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Unforgettable Love

Page 7

by Kelly Elliott

  Sierra narrowed her eye at me and said, “Go on.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “I took advantage of that piece of information and set up a little covert operation with Joel.”

  Sierra stood a little taller. “What did you find out?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think it was her who broke into your house. I do however think she is whore who will screw anything that has money and a dick.”

  Sierra smiled that sweet smile that made my heart skip a beat. “We certainly agree on that.”

  As the DJ started back up, the girl from Starbucks pushed Sierra out of the way. “I’ll take a cosmo!” Five girls all called out, “Me too.”

  Laughing, I looked at Sierra, “Should I make it seven cosmos?”

  Shaking her head, Sierra said, “Hell no. I want a lemon drop.”

  Tapping the bar, I winked and said, “Coming up.”

  I handed the girls their cosmos and smiled when I lit Sierra’s lemon drop. It ignited and Sierra let out a squeal.

  “How did you do that, Dodge?”

  Winking, I said, “151 rum floating on top.”

  Sierra’s eyes matched the flame on her drink.

  “Show off,” she said as she started laughing. “So be honest, you were missing your days behind the bar, right?”

  “Sierra, come on! There are way too many dicks in the club to be talking to the bartender!”

  Placing my hands over my heart, I said, “I’m wounded.”

  The Starbucks girl pointed to me and smiled as she shouted, “Hey! You’re a bartender too?”

  Smiling, I nodded my head. Turning to Sierra, Starbucks girl said, “Come dance with us, Sierra!” Clearly she wasn’t impressed with my bartending skills.

  Sierra chuckled and looked at Starbucks girl, “I’m okay here. Y’all go on and have fun.”

  The girl looked between Sierra and me as she shrugged her shoulders and followed her friends.

  “Give me two seconds, I’ll be right back,” I said to Sierra as I turned around and started taking another order. In between orders, I would talk to Sierra. I couldn’t help but notice how tired she looked. I wanted more than anything to help ease her mind about who broke into her house.

  “Have you thought about staying at a hotel?” I asked as I stood there and made another fucking cosmo. Why the hell do all women drink that damn drink?

  “I’m not leaving my house, Dodge. I’m comfortable there and I’m not going to let whoever left that rose think they’ve won. They will not steal that away from me. Besides, I have the alarm and highly doubt it will happen again.”

  “Sierra, what if—”

  Holding up her hand, Sierra shook her head. “I’m not leaving my house, Dodge.”

  Rolling my eyes, I looked away, only to catch the eye of a girl leaning over the bar. “Hey handsome, how about a cosmo?”

  “Fucking hell,” I whispered as Sierra laughed. Her laughter moved through my body and I fought like hell to push it away.

  Finally my hour was up and I made my way around the bar and headed over toward Sierra. Some dickhead had been talking to her for the last fifteen minutes. Bastard kept running the back of his hand down her arm. I was seconds from pounding his face into the bar.

  Stopping behind Sierra, I smiled when “Worth It” by Fifth Harmony began playing. Leaning in, I spoke next to her ear.

  “Dance with me, short stack.”

  Looking at me over her shoulder, Sierra frowned. Turning around, she began talking to the dickhead again. The attraction between Sierra and I had always been evident. We both fought it and I knew I had to be careful. Her divorce had to be my number one priority. Not the fact that I wanted to sink my dick deep inside her.

  Placing my hand on her lower back, I saw goose bumps pop up on her beautiful smooth skin. Smiling, I leaned in again.

  “Dance with me, baby.”

  Sierra turned on the bar stool and held her hand out to me as she wore the sexiest fucking smile I’d ever seen. Looking at the dickhead, she said, “Excuse me, my boyfriend wants to dance.”

  The guys face fell as I gave him a look and pulled Sierra to the dance floor.

  The moment we hit the dance floor, Sierra started moving her hips in ways that had my body aching to be buried deep inside her. Turning back to me, she scrunched up her nose in that adorable way she does as she placed her hands on my shoulders and I put my hands on her hips. We moved perfectly together. How in the fuck her husband didn’t realize what he had was beyond me. She was for sure worth it all.

  Turning around, Sierra backed her ass up into me and started grinding against me. I knew she could feel my hard dick. Turning around she had her fucking finger in her mouth. The more she moved her body, the harder I fought to keep from dragging her to the back and fucking her hard and fast.

  Placing her hands on my chest, she dropped her head back and I watched as her tits barley stayed in the dress she had on. Looking around, I saw about six guys eye fucking the hell out of her. Pulling her to me, Sierra let out a gasp. The song ended and both our chests were heaving up and down.

  Cupping her face with my hands, I leaned in as she whispered, “Dodge.”

  One kiss. That’s all I needed was one kiss. “Fuck,” I whispered as I slammed my lips to hers. I wasn’t sure how long we stood there and kissed like we were crazed animals. My hands moved over her body and up to her hair. I loved when she wore her beautiful blonde hair down. Grabbing a handful, I pulled her head back and kissed along her chin and down to her neck. Sierra moaned as I moved my tongue along her neck.

  Rihanna’s “Skin” was playing and I had never been so fucking turned on in my life. The words of the song mixed with my desire to have Sierra had me fighting with every ounce of energy I had to keep from taking her to my truck and fucking the hell out of her.

  “Sierra, I want you so fucking bad,” I whispered against her ear.

  “Dodge, please just take me. Please.”

  My head was losing this battle against my heart. Closing my eyes, I grabbed her ass and pulled her to me. “Baby, you’re making this hard for me to think clear.”

  Sierra moved her hand down my chest and began rubbing my dick. Jesus, I was going to come in my damn pants.

  Suddenly, her heat was gone. Opening my eyes, I looked at Sierra. She was standing there with a panicked look on her face. Taking a step closer, I said, “Sierra, what’s wrong?”

  Swallowing hard, I noticed she was looking behind me. Turning to look over my shoulder, I saw him. “Robert.”

  “Oh my god, Dodge. What if he saw us?” Sierra said with panic laced in her voice. Grabbing her, I headed to Joel’s office.

  “He didn’t.”

  “How do you know? We don’t know how long he has been here for! How did he know I was here? He has to have someone following me!”

  Sierra was beginning to panic. “Calm down. Where is your purse?”

  Shaking her head, Sierra said, “I didn’t bring one. I have this.”

  Sierra pulled out a little pouch from the inside of her bra. “It’s got money and my license in it.”

  “Good, we’re leaving.”

  Practically pulling Sierra’s arm out of her socket, I opened the back door to the club and stepped out into the ally. Sierra began dragging in one deep breath after another.

  Trying to appear like I was calm, I was internally praying to God that Robert did not see me practically fucking my client on the dance floor while at the same time, I was pissed I had let my feelings for Sierra come out like I did. Pushing my hand through my hair, I shook my head. Fuck, I needed to get a better hold of my desire for Sierra.

  “Do you think he saw us?” Sierra asked.

  “No,” I said a little too harshly. “Fuck, I can’t believe I fucking did that with a client!” I shouted out.

  Sierra’s face dropped. The moment the words were out of my mouth I regretted them. Sierra was so much more than a client. “Glad to know where I stand in the grand scheme of
things, Aaron. Maybe you’d prefer Mr. Walker?” Sierra shook her head and let out a gruff laugh. “I can’t believe I let myself think you would have some sort of feelings for me. You’re nothing but an asshole.”

  Sierra began walking off. Reaching for her arm, I pulled her back to me. “Where in the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  “Home, asshole,” Sierra said as she pushed my hand away.

  Walking after her, I said, “No. You’re not going home, Sierra.”

  Letting out a laugh, Sierra looked over her shoulder at me. “The fuck I’m not. Stay away from me, Dodge.” Stopping, she turned around and began jamming her finger into my chest.

  “Better yet. Go on back and find some whore to hook up with. You had yourself pretty worked up back there. Lord knows you don’t want to fuck your client. Maybe if I was someone like Ryn who needed a fuck-buddy you might be up for the job?”

  “Sierra, stop.”

  Her eyes filled with hurt as she slowly shook her head. “I can’t do this. It’s one rejection after another from you. You work me up, Dodge, only to push me away.”

  “That’s not it,” I said as Sierra held up her hand.

  “It is. You just said it. I’m your client.”

  Pushing my hands through my hair, I said, “You are my fucking client!”

  Slowly nodding her head, Sierra said, “Right. How could I be so foolish and forget what this really is. Don’t worry, I’ll never make that mistake again.”

  Turning on her heels, she quickly began walking away. Stepping out into the street, she whistled and a taxi stopped right away. Glancing back to me, she looked forlorn as she got into the taxi as I just stood there like an idiot.

  WIPING THE SWEAT FROM MY face, I continued to run as fast and as hard as I could. I loved running down at Town Lake. Something about being outside with all the people and the river was refreshing.

  Stopping, I placed my hands on my thighs and dragged in one breath after another. My phone began ringing and I pulled it out to see it was Kacey. We had been friends since college. She recently moved back to Austin with her fiancé and we had connected back up.

  “H-hello,” I panted.

  “Please tell me you’re having hot sex. One of us has to be having hot sex.”

  Laughing, I made my way over to a bench and flopped down. “Nope! Sorry.”

  Letting out a sigh, Kacey asked, “Then what in the hell are you doing?”


  “Ahh . . . guy trouble.”

  Making a face, I pulled my head back and laughed. “What? Because I’m running you automatically think I’m having guy trouble?”

  “Yep. That was what you did in college. Anytime you had a bad date, or you got stood up, or you fought with Robert . . . you ran.”

  Shaking my head, I said, “I never got stood up.”

  “Yeah you did. Remember the guy who was on the UT football team? Blake something or other. He stood you up.”

  Letting out a very dramatic sigh, I said, “I hate you and your damn memory.”

  Kacey laughed. “So, have you been on any dates?”

  My mind drifted back to two nights ago when Dodge’s lips were pressed to mine. “Ugh. No. I’m giving up on all men.”

  “Oh come on, Sierra. You don’t mean that.”

  Laughing, I watched as a mom ran by pushing her little girl in a jogger stroller. My heart sunk. Looking away, I fought to hold back the ache in my chest. “I do. I feel like maybe I should just go out with Tom.”


  Letting out a sigh, I said, “Yeah. He works at Nordstrom’s, in the shoe department. At least I’d get discounts off my shoes.”

  Kacey was silent.

  “Kacey, are you still there?”

  “Um . . . yeah . . . I’m just trying to figure out how your mind works. One minute you say you’re giving up on men and the next you’re talking about some guy named Tom and getting discounts at Nordstrom’s.”

  Smiling, I went to say something but was blinded by the perfect set of abs running my way. “Shit.”


  “Nothing, Dodge, my lawyer slash friend slash lawyer, is running right toward me. Ugh, had I known he ran down here at Town Lake I’d never have come down here.”

  “You said lawyer twice.”

  “Only because the dickhead keeps stressing it. He’s the last person I wanted to see today.”

  “Oh stop it. Hey, I’ve got to run, but let’s do lunch tomorrow or something. You need a puppy, Sierra! That would make you happy.”

  “What the fuck? I had a dog and he turned on me too!”

  Laughing, Kacey made kissing sounds into the phone. “Bye, babe! Think about the puppy! I only have one left.”

  “Yep, later, love.”

  Hitting End, my mouth dropped open while I watched Dodge leaning over and getting a drink from one of the fountains along the trail. I watched as a trail of water rolled down his chin.

  Damn, how I’d like to be that water. Or his sweat. Or his sheets, his towels, his boxers. I pictured Dodge as the type of guy who wore boxers.

  Rolling his neck, Dodge began walking.

  Right. Toward. Me.

  Get up, Sierra. Run in the opposite direction. Look away at least, you stupid shit!

  Looking down at nothing, I prayed hard Dodge would just walk by without noticing me.


  Shit. I should have known the asshole would check out a girl sitting on the bench.

  Lifting my head, I tried like hell to seem normal. I hated myself for the way I acted after our kiss. The way I begged him to make me his. Yuck. I could punch myself.

  “Hey, Dodge.”

  Smiling, he stopped right in front of me. Forcing me to look up at him. If I looked straight, I’d be looking right at his junk. Junk hidden behind a pair of boxers. Or maybe he wore tighty whities? My stomach flipped at my next thought.

  What if he went commando? Licking my lips, I glanced down and looked right at the bulge in his pants.

  “Um . . . so I wanted to apologize for the other night.”

  Oh no, he is not. Like I wasn’t humiliated enough already. “Don’t worry about it, Dodge. Can we please just forget about it and move on?”

  Dodge gave me a weak smile as his phone began ringing. Glancing at it, he said, “I have to take this.”

  Taking a couple of steps away, I strained to hear his call. “Hey, nope you’re not bothering me at all!”

  “Yes, we are still on for dinner tonight.”

  My heart dropped.

  What did he say? He was on for dinner tonight? Standing up, I acted like I was stretching as I moved closer to him.

  “No, I’m positive I don’t have any other plans. There is no one else I’d rather spend my birthday with than you.”

  And there it went. My heart officially was shattered. I hate all men. Every single one of them. Turning away from Dodge, I started running again as fast as I could. When my right calf started cramping, I began cursing. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I didn’t see Dodge. I wasn’t surprised. He wasn’t the type of guy to chase after a girl, especially one he didn’t like. By the time I made it back to my car, I had moved on from brokenhearted to pissed off.

  Dropping my head back onto my headrest, I let out frustrated moan. “I’m never going to have sex again with a real penis!”

  Snapping my head forward, I got an idea thanks to Kacey. Smiling, I started my car and knew exactly where I was going.

  Walking to my car with a smile plastered on face, I glanced at the time. Dodge should be receiving his birthday present any second now. My walk almost turned into a skip as I thought about what his face would look like when he opened the door. I’d pay big bucks to see it. Damn. I should have told Kacey to record it! Damn it.

  Pulling my phone out of my purse, I sent Kacey a text message.

  Me: Did you deliver his gift?

  Kacey: I’m about to. You’re
going to hell. You do know that right?

  Giggling, I hugged myself and actually started skipping to my car.

  Me: Hey, I paid top dollar for that bitch.

  Kacey: You’re heart is pure evil. How are you a nurse?

  Me: That’s why I work with babies and women who like to scream at their husbands. It fulfills me in more ways than I care to say.

  Starting my car, I headed to the restaurant. Rolling the windows down, I began singing along to Gloriana’s “Trouble” as the wind wiped my blonde ponytail around. My phone beeped and my car read my text from Kacey.

  Kacey : It’s done.

  Throwing my head back, I laughed my ass off and began counting.

  It took less than two minutes before my phone was ringing.

  Rolling the windows up and turning down my jam, I answered with a chipper voice.


  “What the fuck, Sierra!”

  Holding my laugh in, I said, “Hey there, Dodge. How’s your birthday going? Getting ready for your hot date tonight?”

  “What? Never mind all of that. A puppy? Why the fuck did some girl named Kacey just drop off a puppy?”

  Covering my mouth with my hand, I held in my laughter. “You don’t like her, Dodge? Who doesn’t like puppies?”

  I heard something slam and Dodge began cursing words I’d never heard before.

  “Me! Single guys who work eighty-hour weeks! Guys who are never home and live in a house that just got all new wood floors!”

  Covering my mouth again, I started laughing.

  “I mean she’s cute and all . . . Sierra, what were you thinking? No wait, I take that back. You weren’t thinking at all, like you always do.”

  “Excuse me?” I said as I pulled my car into the parking lot and put it in park. “I don’t think? I. Don’t. Think? I think all the time, dickhead. My mind is spinning because I think all the time. I’m like the queen of thinking. I think everything through before I do it. Like for instance, the lingerie I just bought. I thought long and hard before deciding I needed it. Even though I have no one to wear it for . . . I bought it anyway. You never know when I might meet a hot guy at a bar and bring him home to my house for a good . . . hard . . . fucking.”



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