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The Rover Boys Megapack

Page 190

by Edward Stratemeyer

  “Well, this is certainly a swell boat,” said Sam, after an inspection. “And as clean as a whistle.”

  “Puts me in mind of the deserted steam yacht we boarded in the Gulf of Mexico,” answered Dick, referring to a happening which has been related in detail in “The Rover Boys in Southern Waters.”

  “Wonder if we’ll have as many adventures as we did on that boat,” mused Dick. “Those were hot times, eh?”

  “We’ll not lack for adventures if we come into contact with Merrick and his gang,” answered Songbird, who had been told all the details of the adventures in New York.

  There were six single and four double staterooms aboard the steam yacht, so the Rovers and their friends were not crowded for accommodations, since even a single room contained two berths, an upper and a lower. Each room was done in white and gold, giving, it a truly aristocratic appearance. There was a good deal of brass and nickel plated work, and the metal shone like a mirror.

  “I declare it’s most too good to use,” said Sam, when on a tour of inspection. “This craft must have cost a sight of money.”

  “It did,” answered his father. “But the owner is a millionaire so he can well afford it.”

  The boys were as much interested in the machinery as in anything, and they visited the engine room and became acquainted with Frank Norton, the head engineer. They learned that the engine was of the most modern type, and that the Rainbow, in spite of her breadth of beam she was rather wide could make twenty to twenty six knots an hour in an ordinary sea.

  “And we’ve got a licence to go where we please,” added the head engineer proudly.

  Now that they were aboard the steam yacht the Rover boys were anxious to be sailing. But they were also anxious to greet their friends and they awaited the arrival of the others with interest. Fred Garrison and Hans Mueller came in together, the following noon, Hans lugging a dress suit case that was as big almost as a dog house.

  “Here we are again!” sang out Fred, dropping his baggage and shaking hands all around. “I declare it’s like when we went on the houseboat trip.”

  “Maybe I ton’t vos glad to drop dot leetle drunk alretty?” said Hans, indicating his baggage. “He vos veigh most a don, I dink.”

  “Why didn’t you let an expressman bring it?” asked Dick.

  “Not much!” declared the German youth, shaking his head vigorously. “Vonce I haf a pox mid a new hat in him, und I say to a poy, carry dot und I gif you den cents. Vell he is carrying dot yet, I dink, for I ton’t see dot hat no more, nefer!”

  “Well, you won’t have to carry any more baggage for a long while to come,” said Mr. Rover, with a smile, and then had Aleck take the things below. When Hans saw the elegant staterooms, and the main saloon of the steam yacht with its beautiful mirrors and rich carvings, his eyes bulged out like saucers.

  “Mine cracious!” he gasped. “Vos dis der poat we sail in, udder vos dis a poat pelonging to Mr. Vanderfellow, or some of dose udder millionaires?”

  “This is the boat,” said Tom, with a wink at the others. “Of course it’s rather plain, Hans, but maybe you’ll get used to it.”

  “Blain? Vy, Dom—”

  “There are only six kinds of baths aboard, cold, hot, soda, milk, mustard, and cream de fizz, but if you want any other kind all you’ve got to do is to ask the ship’s carpenter about it.”

  “Six kinds of paths! Vy I ton’t vos—”

  “And then at meals the cook serves only five kinds of dessert pie, fruit, iced cabbage, vinegar sherbit, and hot lardalumpabus. Of course I know you don’t like pie and fruit and things like that, but you’ll fall dead in love with the lardalumpabus,” went on the fun-loving Rover.

  “Vot is dot lardapusalump ennahow?” queried Hans, scratching his head gravely. “I ton’t remember him.”

  “Why, it’s a compote, with frizzled gizzardinus and pollylolly. It’s delicious, served with cream and salt—but you want lots of salt, Hans, lots of salt.”

  “Maybe I try him, I ton’t know,” answered the German youth, gravely. And then even Tom had to turn away, to keep from roaring in Hans’ face.

  The Rover boys went to the depot to meet the train which was to bring in the Stanhopes and the Lanings. There was a little delay, but it was soon over and they were shaking hands warmly all around.

  “It seems so delightful to go off on another trip!” said Dora, to Dick. “I know I am going to enjoy it very much!”

  “And I know I am going to enjoy it, too—with you along,” answered Dick, with a smile which spoke volumes.

  “Mother is quite excited—thinking she is going on a treasure hunt,” went on Dora. “But I think a few days’ rest on shipboard will quiet her nerves.”

  “I hope for your sake, Dora, our hunt proves successful,” added Dick, gallantly.

  “I have always wanted to go to the West Indies,” said Nellie Lanning to Tom. “I want to pick some ripe bananas and cocoanuts right from the trees.

  “Yes, and ripe oranges,” put in Grace. “Won’t it be jolly?” she added, turning to Sam.

  “Too jolly for anything!” murmured Sam, and then he gave Grace’s arm a little squeeze and led her through the crowd to where a carriage was in waiting.

  There were trunks to be looked after, but the checks for these were turned over to Aleck, and the colored man saw to it that all the baggage was properly transferred to the steam yacht.

  It was with not a little pride that the boys took the Stanhopes and the Lanings aboard the Rainbow, for, although they did not own the elegant craft it was something to even have her under charter. Mr. Rover met the newcomers at the gangplank and made them welcome.

  “Oh, but isn’t this just too lovely for anything!” cried Dora, as she surveyed the double stateroom assigned to her and her mother. “And look at the fine bunch of roses on the stand!” She looked at Dick. “This is some of your doings, isn’t it?”


  “Thank you very much! But you must have one,” and the girl promptly pinned one of the largest in his buttonhole.

  “This is more than comfortable,” said Mrs. Stanhope, with a sigh of satisfaction. And then she sank down in an easy chair to rest, for the long journey from Cedarville had greatly fatigued her.

  In the meantime the other boys had taken the Lanings to another double stateroom, equally luxurious. Here a vase held a big bunch of carnations, the gift of Tom and Sam combined. Nellie and Grace and their mother were much pleased and said so.

  “Tom, I could almost hug you for this!” cried Nellie, in a low voice.

  “Well, nobody is stopping you,” he added promptly.

  “All right, I will—on your next birthday,” cried Nellie, not to be caught. “But really, I’m a thousand times obliged to you.”

  “This is like a room in a fairies’ palace!” exclaimed Grace. “I know when I go to sleep I’ll dream of fairies and rainbows, and pots of gold—”

  “The gold we want to unearth,” broke in Sam. “Just dream where that is located and then tell us of it.”

  “Oh, you’ll be sure to find that.”

  “How do you know.

  “Oh, you never fail in anything,” and Grace gave him a sunny smile.

  “I don’t know about that, Grace. This is going to be no easy task.”

  “Oh, I know that, Sam, but you’ll win in the end, I know you will.”

  “I trust we do—for your sake as much as for the others. You know if it is found a good share of the treasure goes to your mother.”

  “Yes, and that will be awfully nice.”

  “Maybe, if you get all that money, you won’t notice poor me.”

  “Poor you? Why, you’ll have a great deal more than we’ll have anyway. You are rich already.”

  “Well, if you get the money you won’t forget me, will you?” persisted Sam.

>   “What a queer boy you are, Sam! Forget you! Well, just try me with the money and see!” she added, and gave him one of her warmest smiles. Then she danced off to look at the rest of the steam yacht, and the youngest Rover followed her.



  All was in readiness for departure but one thing, and that was the most important of all. Bahama Bill had not put in an appearance and was not expected until the evening of the Fourth of July.

  “We shall have to remain over the Fourth after all,” said Anderson Rover. “But I imagine that will suit you boys, for you can stay in the city and have some fun.”

  It did suit all the young folks, and they immediately planned a fine automobile tour for the afternoon, hiring two autos large enough to accommodate all of the girls and boys. The morning was spent in and around the yacht, where Tom and some of the others amused themselves by shooting off their pistols and some firecrackers. Tom had purchased some things for the Fourth the day previous and he had one package which he was careful to keep out of sight.

  “I am going to have a barrel of fun with the girls,” he said to his brothers. “But don’t tell anybody about it.”

  “What is it?” asked his younger brother.

  “Wait and see.”

  It had been arranged that the whole party should have an early lunch, so that they might start on the automobile ride by one o’clock. Aleck was in charge of the dining room of the yacht and he had spread himself in trimming it with red, white and blue streamers and small flags.

  “Oh, how lovely!” cried Dora, as she came in and sat down. “I declare, Aleck, you deserve a great deal of credit.” And she gave the colored man a smile which pleased him immensely.

  “Where is Tom?” asked Mr. Rover, after all the others were seated.

  “I ton’t know,” answered Hans. “Tidn’t he know ve vos to eat a leetle early to tay?”

  “He’s coming,” answered Sam.

  Just then Tom came into the dining room holding something in his hand covered with a long paper bag. From under the bag smoke was curling.

  “In honor of the Fourth of July!” cried the fun-loving Rover and placed the object upright in the center of the long table. Then he took off the bag with a flourish. There was revealed a big cannon cracker, fully a foot and a half high and several inches in diameter. The fuse was spluttering away at a great rate.

  “Tom!” Yelled Mr. Rover in alarm. “Throw that thing out!”

  “We’ll be blown to pieces!” yelled Fred.

  “That’s too big to shoot off indoors,” added songbird, preparing to run.

  “Ve peen knocked to bieces!” groaned Hans, and slid under the table out of sight.

  The ladies shrieked and so did the girls. Mrs. Stanhope looked ready to faint, but Tom whispered hastily into her ear and she recovered. Mr. Rover wanted to throw the cannon cracker through a window, but Tom held him back.

  The long fuse continued to splutter and all watched it as if fascinated, and the girls put their hands to their ears in anticipation of a fearful explosion. Then came a tiny flash, a strange clicking, and off flew the top of the cannon cracker, sending a shower of confetti of various colors in all directions.

  “Oh!” shrieked the girls, and then everybody but Hans set up a laugh. The German youth looked suspiciously out from under the table.

  “Vot’s der madder—did he go off?” he questioned.

  “Yes, he did, Hans,” answered Grace. “It was nothing but a cracker full of colored paper instead of powder.”

  “Is dot so?” Hans got up and looked around. “Vell, I neffer! Looks like ve got a colored snowstorm alretty, hey?” And this caused a roar. It certainly did look like a “colored snowstorm,” for the confetti was everywhere, on the table, on their heads and over their clothing. Now it was over everybody was highly amused, even Mrs. Stanhope laughing heartily. As for Aleck, he roared so loudly he could be heard a block up the docks.

  “Dat’s jess like Massa Tom!” he cried. “I suspicioned he’d be up to somet’ing afo’ de day was up. Yo’ can’t keep him down no mo’ dan yo’ kin keep a jack rabbit from hoppin’, no, sah!”

  “It certainly looked like the real thing,” was Mr. Rover’s comment. “Had it been—”

  “I’d never have brought it in here,” finished Tom. “I’m sorry if I frightened anybody,” he added, looking at Mrs. Stanhope and Mrs. Laning.

  “We’ll forgive you, Tom,” answered Mrs. Stanhope, and Mrs. Laning said she would, provided he wouldn’t scare them again that holiday.

  After that, the confetti on the table was cleared away and they ate their lunch amid a constant cracking of jokes and bright sayings. Songbird woke up and recited some verses he said he had composed the night before, while lying awake in his berth. Some of these ran in this fashion:

  “This is the day I love the best—

  The day the small boy knows no rest,—

  The day when all our banners soar,

  The day when all our cannons roar,

  The day when all are free from care,

  And shouts and music fill the air!”

  “Good for Songbird!” cried Sam.

  “Go on, please!” came from the girls, and the poet of Putnam Hall continued:

  “I love this land of liberty

  From mountains down to flowing sea,

  I love its cities and its plains,

  Its valleys and its rocky chains,

  I’m glad to know that we are free,

  And so forever may we be!”

  “Hurrah, Songbird, you ought to have that put to music,” cried Dick.

  “Maybe I will, some day,” answered the would-be poet modestly.

  “I dink I make some boetry up, too,” remarked Hans, after several minutes of serious thought on his part. “Chust you listen vonce!” And he began:

  “Dis is der day ven crackers bust

  Und fill der air mid bowder tust,

  Und ven you shoots your bistol off,

  You make a smokes vot makes you cough.

  A rocket goes up in der sky—

  Der sthick vos hit you in der eye!”

  “Three cheers for Hans!” shouted Tom, clapping the German lad on the back. “For real, first class A, No. 1, first chop poetry that can’t be beat.” And then as the others screamed with laughter Tom went on:

  “A little boy,

  A can of powder,

  A scratch, a flash—

  He’s gone to chowder!”

  “Oh, Tom, what horrible poetry!” cried Nellie, as she shivered.

  “Well, I couldn’t help it,” he said. “I had to say something or—or bust! Perhaps this will suit you better,” and he continued:

  “A little boy,

  A great big gun,

  A father yelling

  On the run.

  The trigger falls,

  There is a roar.

  The father halts—

  The danger’s o’er.”

  “Tom, you’re positively the worst boy ever!” said Nellie, but the way she spoke told she meant just the opposite.

  “I tell you vot ve vos do, Tom,” suggested Hans. “Ve vos form a boetry association alretty, hey? Songpirt can be der bresident.”

  “What will you be, secretary?” asked Fred.

  “No, I vos peen treasurer,” answered Hans.

  “Hans wants the money,” put in Dick.

  “Dot’s it,” answered the German youth calmly. “Ven dem udder fellers makes up pad verses I vos fine dem a tollar, und ven I gits enough tollars I skip me to Canada or Mexigo, hey?” And he said this so comically everybody had to laugh.

  The automobiles had been ordered down to the dock and were already in waiting. Each was in charge of a chauffeur, and soon the boys a
nd girls went ashore and piled in. Dick and Dora, Sam and Grace, and Fred got in the first turnout and the others in the second.

  “Now do not go too far,” said Mrs. Stanhope, “and be sure and keep on roads that are safe.”

  “And do not stay out later than ten o’clock this evening,” added Mrs. Laning.

  “Oh, we’ll be back safe and sound and on time,” cried Dick. “So don’t worry about us.”

  “Those are both powerful machines,” was Mr. Rover’s comment. “Be careful that you don’t exceed the speed limits, or you may be arrested.”

  “Providing they catch us,” answered Tom, with a grin.

  It had been decided that they should go out into the country by the way of Germantown, and soon they were bowling along in fine fashion over the smooth city pavement. Here and there they met crowds shooting off pistols and firecrackers.

  “It is good we haven’t horses,” said Sam. “This racket might cause them to run away.”

  “That is where the automobilist has the advantage over a horse driver, Sam,” answered his big brother. “But I must say, some of the young fellows on the street are rather careless.”

  Scarcely had Dick spoken when the big machine rounded a corner and speeded through a crowd of what were evidently factory hands. They were shooting off pistols and firecrackers and raised a great din. Then one ugly looking young fellow lighted a firecracker and sent it toward the automobile. It landed directly in Dora’s lap.

  “Oh!” screamed Dora, and tried to draw away.

  As quick as a flash Dick leaned forward and caught up the firecracker. As he threw it out of the automobile it exploded close by.

  “Do that again, and I’ll come back at you!” shouted the elder Rover, and shook his fist at the fellow in the street.

  “Dick, did it hurt you?” asked Dora, anxiously.

  “Oh, it burst my little finger a trifle, that’s all,” was the reply. The finger smarted quite some, but Dick did not want to show it.


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