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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 64

by Jenny Ramshard

Ready for more action, Kane positioned himself over Hersea, pressing his cock against her swollen lips. A low moan ground out of her throat as he leaned into her..Hersea’s hot flesh engulfed him, her muscles squeezing his shaft tightly. Kane rolled his hips, thrusting into Hersea deep and fast. Panting as heat broke out across his skin.

  His muscles started to tighten, an orgasm building inside him. Kane made an effort to calm himself, slowing his strokes and flexing his internal muscles to ward of his impending climax.

  Straddling Hersea’s head, Merill’s thighs started to shake. She moaned low in her throat as she came, her body shuddering and jerking before she collapsed, laying on the grass and stroking Hersea gently while Kane fucked her.

  Kane looked down to where his body met Hersea’s, watching his slick rod stretch her wide before dragging a layer of pink skin out as he pulled back. Kane could feel every inch of her hot flesh massaging his cock with every stroke and her entire body jumped when their bodies met with a wet slap.

  Hersea raised herself on her elbows so she could watch Kane fuck her, rolling her hips up to meet his every stroke. Kane leaned forward, taking his weight on his hands and flicked his tongue over her lips. Hersea tried to catch his flickering tongue but he teased her, pulling back and speeding up his thrusts.

  Hersea’s cries of pleasure rang out across the lake, louder and louder as her orgasm approached. Merill reached over and started rubbing her clit in tight little circles making her head thrash from side to side. When she came, Hersea sat upright with a yell of delight, her eyes fluttering closed as she rode the waves of pleasure rippling up through her. She clung to Kane, burying her face in his neck and sending goose pimples down his sides.

  Kane moaned as his orgasm approached, pressure building in his lower back and chest. His balls ached with the need to come and his solid cock throbbed with every thrust of his hips. His breathing turned ragged as something felt as if it had grabbed his throat and squeezed tight. Muscles in his lower belly felt like straps of tight iron and he growled low in his throat as he plunged into her a final few times. When he came for the second time his powerful ejaculation shook his body. His hips slammed forward, burying his cock deep inside Hersea and spraying her with his hot come. He shouted, throwing his head back as several shocks buried him deep inside her.

  Finally spent, Kane pulled both women into his arms and the odd trio lay in the warm sun, stroking each other’s arms and bodies in silent appreciation.


  Kane woke to see Merill and Hersea had dressed and gathered wood for a fire they had lit, he stood and stretched smiling at them when they pointed and giggled.

  “The water is good, my lord,” Merill said, pointing at the lake.

  Kane trotted down to the water’s edge and dipped his body in, washing the results of earlier off before getting back out and stripping the water from his skin with his hands. He crossed to where the women were talking and began to dress when he caught what they were speaking about.

  “I thought we might have left the game once we’d come a few times,” Hersea said.

  “Yeah,” Merill agreed, poking at the fire with a stick. “Now I’m wondering if Okenfangu’s trapped us in here on purpose.”

  “Sorry, what?” Kane asked.

  “Put it from your mind, lord,” Hersea said. “It is nothing more than ladies talking.”

  Kane realized she had been speaking completely differently just a second ago and wanted to know exactly what was going on.

  “Bullshit!” He shouted. “You just mentioned Okenfangu, who are you two.”

  The women stared at each other before looking at him again.

  “Wait,” Merill said. “Does this mean you’re not an in game character?”

  “No I’m fucking not! My name’s Kane Doran, I’m a MeeTuber,” he paused. “So you’re not characters either?”

  “Head of AI development,” Hersea raised her hand.

  “Project coordinator,” Merill added with a guilty look.

  “I don’t get this,” Kane admitted, warming his suddenly chilly hands over their fire.

  “She’s won,” Merill said. “Okenfangu’s got all three of us trapped in here, Hersea and I had some concerns regarding the AR project so she sent us in to see it. And I assume you must have spoken out against the Tanaka Corporation?”

  She let the sentence hang as Kane realized he had effectively been trapped in an artificial world and silenced, never able to use his influence against Tanaka again.

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  Story 29

  “It’s 1901, Miss Cavanaugh.” Garfield Lineman told her from across his desk. “A brand new year and a brand new century.”

  “So it is, Mister Lineman.” Serena replied, staring at the thick wad of papers the lawyer held in his chubby hands. It was a surprise for her, to get that call at her workplace from this lawyer. She had no idea that anyone would know where she worked, but lawyers had their ways of finding things out, didn’t they?

  “And what could be better to begin the new century with a nice fat inheritance.” The portly man grinned and spread out the several letters before her.

  “I had no idea my aunt had property.” She told the lawyer. “And even less that she would bequeath it all to me.”

  “Did you know her well, Miss Cavanaugh?” Lineman rubbed his round chin and stared at the letters on his desk.

  “Hardly.” Serena suppressed a laugh. “I have never seen her and was vaguely made aware of old Aunt Bianca from stories mother told me when I was a child. She said my aunt was an eccentric woman and that she lived very far away, all by herself. That’s all I know of her.”

  “Hm, and what is it that you do, Miss Cavanaugh?” The man peered intently at one sheet of paper after the next.

  “I’m studying to be in theatre, Mister Lineman.” She said with a sigh. “But in the meantime I barely make enough from my part time job as a steno for a newspaper editor to stay alive.”

  “Do you have any intimate man friends, or a fiancé?” He shuffled through more of the papers and kept peering at them intently.

  She let out a laugh this time. “No, sir, I do not. I’m not the type who would hunt for a man of means and settle into an advantageous marriage.”

  “Don’t mean to pry, miss...” The thickset man held up a hand in apology. “One of the conditions on this will require you to be unencumbered, that’s all.”

  “Yes, I have no encumbrances what so ever, Mister Lineman.” She replied with a shrug. Was it such a bad thing to have no one or nothing in the world that could mean something? What kind of a life did she live to not have any kind of encumbrance to keep her motivated.

  “Good.” The fat man looked up at her and grinned. “Cause the fine lady wished that her property and personnel be taken good care of at all times.”

  “Did she leave it all to me,” Serena sat upright. If there were such clauses, her inheritance might actually be of some value. “…or are there others I should know of… who might come to fight me over it.”

  “No, Miss Cavanaugh.” Lineman told her with confidence. “You are the only one on the Lady Morganton’s will. And she is very specific about her requirements, or else the property goes to her caretaker, a certain Mister Dumas, and three others who work under him.”

  “Do they know of this?” She felt anxious all of a sudden. “I mean, I don’t want them to have any ideas, you know, about bumping me off to get all of it.”

  “No, they don’t know any of this. As the Lady Morganton’s legal representative, only I have access to officially authorized matters on the estate.” The lawyer said with an air of importance. “How old are you, Miss Cavanaugh?”

  “Twenty… three.” She replied, eyeing him warily. “Is that old enough?”

  He laughed and made his fat jowls wobble. “Yes, indeed.” He said. “Eighteen and above is the legal age for any inheritance.”

  “And where is th
is… this inheritance?” She stared hard at the scrawled writing on the letters. “This Morganton Estate?”

  “Up in north country, mostly farmland and hills, a measured five acres of it.” Lineman replied and brandished a pen out at her. “Sign here, here and here, please. And then here.”

  She took the pen and signed each of the documents he laid out before her and Serena finally claimed her inheritance. Lineman smiled broadly and gathered up all the paperwork, then handed her some of them to prove her status as the new owner of the property.

  “What else should I know of this place?” She asked him as she stuffed the papers into her satchel.

  “A very remote region up north with few hardy mountain folk living there, in little settlements.” The lawyer told her. “Life it tough out there.”

  “Hardly a place for a soft natured city gal to venture out into, don’t you think?” She gave him a questioning look.

  “Well, you can always sell it to some locals for a tidy sum.” Lineman stood up and pushed his chair away. She took that as a signal for her to be on her way.

  “I see, but I would like to see the place for myself before that.” She stood up and stepped away from the desk.

  “Yes, that would be sensible. It’s only a night’s ride away.” He nodded and gently took her elbow. “And whatever you decide, my services are always available to you, Miss Cavanaugh.”

  “Yes, thank you very much, Mister Lineman.” She smiled and let him escort her to the door.

  “Have a nice day now.” His fat face beamed as he showed her out and shut the door after her.

  Serena walked briskly out of the building with mixed feelings of excitement and foreboding alternating in her mind. She was nearly penniless an hour ago, and now she was the owner of a sizeable amount of land in the harsh North Country. She had to go there and see for herself what it was worth and how much she would get if she decided to sell it. She could pay for better acting classes with the money, probably rent a decent apartment and buy some of the fashionable new clothes that suited this new century. Yes, she would do all that, but first she had to get there and she needed the money to hire a carriage for the long ride into the country.

  She reached into her cleavage and fished out the gilded pendant her mother had left her. Tears brimmed in her large grey eyes thinking about her mother. Six years now since she passed, and every time she held the pendant, Serena missed her mother terribly. Steeling herself, she walked into the pawn shop next to the attorneys’ building. She should get enough to hire a ride to her inheritance. Then she would sell the place, get back to the city, get the pendant back and live out her dreams.

  Serena walked out of the pawn shop with enough money to hire a carriage to the countryside and also buy a new dress, well, it was in fashion five years ago, but it was still new. And she could also buy a nice hearty meal before the eight hour journey.

  After her dinner of roast duck, fresh bread and a peach pie, Serena boarded the little carriage. No one else was headed that way, so she had the entire space the two seats offered all to herself. She relaxed; it was a long ride and would take all of the night. It would be dawn before she arrived at the Morganton Estate. The gentle rolling motion of the carriage had her nodding off soon enough, and her head was filled with dreams of live performances before an elite audience at the Sunday matinee.

  When she woke up, the carriage had stopped and the pale light of a new dawn bathed the view of the sparse countryside from the small dirty window. She took a deep breath, relishing the freshness of the air. Something she could never get from the congested atmosphere of her life in the city. The driver opened the door and helped her out.

  Stepping out of the carriage, Serena noticed the two storied stone house that dominated the view. She stifled a gasp; this charming old world villa was hers. A large man in a bearskin coat spoke to the driver and unloaded her trunk from the back of the carriage. He handed the trunk to another man standing beside him and waved at him to carry it into the house. The carriage turned to leave and the large man walked up to where she was standing.

  “Welcome to the Morganton Estate, Lady Morganton.” He bowed low and held out a large, callused hand. “I am Dumas and I have made every arrangement for your stay here to be one of comfort and safety.”

  “Why thank you, my good man.” Serena smiled and took his hand, noticing the roughness of his calloused palm. It felt good to the touch. “And my name is Cavanaugh, Serena Cavanaugh. But you can call me Serena; I care not so much for lofty titles for I am just as you… an honest person who works for a living.”

  Dumas smiled appreciatively and bowed again. “Glad to know that, Milady… uh, Serena.” He grinned. “Come, we have prepared a fine repast to refresh you from your tiring journey. And after that I will take you around your property.”

  She smiled at the large man. He looked positively huge in his bearskin coat, almost like a bear. His face wasn’t what she would consider handsome. It was quite large and square, with a strong jaw and small eyes over a thick nose. A well trimmed mustache covered his upper lip, and a dark lion cut mane fell around his face. He looked like one of the southern folk from a warmer clime as opposed to his current location of the chilly north.

  “How long have you been the caretaker here, Dumas?” She asked the man as he led her up the wide stone steps leading to the front door.

  “Ah, one forgets.” He said with a wide grin. “My father was caretaker before me, and I was born here. I learnt everything from him. After he passed, I took over as caretaker... more than fifteen years ago, I have to say.”

  “That’s a long time for sure.” Serena nodded, she liked the man. He seemed very warm and sincere. “So you knew my aunt quite well. What was she like?”

  “The Lady Bianca Morganton.” Dumas replied with veneration. “Ah, but she was a fine, fine woman. Most divine and generous. It was an evil day when she left us, an evil day indeed. But she is with the gods now, and blessed.”

  She noticed him quickly wipe away a tear and decided to not ask anything further about her aunt. The front door opened inward and she stepped inside the large villa. It was quite cozy inside with a carpeted floor and vintage looking furnishing. Decorative curtains and large framed paintings hung on the high walls. A fireplace filled the hall with warmth and light, and overhead chandeliers had lamps lit in them. Everything looked like right out of a fairy tale and Serena wondered how this place could be maintained because the landscape outside was barren and dead. What was this estate running on?

  She didn’t think it prudent to ask Dumas everything right away and focused her attention on the rest of the staff. The two young men and one young woman wearing the customary uniform of the help stood in line before her. They bowed their heads low as she paused before them.

  “This is Henry.” Dumas gestured at the taller of the two men. “He looks after the estate gardens. And this is Jonah; he works in the stables and dairy.”

  She smiled at them and turned toward the young woman.

  “This pretty lass is Mila, she takes care of everything in the house.” Dumas said of the blushing brunette before her.

  “I am pleased to meet you all.” Serena beamed at each of them.

  “We are honored, milady.” Henry bowed and held out a little bouquet of fresh roses. “Welcome to your new home.”

  “Thank you all.” Serena smiled. “I look forward to knowing each of you personally, in time.”

  “And this, milady...” Dumas gestured at a rather large woman walking out of the kitchen, “is Helga, our cook and she has laid a fine table to welcome you this morning.”

  “Oh, thank you, Helga.” Serena smiled at the plump woman and scanned the large table laid with food before her.

  Everything on the table looked fresh and delicious and for a moment Serena felt like this was where she belonged. But she was a city gal. The countryside, despite its freshness was still a desolate and depressing place. Life looked very stagnant there in the estate and after
taking a tour of the property, she would sit with Dumas and weigh in the assets of the place and work out a proposal of sale for the estate.

  She sat at the table and enjoyed what could be the best meal she had since her childhood. Yes, city life was hard, and she could get used to this kind of affluence, but there was nothing for her here and she had to get back to the city, hopefully with a few trunks full of money.

  “That was a very excellent feast, Dumas.” She told the large man as he cleared away the dishes. “We should take a look around the property and then I must rest.”

  “Indeed, mil… Serena.” Dumas nodded. “I will have Jonah saddle the horses.”

  Horses! That excited her. It had been quite a while since she had ridden a horse. And soon she found herself sitting side saddle on a tired old workhorse as Dumas rode beside her on a pony. The caretaker took her around the property that stretched for miles and miles. Empty barren grassland surrounded her on all sides and the hills were craggy and lifeless. She couldn’t help feeling depressed.

  “How does the Estate run… with this much land lying barren?” She asked the caretaker.


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