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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 48

by Jenny Ramshard

  She continued to squirm under their exquisite touch, trying to find the breath to scream and feeling so much, that she was sure she was going to break down and cry, but she could hardly move. The men had complete and total control over her and to Elisa’s surprise, she loved every minute of it.

  Elisa heard him moan with excitement as she whined, feeling a rush of emotions all but paralyze her, until she suddenly felt what felt like a tongue lick her bodice, before it lunged itself deeply inside of her, causing her to scream out and try to sit up, but the man just tugged her hair and inserted his tongue into her throat deeper, while the two men continued to play with her breasts.

  “Oh God…” She moaned, even though no one was able to hear it.

  Her body continued to quiver desperately, while the heat she felt intensified.

  Every once and awhile, the leader would talk to her, encouraging her in a gravelly voice, “You are so sexy…” He would coo, “Just you wait…we are going to make you scream so loud and so much, that you won’t be able to talk for the rest of the voyage…Oh…Yes…We’re going to do so many new things to your body…”

  With each comment, she felt a greater sense of pleasure and pressure building up inside of her womanliness. Eventually, the man who was kissing her moved back, allowing her to breathe, but all she could do was gasp and moan loudly. He continued to hold her head back though, so that she had no choice but to feel what the men were doing to her, instead of having any kind of warning.

  “Oh…God…Don’t stop…” She moaned, now feeling even closer to tears then she was before, “Please…Oh…Yes…”

  She then heard the men chuckle before she gasped deeply for breath. Then, she heard the leader whisper into her ear, “I’m sorry…We’re not finished with you yet…” And all at once, everyone stopped.

  The fondling of her breasts ceased, the man let her hair fall from his hand and the man between her legs backed away.

  However, before she could even sit up and wonder what happened, the leader pulled her up and turned her around. She beheld his nakedness and trembled at the toned body before her. Her hands came up and gently touched him, before she moved to kiss him, but he curved her lips away from him and pulled back, to lay on the Hammock long-ways, with his manhood protruding out invitingly.

  He smiled at her and raised his eyebrows in question.

  Immediately, Elisa smiled back and made her way towards him. She eased her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, before she straddled him and he began to rub his manhood against her already wet, raging furnace.

  She felt her eyes roll back in her head and she groaned with pleasure, just at the thought of having his enormous rod plow itself into her and ease its way in and out while the other men pleasured the rest of her body as they had before.

  After a few strokes, the leader pushed past the molten guard and joined the two of them.

  When she felt his hotness inside of her, filling her completely, Elisa gasped loudly and groaned as he began to ebb and flow, in and out of her rhythmically.

  However, after only a few strokes, she felt the man behind grab the back of her neck and ease her over so that her head was clear of the hammock.

  Instead of kissing her this time though, he introduced his own pulsing, swollen flesh to her mouth, rubbing the dampened tip of it against her lips as though asking for an invitation to enter.

  She smiled and opened her mouth, so that he could insert himself inside of her mouth, filling her throat with his manliness.

  Again, Elisa groaned, feeling a tingling sensation of arousal course through her as the two of them worked together to provide a sense of constant pleasure.

  She felt hands massaging her back then and after a moment, she felt another swat to her behind.

  She screamed, but with the men inside of her, her voice, which was more of a cry anyway did not care very far at all. Elisa was feeling too much pleasure to care very much though. She never wanted this feeling to end, even though she knew that there had to be a grand finale of sorts; which was what made her eager to continue, just to see what could be better than the feelings that she was having right now.

  Yet, soon enough it was the man behind her that took control, while the leader of the experience dialed back and allowed him to do what he felt he needed to do. He eased himself in and out of Elisa’s mouth while her pelvis thrust back and forth upon the leader as she gained a sense of sensual closeness to all of them.

  Then, after a little while, she felt him speed up, grasping himself earnestly and plunging himself deeply into her.

  Elisa felt with each motion that she was dangerously close to being choked but she recovered quickly and ended up only finding pleasure from the experience.

  Finally, after a few more quickly placed insertions, she felt his love juices erupt inside of her mouth and plunge down her throat.

  After the initial feeling of satisfaction, which she instinctively swallowed, she shrieked, but he just buried himself deeper inside of her, before pulling out completely and disappearing behind her.

  “Did you like that?” Elisa heard the leader ask with a sly smile and she eagerly nodded her head, before making a motion for him to move inside of her again.

  He laughed at this and then made his intentions known by giving her just a tease, before she felt her head be dipped back down again and another man was pressing his hardened sex against her lips, once again asking for entry.

  Eager to please and hoping that this was going to be the finale she was waiting for, she opened her lips to him and watched his thickness enter into her mouth, filling it even more than the other man’s hand. She groaned with excitement as her hands grasped it and began to take control, not only helping it to stream in and out of her mouth, but also flicking her tongue against it, causing the man to groan and his rod to grow exponentially in both width and size.

  The transformation caused Elisa to let out a delighted sigh, before she continued to please him.

  “Oh…I think you are going to like this…” Elisa heard the leader say as she felt hands on her back and shoulders, running them with intensity, while another man took particular interest in her behind.

  He smacked it again, which caused Elisa to yell out and then giggle, while the leader began to hold onto her tightly and thrust himself deeper into her, before slowly easing himself out.

  Then, she he thrust into her again and pulled himself back out, while the other man continued to touch her bottom, which stuck out in the air, as though he was trying to prepare it for something.

  “Do you think she is ready?” The man asked the leader, who looked into Elisa’s eyes briefly.

  When he was sure he had her attention, he answered, “Oh…my beautiful little flower, get ready to feel an intensity that you couldn’t even imagine if you tried,” he then looked back at the man and answered, “I believe she is as ready as ever.”

  Ready for what? Elisa thought, wondering how she could possibly feel anything more, but had little time to contemplate that, before her breath was taken from her completely as she felt the fourth man spread the cheeks of her buttocks apart and ease his way inside.

  She screamed, but like almost every other experience she had, she felt a slight amount of pain before s gush of pleasure and excitement.

  Oh my God! She thought, but focused on the man in front of her the most, since she only had control over him.

  Her breath came in pants as now all three men made their way into her, almost all at different, but complementary rhythms, causing her heart to thump wildly in her chest, while she felt every inch of her body come alive. Every bit of her wanted to scream while the rest of her never wanted this feeling to stop.

  They all poked and prodded at her eagerly and sped up in unison, leaving her eventually to be unable to do anything but enjoy everything that was being done to her.

  Every crevice of her body that could be entered was being intimately pleasured, while her skin was also being stimulated and all she cou
ld do now was just lay there and take it from them.

  Her body felt exhausted from the pleasure that was literally being pumped into her and as she reached higher and higher, seeming to lose touch with reality more every time that they entered her, she just groaned and secretly begged them never to stop.

  Elisa had no idea that her body was even capable of feeling so much goodness at once and with all of the sadness that her life had become, it was nice to be forced to forget all of that and enter something of a dream-state of euphoria while the men pleasured her.

  Then, almost too soon, Elisa felt the man in front of her begin to break off and go faster than the rest of them, until he exploded in her mouth as well.

  As she felt his molten white manhood coat her throat, she screamed, feeling very near to climaxing herself, however, the man just stuffed himself deeper down her throat until he finished, before moving back away from her so that she could breathe.

  Each breath came out in gasps, but the other men gave her very little time to collect herself.

  She felt them lift her up as she became sandwiched between the two men and then, they started to intermittently enter her from the front and the back in a manner that made her lose her breath completely.

  Elisa grasped onto the leader’s shoulders and put her head back, while she felt another man begin to grab her breasts and fondle them.

  Feeling the climax coming closer to fruition, Elisa began to whine as her body gasped for choppy breath. She groaned with excitement and eventually tried to scream again, but realized that despite the fact that she was no longer hindered, her voice did not reach beyond the back of her throat.

  However, she barely noticed when the men holding her started to speed up.

  “Oh…Oh…Oh…Yes…” She whispered and then, one right after the other, she felt the men’s sweet release inside of her, injecting into every crevasse that she had inside of her womanliness.

  The lubricant that it provided, with a few more thrusts, allowed for her to finally enter into a state of absolute euphoria. She felt the two of them taking turns with their lovemaking pulse and she felt the other man’s hands stimulating her breasts and back, but other than that, nothing else mattered.

  When the climax finally came, she screamed so loud that her throat hurt, even though little sound came through, while she became blinded by the intoxication that spilled through her.

  At that moment, there was so much excitement coursing through her, that she was honestly afraid that she might combust.

  However, after a few moments, she began to come back to herself and she felt her womanliness quake around then. She shivered and when her sight consciously returned, she stared at all of the men and smiled.

  She laughed and once a few more moments had passed, they eased out of her and placed her onto the hammock.

  Elisa waited a moment to collect her thoughts and to get her head to stop spinning before she sat up and grinned at the men, who seemed to be extremely pleased with her performance and she asked, “How long is this voyage?”

  “Should be three weeks,” The leader answered, which only caused Elisa’s beam to continue to grow.

  From the look in their eyes, she realized quickly that this was going to be the best three weeks of her life; so much so, that she might never get off this ship.

  She knew then that it was very possible that she didn’t need new landfall to have found her new life. She very well might have already found it and if that was the case, she would be perfectly happy enjoying the company of these men for a very long time!

  Story 22

  Chapter One

  “Chemistry textbooks are in the section over there...” Erin pointed over to a far corner of the library, standing on her toes to show the distance, “Next to Biology.” She smiled, plump lips stretching easily, “If you need any more help then please come and find me.”

  The students nodded gratefully, one not so subtly raking their eyes over her form. She sighed after they left; they always looked at her that way. Full hips, c-cups, a face pleasantly full, thankfully so given she was only twenty-three, she could see why they stared. Though given the climate of the college, the way that sexuality was frowned upon... she really wished they didn’t. Of course, she never blamed them; they were still young people after all. She felt her own desires like the rest of them, it wasn’t like she was some virginal maiden, and she just didn’t have time to act on them these days.

  She sighed; it had indeed been some time since she’d acted on them.

  Erin shook her head, no time to think about that now, there was work to do. It was a stressful time of the year for these students, exams right around the corner and lecturers breathing down their necks. It was her job to make sure that they got what they needed, that their studying would go flawlessly, she was still a student herself after all, she knew the feeling stress.

  Around she walked, taking inventory of the books that had been returned. The college ran on a system of order, regulations, if the students expected to get an education then they were expected to play by the rules, not step out of line. Though it was a stifling experience most of the time, she could certainly attest to that, it was wonderful how every book that got taken out was returned on time. Most students were willing to play along, even with the rules and the feeling of their individuality being taken away, the school was highly distinguished. If someone made it here, they could make it anywhere, though many of the students that did were notable for engaging in… other vices once they graduated. Making up for lost time, she supposed.

  She herself wasn’t sure she would have the desire to do so, and even if she did she likely would not have the time. Studying to be a director, a career that sounded like it would have a lot of free time initially, though she quickly found out just how much work was involved. Every aspect of the product had to come together perfectly, she had to have an artist’s eye and a novelist’s brain, and training those skills would and did take every ounce of her time.

  Over time, her urges became easier to control, daily masturbation sessions becoming weekly, then monthly, until finally they all but ceased to occur. Occasionally she would lose control, frantically plunging her fingers in and out of herself while she screamed into her pillow, but as fast as the desires came they were dealt with. She hadn’t had a partner in two years because of that, the last becoming sick of her almost non-existent sex drive, walking away and never coming back. That suited her just fine, though she couldn’t help the feeling of sadness that came with it.

  Her mind was occupied with thoughts of past flings and touches long forgotten, she almost missed the sound from the aisle next to her. At first, she thought she was hearing things, and was content to move on when she heard it again. A moan, unmistakable in its tone, not made from stress, or pain. No, this type of moan she recognized well, even after all these years. This was a moan made in the heat of desire.

  She walked slowly, looking around and seeing the studying students. Strangely, none of them seemed to be reacting at all to the moans, even though they were clearly audible. She shrugged: a question that could be answered at another time it seemed. Her feet padded lightly on the carpet, a hand on the shelf to keep her balance, not wanting to ruin the element of surprise by falling. She reached the end of the aisle, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. She inched her head around the corner, and what she saw confirmed her suspicions.

  Two women stood there, students clearly, lips locked on each other. The taller of the two was pressed against the shelf, her long blond hair clutched firmly in the fist of the other. The shorter woman yanked backwards, the blonde’s head falling backwards, exposing her throat. The other woman descended on it, teeth sinking eagerly into the soft flesh, sucking noisily on her pulse point. She moaned, hips thrusting at the air at the feeling, eye lids fluttering and lips quivering. She threaded her hands into the others hair, jet black, falling to her shoulders. The black-haired girl brought her other hand up, cupping her breast and pal
ming it roughly. She traced the line of her shirt, threading her hand underneath the fabric to grasp it directly. The blonde arched at the touch, another glorious moan spilling from her lips.

  Erin was sure she needed to step in, but she found herself transfixed. It had been so long since she had felt passion, seen passion, that it shocked her to her very core. She shook her head, “No.” She thought, “This is disruptive, and crude... and against the rules!” She huffed, tamping down the feelings of heat building in her as she began to take her first step.

  No sooner than she started did she stop.

  The blonde’s shirt was pulled open, full breasts suddenly free in the air. Her chest heaved with each labored breath, a lustful grin covering her face as her companion pulled back to stare. The woman licked her lips, tracing a finger around a rapidly hardening peak. Erin stepped back, perhaps reprimands could wait for a little while. Her ears pricked at the sound of the blonde’s voice, “Sarah... please... do it.”


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