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The Rover Boys Megapack

Page 423

by Edward Stratemeyer

  “We’re as glad as you are, Phil,” declared Jack. “Glad on your account as well as our own. Now maybe you can go to Colby Hall with us.”

  “Say, that would be immense!” exclaimed Phil with pleasure.

  And how Phil Franklin went that Fall with the Rovers to Colby Hall will be related in a new volume, to be entitled, “The Rover Boys at Big Horn Ranch; or, The Cowboys’ Double Round-Up.” In that book we shall learn more concerning the doings of Jack and his cousins, and also learn the particulars of a most remarkable trip to the far West.

  Two weeks after the coming in of the first well the four Rover boys returned to their homes in New York City. There an agreeable surprise awaited them. Gif and Spouter had come down from Lake George to pay them a visit.

  “Say, this is just all right!” cried Jack, as the lads shook hands all around.

  “There is another surprise coming this evening,” said Mary. “But we’re not going to tell you what it is.”

  That surprise proved to be the coming of Ruth and May. As yet Ruth had to wear dark glasses, but she said that the eye specialist had told her that these could be discarded in a week or two.

  “You don’t know how thankful I am that your eyes are coming around all right,” said Jack, as he caught both her hands. “It’s the best news in the world, Ruth—far better than that big oil well coming in on our place in Texas.”

  “I am thankful, too, Jack,” she answered. “And doubly thankful that you haven’t had to go through what I did with your eyes.”

  “I guess Gabe Werner has got his deserts,” put in Randy. “His father is sinking all his money in those good-for-nothing wells on the Spell claim.”

  That night the young folks had something of a party, and it is perhaps needless to say that every one of them enjoyed it thoroughly. Ruth, of course, had to be careful of herself, and could not dance, but Jack gave her a good deal of his company, and with this she seemed quite content.

  Then followed a week or more in which the young folks went out on numerous outings, both in the city and elsewhere. Then all motored up to Valley Brook Farm, there to spend some time with Grandfather Rover and Aunt Martha and Uncle Randolph before returning to school.

  “Well, it’s certainly been a great Summer, after all!” remarked Fred.

  “It sure has!” returned Andy.

  “And we got quite a lot of fun out of it,” added his twin.

  “Fun, and a good deal of information,” said Jack. “It certainly paid us to visit The Land of Luck.”




  “Line up, fellows! No crowding ahead in this contest.”

  “Here, Jack, give me some elbow room if you want me to do any real snowball throwing!” cried Fred Rover.

  “All the elbow room you want,” returned his cousin gayly.

  “Remember the prize!” shouted Andy Rover to the cadets who were stringing themselves out in a ragged line. “The first fellow to throw a snowball over the top of the barn gets a sock doughnut.”

  “For gracious sake! what do you call a sock doughnut?” demanded Phil Franklin, another cadet, as he paused in the act of rounding up a snowball he was making.

  “A sock doughnut is one with a big hole in it,”answered Andy, with a grin.

  “Then my socks must be all of the doughnut variety,” put in one of the cadets dolefully.“They are always full of holes.”

  “Never mind the socks now!” cried Randy Rover. “Let’s see who can put the first snowball over the barn.”

  It was late in the afternoon of a day in January and a number of the cadets of Colby Hall had been amusing themselves in the snow which covered the ground to a depth of nearly a foot. They had started in to snowballing each other, but had then grown more serious and had built several snow forts and likewise two or three snowmen which later they had taken great sport in knocking apart. Then some one had suggested that they try their skill at seeing who could throw, the highest and farthest, and this had led to the present contest.

  “We’ll mark off a line about a hundred feet from the main barn,” Jack Rover had announced.“And then we’ll see who can throw highest over the roof.”

  The four Rovers were accompanied by half a dozen of their chums and six or eight others, and at the word from Jack the snowballs began to fly at a lively rate, a few landing on the roof of the big barn and the majority hitting the side.

  “Say, look out that you don’t break a window,” warned Gif Garrison. “If you do, you’ll have an account to settle with Captain Dale.”

  “Here she goes!” yelled Dan Soppinger, and let fly with so much strength that the snowball sailed up to the very ridgepole of the barn and disappeared on the other side.

  “Hurrah! Dan draws first blood!” shouted Jack.

  “Huh! Dan didn’t throw over the barn, he just slid over it,” snickered Randy.

  Jack was hard at work making a small and perfectly round ball. Now, taking careful aim, he let fly with all his might.

  “There she goes fair and square,” he announced with pardonable pride, as the snowball cleared the top of the barn by several feet and disappeared beyond.

  The snowball had scarcely been thrown when two other balls thrown by Fred and another cadet went sailing over the barn. Then those in the contest seemed to acquire better skill, and soon nearly every one of them was topping the barn with the missiles.

  “Phew! some hot work, I’ll say,” panted Will Hendry, usually called Fatty because he was the stoutest boy in the school.

  “This exercise will do you good, Fatty,” returned Fred. “You need to reduce.”

  “If Fatty keeps on he’ll be eating Colby Hall poor,” announced Spouter Powell.

  “Huh! I don’t eat any more than any of you,”grumbled Fatty. “Fact is, I hold myself down.”

  “Gee! listen to that, will you?” exclaimed Andy.“Fatty says he holds himself down! And this morning I saw him storing away three helpings of sausages and about ’steen dozen buckwheat cakes.”

  “Nothing of the kind! I didn’t have a bit more than you had,” growled Hendry. He broke off suddenly. “Hello! what’s up now?”

  “Hi! Hi! What’s the meaning o’ this?” cried a voice from around one end of the big barn, and a man, dressed in overalls and a heavy cap and carrying a broom, appeared.

  “Hello there, Bob Nixon!” cried Jack. “What’s wrong?”

  “There’ll be a whole lot wrong if you fellows keep on throwing those snowballs much farther,”answered Bob Nixon, who was a chauffeur for the Hall and who did all sorts of odd jobs in the winter time.

  “Did we hit you?” questioned Phil Franklin.

  “You sure did—on the back and on my hand,”answered Nixon.

  “We didn’t know anybody was around on that side of the barn,” announced Andy.

  “I don’t suppose you did. But never mind me. What I want to know is, do you fellows intend to smash all the glass in those hotbed frames out yonder?”

  “Great salt mackerel!” ejaculated Fred. “I forgot those hotbed frames were there.”

  “Why, the glass is out of ’em, anyway, isn’t it?” questioned Gif.

  “It was out. But they’ve been setting some of’em in again, getting ready for some early stuff. You’ve sent those snowballs up to within ten or fifteen feet of where the frames are located.”

  “Gosh! it’s a good thing you told us of this,”burst out Fatty Hendry. “We might have had a nice lot of glassware to pay for.”

  “Not you, Fatty,” grinned Andy. “You never even hit the top of the barn. If you break any glass it will be in some of those basement windows.”

  “Come on up to the other end of the barn,”suggested Gif. “Then the snowballs will fly right out into the open field and do no harm.”

nbsp; “Well, I don’t care where you throw ’em as long as you don’t get into mischief,” answered Bob Nixon, and disappeared into the barn.

  After that the cadets continued to throw over the structure for some time. But then they gradually lost interest, and as the short winter day was coming rapidly to an end some hurried into the Hall to do a little extra school work before the bell should ring for supper.

  “Well, what next?” questioned Fred Rover, when he and his three cousins and Gif, Phil and Spouter found themselves left alone.

  “I’ve got a great scheme for to-night if you fellows will help,” announced Randy. He and his twin brother were always ready for a joke.

  “What is it?” questioned Jack quickly.

  “This snow is just soft enough for rolling some big balls, as we found out this afternoon,” answered his cousin. “What’s the matter with making a whole lot of big snowballs and placing ’em in some of the bedrooms to-night?”

  “Gee, that’s the talk!” cried his twin merrily.“I’d like to place a couple in Codfish’s room.”

  “He certainly deserves ’em,” added Fred.“He’s getting to be just as big a sneak as he ever was. All of our kindness to him seems to have been useless.”

  “And I thought he was going to turn over a new leaf,” declared Jack. “I wonder if some of the other fellows haven’t been teasing him and that has made him go back to his old tricks.”

  “I know one person I’d like to treat to some big snowballs!” broke out Fred. “That’s Professor Duke.”

  “Oh, say! I’d like to square up with him myself,”burst out Andy. “Gee! he certainly did have it in for us yesterday.”

  “Professor Duke is certainly a sour one—much worse than Asa Lemm ever dared to be,” came from Gif.

  “I was thinking of Duke when I mentioned it,”said Randy. “You know he has his room in our building instead of with the other professors in Colonel Colby’s residence.”

  “We don’t want to get in bad with the colonel,”remarked Fred seriously.

  “Oh, I think we can fix it so that nobody will know who did it,” returned his cousin.

  The matter was talked over for several minutes, and then, having agreed on their plan for more fun, the Rover boys and their chums set to work rolling a number of snowballs which were two feet or more in diameter. These they placed close to the school building at a point where there was a series of fire-escapes leading down from the upper halls of the institution.

  “We can let down the ladder just as soon as we’re ready to turn the trick,” announced Randy.“I don’t believe anybody will notice it, for it will be dark and so cold that most everybody will be indoors.”

  “We’ve got to be on our guard to make certain that Codfish or Duke or somebody else doesn’t spot us,” said Spouter Powell. “Of course it wouldn’t hurt if some of the regular fellows found us out, because they’d keep it to themselves.”

  It must be confessed that the Rover boys were rather preoccupied in mind during supper that evening. In fact, Andy grew so thoughtless that he salted some eggs he was eating three times, so that when he finally came to his senses the food had to be pushed aside. This happened just as Professor Snopper Duke was passing, and the new teacher eyed the young cadet suspiciously.

  “What is the matter with that omelet, Rover?”he demanded, in his high-pitched, nervous tone of voice.

  “Nothing the matter with it, sir,” answered Andy. “Only I somehow forgot and salted it too much.”

  “Really!” returned Snopper Duke sarcastically.“Is that the way you waste food?”

  “No, sir. It was only a mistake,” answered Andy meekly.

  “You ought to be made to eat that omelet,”continued the professor severely. “Don’t let such a thing happen again.” And then, with his eyes rolling around among the other cadets to see if anything else might be wrong, he passed slowly down among the tables of the mess hall.

  “Oh, isn’t he a perfect little lamb!” murmured Randy. “So awfully tender-hearted!”

  “Somebody ought to wring his neck,” grumbled his twin.

  “Just the same, Andy, you’d better be careful how you handle the salt-shaker after this,” put in Jack.

  After the meal the Rovers and their chums mingled with the other cadets and informed two or three of what was in the wind, and as a consequence there was quite some excitement noticeable when a little later the crowd, with the exception of Randy, slipped out of the school building by a side door. Randy ran upstairs, to appear presently on the lower landing of the fire-escape. Here was suspended a heavy iron ladder in such a fashion that it could be easily shoved out so that one end would drop to the ground.

  Soon the crowd of cadets appeared in the snow below him, and then, with a warning to them to get out of the way, Randy let down the ladder and then came down himself.

  “All clear upstairs,” he announced. “Not a soul in sight.”

  “One of us ought to stay on guard up there to give warning in case it’s necessary,” announced Spouter.

  “Well, suppose you go up,” returned Jack.

  “I’d just as soon help with the snowballs,” returned Spouter. “But if you want me to go I’ll do so.” And a moment later he disappeared up the ladder and into the school building through a window which had been thrown open.

  The cadets on the ground found it no easy task to raise the big snowballs up the ladder. They tried it first with nothing but their hands, but soon found they could do much better by dumping a snowball into a big overcoat and then hauling it up by the sleeves and the tail of the garment. They worked as rapidly as possible, and soon had eight of the snowballs raised to the platform of the fire-escape.

  “How about it? Everything clear?” questioned Randy, as he came into the corridor where Spouter was on guard.

  “All clear so far,” was the reply. “A few of the fellows are in their rooms, but no one that we are going to bother.”

  “Then let’s get those snowballs inside and distribute’em.”

  In a few minutes the snowballs were gotten inside the building, and then two were rolled and pushed over to the room occupied by Henry Stowell, a cadet commonly called Codfish on account of the broadness of his mouth. Luck was with them, for the door was unlocked, so that they had little trouble in rolling the snowballs inside, where they were placed one on either side of the single bed the cadet occupied.

  After this the cadets rolled several of the balls to various other rooms, one being placed in the tub of a bathroom.

  “I’ve saved the biggest of the snowballs,” whispered Randy. “That’s the one we must place in Professor Duke’s room.”

  The professor’s room was around in another corridor, and to get to this the cadets had to roll the big snowball directly past the top of the broad stairs leading to the hall below. They had the snowball in a position right at the head of the stairs when Spouter, who was leaning over the upper railing on guard, gave a sudden hiss of warning.

  “Somebody coming!” he announced in a whisper.“And unless I’m mistaken, it’s Professor Duke!”

  “Gosh! I hope he doesn’t catch us,” returned Gif Garrison. “Maybe we had better run for it.”

  “Here he comes right for the stairs!” put in Jack, as he saw the familiar form pass a light in the lower hall.

  The cadets did not know just what to do, and while they paused to consider, Professor Duke started up the long, straight stairs. He was evidently in deep thought and did not look above him.

  “Run, fellows! Run!” whispered Andy excitedly, and then, as the others started away he attempted to follow. But the floor was wet from the melting snow, and down he came flat on his back, both feet hitting the big snowball squarely.

  The movement was sufficient to send the snowball directly to the edge of the top step. Here, as Andy scrambled to his feet, it hovered for a m
oment, then began to slide down the stairs, gathering speed from step to step.

  “Hi! Hi! What is this?” those above heard Snopper Duke ejaculate. And the next instant the teacher set up a yell of alarm as the big snowball hit him in the stomach and hurled him to one side. Then the snowball passed on down the stairs, slid across the lower hallway, and shot directly through the open door leading to Colonel Colby’s private office!



  “Gee, we’ve done it now!”

  “The snowball knocked Professor Duke over!”

  “Hi! Stop that! What do you mean? Who did that?” came in smothered tones from Snopper Duke, who now sat on one of the lower steps of the stairs, holding both hands over the spot where the big snowball had struck him.

  “Gosh! it struck him, all right,” whispered Gif Garrison.

  “Yes. And it went across the hallway into Colonel Colby’s office!” gasped Andy, who had scrambled to his feet and given a glance downward.

  “Skip for it!” put in his twin brother quickly.“We mustn’t be caught at this.”

  The warning was not needed, for all of the cadets were already scrambling through the corridor and away from the stairs as rapidly as possible. They came to a halt in front of Room, that which Jack occupied.

  “Skip inside and pretend to be reading or studying,” said the oldest of the Rover boys.

  “I think we had better go to our own rooms,”said Gif to Phil and Spouter. “And remember, mum is the word,” he added for the benefit of the others.

  “There’ll be some fun sooner or later, believe me,” remarked Fred. “Andy, why did you push that snowball downstairs on top of old Duke?”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose. I slipped,” was the answer. “But come before they start to investigate.”And then he slipped into Jack’s room, followed by his cousins.

  And here let me pause for a moment to tell something about the Rover boys and how it was that they came to be at Colby Hall. My old readers will not need this introduction, and, therefore, I shall not feel hurt if they skip my words on the subject.


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