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The Rover Boys Megapack

Page 383

by Edward Stratemeyer

  “I’d like to get a whack at that U-boat,” declared Gif. “I bet I’d make it so she wouldn’t do any more cruising in a hurry.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking, Gif,” said Jack. “If we could only injure the propellers, or something like that, there wouldn’t be any danger of their sailing away. You see, they may have it all fixed to leave at a minute’s notice in case of an alarm.”

  “If they did that they’d have to leave some of their machinery behind,” put in Fred. “But I suppose they’d be willing to do even that rather than risk capture.”

  When the cadets thought that their ears could no longer bear the awful noise to which they had been subjected, the sounds of the machinery suddenly ceased. They heard a strange humming from the interior of the submarine, but even this presently came to an end, and then there was a silence within the cavern which was absolutely oppressive.

  “I guess some kind of a move is at hand,” whispered Jack. “Let’s lay low and see what they do next.”

  Several men, including two who were evidently officers and in charge of the work, came out of the submarine. The workmen were now washing up at the underground waterway, and presently all cast aside their working clothes and donned ordinary street garments.

  “Looks as if they were going to leave,” whispered Fred excitedly.“Maybe they are going out into the open for some fresh air. I can’t blame them for that,” he added, for throughout the cavern there was a strong smell of used gasoline.

  Five minutes passed, and then one by one the Germans walked away from the submarine. They did not come in the direction of the cadets, but passed around another bend of the rocks, and so out of sight.

  “That must be the way used by that fellow we saw in the forest,”declared Jack.

  All but three of the electric lights had been put out, so that the interior of the cavern was now quite gloomy. The only sound that broke the stillness was the soft lap, lap of some distant waves, evidently where they broke on the shore of the bay close to the larger entrance of the cavern.

  “I’d like to bet that the entrance is under water,” said Fred. “If it was at the surface some one would have discovered this place a long time ago.” And in this surmise the youngest Rover was correct. The passageway, which was amply large, was over ten feet below the surface of the bay even at low tide.

  “Do you suppose they’ve all left the submarine?” whispered Gif presently. With the intense silence prevailing, they felt that they must be very cautious in making any noise.

  “That’s hard to say,” answered Jack, with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “It looks so to me,” put in Fred. “I don’t believe any of those fellows would care to stay down here unless it was necessary. They have stopped all the engines and things like that. I guess those electric lights are burning simply from a storage battery.”

  The three cadets waited for another ten minutes, and then, as no one appeared, and as the submarine seemed to be deserted, they stole forward cautiously, all anxious to get a closer look at the U-boat.

  “If we could only throw a chain around the propellers, or something like that, maybe it would keep them from getting away if they tried to run for it,” said the young captain.

  “We’ll look around and see what we can do, anyway,” answered his cousin.

  “There are plenty of chains around,” put in Gif. “Those are what made the awful clanking sounds we heard.”

  Step by step the three cadets came up until they were at the spot where the Germans had set up their repair plant. Some of the things they had been working upon were still lying about, but other parts had been taken aboard the submarine.

  “I guess they have all gone,” said Jack, after a look around. “I’m going aboard that craft and take a peep at her.”

  The others were also anxious to do this, and all three were soon across the gangplank which led to the open hatch of the U-boat. They gazed down this hatch with some awe, and discovered that several electric lights had been left turned on below. A steel ladder ran down into the interior of the submersible.

  “What do you say—shall we go below?” questioned Jack.

  “I’m willing if you are,” answered his cousin.

  “And so am I,” added Gif. “I don’t believe there is any one around.”

  “Well, we’ll take a chance,” answered the young captain. “If there is any alarm, we’ll have to run for it.”

  “Yes, and we may have to fight for it,” added Fred.

  Jack went down the ladder quickly, followed by the others. They now found themselves in what might be termed the main room of the submarine. Beyond were several other compartments, including one where was located much of the machinery which ran the undersea boat.

  “It’s a good deal like being downstairs on a small warship,” declared Fred. “See, there are staterooms and messrooms and everything else!”

  “Well, I suppose they have to give the crew some comforts, they take such long, disagreeable trips,” remarked Jack.

  The three cadets wandered around in the interior of the submarine for over a quarter of an hour. They saw where a number of repairs were being made to the side of the U-boat and also to some of the machinery, and they also saw where some stores had been taken on board, boxes and barrels of various kinds.

  “I guess they are stocking up for another cruise,” remarked Gif.

  “It must be quite a job to get all that stuff to this out-of-the-way place,” said Jack.

  “Yes, and to do it so secretly, too,” added Fred.

  “I think I see a way of making this boat stay here for a while, at least,” remarked Jack. “It will be an easy matter to put some of that delicate machinery forward out of commission.”

  “Come on and do it!” cried his cousin quickly.

  The three cadets were inspecting the machinery and wondering how they could damage it effectively with the least possible trouble, when there came a sudden interruption.

  “What are you doing here?” came in a guttural German voice. “Hands up, or I will shoot you!” And, turning quickly, the three cadets found themselves confronted by a burly German, holding in each hand a pistol.



  It was a comparatively easy matter for the twins and Spouter to get out of the cavern by the way they had entered. It was, however, not so easy for them to climb up the face of the cliff fronting that portion of Barlight Bay.

  “Some climb, believe me!” panted Spouter, when they had reached a spot where going was easier.

  “I came pretty near slipping and breaking my neck at one point,” said Randy. “I don’t believe those Germans ever use that entrance, do you?”

  “Not very often,” answered his twin.

  The three cadets had reached the woods at a point which was new to them, being almost a mile from the other cliff, where they had had the outing with the girls. Between the two points there was a split in the land, and here the waters from the bay dashed in over a long series of jagged rocks.

  “We can’t cross there,” remarked Randy, when they had reached the brink of this split. “We’ll have to go back into the woods and go around.”

  It was now about five o’clock in the afternoon, and the tramping and climbing had tired all of the boys, yet they set off as rapidly as possible, feeling that it would be best to make a report to Captain Dale as soon as possible.

  “I wish we had some trail to go by,” remarked Randy, after they had been walking for at least half an hour. “I begin to think we are not moving in the right direction.”

  “I’ve been trying to guide myself by the sun,” answered Spouter. “Just the same, I don’t believe we are headed exactly for the camp.”

  “I’ve got to go a bit slower,” sighed Andy, who for once was by no means light-hearted. “Both of my feet are begin
ning to hurt from all that climbing over the rocks. I came pretty close to twisting my ankle this afternoon, and it has been paining ever since.”

  Another half hour went by, and then, as the declining sun began to cast long shadows through the trees of the forest, the cadets looked at each other in alarm. The same thought had come into the minds of each of them.

  “It looks as if we were lost,” said Randy laconically. “How about it?”

  “Oh, as the Indian said, we’re not lost,” responded Andy, with a faint smile. “It’s only the camp that has gone astray.”

  “This is no time for joking,” said Spouter coldly. “We’ve got to get back to camp, and do it just as fast as we can!”

  “All right then, Spouter, show us the way,” answered Andy readily.

  “That’s something I’m not so sure of,” was the slow reply. “Which direction do you think it is in?”

  The matter was talked over for several minutes, and finally the cadets moved off once more, this time at an acute angle to the direction they had before pursued. They went forward for perhaps a quarter of a mile, and then, much to their surprise, suddenly came out upon a well-defined wagon road.

  “Well, what do you know about this!” cried Randy in astonishment.

  “Where do you suppose this road leads to?” questioned his brother.

  At this Randy shook his head, and Spouter did likewise. They could see the tracks of a horse and wagon in the road, and also the marks of automobile tires.

  “It must be quite a road if it is used by automobiles,” was Spouter’s comment. “Now the question is—which way shall we go in order to get to our camp?” All had noticed that the road ran in something of a semicircle.

  While the cadets were deliberating, they made another discovery. Smoke was coming up from among some of the trees near by, and, walking in that direction, they made out a fair-sized cabin, nestling deep between some trees and brushwood.

  “Maybe we can get some assistance at that place,” remarked Andy.

  “I don’t believe it!” returned his brother quickly. “It’s more than likely the people who live there are in league with those Germans. They must have heard those noises the same as we did, and probably know all about how they are being made.”

  “That’s it!” warned Spouter. “If I were you, I’d go slow in showing myself to anybody who may be at that cabin.”

  The boys approached with caution, keeping their eyes wide open, and presently discovered a touring car standing among the trees to one side of the cabin.

  “I don’t believe that car belongs here,” said Randy. “I don’t see anything in the way of a garage. And that looks like a nice city car.”

  Keeping in the shelter of some of the trees and brushwood, the cadets came still closer, and then made another discovery, which was to the effect that two young men were seated in the tonneau of the car. Each was smoking a cigarette, and they were conversing in low tones.

  “I tell you I’m going to hit my dad for a hundred dollars on the strength of this,” they heard one of the occupants of the car remark.“And I bet I get it, too.”

  “Well, if you get a hundred, Nappy, I’m going to hit for a hundred myself,” was the reply of the other occupant. “I guess my father can afford to give me that amount just as well as your father can afford it.”

  “Oh, well, Slugger, you must remember that my dad has quite a bunch of money.”

  “Huh! I don’t think he’s any better fixed than mine. Here, pass over another cigarette. Don’t forget I paid for the last ones we bought.”

  “Slugger Brown and Nappy Martell!” whispered Randy excitedly. “Would you believe it?”

  “What can those fellows be doing away out here in the woods?”questioned Spouter.

  “I’ll bet I know what they are here for!” cried Andy, in a low voice.“They brought their fathers out here in that touring car.”

  “What would they be doing that for?”

  “Don’t you remember, Spouter, our telling you about how we saw Mr. Brown and Mr. Martell down in Wall Street, New York, talking to those fellows who looked like Germans, and how they mentioned supplies, and canned goods, and machinery, and night work, and a whole lot of things like that?”

  “Sure I do! And you think——”

  “I’ll bet Andy has it right!” interrupted Randy. “Brown and Martell must be in league with those Germans, and the goods and machinery and other things they spoke about must be connected with this affair of the disabled submarine! They wanted extra pieces of machinery most likely, and they also wanted extra supplies, having probably used those that they had brought along from Germany.”

  “You’re making a pretty long guess, it seems to me,” answered Spouter.“Just the same, you may be right.”

  Not to be seen by Slugger Brown and Nappy Martell, the three cadets had withdrawn to a safe distance. Now, however, all were anxious to ascertain who might be in the cabin, and so by crouching low and hiding behind one tree and another and then some rocks and low bushes, they at last came up close to the opposite side of the shelter in the forest.

  “Now don’t show yourselves if you can help it,” said Randy in a whisper. “And if any one is discovered, leg it for all you are worth, and keep your faces turned away so that they can’t see who you are.”

  With this understanding, the three cadets surveyed the situation critically. The cabin consisted of three rooms, each boasting of a window on either side. As it was warm, all the windows and doors were wide open to admit the fresh air.

  “And that is what I mean when I say I want to settle this matter,”they heard, in the voice of Slogwell Brown.

  “I think it’s a shame that the thing has hung fire so long,” said another person in the cabin, and now the three cadets recognized the voice of Nelson Martell. “I would never have gone into it if I had known there would be so much delay. We took a big risk in getting the supplies for you.”

  “But, gentlemen, we are not keeping you waiting any longer than is necessary,” answered a voice with a strong German accent. “We have had a delay in receiving our own remittance. Even now it is not yet arrived.”

  “Do you mean to say you haven’t got the money yet?” demanded Mr. Brown. His tone of voice showed that he felt ugly.

  “It was promised to-night sure,” was the answer. “Captain Fuerhman was to obtain the money at the Haven Point bank this afternoon.”

  “Was he to come here with it?”


  “Then he ought to be here by now,” grumbled Nelson Martell, consulting his watch.

  “He had to see about a small piece of machinery that was to be cast for us,” resumed the man who spoke with a German accent. “I, however, expect him here by eight o’clock this evening at the latest.”

  “Well, in that case there isn’t anything left for us to do but to wait,” said Slogwell Brown, surlily.

  “You may do that, or you may come back at that time,” said the German.“I am very sorry to keep you waiting, but as I said before, gentlemen, it cannot be helped.”

  “I don’t believe the two boys will want to wait outside for two hours,” said Mr. Martell to Mr. Brown. “Suppose we ride into town and get a bite to eat, and then come back here?”

  “That will suit me, Martell. Anything to kill off the time,” answered Slogwell Brown. He turned to the German. “We’ll be back here by eight o’clock. And remember! that money has got to be paid to-night.”

  “You shall have every dollar that is coming to you, gentlemen,”answered the German, who, as it afterwards proved, was the commander of the disabled submarine.

  A few more words passed, and then Mr. Brown and Mr. Martell came out of the cabin to where they had left Slugger and Nappy in the touring car. They entered the machine, which was immediately backed to the forest road, and then the whole party set off, Slugg
er driving the car.

  “Say, listen!” cried Spouter excitedly. “I believe that German is here all alone! What do you say if we make him a prisoner?”

  “No, no, don’t do that!” answered Randy quickly. “We want to bag the whole bunch. Let us get to camp just as soon as we can and notify Captain Dale. Then he can organize a crowd and come back here and give Brown and Martell and the Germans the surprise of their lives.”

  “But how are we going to find our camp?” questioned Spouter.

  “Dead easy. If that is the road to Haven Point, it must pass through Rackville, and if it does that, it must come pretty close to our camp. Come on!”



  It must be admitted that Jack, Fred, and Gif were much startled when they suddenly found themselves confronted by an armed German who looked as if he meant what he said when he commanded them to throw up their hands.

  On first going aboard the submarine the three cadets had been very cautious, but as they had wandered around without seeing any one aboard the craft, they had come to the conclusion that it was deserted, and consequently they had become less careful both in their actions and their conversation.

  Of course their hands went into the air. The German had two pistols, and he looked as if he would be willing to use the weapons upon the slightest provocation. He was a burly, red-faced man, and only about half dressed. Evidently he had been sleeping soundly when they had come aboard.

  “You back up there into a corner,” growled the German. He spoke English quite well, although his accent was Teutonic.

  The young cadets did not know what else to do, and so obeyed the command. As they were in uniform, the German took them to be American soldiers, and this disturbed him greatly.

  “Are there any more in your party or are you alone?” he demanded.

  This question gave Jack a sudden idea.

  “Alone?” he cried. “Not much! There are over a hundred of us,” he answered, referring, of course, to the number of cadets at Colby Hall.


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