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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 85

by Jenny Ramshard

  “Yeah, if you call sitting in this goddamn bar and drinking your life away fun, then yeah. However, it is nice to drink here and think about things than having to go home to someone yelling at you.”

  The man looked at her, immediately confused. “What do you mean?”

  Was she really going to tell him about the abuse that she suffered until recently? Oh hell yes, she was. She didn’t have a filter, and this guy was hella cute. “I just got out of a terrible situation with an ex. It was rough, but I’m happier now. So I’m just chilling, maybe hoping to find the right one,” she said.

  “I can feel that. I’m kind of here looking for something myself,” he said.

  He was looking for something too? But what?

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Oh, you know, just trying out something that I’ve wanted to try out for a long time. But I know that it’s probably too weird. Most people run away the second I bring it up,” he admitted.

  Okay, now she was curious. “I see. Well, I mean we did just meet, but you could tell me. I’m not going to leave or anything. I mean shit, I’m too drunk to drive, and I’ve got nowhere else to be. I’m not heading out of here anytime soon,” I told him.

  He looked into her eyes, and he saw that she was serious. She didn’t have anywhere to go, and she felt this connection with him that she didn’t feel before. He then turned outside.

  “Do you mind if we finish this up and head outside? I’ll explain everything there,” he said.

  She nodded. She wanted to know. This man was way more interesting than most of the douches that she picked up at the bars here.

  “Let’s do it,” she replied.

  He smiled, and the two of them talked a bit more, chilling and drinking the rest of their drinks. It was obvious that this man was hiding something pretty big, and she wanted to know what the hell it was. There was something super arousing about the fact that she was with a dude that was hiding a part of himself. She didn’t even understand why, but she felt a sort of thump in her heart as she looked at him. When they finished he grasped her hand, leading her outside. The two of them went out of the main area, heading over to the bushes nearby.

  “Are you really going to hook up with me in the bushes?” she said with a laugh. That was something so high school, but it’s not like she was against it. He then smirked, and then shook his head.

  “Not necessarily. Do you believe in aliens?” he asked.

  She looked at him, shrugging.

  “They could be around,” she said.

  “Well, what if I told you that I was one?” he asked her.

  No way. There was no way in hell this was real. But then, he pressed a button on something in his pocket, and soon, a giant spaceship appeared. It was huge, and luckily, they were so far out that she didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing them. But of course, this would lead to a lot more questions about him, and about his reasons for being here.

  Chapter 2

  Nicole didn’t expect to get into something like this, but when she looked at the alien, her eyes were practically bulging out of her head.

  “You’re an alien,” she said.

  “Correct. My name is Ravis, and I’m an alien from the planet Kantra,” he said to her.

  So his name was Ravis. It was a nice name, but there were many questions that she had.

  “Okay, this is surprising. So you came here because why?” she asked.

  “Well, I came here for personal reasons more than anything. I’m actually one of the head princes on the planet, and I’m slated to lead. In truth, I did need to find a mate at some point, but I don’t want to do that just yet. I want to have fun, which was my purpose for coming out to Earth. I heard that the women here were very different from the women on Kantra. For one, they actually have sex for pleasure. Women on my planet don’t,” he said.

  Wow, so there were women out there that didn’t do the deed for anything else but procreation. Wow. That was shocking.

  “I see. I know that some animals on our planet do that, but women here do like sex. Especially humans,” she said.

  “Ahh yes. You’re referred to as humes on our planet. That’s what we call humans. But, I’ll call you humans for right now. But yes, I came here because I was curious. It doesn’t have to mean anything, but if you do want it to mean something, I’d be okay with it,” he said.

  She looked at Ravis, seeing the dusty nature of his eyes. He seemed to be almost in lust with her already. It was weird to feel this way for a stranger that she just met, but there was something almost intoxicating about this.

  “It won’t have to mean anything, right? Because I’m still trying to put together my own personal feelings. I mean, I did get fucked over recently, and while I like the idea of eventually finding the one, I’m also contented with being single,” she told him.

  He listened to her, nodding in agreement. “That’s what I like about humans. You don’t force a relationship with someone. That is the problem with the people of my planet. They’re obsessive about doing that sort of thing. I actually left because I have this girl, who’s been all over me recently, but I don’t like her. She thinks that I’m going to choose her as a mate, but in all honesty, I don’t feel like I should. I don’t feel the connection. I frankly hate her. I don’t know how to tell her that though,” he admitted.

  She nodded. “I understand. Here on Earth, we get a lot of those as well. We tend to call them fuckboys though,” she replied.

  “That’s a funny word. I hope I’m not considered one,” he said teasingly.

  She shook her head. “Nah, you’re just an average alien guy. If that means anything. And I mean, I do like you a lot, but I wouldn’t mind taking things slow. Plus, it’s kind of interesting,” she told him.

  What she didn’t say, was that this was low-key a dream that she wanted to have. Maybe it was because of all the paranormal shit she’d been reading, but she did want to move forward, to see what it would be like. Ravis was a nice man, and he was a kind alien who wanted to have fun and to get away from the craziness of his planet. Nicole felt a strange urge to learn more about him, but in truth, she did want to take this slow.

  “I’m Nicole by the way. I feel weird, because I could’ve sworn I did introduce myself, but I don’t think I ever did,” she admitted.

  “It’s okay, Nicole. I trust you,” he replied.

  She looked over at him, seeing the seriousness of his words. He did trust her, and there was a small glint in his eyes that made her happy. He then moved in closer, grasping her hands.

  “Want to come on in?” he offered.

  She did want to see the alien spaceship. There was something that piqued her interest about this.

  “Sure,” she replied.

  “Once we get in, I’m making this invisible. The last thing I want is someone coming and barging in on us while we’re busy,” he told her.

  She nodded. He opened up the shaft and they climbed on in. after he turned the ship invisible, she turned her head around, and she realized that this place was bigger than she ever imagined. It was huge, like the size of a mansion, and it felt like one too. Wow, she never thought she’d get so lucky.

  “This is amazing,” she told him.

  “Thank you. I do love staying here. But yes, let me show you around,” he replied.

  He showed her the various nuances of the home, and she felt so intrigued. But, there was that part of her that wanted something more, something that made her want to move forward and do something naughty with him. It was when they got to the bedroom that she felt those feelings come to full bloom, and the desire to have him increase by manifold.

  Chapter 3

  When they got inside, he closed the door, and she noticed that this bed was simple, yet round. It was huge though.

  “Wow, this is great,” she said to him.

  “Sure is. I mean, I’ve never taken a female here before, much less a human,” he said to her.

  She listened
to those words, blushing as she realized the intimacy of this moment.

  “Well, I’m happy to be here,” she said.

  She sat on the bed, and he sat down next to her. The temptation to continue this was driving her mad, making her wonder just what to do.

  “I never thought that I would be able to get to observe life aliens. You’re the first I’ve met, and I’m happy to have met you,” she told him.

  “I am as well. You’re quite awesome, you know,” he said to her.

  She paused, looking over at him and realizing that he was serious.

  “Really? I feel like I’m just your average girl most of the time. I mean, I’m not cool like some people, not really successful, and oftentimes, I just feel here,” she admitted to him.

  “Don’t downgrade yourself like that. You’re perfect, and I enjoy you,” he told her.

  Before she knew it, she felt her heart skip a beat once more. This man was too good to her, and she could feel his desire immediately making her want to have more of him. The two of them inched their mouths closer to one another, the breathing that they shared with one another both mingling slightly. However, she soon closed the distance between the two of them, and when they kissed, she realized just how different this was from a human.

  He was dominant, but not so dominant that it was almost too much for her. She liked it though, and she knew for a fact that he was trying his hardest to hold back, since he cared a whole lot about her. She could tell that he did, and he seemed to be just as interested in her, as she was of him. Both of them started off with a bit of a chaste kiss, but it soon became much more impassioned with time.

  It was hard to hold back, especially when the lips that were against her own were almost intoxicating. She didn’t want this to be the end or anything, nor did she want this moment to stop. She wanted to feel his lips there, and when he kissed her, he started to push his tongue into her mouth, which caused her to feel pleasantly surprised.

  His tongue was super long. He seemed to have some sort of abnormally long tongue. It surprised her at first, but when he pulled back, looking at her for a second, he blushed.

  “Sorry, usually my tongue isn’t something weird, but I didn’t realize that your tongue was so small,” he admitted.

  “No, it’s fine. Trust me, I really like it,” she said. There was something really arousing about the fact that his tongue was longer than hers, and she wondered as well what this alien man had to offer.

  Fortunately, Ravis was about to show her. He moved his lips to her neck, touching the edge of it slightly with his lips, kissing the flesh there and sucking on it. His lips were full as well, and when he sucked, he was both gentle, yet determined with his motions, causing an obvious hickey to start to form there. She liked that, feeling as if she was being marked by the alien like that. He then stuck his tongue out, and she nearly fell onto the bed in shock when she saw his tongue.

  She thought his tongue would be a pinkish color, but it was actually purple. Ravis looked at her with surprise, a bit nervous about her response.

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t realize that you’ve never seen a purple tongue either,” he told her.

  “It’s fine. Sorry about that. I need to stop being such a douche about this sort of thing,” she told him.

  “No you’re okay. Trust me, this is new for both of us, and I’m sure that this isn’t what we’re used to, so I’m not holding it against you,” he told her with reassurance.

  She wanted to believe that, to know for sure that she wasn’t being a total asshole about this sort of thing, but she feared so. However, Ravis wasn’t paying much mind to this, but instead, he started to suck on the flesh there once more, moving down her body over to where the very edge of her shirt was. He then gripped the sides of it, looking at her, and Nicole nodded.

  Her body was already feeling drunk off the motions. Sure, drinking a little bit before did help with easing the blow at times, but the fact that he was so gentle with his motions, and yet so exact, only turned her on even more. She liked this a lot, and he seemed to be very interested in the way she reacted to any of this. He then started to move his hands to the very edge of her top, pulling it off to reveal her breasts.

  She had decent breasts, but that paled in comparison to her ass. However, he then started to grip both of the orbs, touching them her and threading his fingers over it. Immediately, Nicole started to blush, moaning slightly at the way this man seemed to touch her.

  “Fuck,” she said to herself.

  “I’m not hurting you, am I?” he asked her.

  “Not at all. You’re turning me on more than anything,” she said. What he didn’t know, was that her breasts were her weakness. Sure, she had an amazing ass, and she did love the way she felt when she rode a dick, but the way this man just gently touched her breasts was turning her on far more than she claimed to admit, and she could feel the lofty needs of her body start to form slightly. She wanted more of this, more of the touches that she started to feel, and in essence, she felt as if she was getting drunk off of these feelings, like her body couldn’t hold back much longer, and she wanted nothing more than for this to just overtake her.

  He seemed to see the wrought desires in her eyes. He started to move her hands up a little bit, holding them with one hand, and then he looked at her. She gasped, and soon, he pressed his tongue to the tip of one of the nipples. Since it was so long, he started to wrap it around the nipple in circles, which caused her eyes to widen. She never thought that she would like this, but there was something so different about this that she wanted more of, something that seemed to drive her completely and utterly mad.

  He started to tease the tip of it, sucking and flicking his tongue over the tip of the nub, and soon, she started to cry out, feeling as if her body was reaching a climax that she hadn’t ever thought that she would reach. She didn’t want to cum yet, but the way that he was teasing her breasts made it so much harder to hold back. God, it was a nightmare trying to hold her feelings back, but she did so.

  He pushed his fingers against the tip of the other nub. While his tongue did the magic that it did, tickling the tip of the nipple, he moved his hands to where the other one was, pinching and flicking his digits against there. Nicole was losing it, holding him there, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before things started to go insane for her. She didn’t really know what else she could do at this point, other than to take it, and to like it.

  He watched as she became putty in her hands. This was so different from the way some of the females on his planet acted. That was the problem, human females were the best, and while he didn’t know if he could take this hume for a partner, he did want to consider it. He wanted to believe that she might think that the prospect of leaving this place might be worth her while.

  He would ask her that later. Right now, he could feel his bulge getting almost uncomfortable but he wanted to show her what his tongue could do. He pressed his tongue down her body, licking the taut stomach, before he got to where the apex of her thighs was. He touched her jeans, lightly cupping her, and she let out a small hiss of pleasure.

  “You want this, right?” he asked. He wanted to make sure that he wasn’t making a mistake.

  “Yes,” she said with a bit of a whine in her voice. She was being driven mad by this, her body already losing it, and she soon became almost too aroused to even function. He then started to move his hands to the button of her jeans, lightly undoing them and the zipper and then pulling it off of her body. He then watched as she seemed to squirm there almost involuntarily. He then noticed the little bit of residue on her panties.

  “Is this yours?” he asked. He had never seen this type of lubrication. When he touched there though, Nicole immediately moaned, and he realized that this was her pleasure spot.

  “Yes,” she said to him. She couldn’t believe that he’d never gotten a female wet. There was a first time for everything it seemed.

  He smiled, teasing the area slight
ly, and soon, he started to rub there. She shivered, clutching onto the sheets as he rubbed her through the confines of her panties. He then moved his hands to the sides of it, pulling off the garment, and that’s when he marveled at the sight.

  She was beautiful. Perfectly-shaven, nice and pink, and nice and large pussy lips. He licked his lips. Not even the females on his planet looked this good. He then spread her apart, pushing his tongue into her, fucking her with the organ. He then watched as she screamed, clutching the pillows there and holding onto them as he continued to propel his tongue in and out of her. This was a dream come true.

  Nicole could feel the tears in her eye already, watching as the other man seemed to know exactly how to turn her on. She was losing it, her entire body going mad with pleasure, and her body craving more of this man. She never expected this tongue to feel so good, but he seemed to plunge it in deep, moving right up against her g-spot, and stimulating it. Very few people had ever been able to find her g-spot, not even her ex or anything, but this alien did it as if it was second nature to him, and she definitely couldn’t believe how nice this was,, how she was able to get all of this done so easily, and how she was able to feel the effects of this immediately. She wanted more of him, craved more of him, and he seemed to accommodate those needs.


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