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Unforgettable Love

Page 12

by Kelly Elliott

  Swallowing hard, I tried to like hell not to let my imagination run wild. Dodge was smiling at her, but not like how he had been smiling at me less than two minutes ago. My eyes moved away from them to catch Brice looking at me. Taking a sip of his drink, he gave me a wink. Smiling weakly, I took a chance at looking back at Dodge and what was quickly becoming more apparent, his ex-girlfriend, Sandra.

  “Biggest mistake of my life,” Sandra purred.

  Kate cleared her throat and began talking to me. “Sierra, Marcy and I have known each other since college. Our families used to be very close. We used to go on these crazy family vacations together.” Marcy and Kate both chuckled.

  Clearly she was distracting me from Dodge’s conversation.

  Politely nodding my head, I tried not to focus on what Dodge and Sandra were talking about. “We really should go on a family vacation, Kate. Once your treatment is finished.”

  Kate gave Marcy a huge grin. “Oh, Marcy, a celebration trip. That would be amazing!”

  Oh yay! Maybe they’ll go to the Bahamas and Dodge and Sandra can pick up where they left off.

  “Oh, Aaron, dance with me, please!” Sandra said as she pulled Dodge out onto the dance floor. Glancing over his shoulder, Dodge looked at me but Sandra gave him another tug, jerking him closer to her.

  Kate and Marcy kept talking about the family vacation and how wonderful it would be to get caught up as I watched Dodge take Sandra into his arms and dance with her.

  Attempting to keep a smile on my face, I turned and began looking around. My breathing was beginning to pick up as I tried to figure out how to get the hell out of this room.

  How in the hell does this happen? How does he go from telling me he loves me to dancing with an ex-girlfriend? Why did I think he would want to be with just me? The bastard was a damn fucking manwhore for Christ’s sake.

  I needed air. Now.

  Quickly turning, I made my way to the closest exit. Pushing the doors open, it led to the deck that overlooked the ocean. Kicking my shoes off, I grabbed them and made my way down to the beach.

  Stopping at the water’s edge, I held my dress up as I stared out into the dark ocean waters and fought to drag air into my lungs. My heart felt like it was about to be ripped from my chest.

  “I’ll always be here for you.”

  “Sierra, I’m falling in love with you.”

  Lying bastard.




  I’m so stupid.

  Maybe I’m just cursed when it comes to men. If I had my cell phone I’d text Ryn, Azurdee and Kacey right now and tell them I was forever giving up on men.

  Chewing on my lower lip, I let out a laugh. Who the hell am I kidding? I can’t give up on men. I’d never have sex again. Maybe just the occasional one-night stand. Yep. That was my new plan. Fuck all men.

  Pressing my lips together tightly, I fought to hold back my tears. When I could no longer hold it in, a sob escaped my lips. Glancing back over my shoulder, I closed my eyes and shook my head.

  Looking back out over the water, I knew he wouldn’t be there. He found new eye-candy. How easy it was for him to just walk away from me.

  Asshole. He probably said all of that just to get into my pants. The trial would come and go within the next week. Maybe he saw this as his chance.

  Taking in a deep breath, I looked back up at the clubhouse. Shaking my head, I reached deep down inside and headed back up. I’d find Brice and tell him I needed to get back to Austin and leave.

  Yep. That was my plan. As I formulated how I would get back to Austin, I headed back to the party.

  Stopping at the door, I took in a deep breath as I stepped back into the room. I instantly saw Dodge . . . with her. They weren’t dancing, but the little slut had Dodge pinned deep in a conversation. They’d be perfect together. Two blood-hungry lawyers.

  I hope Princess bites the shit out of the slut.

  Pushing through the crowd of people, I headed out of the room. The air hit my face as I gasped for a breath. I hadn’t realized I had held my breath the entire time I made my way through the ballroom.

  A hand took a hold of my elbow and I jumped. Turning, I saw Brice standing there.

  “Mr. Walker . . . I mean . . . Brice. I was feeling tired and . . . well . . . I was going to see about getting a cab.”

  Smiling, Brice walked me to the end of the sidewalk and lifted his arm. A limo came driving up as I practically sighed out loud in relief. “Mr. Dante, my assistant, is still at the house and will let you in.”

  Nodding my head, I stepped into the limo. Brice leaned in and gave me a fatherly smile. “Sierra, men are fools. We don’t think or see things the same way women do. God cursed us with this fault.”

  Smiling, I fought to hold back my tears. Damn it all to hell. I hated Dodge for making me such a pansy-ass.

  “Well, I’ve come to learn that all men are pretty much the same, Brice. If a prettier girl walks into the room, they tend to follow like the dogs they are.”

  Brice grimaced. “Ouch. Spoken like a woman scorned.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I leaned closer to Brice. “I’m tired of playing games, Brice. I’m in love with your son and I’m tired of denying it. Clearly he doesn’t feel the same toward me and I need to accept that. We just need to make it through my case, and I know deep down in my heart that Dodge . . . I mean Aaron . . . is going to pour everything he has into winning it. I’ve never been more confident. But my coming here this weekend was a mistake.”

  Shaking his head, he chuckled. “Someone needs to bash both your heads together. Sierra, I knew the first time I saw the two of you together you had feelings for each other. My son loves you, Sierra. Please don’t give up on him.”

  Looking down, I whispered, “The fight in me is gone, Brice. I’ve tried like hell to keep it alive . . . but . . . I can’t.”

  Brice placed his finger on my chin and brought my eyes to his. “No, Sierra. That is one of the things I admire about you. I see that fight in your eyes. I saw it the moment you set foot in my office and I see it now.”

  A tear slowly rolled down my cheek. “If only I felt it.”

  Brice dropped his hand and shook his head. “My son is about to get his ass kicked.”

  Letting out a giggle, I wiped my stupid tears away. “I’m just tired, Brice. Tomorrow will we go over the case? I’d like to head back to Austin as soon as possible.”

  Nodding his head, he smiled. “Yes. We’ll get you ready for Robert’s lawyers. Don’t you worry. Go rest, Sierra. I’ll let Kate know you weren’t feeling well.”

  “Aaron, too?” I asked.

  “Yes, after I kick his ass.”

  Laughing at the sound of Brice swearing, I slid further into the limo as Brice told the driver where to go. By the time he was pulling from the country club, tears were streaming down my face.

  I hate you, Dodge. I hate you for making me feel weak.

  SANDRA FINALLY GOT THE HINT I was not interested in striking up anything from our past. I’d been frantically looking for Sierra for the past twenty minutes. I had tried to keep my eyes on Sierra while Sandra kept her death grip on me while dancing. I’d seen her go out on the deck, and then I lost her.

  Em was walking by and I quickly grabbed her by the arm. “Hey, big bro. What in the hell where you doing with Sandra earlier? Where is Sierra?”

  Looking around the room, I said, “What do you mean what was I doing with Sandra earlier? Listen, I don’t know where Sierra is and I really need to find her. The last I saw her was before I danced with Sandra and that was almost an hour ago. Where in the hell did she go?”

  Em’s mouth dropped open. “Are you for real right now, Aaron?”

  My eyes dropped back to Em. “What do you mean?”

  Rolling her eyes, Em looked away and let out a sarcastic laugh. Looking back at me she said, “Okay, let me lay this out for you, big brother. You were dancing pretty close with Sierra right before the
evil Sandra showed up, right? It looked like you were both in a pretty deep conversation. From where I was standing, things were heating up with y’all. Am I right?”

  Pulling my head back, I glared at Em. “I’m not talking to you about that, Em. That’s just fucked up.”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, Em said, “Whatever, Aaron. It was obvious. You were making a move on Sierra and then guess what happened?”

  Waiting for her to answer, I motioned for her to continue. Rolling her eyes again, Em said, “Oh my gosh, are all men just stupid? I mean, are all of you so damn blind?”

  “Em! What happened? Where is Sierra?”

  Placing her hands on her hips, Em slowly shook her head. “You made a move on the one and only girl I’ve ever seen you look at like she was your next breath. Then you walked away from her and spent the next twenty minutes or so talking to an ex-girlfriend who couldn’t seem to keep her hands off of you. You just left her, Aaron. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sierra left.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach. “It wasn’t anything; I kept trying to get away from—”

  Holding her hand up, Em said, “Stop! The point is Aaron, you should have never have walked away from her in the first place. Asshole.”

  Em spun around and stomped off. What the fuck just happened? Did my baby sister really just call me an asshole?

  “Women,” my father said from behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, my father stood there holding a scotch. He went to take a drink and then looked at me and handed it to me.

  “She left,” my father said, barely above a whisper.

  Placing the glass up to my lips, I finished it in one gulp. “What? Who?”

  My father smiled at someone and lifted his hand up and gave them a head nod. “Sierra. She was pretty upset. Crying as a matter of fact.”

  My knees wobbled as I tried like hell not to let them buckle. “W-what? Why?”

  Slowly turning to look at me, my father gave me a look that had me feeling sick to my stomach. “I believe your sister already laid it out for you, son.”

  Pushing my hands through my hair, I let out a frustrated moan. “What the hell? I don’t understand, I just danced with Sandra and before that Sierra and I . . . we . . .”

  Fucking hell. I had told Sierra I would never leave her. That I wanted to be with her. I told her I loved her and then I walked away with another woman. Placing my hands on my knees, I dragged in one breath after another.

  Biggest. Dick. Ever.

  Standing back up, I looked at my father. “Dad, I didn’t mean to make her upset.”

  Fuck. I was going to ruin everything. This is the whole fucking reason I wanted to wait until after the trial before staring a relationship with Sierra. Motherfucker!

  “I’ll get it fixed, Dad. Robert’s not going to win. I’ll have Sierra ready and what is happening between us won’t affect the case.”

  My father’s face dropped. Looking away, he closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. “Is that why you were pushing her away, Aaron?”

  “What?” I asked with an even more confused look on my face. I needed to get to Sierra. Explain to her what happened. I would just tell her we needed to wait until after the case and then we could focus on us one hundred percent. I just prayed like hell she wouldn’t walk away from me for good.

  My father inhaled a deep breath and turned to me. “I know things have been . . . strained . . . between us the last few years. I shouldn’t have brought you back in the firm on the conditions I did and I know that. That being said, I’ve never been so happy having you back with the family and the same goes for your mother. I know I’ve never told you this, but I’m proud of you, son. I’m sorry I treated you like a child and forced your hand back into the firm.”

  Shaking my head, I held up my hand. “Dad, no. I really am glad I’m back. I’m hell-bent on proving to you that I can win this case.”

  “Aaron, listen to me, son.”

  Closing my mouth, I stood there staring at my father. “Sorry, sir.”

  Nodding, he said, “You don’t have anything to prove to me, Aaron and I’m so sorry I put the kind of pressure on you that I have. Ever since you’re mother got sick, I’ve longed to get back the family that we used to have. I wanted to be the best father and husband I could be. Don’t use me or this case to push Sierra away. I don’t think Sierra is the kind of girl who is going to take being pushed away too many times.”

  Swallowing hard, I shook my head. “Dad, I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. I’m scared shitless I’m going to do something wrong.”

  A hand landed on my arm as I turned to see my mother standing there. “Aaron, don’t be scared. Love shouldn’t scare you. It should excite you.”

  Taking my mother’s hand in mine, I looked into her blue eyes as she smiled at me. I’d changed my whole life because of the woman standing in front of me. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make my mother happy. I realized I felt the same exact way about Sierra. I pulled her hand up to my lips and kissed it. “Mom.”

  “Now, I feel like a part of this is my fault because I brought Sandra over to you both.”

  Shaking my head, I went to talk but was stopped by my mother. “Why don’t you head on home, Aaron. Your father and I are going to stay a bit longer. At least until most of the guests have left.”

  Glancing over to my father, I asked, “When did she leave?”

  Lifting his eyebrows, he nodded. “Almost an hour ago. Headed back to the house. Said she was tired.”

  Giving my father a head nod, I kissed my mother on the cheek and then held out my hand for my father. “I’m going to go make it right.”

  Giving me a wink, my father said, “I know you will.”

  Making my way out of the ballroom, I headed outside and flagged over one of the limos. Glancing at my watch, I silently said a prayer I hadn’t fucked things up with Sierra.

  Sitting on the edge of my bed, I took in a deep breath as I pushed my hand through my hair. Sierra’s bedroom door was locked. Smiling, I jumped up and made my way over to the door that separated me from the only girl I ever felt this way for. I thought I was falling for Ryn all those months ago, but when she had picked Tristan over me, I hadn’t felt devastated. The idea of never holding Sierra in my arms or kissing her lips every morning had me feeling sick to my stomach and scared to death.

  I loved her.

  I wanted no one but her.

  Reaching into my pocket, I took the key out. Pushing in the key, I slowly turned it as I pushed the door open. Immediately hearing her breathing, my heart slammed against my chest. Reaching up, I loosened my bowtie and pulled it off. Walking quietly into the bedroom, I stopped and stood there, watching her sleep. My heart was pumping so fast and hard it felt like I had just run a race. Everything about this woman drove me crazy. Her beautiful blue eyes. Her feisty temper. The fact that I knew she was scared as hell but refused to let anyone see it.

  Closing my eyes, I prayed to God that if he gave me this precious gift of her love, I would spend the rest of my life loving her and protecting her with every ounce of my being.

  Sierra let out a soft moan and my dick jumped in my pants. Her hand was tucked up under her chin and I don’t think I had ever seen anyone so beautiful in my entire life. I walked over and dropped to my knees. Smiling, I lifted my hand and pushed a piece of hair away from her face. As much as I wanted to make love to her, I longed to hold her in my arms. She needed to know she had changed me in so many ways.

  Sierra moved slightly and whispered, “Aaron.”

  Smiling, I took in the sound of my name off her lips. I wanted to hear it every morning when I woke up and every night as I laid next to her. Leaning in closer to her, I lightly touched my lips to hers. Whispering against them, I said her name. “Sierra.”

  Opening her eyes, Sierra smiled, and then she frowned. “Why are you waking me up, asshole? Please leave my room.”

  It felt as if someone had stuck a knife in my chest. I had to r
emember she was upset about Sandra and she had every right to be pissed.

  “You disappeared on me,” I whispered.

  Stretching, Sierra rolled her eyes and rolled over to her back. “Well ya know, it was kind of hard standing there watching you hold your ex-lover in your arms right after you professed your feelings for me, Dodge. It’s a mood killer, if you know what I mean. Why don’t you head on back to the party? I’m sure you and Sandy have a lot to catch up on.”

  Sierra rolled over, facing her back to me. Shaking my head, my eyes caught her bag sitting at the end of the bed. Packed.

  “Are you going somewhere?” I asked.

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, Sierra turned back to me. Her eyes moved across my face. I could see the sadness in them and I hated knowing I was the cause of that.

  “Yes. I’m going home after we prep for the trial. I figured it wouldn’t take long for you and your father to go over the possible questions Robert’s attorney might ask.”

  “I see,” I said, barely above a whisper. Clearing my throat, I let a smile play across my face.

  Sierra’s lips parted as she narrowed her eyes. “Are you happy about that?”

  Shaking my head. “No. I just realized something.”

  “That you’re a dick?”

  Chuckling, I reached over and took Sierra’s hand. “I can’t argue with you on that one, but that’s not what I meant. I realized that I’ll never have to go back to the day before.”

  Sierra pinched her brows together. “Day before what?”

  Standing, I leaned over and captured Sierra’s lips with mine and kissed her softly. Pulling back slightly, I spoke against her lips. “You.”

  Sierra’s eyes lit up as she smiled against my lips. “I’m mad at you, Dodge. You can’t say stuff like that when I’m mad at you.”

  Jetting out my lip, I pleaded, “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  Sierra’s smile grew. “Well, you are here with me and not with her.”

  Nodding my head, I raised my eyebrows. “I am here with you, so that has to give me some brownie points.”


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