Juicy Rebound (IceCats Book 1)

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Juicy Rebound (IceCats Book 1) Page 3

by Toni Aleo

  His laughter drops off, and there is so much emotion in his voice as he whispers, “I miss you.”

  We hang up after telling each other we love the other. I hold my phone in my fingertips as I look out at the ocean. I was dreading that call, but it actually went better than I’d thought. Ryan doesn’t apologize easily, so he must have felt bad. It was all avoidable like he said, but we Adler-Justices might be a little stubborn. My phone dings with a text, and it’s from Sofia.

  Sofia: Hey! Thank you! I can’t wait to see you. Pick whatever dress you want as long as it’s red. I love you!

  A small smile sits on my lips. Shit, I’m going home in a matter of months. I haven’t talked to or seen Uncle Shea or my mom in over a year. While mending things with Ryan was easy enough, my mom will be totally different. I need to prepare for that. Before I can even wrap my head around it, Chandler’s number catches my eye. I stare at it for a long time, and then for some odd reason, I input it into my phone.

  Not sure why, but I want to.

  Chapter Three


  At the ding of the bell over the door, Amelia looks my way.

  “You’re so dumb,” Nico says beside me. “She isn’t into you.”

  “Shut it,” I reply as a grin spreads across my lips. I’ve been thinking about her all night. I tossed and turned with memories of Amelia and me in college. They were short and sweet memories, but they were unforgettable for sure. I can still see her in the tight dress she wore to one of our parties. Feel her ass against my groin as she giggled and spoke softly in my ear while Ryan was distracted by his soon-to-be wife. We talked a lot on SnapChat and things like that, but it was always superficial. We never really got to see what could happen between us, and I feel like I have the chance now.

  I gotta jump on that.

  Amelia’s eyes brighten a bit, or at least I think they do, as she meets my gaze. Her hair is down in curls today, and the short flowy red dress she wears gives me a perfect view of her legs. I’ve always loved her legs. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” I say as I come to the counter.

  Nico leans over me. “What’s up? Can I get a mocha latte and a Danish? I’ll be over there. I need it to go, please.” He hooks his thumb to the spot we sat yesterday before he steps back.

  She looks offended. “Hello to you too.”

  He scoffs. “You don’t want me. I’m not wasting my time.” Nico looks at me. “You should do the same.”

  I ignore him as he walks away. My gaze moves along her face, and while her eyes seem brighter, she doesn’t look happy to see me. Before I can ask how she’s doing, she says, “He might be right.”

  “He’s not,” I say simply, lacing my fingers together as I rest my elbows on the counter. “You okay?”

  She looks at the iPad, and while I know I haven’t seen her in years, I can tell something is wrong. She inhales deeply and lets it out as a heavy sigh. “Just a rough day.”

  “Any way I can make it better?”

  She shakes her head, her eyes on the iPad. “Nope. I really didn’t think you’d come in.”


  “Why would you?”

  “’Cause I wanted to see you,” I say, and she looks up. “Remember? I need my cup of joe and my shot of the most gorgeous girl in the world.”

  She doesn’t want to smile, I can see her struggle, but her lips curve a bit. “I didn’t think you meant it.”

  I draw in my brows. “One thing about me, Am, is I mean what I say.”

  Our gazes stay locked, and I swear, staring into her blue eyes is like staring up at the most magnificent clear-sky day. The kind where there’s a nice breeze and birds are chirping. The sun kisses your skin, and you just feel good. She makes me feel good.

  I clear my throat, and she immediately looks away again. Moment over. “So, you look real pretty today. I like that dress.”

  She’s fighting her grin. “Thanks. I didn’t want to put on pants.”

  I chuckle. “That’s totally legit.”

  She looks up at me through her lashes as she moves to the coffee machine. “Do you have practice today?”

  “On my way there.”


  “Yeah. If you’d like, I can get you some tickets. Come as my guest.”

  She shrugs as she sets a paper cup of coffee in front of me. The back of her hand brushes mine, and she quickly tucks it into her apron. “I’m really busy.”

  “You love hockey. You can make time.”

  She bites her lip. “Yeah…I don’t know.”

  “I just want to hang out. Catch up. We can be friends, Amelia,” I say, but even I know that’s not true. I want more. What more, I have no clue, but I have to know this girl. I lost the chance so long ago, and I want it back now.

  Her lips quirk as she sets another cup in front of me before she gets a Danish out of the case. “Maybe.”

  “So, you won’t go out with me tonight?”

  She shakes her head. “I’m actually doing inventory tonight.”

  I eye her. “I think you might be lying to me.”


  When she licks her lips, I smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I grab my coffee and then Nico’s, but as I turn, she says, “I like your tattoos.” I look over my shoulder at her, and she shrugs, indifferent. “And the beard suits you.”

  My heart races in my chest as a slow grin spreads over my lips. “I’m supposed to shave today, but I might not now.”

  She scrunches up her face. “Why?”

  “’Cause you like it.” She narrows her eyes, and I tip my chin up at her. “Hope your day gets better.”

  When she doesn’t say anything, I join Nico at the door and walk out as he shakes his head. “Totally wasting your time.”

  “Nope, she’s worth every second.”

  He takes his stuff, unconvinced, just as my phone rings. I reach into my pocket, and a bigger grin covers my face when I see who it is. “Ryan Justice, this must be important if you’re calling me.”

  My best friend laughs. “I call you.”

  “Rarely. Too obsessed with your girl.”

  “Hey, just ’cause you married a crazy one doesn’t mean it isn’t okay to be obsessed with a good one.” I look back at Perk Me Up, and I find Amelia still watching me. Her hip is propped against the counter as she chews on the end of a pen. When she notices that I see her, she looks away. I smile. Ryan isn’t wrong.

  “I hear you. What’s up?” I ask as I get into my truck, starting it up. I glance over at Nico, and he’s already inhaled his Danish. That thing had no chance at all.

  “Listen, I need a best friend favor.”

  I perk my brow as I drive off. “That sounds serious.”

  “Yeah, so, my sister is in Molten. Over on Beach Haven. I think maybe down the street from you.”

  I blink, unsure where this is going. “Oh?” I feign surprise.

  “Yeah, you remember Amelia, don’t you?”

  How could I forget her? “Yeah.”

  “We have a bit of family drama going on, and I just need to know she’s okay. I don’t know where she is working, but I’m going to—”

  “Actually, I just saw her,” I say, and I brace for impact.


  “At a coffee shop. Perk Me Up.”

  I’m met with silence before he lets out a long sigh. “Hm, that’s odd.”

  “She seems to like it.”

  “Does she look okay?”

  Beautiful. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Okay, that’s good. Listen, do me a favor. Keep an eye on her.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. You two were cool. Get her to hang out, make sure she is okay. I’m worried she’s up to something she shouldn’t be, and I don’t like that she won’t come home.”

  Pretty sure his definition of hang out and mine are way different. “Maybe she just wants a new start?”

  “Or she’s hiding s

  “What is going on?” I ask, a little surprised by his concern. The Justice family is very close-knit, especially since losing their dad. “This is a little off.”

  “Dude, she’s pissed no one supported her marriage.”

  I nod thoughtfully. “I can see that.”

  “I just need her to give us a chance to apologize, but I also need to know she’s doing all right. Can you keep an eye on her?”

  “Yeah,” I say, but it doesn’t sit right.

  I feel like this might backfire on me.

  But then, it does give me an excuse to keep seeing Amelia.

  Chapter Four


  “I spoke to Ryan.”

  Shelli gasps, and I hear her moving in her bed before she asks, “How’d it go?”

  “Good, actually. He apologized and told me I was right.”

  “Right? You shouldn’t have married Drew or given up everything for him.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, but it was my mistake to make.”

  “Oh, yeah, you’re right on that. Dumb mistake.”

  “Massively dumb,” I agree as I lean into my railing, my hair blowing in the ocean breeze. “I wonder how long I’ll get the checks?”

  “Isn’t it supposed to be for five years?”

  “I don’t know, I need to call my lawyer. I hate them.”

  “So, I feel hating money is something we should discuss. You could always send it to me.”

  I chuckle as I close my eyes, letting my head fall back. I love the ocean; I love the feel of the sea air on my skin. “You know why I hate it, so hush.”

  “Shit, I’d be dancing to the bank and flipping him off while I’m at it.”

  “I guess.” I lean my elbows on the railing and let my hair fall over my face. “I still gotta call my mom. Ryan is pushing for it. She sent me an email last night.”

  “What about?”

  “That she had talked to Ryan, and he told her what I said. She said she wants to talk to me one-on-one. Asked for me to call, of course, but she also wants to come see me.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I haven’t called or written her back.”

  “You know she didn’t mean what she said. She’s guilt-stricken by the way things happened. Mom says she cries whenever anyone brings you up.”

  That should gut me, and it does in a way. But also, I want her to be upset. She broke my heart. “I know she did it from a place of love, but it was uncalled for. In the end, I only had you, when I thought I had the whole Justice/Adler world behind me.”

  “You always have. You’re just stubborn, and you were in a bad place with Drew.”

  “Whatever,” I say, shaking my head. “It’s all done with.”

  “Thank the Lord.”

  I blink back my tears. I need to change the subject. “What are you…oh! The dog is back.”

  A beautiful golden retriever runs along the ocean chasing a ball, and my heart swells. The dog is absolutely stunning, with the most spun-gold-colored fur I have ever seen, and I had a golden retriever growing up. A big grin covers my face as I take off for the kitchen.

  “I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to feed stray dogs.”

  “He’s not a stray. She’s perfect.”

  “You used two different sexes there.”

  “I’m unsure what it is,” I say as I run back outside with two hot dogs in hand. I make kissing noises, and its beautiful ears perk up before it comes running for my porch. I’m so high up off the beach that I can only throw the hot dogs down to it. That’s probably better, though, because if I hug her, I might keep him. I really need to know what sex the dog is. I sound like an idiot. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “You’ll see when you come.”

  “We’re still dressing up like llamas and passing out candy, right? I already bought us llama heads at Walmart when I was home.”

  I make a face. Before I can say anything, though, a loud whistle gets the dog’s attention, and it takes off to the left. That must be the owner. “I didn’t agree to llamas.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “You didn’t, but you did.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re impossible.”

  “It’s part of my charm.”

  It’s just a simple word, charm, but hearing it reminds me of Chandler. I’ve only seen him for two days, and already he floods my thoughts. He looked so damn good today in a pair of fitted pants and a tee. He had a bit of hair on his jaw yesterday, but today it had grown so thick, and he looked majorly hot. Seeing him made my shitty morning sort of better.

  “So, how’s work?”

  “Work,” I groan. “I have to train two new people tomorrow who can only work in the afternoons. I’d really like to find someone for the mornings so I can get a day to myself and not harass my boss.”

  “Or your boss could work.”

  “That too. You?”

  “Busy as ever. Oh! So, get this. Apparently, Aiden has a penthouse and throws parties.”

  I’m confused. “Who’s Aiden?”

  “Amelia! Really? Aiden Brooks, my lifelong crush who doesn’t know I exist.”

  My whole face scrunches up. “Really, Shelli? You’re still hung up on that guy?”

  “Ugh, duh. But one of the guys in the show, Chris, knows a couple of players for the Rangers, and he went to a party at Aiden’s place. Says he’ll take me if I want.”

  “So you went already?”

  “He hasn’t had one lately,” she admits, and I laugh.

  “You’re just going to stare at him.”

  “Because he’s absolutely gorgeous.”

  “Um, that ponytail is a little ew,” I say, my face still scrunched. Don’t get me wrong, the guy is hot, but I don’t dig man buns. I’m more of a fresh cut, topaz eyes, and thick lips kind of girl.

  “You shut your dirty mouth, you lint licker!”

  I snort. “Stop it.”

  She laughs. “Aiden’s perfect in every way.”

  “Except in the way where he remembers who you are.”

  She blows raspberries at me through the phone. “It isn’t like I’ve thrown myself on him.”


  “Exactly,” she agrees, and I smile. Shelli would be absolutely ruthless if Aiden gave her even a second of his time. She has been totally infatuated with him since she was like six. I used to tease her about it, but now I keep forgetting since it’s so silly. He’s off being some all-star hockey player, and she’s on Broadway. Neither of them has time for the other, yet she’s still digging him.

  Why does Chandler come to mind?

  “Do you remember Chandler? Ryan’s best friend from college?”

  Anyone else, I wouldn’t ask. With Shelli, though, I tell her the deepest, darkest shit, and she still loves me.

  With an appreciative moan, she says, “Oh yes, tight ass and beautiful golden eyes. Defensemen for the IceCats, number twenty-three, I think.”

  “You could make a hockey fan jizz in his pants.”

  She snorts. “Yup, but I want a hockey player. Rawr.”

  “You mean a hockey player who plays for the Rangers and has to braid his man bun?”

  “Will you leave his man bun out of this?”

  “How can I? It’s awful!”



  She groans. “What about Mr. Chandler Moon?”

  I hesitate for a moment and then say, “He came into the coffee shop yesterday and today.”

  “Is he still as fine as ever?”

  I groan at the thought of him. “So much more. He has all these tattoos and a beard.”

  “Girl, I don’t run, but I’d power-walk for a guy with tattoos and a beard.”

  “And a man bun.”

  “Shut it!”

  I giggle at her exclamation.

  “Didn’t y’all already hook up, though?”

/>   I brush my hair out of my face, remembering that one night at a Bullies’ party back in college. Ryan was trying hard to get Sofia to give him a chance, and I was in the corner with Chandler. We talked about school, his major, and then I kissed him. He didn’t expect it, but he sure took over the moment it happened. If I think really hard, I can almost remember the way his lips felt. “We kissed, but it was interrupted by some drunk dude. And then Drew happened.”

  “Stupid Drew,” she says, and I can just see her rolling her pretty blue eyes. I haven’t seen her in months, but I can imagine her in my head, and I miss her terribly. “So you saw him and…”

  “He asked me out.”

  “And you said…”


  “Ugh! I knew it,” she groans, and I roll my eyes.

  “There is no way I can start anything with anyone right now.”

  “Why not? You’ve been divorced over a year. It’s okay to move on.”

  “It’s not that. I’m just damaged, I guess.”

  “Well, that’s to be expected, so maybe find a guy who wouldn’t mind mending you back up.”

  I scoff. “No dude wants that.”

  “Chandler might.”

  “No way. I wouldn’t do that to him. He’s too wonderful. Or he was. I don’t know the guy now, but I’m sure he’s amazing.”

  “Who says you can’t get to know him?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know.”

  “Maybe hook up. It would be good to get out there, get the first relationship after that fucking dickwad out of the way. You know Chandler would be one hell of a juicy rebound.”

  I balk. “Ew. You made that sound so gross.”

  She laughs loudly. “You’re so weird. Juicy and moist are normal words.”

  “No! They’re disgusting!”

  “You’re insane. I bet he has a juicy ass and can make you moist.”

  “I just puked in my mouth. Goodbye.”

  As I hang up on the sound of her laughter, a shiver runs through me. Shelli’s words play over and over in my head, but they mean nothing. There is no way. I’m in no position to even try to be with someone right now. I’m too messed up. No one would understand me. Especially someone as amazing as Chandler.


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