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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 69

by Jenny Ramshard

  It was there at the evacuation center that Derek met Dr. Allan Dwight, another American volunteer from Idaho. Allan had the same masculine appeal like Derek, only his features were more feminine; smaller nose and thinner lips.

  “We’ll have to buy bottled water,” Allan suggested to Derek, while examining the murky drinking water at the evacuation center.

  “Let’s do that. There are no potable water supplies in this area,” Derek agreed. “Hopefully, there will be stocks in the market.”

  They became fast friends afterwards. They visited the evacuation center together, shared their knowledge in diagnosing conditions, and discussed the patients’ status, whenever necessary. It was also convenient that they were billeted in the same room and had the same tent in the working area.

  The ambiance at the evacuation center was different from the hospital setting. Although things had to be more organized and the community needed rebuilding, it was less rigid and less stressful. After Derek’s rounds, he usually watched the brilliant sunset from the white, fine sands of the beach. On one occasion, he scaled the nearest hill for a breath of fresh, unadulterated air. What more, he still can do what he loved most – curing sick people.

  Derek’s musings were interrupted when a severely malnourished child of seven was rushed in. He had deep-sunken eyes; he was as thin as a reed, and had dry, flaky skin.

  “Nurse, he needs an IVF stat. D5LRS 500…” Derek wrote on the notepad, concentrating on the emergency case at hand.

  Allan was at the opposite bed evaluating the vital signs of another patient. Together, they were done with their rounds within a few hours, and they had the whole afternoon to themselves.

  “This rice wine is the best,” Allan enthused, as they sat by the seaside stall watching sun-tanned kids building sand castles.

  “It’s healthier too,” Derek agreed. “So, what made you volunteer for this mission?” He was comfortable enough with Allan to ask him a personal question.

  “Hmmm, I wanted to help,” Allan replied, seemingly castigating Derek; what other reasons could there be?

  Derek felt a twinge of remorse of his own personal reasons. Doctors were supposed to be life savers and not after their own personal gain.

  Allan was thinking he must be nursing a broken heart, as well? That was Allan’s secondary reason for volunteering – to ‘recuperate’ from a rejection. He had been dumped by Lucille, the person he loved most in the world.

  “More rice wine, sir?” A young local girl asked them. Luscious lips, dimpled cheeks, small conservative nose and voluptuous figure. “You may want to taste this local meat delicacy too,” she offered; her pearly white teeth gleaming against her golden brown skin. It was evident she had a good grasp of the English language.

  “Sure, if you recommend it,” they chorused.

  With her round black eyes, jet black hair and small frame, they found the young woman exotic, unlike any other they had met before, and this piqued their interests.

  “Can you sit here for a while and provide us company? We would like to know more about your island,” Allan requested, observing Derek’s reaction.

  She obliged with a smile.

  “I’m Allan. This is Derek.”

  “I’m Mila but you can call me Miles,” she extended her hand. “I presume you’re doctors?”

  “Well, we’d like to shed that identity for a while,” Derek countered, as he clasp her hand tightly before releasing it. She’s beautiful, this woman, he thought.

  “Oh, sorry,” she smiled shyly, withdrawing her hand, “so what do you want to know?”

  “Are there any good places to visit?” Allan queried. He was sure he can recuperate promptly if all local girls were like Mila, he concluded.

  “There’s a place called Callao Falls not far from here,” she disclosed. “It’s unique because, there’s also a cathedral inside an ancient cave beside it.”

  “That sounds great!” Derek stood up. “Can you please be our tour guide?”

  “Right now?” Mila asked, surprised.

  “We’ll talk to your employer…” Allan suggested.

  “Oh no, don’t. I’ll ask him,” Mila restrained Allan, and proceeded inside.

  After a few minutes, she came out in blue baggy shorts and sleeveless white cotton blouse; her small round nipples discernible underneath her thin blouse. Her long, wavy tresses were immaculately tied in a bun. Derek caught his breath. She was a sight to behold, fresh and beautiful.

  Both men ogled her as she sauntered toward them.

  “C’mon guys, we don’t have enough time,” she ignored their admiring faces and tugged Derek’s arms.

  Derek felt a jolt of awareness that came to the forefront when she touched his arm.He knew that feeling all too well - the sensation of a woman’s touch. His doctor’s mind deducted that they must have possessed matching pheromones or biosensors. He hadn’t felt that sensation for quite some time after his breakup with Nicole, but he had not forgotten it altogether.

  Meanwhile, Allan was imagining Mila naked in bed, cavorting with him. His face turned red when Mila turned to him and asked, “A penny for your thoughts?”

  I was thinking of you and I in bed, Allan wanted to tell her. He had been extremely busy at work and did not have the chance to overcome his rejection or to date and get laid for several months since, and the heaviness in his balls was clamoring for release.

  They ascended in silence the narrow trail leading to the waterfalls. Mila led the way and Derek and Allan followed in a single file. The verdant carpeted trail ran to a small clearing where a bubbling waterfall towered above them. It was not as wide as Derek expected it to be, but it was majestic in the afternoon sun. It sparkled and cascaded in curly waves through the mossy black stones into the wide, natural pool below.

  Mila discarded her white blouse and underneath it was a skimpy bra that seemed too small to support her luscious breasts. They appeared to burst out from their unwanted confinement. She decided to keep her shorts on. She jumped into the pool and yelled at them, “Hey guys take a dip. It’s refreshing.”

  In their village nudity had never been a problem. The native folks – male or female - bathe in the nude and no one considered it indecent. But when young people attended college in town, and foreigners had set foot in their homes, people became conscious of their own nakedness.

  Half submerged in water; Mila was like a nymph having a swim, with her small, perfect figure and lovely face.

  Allan went first, his pulses racing to the challenge. Derek followed next.

  Derek, however, made the first significant move. He grabbed Mila playfully from the back and threw her into the water. Derek felt his bare skin grow hot when Mila’s semi-nakedness rubbed against his, and her breast rested on his forearms. She fell into the water laughing and screaming.

  Her screams awakened Allan’s dormant emotions anew. He dived into the pool and swam after them. He dragged Derek away from Mila and seized her from behind, intentionally cupping her breasts with his palms. Her sex appeal was hard for Allan to ignore. But her tits were too big to fondle with his one palm.

  Startled, Mila broke free from Allan’s grasped and swam to the other end of the pool. She was expecting them to get interested in her, but not that quickly. For all her boldness and flighty spirit, she was still genuinely shy and scared. That must be the reason why at 20, she was still a clueless virgin.

  There were strange emotions surfacing to her consciousness and she didn’t want to acknowledge them. She quickly donned her blouse over her wet bra and called out, “Let’s go see the cathedral.”

  She edged her way into the rugged stone doorway near the bottom of the waterfall. It was dark inside but hundreds of lighted candles set the interior of the cave ablaze. At the center of the cavernous space was the stone altar. There were also dozens of lighted candles around the oval structure. At the innermost portion was a large silver cup with a stiletto on top of it. It reminded Mila of the altars she had read in books where
witches offered virgins to their gods. Layers of rough stalagmite adorned the area, allowing the interior of the cave to look like a ‘cathedral’. A door-like opening led to a smaller cavern.

  While Mila was admiring the stalactites that pierced the roof of the cave, Derek and Allan caught up with her. Mila was incapable of meeting their eyes, still conscious of what Allan did earlier to her in the pool. She sensed her body growing hot in remembrance of Allan’s arms around her breasts. But she noticed that the two men were not even bothered at all.

  Derek was beside her in an instant. “That sure looks incredible,” he mused, touching a protruding layer. His arm brushed Mila’s. Mila reacted instinctively, pulling her arm away, while Derek appeared unruffled. What she had secretly wanted was for him to embrace and hug her tight until her tingling tits were pressed against his burly chest.

  For Derek, it was a façade though. What he didn’t show Mila was how her nearness had caused his blood to boil. He felt the initial stirrings of his arousal. He knew Mila was going through the same emotion; she was just too shy to acknowledge it.

  As they toured the area, Derek and Allan took turns flirting with Mila, but she was more drawn to Derek. Every time Derek came close to her, she felt her breath constricting. They were exploring the last cavern where only two people could fit in. It was said that if two people entered this smallest cove, they would receive endless blessings and good luck. Mila entered the cove first, thinking that fate would decide who among the two men would be her partner. Derek was quick enough to follow her; his manly scent of fresh pine trees wafted in the air.

  Mila gasped as they stood there, toe to toe, facing each other. Derek didn’t waste his chance. Mila had aroused his senses, which had been dormant for several months now. He grabbed Mila by the waist and kissed her passionately on the mouth, separating her closed lips with his tongue. She melted under Derek’s expert ministrations. He nibbled her lips and sucked her tongue until she broke away to catch some air. But he drove in again, creaming her lips with his tongue and mouth. The sound of Allan calling out their names from the outside echoed inside the cave.

  Derek’s hands crept inside Mila’s bra and came in contact with her soft lustrous breasts. He pinched her nipple, “oh,” Mila moaned softly. “Please…stop,” but she meant please go on.

  A head tried to poke from the outside, “helloooo, come on out, there’s a long queue out here waiting for you guys,” Allan stated, exasperation in his voice.

  Reluctantly, Mila and Derek broke apart. They were breathless from their swift arousal.

  It was dusk when they arrived at the center. Mila’s body was burning as the ember of her first interaction with a male started to glow inside her. Derek wanted more of what he had tasted in the cave, while Allan had yet to come forward.

  “Why don’t you eat your dinner at the seaside diner?” Mila suggested; her face awash with eagerness.

  “Yup, that would be great,” Allan conceded, without consulting Derek.

  Mila served them brown rice, seashells cooked in tomatoes and broiled milk fish, freshly caught from the fishpond. It was a sumptuous meal that allowed the two doctors a taste of the delicious local dishes.

  While Mila was serving them, Derek would deliberately brush his hand or thighs against Mila’s body. She pretended not to notice, but her body responded undoubtedly – she wanted Derek’s naked body right next to her. Allan envied them. They looked good together, and yet…

  Back in their room, Allan and Derek went about their personal business in peace. Allan thought what the hell happened, Derek? While Derek was lost in space, imagining Mila’s hot body arching under his own.

  The next morning, dapper and fresh, Allan and Derek reported to the center. They were about to start their usual rounds when a new batch of nurses arrived. The two men watched as the nurses were assigned to their respective teams.

  They waited patiently for their assigned nurse. It turned out it was someone they knew.

  “Good morning, doctors,” came the familiar voice.

  Allan and Derek stared at the cheerful face before them. It was Mila!

  “Well, well, look what we’ve got here,” Allan enthused, “were you moonlighting as a waitress?”

  “Yes, Doc. Having another job helps pay the bills,” Mila replied evenly. She was happy the chief nurse had accepted her request.

  Derek threw her a glance, thinking how prim and proper she was now. Mila withdrew her eyes, conscious of how Derek undressed her with his penetrating eyes.

  During work, Derek was stiff and formal. It was contrary to Allan’s easy-going personality. Derek was a year older than Allan’s 42 years. But both of their bodies were lithe and well-built with no flabby tissues hanging in unwanted places. It was apparent they were doing their daily workouts.

  Derek’s formality at work provided Allan a chance to flirt with Mila. He stayed close to her, sometimes putting an arm around her and at times whispering in her ears. Mila didn’t reject his advances. He found him endearing. He’s fun to be with, she mused.

  The morning ended with no mishap, and they went in to their tent for their packed lunches. There were only two patients after lunch; one with asthmatic bronchitis and the other, with a superficial knee wound, which they had attended to promptly, leaving them free for the rest of the day.

  “Can you accompany me to the beach tonight?” Allan invited Mila.

  “Sure, why not?”

  They agreed to meet at the diner. Allan thanked his lucky stars that Derek was away for a home visit and an alternate nurse was assigned as his assistant. Allan’s attraction for Mila grew each time they met, and he wanted to proceed to the next level.

  At the beach, they reminisced their younger college years and laughed about their humorous experiences during their internship training.

  Allan drew Mila closer to him and held her hand. Unlike Derek, who evoked fluctuating, wild emotions from Mila, Allan was like the calm waves bringing tranquility to her soul. The warmth of his hands made her remember about home and family. And much as her mind rejected the idea of making it out with Allan, her body rebelled against her mind -a part of her wanted Allan.

  Allan caressed her fingertips lightly, like stroking a baby’s delicate skin. His fingers went up her arm, up her face, drawing circles around her mouth and nape, gradually resting on her lips. He lifted her chin and kissed her then, drowning her in the warmth of his lips and his embrace. It was a long drawn out kiss that made Mila breathless. She had now discovered carnal pleasures that she had become addicted to, and she wanted more.

  They were alone on the seashore, except for a few strollers in the distance. His hands brushed her tits enticingly. His movements were unhurried and feathery; a whiff of soft breeze in the arid desert. Mila closed her eyes and savored the gentle caresses on her face and neck and welcomed his tongue.

  “Mmmmm, better than eating ice cream,” Allan murmured and nibbled her ear.

  His warm breath coursing through her ears made her shiver. Her breasts strained from her thin blouse. They petted and necked oblivious of their surroundings.

  “Holy smoke…the birdie down below… wants more,” Allan was hyperventilating. “That’s all for today,” he gruffly stated.

  The unmistakable bulge in his pants seemed to house a caged animal.

  “If we won’t stop now, I’d probably fuck you right here,” he gave Mila a slurping kiss, and ran to the inviting waters.

  They played on the beach and the shallow portion of the sea until his erection subsided. They left hand in hand, their faces in pain and their bodies craving for fulfillment.

  The next day, many of the patients in the makeshift center were discharged and had left for their temporary bunkhouses. The rehabilitation of the village was proceeding smoothly. Derek, as the team leader of the medical group, had used his own money to purchase some of the medical supplies necessary for the villagers.

  During lunch, Allan, Mila and Derek bumped into each other. Mila had de
liberately avoided them to sort out her feelings. She didn’t know why she felt strongly for both men. Although, Derek held more sexual attraction to her, she longed for Allan’s sensitive and jovial nature. Do I love them both? She asked herself, not knowing the answer.

  “Well, the Three Musketeers are back together,” Allan patted their backs. “So what’s the agenda today?”

  “Lemme see,” Derek mused, “I have to talk to Mila,” he continued.

  “Oh, I see. Sure, go ahead,” Allan left them and whistled his way out.

  At work, Derek and Mila didn’t have the chance to talk about personal affairs, although they worked together. This is because Derek had always been so formal and professional; he didn’t want to combine work with pleasure. But after work, he went back to treating her with concern.


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