Unforgettable Love

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Unforgettable Love Page 10

by Kelly Elliott

  “Oh, Aaron! You have to take Sierra crabbing tonight,” Em said as she bounced around in her seat.

  “What?” I asked.

  Em tilted her head and looked at me with a smile that said she knew exactly what I was thinking about. Smirking at her, I rolled my eyes and looked at my father.

  What. The. Hell. He was looking at me the same way.

  “Crabbing! Aaron, Sierra just told me she has never been crabbing.”

  Looking at Sierra, I laughed. “You own a house on South Padre. How have you never gone crabbing?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, Sierra smiled. “I dunno. Just never have. Never had anyone to show me.”

  Em let out a little squeal. “Now you do!”

  I was about to say something when the waitress came over with a large pot. Dumping the food on the table, my mouth watered at the shrimp, crab legs and boiled potatoes.

  Glancing over to Sierra, she looked like she had just seen a ghost. “Jesus H. Christ. They have the heads on still,” Sierra whispered as she grabbed onto my leg and stared at the food on the table. “You like shrimp, right?” I asked as I picked one up and ripped the head off and handed it to Sierra. She swallowed hard and then looked at me. Something inside me knew she was about to get sick.

  Jumping up, I yelled out, “Oh, shit!”

  Sierra put her hands over her mouth as I quickly pulled her up and hauled her outside with my parents and Em all calling out for us. Something kicked in and the idea of Sierra being sick had me wanting to do anything I could to take it away.

  Pushing the exit door open, I picked up Sierra as she cried out, “Put me down! I’m going to hurl!”

  Taking her around the building, I put her down. “Are you okay? Sierra, take a deep breath in and slowly blow it out.”

  Then she did it. That move you do when you’re attempting not to throw up and your whole body jumps and your cheeks puff out. Shaking my head, I said, “Hold it in! Hold it in!”

  Shaking her head, Sierra turned and let it all go. Reaching for her hair, I pulled it back as Sierra threw up. Turning away, I gagged a couple of times until I got myself under control by singing an AC/DC song out loud to drown out her throwing up. Who would have thought, badass Sierra couldn’t take the head being pulled off of a shrimp?

  Sierra had a weak stomach. I was going to have to remember that little detail for future torturing.

  WALKING BACK INTO THE RESTAURANT with Dodge took every ounce of strength I had. The moment we stopped at the table and I looked down, I covered my mouth and ran back out the door.

  Less than thirty seconds later, Dodge had me in his arms as he carried me to his truck. Burying my face into his chest, I slowly breathed in his scent. My stomach settled, but my heart took off in a frenzy.

  Smiling slightly, I let it sink in. Dodge had me in his arms. What I wouldn’t give to have that every single day.

  “Are you okay, baby?”

  Oh God. I’d never let him know that moan was from him calling me baby and had nothing to do with the fact that I just puked my guts out in the parking lot of his mother’s favorite restaurant. Grabbing a hold of his shirt, I let out a moan. Chuckling, Dodge skillfully opened the door of his truck and placed me inside. Brushing the hair back away from my face, Dodge smiled. Feeling like a complete idiot, I shook my head. “I’m so sorry I ruined lunch with your parents and sister. Please go back in and enjoy lunch, I’ll just rest my eyes in the truck for a bit.”

  Dodge’s eyes lit up as he looked down to my lips. Damn it all to hell. Why did I have to just throw up? I wanted him to kiss me more than anything. Tapping his finger on the tip of my nose, Dodge gave me a wink. “Do you feel like trying something else to eat?”

  “Does it involve ripping any body part off of said food?”

  Laughing, Dodge shook his head. “No. I promise.”

  “Then I’m down for it.”

  “Let me tell everyone we’ve had a change in plans.”

  Nodding my head, I whispered, “Okay.” Shutting the door, Dodge ran back into the restaurant and was back in his truck in record time.

  “I have a special place I like to go to that I have never told anyone about.”

  Smiling, I felt a happiness bubble up inside of me. “Not even, Em?”

  “Well, Em knows about this special place, but I sneak there so I don’t have to share it with her.”

  “I feel so special right now,” I said with a wink.

  Dodge started his truck and headed out of the parking lot. “You should. This is the best-kept secret on the island. I expect you to keep this to yourself.”

  Using my fingers, I crossed my heart. “Cross my heart, I won’t tell a soul.”

  Smirking, Dodge handed me a pack of gum. I took that as I hint and pulled out two pieces, but not before grabbing the bottle of water sitting in the cup holder and taking a few drinks.

  Glancing over to me, Dodge said, “I’m going to need something more ironclad than just you crossing your fingers over your heart.”

  Raising my eyebrow, I stared at him. “Is that so?”

  “Yep. It’s that big of a secret.”

  “Fine, whatever you want. Is it okay if we stop at a store so I can buy a toothbrush and brush my teeth?”

  Letting out a chuckle Dodge laughed and pulled into Walgreens. Running in, I grabbed a toothbrush and some travel toothpaste. After paying, I made a beeline to the bathroom.

  After leaving Walgreens, Dodge drove another five minutes. He pulled into a driveway that led to a little, white beach house. The flowers planted outside the house were stunning. In the back, I could see a garden that I was sure would be filled to the max with veggies come this summer.

  Opening the truck door, I jumped out as Dodge walked up to me. “This is Minnie’s house. I’ve been coming here for as long as I can remember. She used to take care of Em and me when we were younger. Cleaned my parents’ beach house up until two years ago when she retired.”

  Smiling, I looked back at the house. “The house is so charming. I love it!”

  “You’re going to love what’s inside more.”

  Before I knew it¸ Dodge had me pushed against his truck with his body pressed against mine. My chest instantly began heaving as I felt his tight body on mine. “What in the hell are you doing?”

  Dodge stared me in the eyes. “I mean it, Sierra. You cannot tell a soul we were here. Especially, Em.”

  Nodding my head, I whispered, “O-okay. I won’t tell anyone. But what if she asks where we—”

  Dodge placed his finger over my lips. “Not a word.”

  Dodge glanced down at my lips and I had never been so grateful for making him stop and let me brush my teeth. Holding my breath in anticipation for what I prayed Dodge would do next, I wet my lips.

  Dodge pressed his lips against mine as I opened my mouth to him. His tongue slowly began to explore my mouth and it didn’t take long before I had my arms wrapped around his neck and I was totally lost in the kiss.

  Pulling back, Dodge’s eyes were on fire and his breathing matched mine. Deep and fast. “You won’t tell anyone, right?”

  Wait. What are we talking about again?

  “Um . . . I um . . . I won’t say a word. To anyone.”

  Dodge flashed me a smile that had me fighting to keep my hand out of my pants. “Good girl. Now let’s go.” Grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the front door, Dodge chuckled.


  I sure as hell hope that kiss affected him as much as it did me. The door opened and an older woman stepped out. She had to be in her early seventies and she wore the most breathtaking smile I’d ever seen.

  “Minnie!” Dodge said as he dropped my hand and dashed up the stairs. Gently pulling her into his arms, Dodge picked her up as she let out a small laugh.

  “Oh my! Put me down you crazy boy!” Minnie said. Letting out a giggle, I watched the scene unfold.

  Dodge kissed Minnie on the cheek as he slowly put her back down. “Minnie, it’s
so good to see you.”

  “You too, my boy. It’s been too long since I last saw you and young Emily.” Minnie looked over to me and the smile that spread across her face caused me to return an even bigger. Her smile was infectious. I pictured her running around on the beach chasing after a younger Dodge and Em. My heart instantly warmed up to this woman standing before me.

  Dodge held his hand out for me as I walked up the stairs. Taking my hand, Dodge pulled me to his side, which surprised the hell out of me. “Minnie, I’d like you to meet my very good friend, Sierra. Sierra, this is Minnie.”

  Minnie glanced at Dodge and raised her eyebrow before turning back to me. Reaching her hands out, I placed my hands in hers as she pulled me in for a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. She smelled exactly like my grammy. My heart hurt for a second before I regained my emotions.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Minnie,” I said as I tried like hell not to think of the memories Minnie’s perfume was bringing back to me.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Sierra. What a beautiful name. I like it!”

  Giggling, I nodded my head and said, “Thank you. I’m kind of fond of it as well.”

  Minnie looked between Dodge and me before she said, “Are you hungry?”

  Dodge slapped his hands together, causing me to jump. “Yes!”

  “Enchiladas?” Minnie asked Dodge as he licked his lips.

  “Yes. Oh please, yes.”

  Throwing her head back, Minnie turned and told us to follow her. Following her into the house, I was stunned when Dodge took my hand again. Why is he doing this? One minute I’m his very good friend and the next he’s holding my hand and kissing me breathless. The man was confusing as hell. He was the most confusing man in the world. Like the Dos Equis man . . . instead of being the most interesting man in the world, he was the most confusing. He should make his own beer and sell it. He’d make a fortune.

  “What are you so deep in thought about?” Dodge whispered against my ear. My stomach flipped as I felt his hot breath against my neck.

  Shaking my head, I whispered, “Nothing.”

  Dodge tilted his head and gave me a disbelieving look. “If you say so.”

  Following Minnie into her kitchen, I took a look around at her modest, yet beautiful home. Pictures were everywhere. Smiling, I walked up to a picture of Dodge and a very young Emily on a fishing dock. Dodge was holding up a fish he must have just caught as Emily looked at Dodge like he was the most amazing person ever. Another picture looked more recent; it was Dodge and Em standing on the beach.

  “Must have had a feeling you’d be stopping by. I made shrimp enchiladas this morning. I was just about to take them out the oven.

  My mouth dropped open. Shrimp. Oh fuck.

  Dodge grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen and motioned for me to sit at the bar. “Trust me, you will not want to miss these. I promise it’s safe.”

  Giving Dodge a weak smile, I nodded my head and tried to push the image of the shrimp head being ripped off before my very eyes. Shuddering, I closed my eyes and thought of something else.

  Then it hit me. The most amazing smell penetrated my nostrils. Oh lord. That smells heavenly.

  Opening my eyes, Minnie was serving plates of enchiladas. “That smells heavenly!” I said as I looked at Minnie plopping on a scoop of sour cream. Good thing I liked sour cream.

  Setting the plates in front of us, I picked up my fork and was about to take a bite when I noticed both Minnie and Dodge staring at me. “What?” I asked.

  Smiling, Minnie motioned for me to take a bite. “Um . . . I guess I’m taking the first bite?”

  They both nodded their heads. I’m going to kill Dodge if this makes me sick and I puke all over his beloved Minnie. Taking in a bite, the taste of heaven hit the back of my mouth.

  Closing my eyes, I let out a moan. “Oh. My. Goodness. I might break out into a food orgasm right this second!”

  Laughing, Dodge took a huge bite. “Damn, Minnie. So damn good.”

  Minnie beamed with pride as she ate.

  After we finished eating, I helped Minnie clean up as Dodge headed outside to take a look at her car. As soon as Minnie mentioned it was having a problem starting, Dodge was out the door.

  “How long have you known my Aaron?”

  Smiling, I said, “Not too terribly long. About eight months or so? He was friends with a good friend of mine, Ryn.”

  Nodding her head, she smiled and winked at me. “Let’s sit on the back porch while Aaron takes a look at my car.”

  “Okay,” I said as I grabbed my iced tea.

  Sitting down in a rocking chair, I let out a sigh. Oh how I loved being at the beach. Something about the salt air calmed me. Lifting my tea to my lips to take a drink, Minnie started talking.

  “You must make him very happy. I’ve never seen Aaron in love.”

  I instantly began choking on the tea. Minnie looked at me and smiled. “Are you okay, darling?”

  Lifting my hand up and trying to find air to breathe, I nodded my head. “Yep! Totally fine.”

  After coughing a few more seconds, I looked at Minnie. “Um . . . I think you misread something. Dodge . . . um . . . I mean, Aaron and I are only friends. He’s actually my lawyer for my divorce hearing.”

  Lifting her eyes in surprise, Minnie gave me a wink. “Is that so?”

  “Yes! Totally friends.”

  “Hmm . . . that kiss he planted on you didn’t look like a just a friend kiss from where I was standing.”

  Lifting my fingers to my lips, I smiled. They still felt as if they tingled from Dodge’s lips. “Yeah . . . that kiss,” I said as I thought back to Dodge’s tongue dancing with mine. Placing my hand on my stomach, I dragged in a breath.

  “Aaron has never brought a girl here. Ever,” Minnie said as she took a sip of her tea.

  My lips parted open as I thought of some sort of response. What was I supposed to say to that?

  “Ahh . . .”

  Yeah, not such a great response, Sierra. Stupid!

  “Sometimes there is something plain as day in front of us; all we have to do is open up our eyes . . . and our hearts . . . to see it.”

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I nodded. “What if you’re wrong about it?”

  Glancing at me, Minnie asked, “Wrong about what?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “I mean . . . what if what’s in front of you is something you want so badly, but you’re afraid to open your heart up to it because it might not be . . . reciprocated. Maybe you’re not meant to have it.”

  “The only way to find out is to go after it,” Minnie said with a wink. “If you don’t, you’ll never know.”

  “Maybe,” I whispered.

  Minnie let out a chuckle. “I’ve known that boy his entire life. I’ve never seen him look at someone the way he looks at you, Sierra. It’s time for you both to open your eyes.”

  My heart began beating harder in my chest. Did Dodge feel something for me? Something more than friendship?

  The back door opened and Dodge walked out onto the deck. “Just needed your battery cables cleaned, Minnie. Car starts up like a charm.”

  Smiling, Minnie stood up and kissed Dodge on the check. “Thank you, my boy.”

  Dodge’s phone beeped. Pulling it out, he frowned and looked over to me. “Um . . . we need to go, Minnie. Benefit ball at country club tonight. Mom wants to make sure Sierra has everything she needs.”

  Swallowing hard, I tried to push the look Dodge just gave me out of my mind. Was he frowning because we had to leave? I was hoping that was the case and it wasn’t for another reason.

  I stood up and walked over to Minnie. “Thank you so much for lunch and the amazing company this afternoon.”

  Minnie pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear. “Wipe that look of fear off your face. Enjoy this evening and dress sexy.”

  Letting out a cough, I pulled back and looked at the sweet old lady standing in front of me. “I hope to see you
again, Minnie.”

  Giving me a wink, Minnie said, “Oh, you will.”

  Dodge kissed Minnie good-bye on the cheek and hugged her. “I’ll stop back by before we leave. Love you, Minnie.”

  Placing his hand on my lower back, Dodge led me away from Minnie. For some reason I was sad. I was comfortable with her. Glancing over my shoulder, Minnie waved as I smiled back weakly. If only I believed the same thing she did.

  SITTING ON MY BED, I stared straight ahead at the door that separated Sierra’s room from mine. Ever since our kiss, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. The way her tongued moved against mine. Then she wrapped her arms around me and deepened it and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

  The knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Getting up, I opened it up to see Sierra standing there, in a robe, looking panicked.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Worrying her bottom lip, Sierra looked up and down the hallway and then placed her hands on my chest and pushed me into my room.

  Hell, yes! This is what I’m talking about.

  Shutting the door, Sierra spun around and looked at me. “I have a problem.”

  Wiggling my eyebrows, I asked, “Ah, baby. And you thought I could ease it for you?”

  Sierra looked at me like I had lost my mind. “What?” Shaking her head, Sierra let out a frustrated sigh. “Dodge, I’m serious. I can’t get the zipper down on my dress. I asked your mother which dress I should wear and she said the long formal. I can’t get it on! What am I going to do? I don’t want to disappoint your mother. I really like her.”

  Laughing, I said, “Just slip it over your head.”

  Sierra glared at me and my heart fell even more for her.

  “It doesn’t just slip over your head, Dodge. It’s not a sweater. It’s a gown!” Grabbing me, she turned and opened the door and peeked out.

  “You know, there is a door that separates our two rooms,” I said as Sierra looked back at me with a gaped open mouth.

  “There is?”

  “Sierra, did you not notice the door in your room?”

  Frowning, she shook her head. Taking her hand in mine, I led her over to the door. Grabbing the key off the holder next to the door, I unlocked and opened the door up and pushed Sierra into her room.


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