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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 26

by Jenny Ramshard

  “I knew there was something different about you, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I don’t know how many times I’ve mentioned about getting a breast augmentation. You look like a new woman. It’s too bad you couldn’t have gone to this effort for me.” I wasn’t about to get into the heated debate. I had tried to spice things up in the bedroom only to find him snoring loudly after a long day at the office.

  I thought he was overworked, but he had some young woman on the side draining him of his last vestige of energy.

  He signed the papers and we dispensed with the pleasantries with both of us going our separate ways.

  Joan had become a good friend. She was the one that made the suggestion about taking a vacation. She had gone through the very same thing 10-years ago. Her solution was divorcing the bastard and then sleeping with anything with two legs with youthful enthusiasm of 20-years or less.

  “I know there were things said in the heat of the moment. Go to Jamaica and come back with the possibility of getting along for the sake of Heather. It won’t hurt you to be the bigger person. I’m sure the money will help to get you over the necessary depression. Don’t find yourself drowning your sorrows at the bottom of a bottle. He doesn’t deserve the satisfaction of seeing you fall apart.” I was ready to throw off the shackles of marriage for a single life.

  “I’ve kept my body in tiptop shape. I have the figure of women 10-years younger. I believe things happen for a reason. This is my chance to throw caution to the wind and do something entirely out of character.” Good things came in little packages.” I was 5’4, 130 lbs most of that muscle from working out with a personal trainer three times a week.

  “I don’t think I’ve said this, but your hair is amazing. You must tell me where you got it done.” I had lost a few inches and I was looking younger than my 35-years. I could’ve easily been mistaken for someone in her early twenties.

  The only thing hard to change was the experience of my cat-like green eyes. I did have a small chest, but now everything was proportionate. They looked natural and the Dr. was a miracle worker when it came to giving me something to admire.

  “I was wondering when you were going to get around to asking me. It is a little bit out there, but it’s starting to grow on me.” The platinum blonde was not my natural color and the spikes gave me a youthful appearance.

  I handed her a card and she tucked it into her breast pocket for a later date. My bags were already packed and the car I had hired was still waiting for me at the curb of the building.

  I gave Joan a hug and thanked her for all of her hard work in getting me the kind of money I was never going to be able to spend in a lifetime.

  I was getting $20,000 a month in perpetuity for as long as I was breathing. I’d already put the house up for sale which would net a cool 2.5 million in tax-free extra revenue. I had a place in the mountains of Vermont and another one in Florida for those cold winter months.

  I’d never been alone. I made the mistake of getting married right out of high school. I had missed out on playing the field, however I did have few occasions to practice my oral prowess on the opposite sex.

  Chapter Two

  Jamaica was a different way of life. The slow pace of living was because of the humidity. People were in no hurry to get anywhere. Driving, on the other hand, was literally taking my life in my hands. I was white knuckling it all the way to the resort to spend three weeks in the company of bronzed bodies.

  I had heard good things about hedonism and was fortunate enough to be able to get a reservation on such short notice. I was expecting something like Caligula. I was a little disappointed to see how sedate people were until I came upon the nude pool.

  Some people were looking at me and I realized I was the one that was standing out from the crowd. Wearing clothes had made me the minority. I had my personal trainer to thank for my rock hard body. Shedding the layers wasn’t easy, but once they came off, I never wanted to put them back on.

  The drinks were free at the all-inclusive resort. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but this was my chance to show a different side of myself. The water was warm and I made my way over to the bar.

  “I hope you don’t think this is a line, but you could be my personal muse.” This man was young enough to be my son with a clean-shaven face and dimples to match.

  “I take it from your statement you are some kind of artist. Does this approach really work for you?” He wasn’t wearing anything and there was something liberating about letting it all hang out.

  “I’m actually the lead singer of the band playing here at the resort. We’ve never been able to turn down a request from hedonism. We get paid handsomely and the accommodations are free with all the liquor we can drink in our body weight.” His hair was blond and was slicked back from when he was swimming in the pool.

  “I’m flattered by the attention, but I’m old enough to be your mother.” I had no problem dipping my toe into the sexual waters. I wasn’t expecting someone with his genetic makeup to have no shame by coming onto me.

  “Age is nothing but a number. I don’t want you to think I do this all the time. I’ve had my fair share of inebriated groupies. I like somebody with experience to teach me things I don’t know.” It wasn’t like I could hide my bodacious figure and my newly acquired boobs.

  He was licking his lips and I thought he was some playboy looking to score. It dawned on me everybody here was most likely looking for a little bit of action. I decided to be a little bold and reached under the water to find him up to the challenge. I wasn’t expecting the length to supersede the enclosure of my two fists put together.

  “I came over here to start up a conversation. Your body is handmade for somebody like me. I think there’s a possibility of some beautiful music playing in our future.” We moved through the throngs of naked bodies. I felt a few taking some liberties by grabbing a feel.

  I actually found it amusing and not the least bit an invasion of my personal space. He was built like some statue in Greek mythology. He was molded in the image of what a perfect man would look like without his clothes on. We were being pushed together like two magnets.

  “There’s this grotto which makes it easier for those of like minds to express themselves physically. I’m in love with the shape of your body and your freshly painted lips. The purple is unusual, but it does make you stand out from the crowd.” It was an impulse buy. I had seen some young girls talking about the latest trend in makeup at the airport.

  “I’m sure it would look great around the thickness of your cock.” The words came easily and I was allowing my inner freak to fly free.

  “You took the words right out of my mouth.” There was one other girl going down on an Adonis with a bald head in the grotto.

  She didn’t even look up from what she was doing still on her knees servicing her man. I should’ve been hesitant to do something in public, but I was using this time to step into somebody else’s shoes. His satisfaction was guaranteed by the years I had perfected my technique in school before I met my husband.

  “I think you should sit over here so that I can get a better look at this thing.” We were hidden from view, but anybody could walk in at any moment to witness what I was about to do.

  He leaned back against the rock and lifted his body until his legs were dangling in the water. I saw his monument and I made an audible gasp of appreciation for something of an art form in itself.

  “I can’t believe that’s all of him. It goes to show you don’t know who’s a grower and who is a shower.” It dawned on me what she was referring to. She must’ve seen him from time to time in passing during his engagements at the resort.

  She was impressed but was still manhandling the goods of the man who was rapidly approaching his personal release. She barely had it clasped between her lips when it went off filling her mouth with one hot jet after another. Her cheeks billowed as she attempted to swallow the volume pouring out of his male spigot.

  I had never been a
voyeur, but I could see how it could be an enjoyable pastime. I was learning a few things about how not to let one single drop go to waste. She finished with the man and he left with her sticking around to get a closer look at this one’s package.

  “I don’t know how you are going to manage that, but I could stay and give you a few pointers. I can see this is your first time dealing with something of this magnitude. He’s quite blessed. It’s no wonder he has been unwilling to show it in public.” I had one hand wrapped around him and he was amazingly silent during my exchange with this woman with a flaming mane of red hair down to her shoulders.

  “You can stick around and watch, but I think I can make the most out of this opportunity alone.” I was being a bit greedy, but I felt that I was in need of having a bit of fun.

  “Go ahead and don’t let me stop you. You have the look my mother had when she finally divorced my father. I brought her here during the infancy of her divorce and she has come back every year since for the past 15. She’s here with me and my husband. We’ve learned to share everything with each other.” I couldn’t imagine seeing my daughter doing this to a man while I was waiting for my turn.

  “I can tell you like touching me. I bet you would enjoy it, even more, when you take it into your mouth.” He had said enough to make me interested in seeing how much I could take.

  It had to be over 9-inches and as thick as my wrist. I might have been taking on more than I could handle, but I was willing to give it the old college try. Being in an environment of available men and women looking to try something different had given me the courage to step outside of my comfort zone.

  “Keep your pants on. Never mind, you’ve already gotten rid of those.” I was making a joke to insert some levity into a frivolous moment of pleasure.

  His smile was disarming and he flexed the muscle between his legs. It produced a thick drop and I knew there was more where that came from.

  “You’ve come this far and there’s no reason to back down when you have him right where you want him. Show him what an older woman is capable of and he will follow you around like a long lost puppy dog.” She had given me an encouraging word and there was no reason not to go for it.

  I took a deep breath and brought his knob to my lips. I got a taste of what he had to offer and I wanted more. Every time I swirled my tongue around his mushroom tip, I got more of the same to replace what I had already consumed. I spit-shined the entire thing and then moved my tongue down the length of him inexplicably slow to drag it out for as long as possible.

  “I’ve seen my fair share of women going down on a man, but this is definitely a learning experience.” I was happy to impart my wisdom when it came to the art of orally satisfying a man. It was all about body language and watching for that one thing to capitalize on.

  “I thought you were going to be a tease. I don’t… I don’t even know what your name is.” It didn’t seem necessary and I already had my mouth full to answer his question.

  “You dare ask for her name while she is going down on you. There’s no easy way to tell you this. It has gone well beyond the introduction stage. That’s something you should have thought about when you first began talking to her. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she likes the idea of being an anonymous piece of ass? Don’t go ruining a good thing by opening up your mouth.” She was the devil on the side of my shoulder where there was the whisper of the angel begging me to reconsider.

  “I should learn to shut up, but I need something to distract me from blowing off in her mouth.” I heard the sound of kissing and looked up to see my mystery woman injecting her tongue into his mouth.

  I was doing my best work and finding him quite receptive to my advances. I’d heard the stories, but I never believed for a moment I would be living my own tale of passion. I was enjoying the act. The excitement was enough to make me soaking wet. I touched the lips and dragged my finger up to his mouth. Both of them were happy to share.

  “She is delicious and I do believe I should give her something for what she is doing to you.” I felt her hands on my ass and the attention was much appreciated. She spread me open and darted her tongue inside me. I was no longer guarding my libido.

  “I’ve been trying for some time to keep it from happening, but I’m losing this fight. I can’t get over the way that you are sucking me off. Other girls should be here to take notes. You’re not just doing this because I expect it.” I loved the control I had over his orgasm. His balls were the size of grapefruits. It looked pretty damned painful from where I was situated between his legs.

  It wasn’t easy keeping my train of thought. This woman had the magic touch and knew what buttons to push. She was the first one about to make me cum with their mouth. I had experimented with a good friend, but nothing to this extreme degree of pleasure. She had the key to the gates of my pleasure and it came courtesy of the pointed end of her tongue.

  I came with a deep moan of satisfaction. My eyes went wide and the vibration of my exclamation of pleasure was captured along the length of his cock. It exploded with one long stream of heated bliss after another. It was like my own personal aphrodisiac. My orgasm was plainly timed for the moment of his expulsion.

  He didn’t even bother covering his mouth. His scream was soon followed by a very awkward applause coming from behind me. I was busy. I didn’t want to know how many had found time to watch the culmination of our time together.

  “I didn’t even ask you how long you’re staying. I hope that this isn’t your last day here. I know I’m probably jumping the gun, but I would like to invite you to come over tonight and use the hot tub. I can’t promise we won’t have an audience, but I don’t think that’s going to matter to you.” It deflated in my mouth and I finished swallowing the goods before releasing him from my oral grip.

  “The man I was going down on was my husband. His applause was deafening, but I would know his voice like the back of my hand. My name is Sophia and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I do hope we can do this again.” She was like a butterfly flitting from one lover to the other regardless of sex.

  “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Celeste. I haven’t had the pleasure of making introductions with the man I sucked clean.” His name was Robert and I was ready to do something totally beyond my understanding. The hot tub sounded like a good way to see if I could sit on something of his youthful persuasion.

  Chapter Three

  In the cold light of reality, I was a little less likely to let my body do the talking for me. Robert and his band played while I was having dinner soon to be joined by Sophia and her husband Anthony. It wasn’t quite the same wearing clothes, but I had a feeling sex wasn’t off the table.

  “Anthony and I have been here a few times. We haven’t had the same lover twice. It’s always somebody different and we pride ourselves on being the necessary welcome wagon for new guests. Robert has been the subject of some considerable debate. I admit to trying to get into his pants, but he was reluctant. There have been rumors of his endowment, but this was the first time I had seen it with my own eyes. My husband is no lightweight in that department, but sometimes a little strange goes a long way.” We spoke candidly and I told them the reason why I had come to a place with this kind of reputation.

  “Our marriage was on the rocks a few years ago until we admitted to each other that we needed some variety in our lives. I was surprised by Sophia’s reaction when I mentioned bringing other lovers into the bedroom. It wasn’t long before we were taking our first trip to a place where dreams come true. I actually witnessed, on the first night, her going down on four different guys at the pool after midnight.” They had found something that worked for them and it made them a stronger couple in the long run.

  “I still don’t know if I want to pursue this any further with him. I doubt I’m going to have the strength to say no. I made the leap of faith not thinking and just acting in the moment. I need to continue to do that if I expect to have the kind of fun to pu
t a smile on my face.” Her hand on my knee had me wishing she would get down under the table and show me the same skills she had used earlier in the afternoon.

  “It’s thinking about it that’s going to kill the experience for you. Life is too short not to grab a spoon and dig into the different flavors.” The band finished playing their set and Sophia and Anthony left me with their eye on a certain couple. I was having a few drinks to loosen up to get into the right frame of mind for what the evening was going to present.

  Robert and his three band mates came over and sat down wearing Hawaiian shirts of different colors. He introduced me to them. The one with the shaved head and colorful tats on his skull was named Devon. The two others were identical twins with names that rhymed. Bobbie and Robbie gave me the idea of a fantasy. Doubling my pleasure and doubling my fun was something I didn’t even know I wanted until they were practically thrown into my lap.


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