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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories Page 40

by Jenny Ramshard

  He gave it to her. Just like she needed. She rested her hands on the round curve of his ass, feeling the muscles flexing under her fingertips as he took that last step toward her. Wrapping her good leg around his waist, she pulled him even closer, her tight, wet hole sopping wet and so very ready for what he obviously wanted to give her.

  One thrust was all it took. Yes, she was tight. It had been a long time since she’d had anyone take her. She’d never had anyone who was anywhere close to as big as he was. But he slid inside her easily, and she was so ready to clench around him, to try to draw him deeper inside herself.

  “Oh my God,” she said, and only just managed to keep it a whisper instead of a scream of pleasure. She gripped onto his shoulders, feeling the cotton of his scrubs beneath her sensitive fingertips and thrilling at the contrast of that propriety versus the pleasure he was giving her with that huge cock.

  He kissed her suddenly, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, and she was glad for it. It kept her quiet, because as he filled her completely, as he sent little tremors of pleasure zinging through her body, she could have been far too loud. She whimpered and clung and rocked up onto him.

  It was so filthy, being fucked in a doctor’s office. Right on the table, where God knew how many people had been examined, he thrust so deep inside of her that she felt almost like they were only one person, the two of them.

  It was perfect. The pleasure, even the slight bit of pain from being stretched around someone so huge, it was all utterly flawless. They kissed over and over again as their hips ground together, and he pumped away at her frantically, his face desperate.

  He wanted this, needed this, as much as she did. It was so ridiculous, how this had happened. How she’d just fallen into this situation, but it was exactly what she needed.

  “Come for me,” he whispered fiercely, and she could feel from how he pistoned away inside of her that he was close, too. That seemed absolutely perfect to her, too, on top of everything else, that they would come together when they did.

  “Liam,” she moaned, feeling greatly daring, maybe just a little bit bratty. Was she allowed to call a doctor by his first name? She figured that the answer was yes, at least if said doctor was busy fucking her through an examination table.

  The whole time, each and every thrust, she’d been worked up toward her ultimate pleasure more and more. Suddenly, it spiraled completely out of control, and she once more would have screamed if she hadn’t had her mouth seized in a rough kiss, if his tongue hadn’t stolen her voice from her completely.

  Instead, her hands clutched at his shoulders, clawing at them, and she let her cries be muffled by his lips and tongue. Right there in his arms, she went to pieces, convulsing around him again and again as pleasure wracked her entire body, stole her breath, even, she could swear, stopped her heart for a few dizzying seconds.

  At the same time, he gave a muffled little “Mmph!” into her mouth, and she whimpered as she felt the first of his come spurt inside her. He filled Daphne until she was dripping with it, and his last few spurts were lubricated by his fluids which seemed to coax another few spasms of pleasure out of her.

  Both of them were breathless as they looked at each other, and then Daphne laughed softly. She couldn’t help it. Nothing was all that funny; it was really a sound of pure, unadulterated joy.

  She hadn’t been looking for this at all, but she’d found it, and she couldn’t be disappointed about that. This wasn’t who she thought she was, but that was part of what made it so damn exciting.

  He pulled away from her, and all that he had to do to look completely presentable again was pull his scrubs up. Then he looked completely calm, cool, and collected, not to mention competent. She was impressed.

  Of course, she still felt utterly wanton, and suspected that she looked that way, too. Her hair must be a mess, her tits were exposed, the tips still pink from his mouth, and her skirt was hiked up.

  While she started to compose herself, he smirked a little bit at her, as though he enjoyed watching her struggle to present herself normally again.

  “If your ankle is still hurting next week,” he said, and he actually shot her a little wink, “Then come back.”

  She nodded, and he added as his smirk widened, “Make sure that you come to see me.”

  With just those few words, he made it clear that he wanted to see her again. To her surprise, though she’d thought that this was going to be a one time sort of thing, she was more than willing to see him again.

  What had happened, there had been more than a touch of destiny to it. Like they were meant to meet, and meant to have sex. She was very interested, very intrigued, and very ready to see where all of this led.


  It was a grade two sprain, Daphne had been told, on one of her many visits back to the doctor’s office. A fairly serious injury that had taken almost two months to heal. Two months of coming into the doctor’s office, two months of seeing Liam at least once a week, since she’d be damned if she’d see any other doctor.

  Two months of the most intense, mind blowing sex that she had ever even dreamed of.

  And, though she hated to admit it, she was getting more and more emotionally involved with Liam each time they met. It was a stupid idea, and she was completely certain that she was going to get her heart stepped on until it was little tiny pieces. Even with that being said, even though she knew deep down inside that it was a terrible idea, she didn’t seem to be able to stop herself from falling for him.

  They didn’t have dates. They had appointments when she came in to get her ankle checked on. This relationship, if it could even be called that, was entirely based on the examination room, the same one that she’d been in the very first time.

  Each and every time, they did the same things, the same incredible, sexy, intense, amazing things. And each time, Daphne went in telling herself that she was going to hold herself back, but she never really believed it.

  He was addictive. She dreamed of him most of the time, and tried to think of reasons to go see him more often. She even wondered what he’d say if she asked him to go see a movie with her or something, something more like a real date.

  Not that she would ever dare do that. Not when he was so handsome, and he had a real job, too. He had to be, what, in his early thirties? And she was twenty one, and didn’t even close to have her life together.

  All she could be was a dirty little secret for him. Maybe that was okay, because her whole body craved him, wanted him, needed him. She grew damp between her legs every time she so much as thought about him.

  This visit, though, would be different. Her ankle was mostly healed. The swelling was gone, as was the bruising, and most of the pain. It would take some time, but she’d been assured that she would be fine.

  Which might mean, she realized, that this was the last time that she was going to see him.

  Maybe that was the thought that had her sick to her stomach. Which had her stomach clenching and threatening to empty itself all the time, especially when she first woke up in the morning and after she ate.

  Was losing him enough to tie her stomach up in knots? It seemed that it was. Or maybe her body just thought that if she were sick, she’d be able to go see him more?

  She sat in the waiting room, nervously clutching at her purse. She wasn’t on crutches anymore, and she’d dressed in a deliberately in a much more feminine way than she usually would, especially when going to see the doctor. Her sundress was just long enough to be decent, and she knew that the dark red flattered her golden skin and dark eyes.

  In the mirror, as she looked at herself, she actually thought that she looked sort of hot. The dress even flattered her breasts, made them look larger and more swollen, the nipples hard and prominent and thrusting against the fabric.

  She didn’t wear a bra. She hadn’t, not for any of the appointments that they’d had together. What was the point? They only really had a few minutes to work with when they were together, and sh
e didn’t want to waste any of those precious, magical moments in struggling to get clothing off.

  She had become all about the easy access. Skirts with no panties, such as she was wearing today. If this was their last meeting, it would be one to remember. Maybe, just maybe, by the end of this appointment, he’d be thinking about her even half as much as she thought about him.

  A girl could hope, right?

  Damn stupid to have a crush on a doctor. He couldn’t be more out of her league, really. More than that, though, it felt like it wasn’t just a typical crush. Was she really stupid enough to have feelings for this man?

  It seemed like she was. Her heart felt like someone was squeezing it when she thought that she might never get to see him again. But it was something that she knew she was probably going to need to see.

  The receptionist, who Daphne had finally learned was named Tammy, gave her the huge, happy smile that she’d apparently perfected with much practice.

  It was a sign of how much she’d been in lately that she actually knew the name of the receptionist, and had even formed a sort of friendship with her.

  “You can go in, Daphne,” Tammy said, assuming that Daphne knew the way. Which, of course, she did.

  With her stomach churning, her whole body filled with stormy clouds of anxiety, Daphne walked to the examination room. Her ankle didn’t even twinge. She really was better, damn it.

  He was waiting for her in the room, as he had been for the last few times. If she didn’t know better, she could almost think that he wanted to see her. Though that was doubtless wishful thinking.

  “You look different,” he said, and his gaze was warm and intimate, skimming over her body. It lit a fire inside of her, one that she knew that his hands, his touch, would only stoke. It took so little for him to get her going.

  Besides that, it thrilled her secretly and deeply that he had said those words, had looked at her like that, before the door was even closed. It was a small, stupid little thing, yes, but there it was.

  “My ankle is better,” she said, just getting that out of the way. His gaze skimmed down over her body, down her long legs, to scan said ankle, and she helpfully held it out for him to see.

  “I can see that. I have something to tell you,” Liam started, and Daphne took a deep, deep breath, trying to brace herself. He was going to tell her that this couldn’t go on anymore, she suddenly knew it. And the thought made her head whirl, and not just figuratively.

  She put her hand down onto the examination table, her whole body swaying just a little. Immediately, he was there, helping her sit down. His arms were strong and hard, his body hot against hers.

  “Are you dizzy?” he asked, and she took a deep breath, fighting her swimming vision, and nodded. She had to admit, she felt better in his arms.

  “Yes. And I’ve been nauseous,” she said, which made him frown, speculation in those gorgeous, brilliant blue eyes of his.

  “For how long?” he continued, in pure doctor mode now. She liked him like this, usually, it was sexy as sin, but she wasn’t exactly in the mood to enjoy it. Though that didn’t stop a little thrill of arousal from racing through her body. Damn him.

  “A couple of weeks?” Daphne frowned, considering her answer, and then nodded. “But it’s gotten pretty bad in the last week or so. Since I last saw you.”

  His face was very solemn, with none of his usual faintly mocking smirking. He got a small, clear, sealed container out and handed it to her.

  “I’ll need a urine sample,” he said, and then directed her to the washroom. When she came back, he was no longer in the room, and she sat down once more, wondering just what was wrong with her.

  Whatever it was, it was a big deal. She could tell by that serious look on his face. And when he came back in, he only looked more intense.

  “You’re pregnant, Daphne,” he said quietly.

  Oh God.

  All of a sudden, it all made sense. The pieces came together and she knew that he was right. She was pregnant. Her breasts had been fuller, swollen and sore, and now that she thought about it, it had been at least a month since she would have expected her period.

  “Pregnant?” She took a deep breath, and looked at him, feeling utterly helpless. What was she going to do? She still had one more year of school, and that was just for her undergrad degree. Her parents wouldn’t be happy with anything less than a Masters.

  Meanwhile, he was watching her face, and she could swear that those eyes saw everything. Deep into her soul.

  “It’s mine, isn’t it?” he asked, but it was like he didn’t even really need to. Like he already knew the answer to that question. Dumbly, she nodded. It was literally impossible for it to be anyone else’s.

  He walked toward her, and she tracked him warily, having no idea what he was going to do. At least he wasn’t walking right out of the room. That was something. She wasn’t alone with this.

  Gently, he cupped her cheek, and then leaned in to kiss her. It was a different sort of kiss from the ones that they’d had before. One that was far sweeter and gentler than usual. Caring, almost, she could dare to think.

  “What do you want to do?” he asked her, and without him needing to say it, she was filled with the utter certainty that he would support her, no matter what her decision was. That helped. It made the whole situation slightly less terrifying.

  “I want it,” she realized, her hand floating down to cup her tummy. It was still flat, but soon enough, it would round with a child. Their child. “I want this baby.”

  “What about school?” he probed a little bit more, and she realized that she was now talking to her lover, the father of her unborn child, and not the doctor any more.

  “I never,” she said, realizing the truth of every word as she spoke it, “Wanted to go to school. I never wanted to be a business major.” She paused, stunned by the words that she had never really allowed herself to think, or to fully feel. “I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I want to keep this baby.”

  “You’ll do it with my help,” he said, and brushed his lips lightly against hers. Even that small contact was enough to make quivers of delight spread through all of her, all the way to her fingertips and even down into her toes. “If you want it.”

  She looked at him, and then a huge grin spread over her face as something that she hadn’t even known was tight inside of her chest and stomach suddenly relaxed. Relief consumed her, and she threw her arms around his shoulders and pulled him close to kiss her again.

  “Do you want this?” she whispered fervently. She knew that they were supposed to be talking, but his closeness was intoxicating, and she couldn’t help but rub against him just a little. “Do you really want this, or is this just because you feel sorry for me?”

  Before she bound herself to him, she needed to know if he just wanted to do it out of obligation. She wasn’t sure that her pride would allow her to accept that.

  “I want it. I love you,” he said suddenly, and she gasped. She had never expected to hear those three words from him, even though she’d come pretty close to thinking them herself. “I want you. I want this family.”

  She kissed him again, this time much more passionately, and he returned it, plunging his tongue into her mouth and swirling it over herself. Her knees went weak and she was suddenly glad that she was sitting. Otherwise, she might have fallen.

  Damned if the man wasn’t a hell of a kisser.

  “I want it too,” she whispered, and she moaned, more than willing, as he hoisted up her skirt and bared her completely. She hadn’t bothered with underwear at all today, and she was deeply pleased with herself for that.

  She didn’t want to wait any longer to have him inside her. Relief, it seemed, was a powerful aphrodisiac, or maybe it was just knowing that she had a future with this man that really got her juices flowing.

  It wasn’t just her, either. The front of his scrub pants was bulging out, stretched tight over what she already knew was an impressive erection
. He shifted closer and she could feel it rubbing against her most sensitive areas, which made her moan and rub more firmly against him.

  “I love you too,” she admitted. It was crazy. They’d only known each other for a couple of months. The thing was, though, she knew it was right. Maybe it was utterly insane, but that didn’t stop it from being what she wanted.

  Reaching down, she freed his cock, her hand an expert on the motion after so many times practicing it. Without hesitation, she pulled him out, stroking him a few times as she tugged him even closer to her.

  His hands ghosted over her flesh, his fingers pressing lightly on her firm, taut belly. She was still flat there, but she knew that he was thinking ahead to when she’d be rounded sweetly with the child that they’d both created.


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