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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories Page 39

by Jenny Ramshard

  Bowing reluctantly to the inevitable, she pulled out her phone and made the call. As she waited on hold, she hopelessly tried to collect up her papers. Maybe there wouldn’t be an appointment available for awhile. She could hope, right?

  “Actually, there was a cancellation this afternoon,” the unbearably chirpy, cheerful receptionist said. “Doctor Spears has an intern with her today, though. Is that okay with you? He’s watching the doctor with her patients.”

  Ugh. Could it get much worse? First a cyclist tries to murder her, then she hurts her ankle, and now she had to be a test subject for some brand new doctor? Wonderful.

  “Yeah, of course,” Daphne said. She supposed interns had to learn somewhere, though she cursed her luck that it had to be on one of the rare occasions that she went into the doctor’s office.

  Hanging up, Daphne sighed as she looked around at the remains of her hard work. She was going to have to start all over again, and she was already having a difficult time staying on top of her work.

  She never should have let her parents talk her into pursuing a business major. Maybe if she’d gotten to study something that she actually liked, something that she had some aptitude for, she wouldn’t have been so worried and distracted that she’d let a bike almost hit her.

  Sighing, she hobbled to the bus stop which had been her destination to start with. Instead of heading back to her dorm room to hit the books and get ready for the final exams, which would make or break her GPA for her junior year of college, she had to go off to get poked at by some horrible old woman.


  * * *

  It only got better from there.

  By the time Daphne got to the office, her ankle was swollen up like a balloon, and it throbbed horribly with every step that she took. Not only that, but it had started to rain, a light, misty summer rain that nevertheless soaked her, plastering her dark curls to her head and her thin, snowy white shirt to her body.

  God, she could see her bra right through the fabric. She couldn’t help but notice that as she walked past a storefront and saw herself in the window. Not only that, but her nipples were hard and pebbled, pushing against the fabric of her shirt.

  Maybe she shouldn’t have worn a bra; she couldn’t help but muse to herself. She looked like a total disaster, bedraggled and soaked.

  And that was just getting to the office. After hurrying there as fast as she could, she was told to sit and wait. She got there exactly on time, even with her injury, but she had to wait half an hour more before the receptionist, a ridiculously adorable blonde girl with a wide smile, finally called her in.

  “Daphne, follow me, please!” The girl was actually sort of insulting to Daphne in her very happiness, especially when Daphne was having such a terrible day. Pretty and perfectly pulled together, with the sort of bubbly personality that attracted people without even trying, the woman got on Daphne’s nerves.

  So she wasn’t in the best mood as she sat in the exam room, perched on the edge of the paper covered table. She pushed her hair back from her face, and for the first time, she found herself grateful that she was going to meeting with an ugly old woman, not a hot guy. The way she looked right now, that would be a severe blow to her pride.

  The door opened and Daphne took a deep breath, trying to settle herself, to ready herself for chilly, talon-like fingers on her injured ankle. That breath was let out in something that was closer to a gasp, because it wasn’t the ancient Dr Spears who stepped into the room.

  No, it was someone who must have lost his way, because there was absolutely no way in hell that a doctor could be as ridiculously sexy as this man was. Tall, with broad shoulders and a slender waist, the guy had these intense, sparkling blue eyes and full, sexy lips.

  There was a hint of mischief around him, somehow, though his face was solemn enough. Something about the way those incredible, gorgeous lips quirked up at the corners. Daphne didn’t know what it was, but it utterly fascinated her.

  He was wearing scrubs, which was the only reason that she knew that he was a doctor instead of, well, maybe a model or something. Only this man, he was far sexier than any model that Daphne had ever seen. There was nothing androgynous about him, nothing at all. He was masculine and huge and if Daphne stood, she knew that he would dwarf her. And she wasn’t a tiny woman. Yes, she was slender, but she was tall, for a woman. And her 5’8 was at least half a foot shorter than his muscular frame.

  Damned if he didn’t fill out those scrubs better than anyone she’d ever seen before. How was this fair? He was the hottest guy that she’d met in years, if ever, and she looked like a drowned rat!

  “I hope you don’t mind,” he said, and his voice was every bit as arousing as the rest of him was, rough and deep and very, very manly, “But I’m taking over for Dr Spears today. She’s running late.”

  “Okay,” Daphne said, and she wanted to shake her head, bemused by how breathless her own voice sounded.

  “I’m Doctor Steele. Call me Liam,” the dreamboat said, and Daphne pushed her fingers into her mass of dark curls. They were drying now, but it wasn’t much of an improvement, because it made the strands rebel and fly in crazy waves and curls over her shoulders and down her back.

  Doctor Steele. Damn it. Even his name was sexy. How was this fair?

  “I’m Daphne,” she found herself blurting out. “Daphne York.” Stupidly, she held out her hand to shake his, internally kicking herself for being such a tongue tied idiot.

  Doubtless, someone who looked like Doctor Sexy was used to it, though. He certainly took it in stride. He shook her hand briefly, and she stared, amazed, as her fingers disappeared into his huge, strong grasp.

  “I know,” he said, not unkindly. “I read it in your file. What seems to be the problem, Daphne?”

  She immediately fell in love with the way that he said her name. His pretty lips caressed the two syllables, made it sound exotic and maybe even a little bit sexy.

  Of course, he could read the phone book with that voice and sound smoldering hot, sexy as sin. It wasn’t that Daphne hadn’t noticed good looking guys before, but this man, he was something else entirely. A whole new level of gorgeousness.

  “My ankle,” she said, pushing her foot out for his inspection. Luckily, she’d been wearing a light pair of sandals that was easy to pull off.

  “Looks sprained,” he said, and he reached out and put his fingers gently on her. Dr Spears would have poked and prodded and hurt her, but not Liam. His touch was careful and gentle.

  And it may or may not have sent little shivers of delight through her to have him touch her like that.

  Daphne’s friends were always telling her that she needed to get laid, but she’d never had time for that sort of thing. With her parents expecting her to follow them in business, and keeping a close hold on her purse strings unless she did as she was told, she had to buckle down and keep herself working all the time.

  She was starting to realize just what she’d been missing, though.

  “Does the pain radiate up this far?” the sexy doctor said, and his fingers trailed up Daphne’s slender calves, moving over the curve and slipping up to his knee.

  It felt like a caress. It wasn’t, of course. He was just doing his job. But the way he looked into her eyes, it was almost bold, wasn’t it? Or was it just her imagination?

  Either way, a surge of heat rose within her, centered in the very pit of her stomach, and she felt moisture starting to collect between her legs. Her clit hardened and throbbed, and just like that, she was ready to go.

  “Uh … no.” Daphne pulled herself together enough to answer the question. A slight smirk touched his lips and he trailed his fingers up further, up an inch or two past her knees. A little bit more, and he would be getting perilously close to the hem of her skirt.

  “Are you sure? No pain up here?” Oh God. He was flirting with her. Or was she just desperate for that to be true, to the point where she would make it up? No, his fingers were definitely
slipping up over her thigh, which quivered at the touch.

  “I …” She could tell him to stop, she figured. If she gave him the sign, she was sure that he would back off. His movements were careful, like he was testing her.

  He waited, and she looked into his big blue eyes, felt the overwhelming urge to run her fingers through his short, dark hair, to trace over those cheekbones which were so high that they almost looked like they could cut glass.

  No. She wanted this. She’d never wanted anything more, never felt this desire within her that made her insides seem to burn and melt. Wherever this was going, she was willing.

  “Maybe it does hurt,” she said, her voice very soft, almost too much for even her to hear. “A little. Um …” she felt her cheeks flame with embarrassment, yes, but also arousal. “A little further up.”

  He drew in a quick breath, and then let it out slowly. He hadn’t been expecting that, had he? But he nodded, and then, much to her surprise and dismay, he pulled away from her.

  Not for long, however.

  “I’m going to bandage up your foot. It looks like a sprain.” He was an intern, right? Pretty new to his role? And yet, he seemed completely confident in his assessment. He had a hell of a bedside manner, no doubt about that.

  “Okay,” Daphne said, or rather, breathed. She was having a hard time getting much volume into her voice, because the majority of her attention was focused between her legs, to where her clit throbbed and her cunt clenched, aching to be filled.

  He was a study in contradictions. Clearly, he wanted to take care of her, even if he’d been touching her in a way that wasn’t really appropriate. He was gentle when he bound up her ankle, but firm. More and more, she found herself fascinated by him in a way that had nothing to do with the physical.

  Not that there was anything wrong with the physical. No, there really wasn’t. It was all that Daphne could do to keep herself from squirming as he touched her.

  When he was done, he rose to his feet, looming over Daphne as she perched on the examination table. He reached for her, and she inclined her body toward him, barely able to breathe.

  Whatever he wanted was just fine with her. She’d never been this willing to do anything before in her life. So when he started tug her light shirt over her head, leaving her bare from the waist up, there was no question about whether she was going to let him or not. She just did.

  “Your shirt was wet,” he explained, that teeny, unbearably sexy little smirk on his lips again as he looked down at her. His eyes skimmed over the shape of her slender waist, her full breasts, and from his expression, he liked what he saw.

  “So … warm me up,” she murmured, far more daring than she would usually be. Why not? This was already far too crazy, not at all what she would normally do, and she might as well ride this out.

  Especially if it meant getting to ride him, too …

  His hands slid over her rib cage and up to cup her breasts. He held them, his hands firm and warm, his thumbs slipping thrillingly over her nipples and teasing them until they stood out straight and hard and proud.

  This was surreal. This was a dream. It had to be. The best, weirdest dream ever. Daphne let her head tilt back, let her eyes slip closed, as she moaned her pleasure.

  She had to be quiet. She knew that. Any odd sounds might have someone opening the door, and that was the last thing that she wanted. So when he pulled closer to her, when he lowered his head so that he could wrap his mouth around one of her nipples instead, she buried her face in his broad shoulder, letting it muffle her noises.

  As his mouth was busy, his tongue swirling over the sensitive skin of her breasts, his hands were working on something else. They gripped her skirt and tugged it up so that it was around her waist, more of a belt than anything else. And she, utterly dazed with pleasure, confounded with it, let him do it.

  Lightning seemed to sizzle through her body, centered on his fingers, which stroked over the skin of her inner thighs. His fingertips got closer and closer to the tiny white scrap of her panties, which were thoroughly soaked through.

  Neither of them spoke. It was like they were both in a sort of a daze, unable to keep themselves from doing this thing. It was so forbidden, and the place itself shouldn’t have been arousing at all.

  Somehow, that only made her body throb more. She’d always done what she was told. She was done with that, if only just for this one crazy afternoon.

  Glancing down at herself, she couldn’t fight off a moan. She was stripped almost naked, her shirt off, her skirt pushed out of the way. As she watched, he pushed his fingers into her panties, his fingers just barely grazing over her slick, swollen folds as he tugged her underwear down, carefully over her injured ankle, leaving her so bare and vulnerable to him.

  Her breathing came in quick little pants as she gazed at him. She let her eyes roam over his body, taking in every detail that she could see. Those scrubs, again, they shouldn’t have been sexy, but on him, well, somehow he could pull it off.

  It didn’t help that he had an obvious bulge pushing out the front of his pants. It looked to be impressive, too, though she found that she was more than willing to see for herself. The way things seemed to be going, she thought that she might get the chance.

  For a moment, they just stared at each other, and then he was kneeling to the floor. Before she could really grasp his intent, he was between her legs, nudging them open so that she was even more exposed to him than before.

  For a moment, she couldn’t breathe. In that moment, he lowered his head and his full, pouty lips brushed over her swollen pussy. She cried out, only belatedly remembering to push her own hand into her mouth to keep herself from being far too loud.

  No one had ever done this to her before. No one had ever tasted her like he was doing. His lips caressed her slippery labia, licking up her juices before his lips fastened on her clit.

  Gasping, she reached down and she finally got to do what she’d wanted to do from almost the first moment that she’d met him. She locked her fingers in his dark hair and moaned as she rubbed against him, grinding her cunt against his talented mouth.

  It wasn’t enough, though. She felt so empty inside, like she needed, more than anything else, to be filled. She whimpered and squirmed, not sure how to ask for what she needed, but he gave it to her anyway.

  Moving very deliberately, he slid a finger deep inside her needy cunt, rocking it slowly inside of her. She grasped around that digit deeply, trying to pull it deeper inside herself, already needing more.

  She was getting so close, too, and it would be easy to just lay back and let him work his magic on her. That wasn’t what she wanted, though. If she was going to go temporarily insane and let the hot stranger doctor have her body right on the examination table, she was going to go all the way with it.

  Besides, she just felt like all she wanted in the world was to be connected to him in the most intimate way possible. Her whole body strained toward him, her blood molten as it ran through her veins, and she knew that she wouldn’t be happy until she was filled up completely.

  So she tugged him up, her hands cupping his handsome face, and then reached for the strings that held his scrubs up. With a deft movement, she untied them, and the loose pants started to fall, clinging perilously low on his hips.

  It only took one more impatient movement for the scrubs to be knocked free completely, and the most gorgeous cock that Daphne had ever seen was released to rest against his flat stomach. It was the perfect size, she thought, to fit in her hand, thick enough to fill her completely, flushed and shimmering with pre-come.

  She couldn’t keep her hands to herself. She just couldn’t. Daphne reached out and touched him, moaning at the heavy dick that filled her hand just as perfectly as she knew it would. The skin was smooth, but he was so rigid, it was like holding a steal bar covered in silk.

  She wanted it. God, how she wanted it. Her entire focus was on this gorgeous man, on the things he was making her feel. Her whole body
was shaking just a little bit, heat racing through her limbs, giving her energy unlike anything that she was used to.

  It was addictive. The more she got of him, the more she craved, deep down in the very secret places of her body. She used her grip on his cock to tug him closer, and spread her legs, only just barely remembering to be careful of her bandaged ankle.

  “Do it,” she whispered. He was hesitating a little, as though determined to make sure that she really wanted it, and she didn’t want there to be any doubt. She wanted him. With a deep, almost primal, craving that filled her entire being, she wanted him. Needed him. Maybe even more than she needed her next breath.

  He didn’t make her ask twice. Shifting forward, he gripped her hips in his strong, hot hands, tugging her so that her ass was right on the very edge of the examination table.

  That put her at the perfect height, and when he moved forward, his erection leading the way, he was right at the level that she wanted him. His thickness rubbed over her, slipping over her clit, and she let out a deep, urgent, heartfelt moan and rocked her hips up toward the stimulation. He’d gotten her really close with his mouth, and she was more than ready for more.


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