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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 34

by Jenny Ramshard

  His animalistic overture found me in the position of watching him enter one inch at a time. I felt some discomfort, but it soon became a fire within my loins. I lost my breath and I fell backward with my head over the side of the chair. Upside down, I could see that Dylan needed some mouth to mouth resuscitation.

  “I want that cock in my mouth and I’m not going to accept any substitutes.” He was holding onto the chair and the table at the same time while dipping his wick between my lips.

  I lit his fire and we soon had an interesting pace where they would both pull out and then fuck me deeply at the same time. This was my idea of pleasure. The feeling was out of this world and I was happy this was happening with the two people I admired the most.

  “I want you so bad that I can taste it. I should have realized that I wouldn’t be able to fight the idea of being with you. Your pussy is greedy and she swallowed me all the way down to the balls. The walls of your hole are holding me tightly in a scorching embrace.” His words made me gobble up the evidence of Dylan’s arousal. He had risen to the occasion and was once again feeling the comforts of my lips and my tongue.

  “I haven’t had the pleasure of fucking her and maybe we should change positions.” I really did want Dylan, but I had ideas of having my cake and eating it too.

  I pushed back on Benjamin’s chest, feeling his heart beating under my fingertips. I scrambled onto the table on my hands and knees.

  “I’ve mentioned in passing that I was interested in trying two at a time. I’m not ready for anal, but I’m sure that experimentation will become normal for us. What I’m suggesting is both of you fuck my pussy. Benjamin slide underneath me and I will sit on you. Dylan, you can take your position right beside him.” I didn’t have to wait very long to see the smiling face of Benjamin staring up at me.

  I only had to look over my shoulder see Dylan already holding onto his prized possession. I reached underneath me and felt both of their mushroom tips touching my lips.

  I prepared myself by gritting my teeth and then pushing back against them. They were applying pressure and I moaned quite loudly. The heads were the only part of their shafts making entry.

  They used their considerable weight advantage against me. All the breath from my body exhaled when they used the wet and slippery walls of my pussy to bottom out.

  I slapped my hands down on Benjamin’s chest to fire him up. A hard swat made me moan even louder than I was already. I thought it was going to be hard to keep this position, but they were able to handle it.

  “Yes…give me both of them and you better not stop. Fuck my hole and make my cream boil in an earth shattering orgasm.” They were taking things to the next level and I could hear them both breathing like they were a part of a marathon.

  “This is so damn good that I never want it to end. I haven’t even tried your mouth, but I know there is time for that. You are in a league of your own, Samantha and nobody can even come close to holding a candle to you. I feel it happening and I know that you can feel it too.” Benjamin was huffing and puffing and I could feel the way that his cock was approaching the finish line. I wasn’t going to stop him, but I wanted Dylan to fall into the pleasurable abyss alongside his friend.

  To that end, I put extra emphasis on squeezing those muscles to hear them both gasp in response. I inadvertently made myself cum and it must have had something to do with the invasion between my legs. The pace quickened and we all came with enough noise to wake up the dead. The window panes rattled during our exclamation of complete and utter bliss.

  “Losing my virginity was better than I could ever imagine. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.” They lie there with a stupefied grin on their faces and nodding their head in consent. They had a sheen of sweat over their bodies and I traced their glistening muscles with my fingers.

  “We are definitely going to do that again.” They said it at the exact same time and we all began to laugh while still feeling the effects of a mind numbing evening of pleasure.

  That wasn’t the only time we were together and for three years we found a way to surprise one another. I got a job overseas teaching English in China and they were quick to follow. It was just another adventure between friends with benefits.

  Story 16

  It was a bright, warm day and the weather was pleasant for that time of the year, but eighteen year old Jenny was far too nervous to feel the heat of the sun on her face. She let out a soft shiver, despite the temperature.

  Carla slipped her arm into Jenny’s and gave her a little squeeze of encouragement and support.

  “Come on, you’ll be fine,” she reassured her with a smile. “Every woman’s had this at some point. There’s literally nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.”

  “I know,” mumbled Jenny. “That’s what my mom told me.”

  “And your mom’s right. She must have had dozens of these kind of check ups over the years. And I’m sure you’d rather have this than like…I don’t know…get cancer or something. Because there’s a risk, y’know, if you don’t get these check ups – “

  “I know, I know,” Jenny interrupted. “You’re right. Mom’s right. I can’t help being nervous, okay?” She huffed a bit and pushed some of her medium length blonde hair back off her face. “I just don’t like the idea of some stranger poking around down there.”

  “Oh, I dunno about that,” Carla teased. “Having a stranger poke around down there sounds kinda fun to me.”

  “Yeah, maybe to you, cause you’re a…slut!” Jenny laughed and slapped Carla lightly on the arm.

  Carla giggled and returned the slap. “Am not!”

  Their joking around did improve Jenny’s mood, however, and for the rest of the day she tried to put the appointment out of her mind and focus on their lectures, and on enjoying themselves.

  Jenny and Carla had known each other a long while. They’d first met at high school, and become best friends then. Now, they were studying at the same University, and although they were on different courses – and therefore attended different lectures – they still lived together and hung out with one another whenever they could. They were pretty much inseparable, and still the best of friends, despite having made acquaintances with other people on their courses.

  They shared everything together, sought advice from one another, and told each other their secrets, fears, hopes and dreams.

  Neither of them had boyfriends – or girlfriends for that matter – and a lot of the time, when they were out, people assumed they were a couple. Occasionally, they’d play up to that and link arms or hold hands, call each other ‘darling’ and ‘babe’. Once, they’d even kissed each other in public just to keep up their act. For them, it was just a bit of fun, and although they were both bisexual, they could never actually date each other. They were best friends. It would just be too weird.

  The last time either of them had dated was in high school, and that was hardly serious – it rarely is at high school, after all. Since going to Uni, they hadn’t had time for that kind of thing, although Carla had brought home a one night stand in their first week after a night out.

  It was three in the afternoon that day by the time they saw each other next, having spent the majority of the day in their lectures.

  “How are you?” Carla smiled and leaned in to give her friend a hug, knowing how stressed out she’d been earlier that morning.

  Jenny wrapped her arm around Carla’s waist and the two of them set off walking together, away from the University and in the direction of the small student house they shared. “Yeah, I’m good,” she smiled. “How was your day?”

  Carla yawned exaggeratedly to show how bored she’d been. “Sorry we couldn’t meet up at lunch. Got really snowed under in the lab.”

  “Sounds exciting to me.”

  “It’s really not.”

  “At least you’re gonna have an actual career, unlike me just doing an arts degree.”

  “Aw come on, you’re gonna be a famous a
ctress,” Carla encouraged her. “That’s even cooler than a doctor.”

  “That’s not what my dad thinks,” Jenny chuckled.

  “I think it’s great that you’re pursuing your dreams. We only get one life, babes.”

  “Mm, true.”

  Arriving back at home, Carla let them both in and Jenny headed straight through to the living room, dumping down her Uni bag and looking at the clock with a groan. “Oh God. We have to leave soon.”

  “Yeah, just give me ten minutes to grab something to eat.”

  “You don’t have to come, Carla. I know it’s like, really super boring.”

  Carla opened up the fridge and took out some cheese and a couple of slices of bread, making herself a sandwich while they talked. “It’s not boring, it’ll be fun.”

  “Fun?” Jenny raised an eyebrow. “At the doctors?”

  “Yeah, I get to laugh at you being all nervous.”

  Jenny picked up a dish cloth and flicked it at her friend’s butt. “I hate you.”

  “I love you too.” Carla smirked.

  That was the kind of friendship they had. Being so close for so long had enabled them to poke fun at one another without the risk of actually upsetting each other, both of them knowing that, deep down, there was a lot of love between them.

  Jenny genuinely appreciated Carla’s support that night though, despite their friendly banter, and once they arrived at the doctor’s surgery, she appreciated it even more so.

  “It’s going to be okay, I promise,” Carla whispered, holding Jenny’s slightly clammy hand.

  “Ugh,” she groaned. “Just really not looking forward to – “

  At that point, there was a loud ping and Jenny’s full name came up on the screen up on the wall, telling them to go to room number 6.

  “That’s us, let’s go,” said Carla, standing up and keeping hold of Jenny’s hand.

  When they got to room 6, Jenny raised her free hand and gently knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” came a kind sounding but commanding voice from inside the room.

  Carla turned the handle and pushed open the door, stepping inside, leading the way and pulling the more reluctant Jenny along with her.

  It was a small, but bright and airy room, with a large window that overlooked the parking lot, a desk on the right hand wall and a surgery bed on the left hand wall. There were a couple of chairs just by the desk for patients to sit on in an informal surrounding whilst talking to their doctor who was, at that very moment, sat in a big black leather armchair wearing a white coat and luscious black hair flowing just over her shoulders.

  “Hi,” she smiled, flashing them both a set of sparkling pearly white teeth beneath her luscious red lips. “I’m Dr Henley. You must be Jenny.”

  She was looking directly at Carla, obviously making the assumption that Carla was Jenny, seeing as she was the one who’d led the way into the room and was being the more confident of the two.

  “Uh, no actually,” Carla spoke up with a small smile. “I’m Jenny’s friend. I’m just…here for moral support more than anything.”

  “Ah,” the doctor smiled back at her, then turned her head and cast her eyes to the correct person this time, glancing Jenny up and down then indicating the seat directly by the desk. “Please…there’s no need to be nervous, come and sit down.”

  “Is…is it alright if my friend stays?” Jenny mumbled, speaking for the first time since they’d entered the room, her voice sounding slightly shakier than she would have liked.

  “Yeah, of course, that’s totally fine,” Dr Henley replied gently. “That’s why there are two seats in the office. It’s fairly common for patients to bring friends or family members in with them…for all kinds of ailments and problems.”

  And with that, both girls took a seat, having been made to feel comfortable and relaxed in Dr Henley’s presence. She certainly had a way with words and an easy going, welcoming mannerism.

  She also had…a massive cleavage.

  Jenny’s eyes couldn’t help but dive down to it a little, especially once they were both sat, and the doctor’s breasts were closer to eye level. It was far too easy to just take a cheeky glance down, and they were pretty hard to miss. Must have been a D cup at least. She vaguely wondered whether they were real as the doctor began to speak, looking on her computer at Jenny’s patient notes to find out why she was here.

  “So…it’s just a standard check up, with smear test?” She glanced up.

  Jenny nodded, nervous at the very mention of it.

  She swallowed and reached for Carla’s hand, who took it and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  Jenny cleared her throat. “I uh…also wanted to speak with you about getting some birth control.”

  “Ah,” Dr Henley nodded understandingly. “Do you have an active sex life?”

  “Well, it’s not that so much although…obviously it would be kind of useful for that. It’s more just…I actually get very painful periods…” She felt her cheeks flushing up. She hated talking about this kind of stuff in public, especially in front of her best friend and a pretty hot doctor. It was embarrassing.

  Dr Henley seemed to sense how uncomfortable she was though and waved her away before she had chance to finish. “I completely understand. I’m sure we can sort something out.”

  Jenny sighed in relief, her shoulders relaxing a little. Dr Henley was nice. She liked her already.

  “Well, when you’re feeling ready, if you could pop yourself up on the examination table over there, that’d be great.”

  The examination table.

  So that was what they called it.

  It was basically like an uncomfortable, hard bed on a stand.

  With a large paper sheet covering it and a moveable bright white light hovering above it, also on a stand.

  It wasn’t the most appealing, relaxing looking place in the world, and Jenny wasn’t sure she’d ever be what she could call ‘ready’ or ‘comfortable’ but she supposed she had to get it over with sooner or later. That was what they were here for, after all.

  “I’ll pull the curtain aside, so that your friend doesn’t have to see you,” Dr Henley added in her soft, gentle voice. “Because I’m going to need you to remove your pants and knickers. There’s a nightdress over there you can put on so you feel more comfortable. When you’re done, lie down on the table and spread your legs apart, please.”

  Jenny blushed.

  This was definitely the most ungraceful thing she’d ever done, and she felt extremely self-conscious. Still, she supposed Dr Henley saw this type of thing all the time, every day perhaps. She was completely used to it. There was nothing weird or strange about it, and absolutely no need to be embarrassed.

  She told herself that as she got up and moved over towards the examination area, lifting up her arm to grab the plastic curtain and pull it across, taking one last look at Carla as she slowly closed it.

  Her best friend gave her an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. As she’d been telling her throughout the whole of that day – it would be alright. She was overreacting for nothing.

  Once the curtain was closed, she felt a little more private and cut off from everything, but she found her legs and arms were trembling as she shakily removed the bottom half of her clothes.

  She started with her trainers, then socks, then finally her pants and knickers, leaving everything in a little pile on the floor before picking up the offered gown and slipping it on over her head to at least offer her some amount of privacy.

  It was an ugly blue thing and came down to just below her knees. She knew she’d have to lift it up anyway when it came time for the examination, so the whole thing was pointless, but at least it made her feel better temporarily.

  She slid onto the examination table, then cleared her throat gently to let Dr Henley know she was ready.

  She heard a slight rustling and some footsteps as the doctor stood up from her desk.

  “Are you ready?”

Uh…yeah,” Jenny called out shakily.

  She saw a hand creep round the side of the curtain, grab hold of it, and carefully pull it back a bit.

  Then the busty, slim figure of Dr Henley stepped in to their little private area and once again closed the curtain behind her.

  Jenny was sat on top of the table with her legs tucked up to her chest, hugging them protectively.

  “Just lie back down and relax,” the doctor smiled. “Your friend is right out here, just outside, alright?”

  Jenny nodded and did as she was told, lying down slowly on the bed, on her back, staring up at the white ceiling, noticing a small yellow stain on it and wondering how long it had been there.


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