baxter and came forward with two capstan bars. These were placed across the hatch and the four boys took their stations at the ends of the bars. Thus they managed to get out of firing range of those below.

  “This is certainly growing interesting,” was Dick’s comment, as there was a moment’s suspension of hostilities. “I hardly know what to do next.”

  “If you don’t let us up we’ll blow up the ship!” yelled Gasper Pold. He was in a terrible fury.

  “If you blow up the ship, you’ll go up with her,” answered Sam.

  “Gracious, vill da do dot?” asked Hans, in alarm.

  “No, they’ll not be so foolish,” answered Tom. “They value their worthless hides too much.”

  “You’ve nearly killed Sack Todd and we’ll have you arrested for it,” went on Gasper Pold.

  “You’ll be nearly killed if you don’t look out,” answered Dick. “We are in possession and we mean to keep in possession.”

  “You can’t run the boat without the engine.”

  “Yes, we can, for the sails are ready for use. We won’t have to run, though. By morning we expect to sight some other vessel and then we’ll get help.”

  “What have you done with those two sailors?” asked Sid Jeffers.

  “Put them where they can’t do any harm.”

  “Where is Baxter?” asked Pold.

  “That is for you to find out.”

  “I am here,” said the former bully of Putnam Hall.

  “Helping that crowd?”

  “Yes. I don’t want anything more to do with you, or with Sack Todd either.”

  “The young skunk!” muttered the mate of the Dogstar. “I told you I didn’t like his looks.”

  “Say, Dick Rover, let us talk this matter over,” said Gasper Pold, calming down a little. “If you’ll be reasonable I am sure we can come to terms that will be satisfactory all around.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “This craft is worth a lot of money, so the mate of the Dogstar says, and there is no reason why all of us shouldn’t make a neat pile out of her.”

  “Do you want us to go in partnership with you?” asked Tom, in disgust.

  “That’s it, and if you will, we’ll say nothing about your hurting Sack Todd.”

  “Is he bad?” asked Sam.

  “He is bad enough. We want to get out so that he can have proper attention and medicine.”

  “Better give him some of that doctored water,” suggested Tom, grimly.

  “Don’t get fresh, young man!”

  “I think you are the one who is fresh!” retorted Tom. “Do you think we are going to train with such fellows as you? Not much!”

  “Then you won’t make terms?”

  “No,” came from the three Rovers.

  At this the men at the foot of the iron ladder muttered something that our friends could not catch. The rascals were furious and wanted to do some more shooting, but did not dare, fearing shots in return.

  “Will you let Sack Todd have some water?” asked Pold, presently.

  “There is good water in the bucket,” answered Dick.

  “That’s gone.”

  “Then you’ll have to wait until later for more.”

  “Todd has got to have water.”

  At this announcement the boys looked questioningly at each other.

  “It may be true,” said Dick. “I shouldn’t want the man to die just because we had refused him water.”

  “It may be a trick, just to get the hatch open again,” put in Dan Baxter. “If I were you I wouldn’t trust them. I know that crowd better than you do.”

  “You can have water in the morning,” called down Dick. “In the meantime you keep quiet and do what you can for Todd. If you don’t keep quiet you’ll get the worst of it.”

  “Wait till I get my hands on you!” came in the hoarse voice of Sack Todd. “I’ll pulverize you!”

  “He’s a long way from being dead, by his voice,” said Dick. “I reckon he was playing off on us.” And this was largely true. Sack Todd’s wound was painful but by no means serious.

  It must be confessed that the boys hardly knew how to proceed. But presently Dick remembered where he had seen some hooks and nails and he sent Dan Baxter for these. When they were brought he calmly proceeded to fasten the extra hooks to the hatch and then hook them fast to the deck.

  “What are you doing now?” yelled Gasper Pold, and when he was told he muttered things I do not care to mention on these pages.

  “Now, Sam and Tom, you remain on guard here, while the rest of us go and secure that door below,” said Dick.

  “It is secure,” said Tom.

  “Yes, I know, but some extra cross bars won’t do any harm.”

  “Want me to help?” asked Baxter.

  “You can come along,” said Dick, not altogether willing to leave the former bully out of sight.

  He hurried to the door in question, one leading from the back of the engine room into something of a storeroom. The door was fastened by two ordinary bolts.

  “I’ll soon fix that!” said the eldest Rover. “Dan, you hold the lantern. Hans, bring that piece of board here.”

  The board was brought, and Dick began to nail it fast, directly over the door. He had still another nail to drive when there came an unexpected crash on the other side.

  “All together!” yelled the voice of Gasper Pold. “Now then, with a will!”

  Another mighty crash followed and then a third. With this the door flew from its hinges, and over it came, hurling Hans flat on his back. Then Dick found himself confronted by Pold, Jeffers, and Sack Todd, each with a weapon ready for use.



  “We’ve got him! Down with him!” roared Sack Todd, as he leaped over the fallen door and made a grab for Dick.

  For the instant Dick did not know what to do, then he stepped backward and at the same time attempted to draw his pistol.

  “No, you don’t!” yelled Gasper Pold, and aimed a blow at Dick’s head with an iron bar he carried.

  Had the blow landed as intended, the eldest Rover might have had his skull crushed in. But as the iron bar was descending Dan Baxter made a quick jump to Pold’s side, gave him a shove and hurled him flat.

  “Stop it!” cried the former bully of Putnam Hall. “Do you hear? Do you want to kill somebody?”

  “So you’re against us, eh?” yelled Sack Todd. “Well, we’ll fix you!”

  He tore a pistol from his pocket and started to aim it at Baxter. But the latter was now on the alert and, whirling around, he caught Sack Todd by the coat collar with one hand and with the other raised the pistol up into the air. It went off, but the bullet merely plowed its way into the woodwork of the ship.

  By this time Hans had managed to scramble from beneath the fallen door. The German youth had not been hurt very much but his “Dutch blood” was up, and throwing prudence to the wind he sailed in vigorously, hitting Pold a blow in the stomach with his fist, and kicking the mate of the Dogstar in the shin with his heavy shoe. Then he caught hold of Pold’s iron bar
and began to wrestle for its possession.

  “You dink I vos noddings put a poy, hey!” he snorted. “I show you, ain’t it! You pig loafer!” And he ran Pold up against a partition and got the iron bar directly under the rascal’s throat so that the fellow was in danger of strangling.

  Sid Jeffers had now turned his attention to Dick, and blows were given and taken freely between the pair. The noise made was considerable, and this finally reached the ears of Sam and Tom.

  “Something is wrong!” cried Tom. “I’ll go and see. If you want me back whistle as loudly as you can.” And he was off like a shot.

  The sight that met Tom’s gaze at first almost stupefied him. He came upon Sack Todd and Dan Baxter fighting hand to hand in a passageway leading to the deck. Sack Todd had fired one shot which had grazed Dan’s left cheek. But now the youth had the man against the wall and was banging his head against it again and again.

  “You will shoot me, eh?” cried Baxter. “You’re a villain if ever there was one, Sack Todd. I am bad enough but I’m not as dirty and black as you. Take that, and that, and that!”

  “Hi! let up! You’ll smash my head!” roared the ex-counterfeiter, but Dan Baxter paid no attention until one blow caused Sack Todd to lose consciousness and sink down in a heap.

  Tom had already passed on and was in time to aid Dick. Coming up to the side of Sid Jeffers he hit the mate of the Dogstar a stinging blow in the ear and then another in the chin. Dick at the same time struck the rascal in the eye, and Jeffers staggered back, tripped over the fallen door, and landed heavily on the floor. At once Tom sat down on him, pulling out his pistol as he did so.

  “Now keep quiet or something worse will happen,” he said, and the mate of the Dogstar understood and subsided.

  With the fall of Sack Todd, Dan Baxter turned back to aid the others. He saw Sid Jeffers go down and then ran toward Hans.

  “You might as well give up,” he said to Gasper Pold. “They’ve got the best of your crowd.”

  “Yes, and you helped them,” said Pold, sullenly. “Just wait. I’ll fix you for this!”

  The noise continuing, Sam had left his post and arrived on the scene. He ran off for a rope and with this Sack Todd was bound hands and feet. Seeing this, Gasper Pold and the mate of the Dogstar retreated again into the engine room.


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