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All About The Treats

Page 14

by Weston Parker

  She grimaced. “I can’t imagine what that would be like. On one hand, I would have loved the food, but on the other, I would miss the basics.”

  “Where are your parents?” I asked.


  “Are you close with them?”

  She shrugged. “Not really. We had some pretty different views on life and what they wanted for me. I met David when I was in high school. He joined the Army, and once he was through basic, I joined him. We traveled the world. Rather, he traveled, and I stayed on base. When I got pregnant with Jace, we both agreed it was best for me to come home. He got transferred to Texas, and I thought things would be better.”

  I nodded in understanding. “You’ve lived an eventful life.”

  “I suppose. I would have preferred it to be a little less eventful, but we have experiences that shape us. I’m shaped. I don’t want to be shaped anymore.”

  I laughed. “I don’t have your experiences, but I do have enough in my past to decide I’m done being shaped as well. At least by the hard stuff.”

  She nodded. “If only life were so kind as to take mercy on us. It’s always a roller coaster. We just have to strap in and hang on.”

  “That’s one way to look at it,” I said.

  “Let’s go eat. I’m hungry and I want some food.”

  We walked out together. I followed her to her house to drop off her car before we went to the restaurant. It was unlike anything I’d ever been in before. I followed her lead, taking my seat at a small round table covered with a red tablecloth.

  “This is different,” I said.

  She giggled. “Different good, or different bad?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “Trust me, it’s good. Maybe not up to your refined standards, but sometimes, the plain stuff can be good.”

  “I do trust you. I’m looking forward to trying it.”

  “I’m going to get the chicken fried steak. What do you want?”

  I reviewed the menu. None of it looked familiar. “Um,” I said.

  “Step outside your comfort zone and try something completely unlike what you normally order. Meatloaf?”

  I shook my head. “I’ve had that.”

  “Fried chicken?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not that sheltered. I’ve had fried chicken. What’s that thing you’re getting?”

  She grinned. “We’ll order two. I’ll let it be a surprise. I think you’ll be very impressed.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Are you still working on that candy you asked me about last week?” she asked.

  I winked. “I am.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s going to be a surprise,” I teased.

  “Oh, I like surprises,” she cooed.

  “How’s the rest of the planning?” I asked.

  She sighed. “I want to say it’s going to be great, but I have to admit, I’m more nervous about this one than I have ever been.”

  “What’s got you so nervous?”

  “I’m worried I might have bitten off more than I can chew, so to speak.”

  “You sounded more confident before,” I said.

  “I was, and then reality sank in. This is the biggest festival I’ve ever put on. Not just the biggest, but like two—no three times bigger than past festivals. We ordered a ton of merchandise. If it doesn’t sell, I’m going to lose a lot of money. The business will take a hit. People that sponsor the festival and participate in it are going to be leery and not trust me. If I lose trust, the next festival will be a bust.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about it not going well. It’s a party. People are bound to have fun.”

  She grimaced. “If it’s a bust, I will never be able to show my face again.”

  “It won’t be a bust,” I declared.

  She grinned. “Well, if you say so, then it must be so.”

  We ordered our meals. When the massive plates were delivered covered in a thick white gravy, I was very skeptical. I raised an eyebrow and picked up my fork, stabbing at the breaded patty. “I’m nervous.”

  She giggled. “Take a bite. One bite. I promise it won’t kill you.”

  “You have a lot of faith in my survival. One of these times, you’re going to make me try something, and it will most certainly kill me.”

  “Not today it won’t. Watch me.”

  I watched as she used her fork to cut off a hunk of the patty, swirled it in gravy, and then popped it in her mouth. She closed her eyes, nodding.


  “Mmm, this is exactly what I needed,” she said before taking another bite.

  Watching her enjoy her meal was arousing. I had to know what the fuss was about. I took my own tentative bite and was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t exactly filet mignon, but it did have a certain appeal.

  “It’s good,” I told her.

  “I know. Have you ever had grits?”

  I shook my head. “Grits? Is that a food?”

  “It is. You’ll like them. They’re good when they are made right.”

  “I’m going to take your word for it.”

  We finished eating our meals. She looked to be in a lot better spirits. I drove back to her place. She had her hand on my thigh. It was a small gesture, but it was a big deal to me. I parked in the driveway and looked over at her.

  “Come in?” she whispered.

  I nodded. “I’d like that.”

  I walked her to her door and kissed her once. She unlocked the door. I followed her inside. “Want a drink?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Wine or whiskey?”

  I chuckled. “You keep whiskey in the house?”

  “Sometimes, a girl needs a stiff drink.”

  “I’ll have a shot of whiskey,” I said.

  “Have a seat.” She gestured to the couch, kicked off her heels, and walked into the kitchen.

  She returned a few seconds later carrying two glasses. She sat down next to me, tucking her feet under her. We both sipped from our glasses. She let out a long sigh.

  “Feeling better?” I asked her.

  She smiled. “Some. Thank you for trying to take my mind off things.”

  “Trying? Does that mean I’m failing?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Turn around,” I ordered, putting my glass on the end table.

  “Turn around?” she asked.

  “Yep, turn.”

  She gave me her back, sitting with her legs crossed on the couch. I put my hands on her shoulders and began to slowly massage. She groaned, dropping her head forward as I worked out the tension in her shoulders and neck. The woman was especially tense.

  “Oh god. So good.”

  “Better?” I asked, rubbing down her back.

  “Yes. Your hands are magical. I thought it was just your fingers, but your hands are incredible.”

  “Thank you,” I said, leaning forward to kiss her neck.

  She tilted her head to the side. It was an invitation to explore her flesh with my mouth. With kisses as soft as a butterfly, I made my way down the side of her neck. I used my tongue to run a trail back up to her ear. She shuddered, gooseflesh covering her skin. I used my hand to push her hair out of the way. I kissed across the back of her neck and made my way down the other side.

  My fingers went to the zipper on the back of her dress and slowly slid it down, pushing the fabric off her shoulders. My mouth covered one, then the other, my hands moving back to massage her lower back, working out all the knots.

  Chapter 22


  The man’s hands. I was never going to dismiss the quiet intellectual type again. What he lacked in words, he made up for in the bedroom with his magic hands. His mouth didn’t need to speak when it could send me into a tailspin with a few soft kisses.

  “God, you’re good,” I moaned as his tongue slid over my shoulder.

  “I could lick you from top to bottom and never get t
ired of it.”

  I smiled, dropping my head forward as his tongue ran over my flesh. I felt heat pooling in my stomach, my body already on a spiral upward with just the minimal contact.

  “I think I’d like to lick you,” I told him, feeling emboldened.

  I leaned forward and turned to face him on the couch. He had a small grin on his face. “Ah, but I was enjoying my feast.”

  I slowly shook my head. “My turn. Let’s go in the bedroom.”

  I stood up, my dress falling to my feet as I did. Theo was sitting on the couch looking up at me. The grin was gone and replaced by something far more intense. The look he was giving me sent my heart racing. He leaned forward and grabbed my hips, pulling me forward. His face pressed against my stomach. I reached down, running my fingers through all that silky hair.

  Suddenly, going to the bedroom didn’t feel as necessary as it had a few seconds ago. His hands were pulling my panties down my hips, his mouth running kisses over my stomach before swirling his tongue around my naval.

  My legs were trembling, the need for him increasing with every breath. “Theo,” I breathed his name.

  His mouth hovered over my pussy. His hot breath excited me even more than I already was. I gasped when those butterfly kisses I was coming to expect from him danced over my sensitive core. I feared I would collapse with the weight of the ecstasy wrapped around me like a heavy blanket. Every touch, every kiss, every breath that brushed over me took me higher and higher.

  When his tongue lapped out, swiping over my folds and opening me to his exploration, I nearly collapsed for real. “Oh god,” I cried out.

  His hands held my hips steady, supporting me and holding me in place directly in front of his mouth. He lavished me with his tongue, licking me like I was one of the candies he loved so much. He was relentless with his pursuit to give me an orgasm. I was helpless to deny it.

  I bucked against him, the orgasm holding me so tightly I couldn’t draw breath. I felt my body lowering, sliding down until my knees hit the floor in front of the couch. His mouth on mine greeted me back to reality as the spasms wracked through my body.

  I was fired up. I felt like I was starving for him. My hands went to his shirt, nearly ripping it off him. My hands were shaking as I undid the button on his pants. I pushed him backward with more force than I had intended. He watched me pull his pants and underwear down. My eyes dropped to the lovely erection that greeted me.

  I didn’t hesitate. I grabbed him, feeling the strength of the man in my hand. I looked back at him, his eyes on mine as I gently squeezed, sliding my hand up and down his length. His nostrils flared, desire burning in his eyes.

  I closed my mouth over him, sucking him deep into my throat as I swallowed every last inch of him. He groaned loudly, his hands moving into my hair, massaging my scalp and applying gentle pressure, encouraging me to suck harder. I gave him my all, sucking and slurping as I pleasured him.

  “Now,” he gasped. “Now. Ride me.”

  He didn’t have to ask me twice, I climbed up from the floor, straddling him and guiding his thick cock to my opening. I slid down, one hard plunge until he was deep inside my body. I fell forward, my head resting in the crook of his neck as I struggled to organize all the thoughts slamming into my brain.

  It felt so good.

  His hand slid up my spine, releasing my bra. I leaned back and let him pull it off. I grabbed his face with my hands and kissed him, completing the connection of our bodies. I kissed him, holding his face as I slowly began to move.

  I rode him slow and easy, savoring every slide over the raw nerves deep inside me. I dropped my head back, my breasts feeling heavy as I rocked my hips back and forth. His arms came around me, pulling me forward, his mouth closing over my breasts. Suckling and nipping at the sensitive nipples.

  I moved faster, my need encouraging me to chase the orgasm I could feel brewing deep inside my very core. I reached for the back of the couch, holding on as I bounced against him. I rocked harder and faster, the orgasm hovering just out of reach.

  “Up,” he ordered.

  I blinked. “What?” I gasped.

  “Up. Get up. Get off.”

  I wondered if I did something wrong. I feared I had hurt him or he didn’t like being ridden like a bucking bronco. I slid backward, getting to my shaking legs. He nearly catapulted off the couch, reaching for me and spinning me around.

  “Theo?” I said his name with wonderment.

  “Down,” he ordered.

  He had never before sounded so bossy and demanding. I liked it. I did what he asked, dropping to my knees. He pushed the coffee table out of the way and got behind me. I was shocked by the aggression I felt from him. The man seemed so vanilla. I liked the wild side. He was a man of many layers, and I wanted to keep peeling those layers back.

  I bent forward, going to my hands and knees. I turned to look over my shoulder at him, watching as he slid his hand down my spine and over one of my round cheeks. I had always been a little self-conscious of my voluptuous ass, but watching him look at it with such desire made me feel good about myself. I watched while he guided himself to my opening and thrust hard. I yelped. The feeling of his hard length invading my body sent shockwaves through my system. He felt bigger. Harder. And far more demanding.

  His hands went to my hips, holding tight as he pounded into me. I nearly screamed with ecstasy. He took me hard and fast, dominating my body in every way. I slapped my open hand against the floor, like I was slapping a horse to run faster. He dominated my body. Every nerve, every sense attuned to him and what he was doing to me.

  “Don’t stop,” I shouted when he began to slow.

  “Fuck,” he growled, his dick throbbing inside me as he picked up the pace again.

  I did my best to dig into the wood floors, to keep myself from sliding forward. The powerful thrusts threatened to send me sprawling on the floor. I pushed backward. It was the only way to keep from falling forward.

  The pushback drove him deep. I had a flash of warning before my body erupted in a violent orgasm. I heard myself shouting and saying things no respectable woman should ever say. He had pushed me into craziness. I was crazed with ecstasy.

  He roared something incoherent behind me. His fingertips dug into my flesh, squeezing me as he held me against him. I felt my arms going slack and slowly slid to the floor. His body followed mine, jerking inside me as my stomach pressed against the floor. My hips arched, holding him inside me as my body squeezed around him, pulling ever drop of ecstasy from him.

  He jerked a few more times, his orgasm extending my own. I struggled to catch my breath, but it was a good struggle. I had never felt so satisfied. His weight slid off me. His leg rested across the back of my thighs as his hand rested on my back.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, out of breath.

  I chuckled, turning to face him, my cheek pressed against the cool floor. I grinned. “I am so okay. Where did that come from?”

  He winked. “I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

  “My god. I’m not sure I’ll survive any more tricks. You’re secretly a wild man in bed, aren’t you?”

  He grinned. “No more than the next guy.”

  I scoffed. “I don’t think so. I don’t even think I can move,” I mumbled.

  He moved his leg off me and got to his feet before helping me up. I was so glad Jace wasn’t home. That was not a scene he ever needed to see.

  He silently took my hand and walked me to my bedroom.

  “Stay?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Absolutely. I’d never pass up a chance to sleep in your bed.”

  I grinned. “Sleep. Is that what they call it now?”

  He chuckled. “Give me five minutes and I’ll let you know.”

  I settled in next to him. “I’m so glad you’re going to be at Halloweenfest. Having you there is going to be huge for me.”

  “How so?”

  “Because you have a quiet strength about you. I know you’re nervous,
but you give me strength. I pretend I don’t worry, but I do. With you there, I know I’ll feel better.”

  He chuckled. “I think it’s me who needs you.”

  “I do need you.”

  “It’s good to be needed,” he commented.

  “Being with you makes me happy,” I told him, feeling a little sappy after what we had shared. “Jace likes being around you too.”

  “I like spending time with both of you. I really hope that we’ll be able to see each other more often once your schedule lightens up.”

  I smiled and sighed as I rested my head against his bare chest. “I hope so too.”

  I closed my eyes, feeling myself falling for the man. His quiet strength infused me. It made me feel like I could lean on him. I knew the whole relationship had been based on me helping him overcome some of his social anxiety, but I found myself relying on him.

  He was such a solid presence. I hoped he did want to see me after the festival. I wanted to explore a relationship with him. I wanted to know what a relationship with him would look like. It was a lot and it was fast. I told myself to take a step back. Wait until after the festival and see where things went.

  Chapter 23


  I sipped from the water glass, the soft din of conversation buzzing around me as I focused on what Sawyer was saying. We were at lunch, and he’d been carrying on about some problem with one of the machines. Admittedly, that kind of thing just kind of sent me into a daze.

  I didn’t know shit about the machines and had no real interest in them either. I had never taken the time to learn much about them. We had maintenance people and experts to handle those issues. I nodded, appearing to pay attention, but my mind was elsewhere. I was thinking about tomorrow and the Halloweenfest.

  “Hello?” Sawyer’s irritated voice cut through the commotion in my brain.

  I blinked, looking at him and trying to replay what he had been saying. “What?”

  “What are you spacing out about?” he asked irritably.

  “I was thinking about tomorrow.”


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