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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 87

by Jenny Ramshard

  “My wife is being modest. We were desperate to find someone, but we are happy to have held out for the best. Benjamin is a handful, but your references come with glowing recommendations.” I’d met them coming out of the Airport and both of them weren’t exactly subtle about how they put everything on display.

  Las Vegas was the city that never sleeps. The lights and glamour were blindingly obvious. We bypassed the strip and moved to the outskirts where there was a more suburban lifestyle waiting for them.

  “I was trying to find a reason to come over here. It has always been a curiosity. I was the one that was lucky to find such a great family to be employed by.” I felt this certain jolt of excitement from seeing the both of them. I was never one to cross off the possibility of getting snogged by a client.

  “I don’t know what kind of tour guides we’re going to make, but we will do our best. I would avoid the casinos unless you want to lose your shirt literally and figuratively. I don’t mean to sound jaded, but very few find their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” Kenneth was looking at me in the rearview mirror and I did nothing to hide the plunging neckline of my V neck sweater.

  “There are several bicycle paths in the area. I will personally show you around while I still have a few hours to spare at the end of the day. The law firm is going to demand most of my attention, but I will be joining you on some of your walks in the early evening with Benjamin.” She was a flaming redhead. I had heard stories of how passionate they could be in the bedroom.

  “I do like to keep myself in shape. I didn’t ask, but how do you feel about me walking around in practically nothing. I sleep in the nude and clothing is rather restricting when I am trying to get some beauty sleep.” I had adopted some of the lingo from America to fit in. It was a matter of adapting and I was very good at making myself at home.

  “I can’t speak for Kenneth, but I wouldn’t mind in the very least. Las Vegas doesn’t exactly drop in temperature in the evening. I’m exactly like you when it comes to sleeping nude at night. Kenneth is also of like mind.” It was usually the wife who would oppose vehemently to me showing even a modicum of skin.

  “I don’t mind. I will warn you there’s a part of my anatomy that might find a reason to raise its head. I can’t control these things when a woman is waving the white flag of surrender.” His dark hair was cut short above his tapered shoulders, slicked back and glistening with whatever product he was using.

  “It’s nice to find some progressive people with open minds. I’m not some kind of swinger. I would consider myself more a nudist.” I was 25, long dirty blond hair with one streak of purple. It depended on my mood which color I would use on any given day.

  “I know I’m probably going to shoot myself in the foot for asking, but do you have a boyfriend by chance. I would prefer not to tie up the lines with any unnecessary personal calls. We are going to supply you with a laptop with the Internet provided.” Kenneth was obviously fishing to find out if I was available for more than the business of taking care of Benjamin.

  “I recently got out of a bad relationship. I think for the time being I’m going to take a break from men altogether. They sometimes are not worth the hassle and the drama which comes with their jealousy when I look at someone else.” The blue jeans hugged my ample curves. The red sweater formed nicely over my breasts. They were considerably more than a mouthful and topped with cherry tips long enough to be a conversation starter.

  “I’m sorry for asking, but do you really know martial arts or is that just something you say on your resume? I don’t mean to offend, but you don’t look like you could take care of yourself in a fight.” Looks could be deceiving and some men had found out the hard way big punches come in small packages.

  “I don’t know martial arts. I learned several different practices and merged them all into my own form of discipline. I’m willing to teach the family a few moves, but you’re going to have to be patient. Sometimes it takes people longer than others to master the art.” I was looking forward to getting my hands on either one of them. She was built from the ground up with a man’s disposition in mind. There was not an ounce of fat on her body.

  Her sports bra did very little to hide her obvious endowment and his tiny cargo shorts was void of any underwear. The length of his hungry muscle was stretching down the right side of his pants. Any longer and the head would have peeked out to scare little old ladies on the bus.

  “This is our gated neighborhood and is secured by guards patrolling the area 24-hours a day. The home is nothing like some of these extravagant ones. We do have an excellent view of a golf course. I don’t know what you feel about getting your hands on a club and the balls to go along with it.” His attempt to make a sexual innuendo wasn’t lost on either myself or Shana.

  “Forgive my husband and sometimes he doesn’t know what he’s saying. I did notice you traveled light with only the carry on in your possession. If you need anything else, I’m sure that I can take you shopping to some of the hot spots in the area. It’s my treat. Perhaps you can put on a show for me and I can give you my unbiased opinion.” My lesbian radar was beeping out of control. She was in touch with her bisexuality and was willing to let anybody know it.

  She had lips like honey and a body like a bad girl. I wanted to get to know every curve like the back of my hand. I was certainly not going to be any hurry to get to know her body intimately. I wasn’t sure if she was initiating something. I didn’t feel I had enough information to make an informed decision.

  “Benjamin is already down for the evening, but I will show you his room and give you a tour of the premises. Shana has an early morning and she probably should have been in bed a couple of hours ago.” He was in front of me and I was easily able to undress him with my eyes. He was no stranger to the gym and no doubt felt good after he put his body to the test.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She stepped through the front door and bounded up the stairs taking two at a time. She was agile for her 30-plus years.

  She stood over me by at least a few inches and made me feel slightly intimidated by how she smiled with innocent eyes. I knew there was something more there.

  “I’ll be in shortly. I will show our guest to her room and then give her a brief peek at our bundle of joy.” My room wasn’t on the top floor and he moved seamlessly through the kitchen with the stainless steel appliances gleaming with perfection

  I could feel a slight chill from the air conditioning and it was a good thing I was wearing a sweater. He motioned to the doorway off the kitchen and I stood there looking at the tiny room with the one window. It was slightly ajar, but it wasn’t necessary with the air conditioning making the tight space enough to make me shiver in place.

  His hands on my shoulder were a comforting release and then my eyes widened by the prospect of what was poking me from behind.

  Chapter Two

  “I would ask if you’re happy to see me, but I think the proof is already in your pants. How would your wife feel about you showing me this kind of hospitality?” He moved a little closer until my buns were sculpted around his monument of manhood. It was a towering reminder of how many weeks had elapsed since I had been physical with anyone.

  “I would ask you to ask for yourself, but it can wait until morning. I told you it sometimes has a mind of its own. If you are offended then I will grudgingly leave you to your own devices. I’m sure a young lady of your youthful exuberance must have some toys to rid yourself of the sexual frustration.” I was slightly shocked by his frank talk of my sex life. It was rather liberating to have him so open minded.

  “I’m a little embarrassed to admit I only have one such instrument of pleasure. I could use something different. I’m guessing there are no shortages of sex shops in the area.” I didn’t mean to, but I started to rub up against him. He was holding my hips and was using the strength of those half moons to hold him like a newborn baby.

  “Shana will be happy to take you shopping. It�
��s only one day until the weekend. I have the day off tomorrow and I was planning to get in a few holes before dinner time.” He could have been talking about golf, but he could have also been talking about something more than a casual conversation between us.

  “I’m not even going to begin to make any kind of rebuttal to your statement. I’m not sure it’s appropriate for us to be doing anything more than talking.” I could say that, but I was letting him dry hump me only using the fabric of my tight jeans.

  “My wife went down on me on the way to pick you up at the Airport. I wasn’t able to get off before we arrived. It would be nice for you to give me something to tide me over until we have more time to be alone together. You can’t say you’re not interested. I know I’m old enough to know better, but sometimes the heart isn’t the only thing controlling the rest of the body.” He was referring to his sizable equipment in the 9-inch range and quite hungry for the female form.

  “I get a little horny when I’m exhausted beyond words. We need to refrain until we can think clearly.” He was grunting his response and I could tell from his labored breathing that his orgasm wasn’t far from exploding from the tip.

  “I’m not suggesting I bend you over and fuck you until you are screaming my name over and over again. You are the cure to what is plaguing me at the moment.” I heard his zipper being pulled down and I reached back to find my hand touching the heated surface of his shaft. I swallowed hard and squeezed.

  “I guess I can see clear to give you a hand.” We almost burst out laughing at my innocent comment which could’ve been taken two different ways.

  “I could definitely use a hand or maybe two.” I took his suggestion and ran with it. Both hands were behind me manhandling the goods and getting him to the point of no return.

  “I can’t deny it feels good to get my hands on you. I’m guessing the sentiment is mutual. I can’t see what I’m doing, but I don’t really need anything more than my hands to make you pop like warm champagne.” My fingers were nimbly moving along his sizzling flesh. The heat on my fingertips was enough to make me anxious to see him in his moment of release.

  “Chelsea, keep doing that and I might give you something to quench your thirst.” The very thought of siphoning his seed from his balls and feeling my lips around the crown was appealing.

  “I regret to inform you this is as far as it goes tonight. I’m going to get you off, but we will have to wait for the cold light of reality to set in by morning. You might find yourself feeling guilty and at least you can say you didn’t do much more than get a hand job.” He was thrusting his hips using my tightened fist as a makeshift mouth. He was leaking profusely and showing off his stamina by keeping himself from losing it all together.

  “I would love to convince you to try something more than what you’re doing, but it appears we have come to the end of my rope.” The throbbing presence of the long vein down the back was a telltale sign of his unquenchable appetite getting satisfied for the time being.

  “I don’t think it’s going to take much to get me into a different position. I would like for you to tell your wife and maybe have her give you permission. You act progressive, but Europeans are a bit more open-minded when it comes to sharing their affection.” The pace quickened on my grip around him. It was a little awkward, but I was more adept than I realized.

  “You leave me with hope and I do believe this is when it’s…it’s…going to happen.” I felt his discharge quite intense and I turned in time to see how he was reacting to my hands-on approach.

  It was rather thick and was spraying with such force that I had to take a step back to avoid getting splattered. It continued to pulsate even without my hands working him into a froth. He couldn’t masquerade the lust in his eyes or the way that his lips quivered at the moment of his expulsion.

  “I can’t believe you just did that. Clean it up and I don’t want to see any of it lying there when I get back. Don’t make me ask you again or there might be a very severe punishment in your future.” I’d never gotten in touch with my dominant side, but it seemed almost natural to put him in his place.

  “It’s a good thing we have wood floors or this could’ve been a little bit more difficult to clean up. I don’t normally do housework, but I don’t mind pitching in when it’s necessary. I won’t be here when you get back. I didn’t know what to expect when we hired you, but it appears we got more than we bargained for. It’s going to be interesting to see how Shana reacts. Sometimes it’s hard to read what is going on in her mind. She has to feel it before she takes any action which would consist of getting naked.” I left him still dripping with the remaining bit of hot seed from the top of his organ.

  I stood there in the doorway watching him on his hands and knees. It was a position I knew well and was perfect for a deeper penetration than being on my back. His ramrod stiff straight as an arrow steel pipe would be perfect to fill the vacancy left behind by my ex-boyfriend. I had gotten more from Kenneth than I had in almost six months.

  I had a little bit of his cream on my hand and I found myself lapping it up like a kitten does with milk. It had a fruity aftertaste which would explain his healthy eating habits. I’d questioned them both on their lifestyle. They were quite open with how they liked to treat their bodies like temples.

  They had a regimen of various daily exercises including jogging, yoga, and free weights from a makeshift gym they had in their basement. I was going to use them both for motivation to sculpt my body to an even more appealing real estate.

  “I don’t mind saying the view is better from where I’m standing. I’m not talking about the lights lighting up the fairway in the distance. If things go according to my plan then these rooms are going to be christened in an interesting way to welcome me to your extended family. Don’t let me stop you from finishing what you started.” I wanted to see him unencumbered by clothes or any kind of misguided modesty.

  “I get the feeling we are going to get along famously in many ways including in the bedroom or whatever flat surface we can find at the time. I hope you’re not easily shocked. I have a few ideas which involve public displays of affection with the possibility of getting caught with our pants down.” I had fantasies of doing things with a voyeuristic aspect, but I had never had the chance to indulge.

  “You can have me against the wall, in the shower, outside on the damn lawn and I will still come crawling back for more. I did imagine what it would be to be with you. I thought that I was going to have to do more to break the chains of monogamy around your ankle. It appears variety is the spice of life when it comes to sex.” I walked down the hall thinking for a moment I was going to chase him outside to the backyard where we could explore our feelings in a more neutral and natural setting.

  I went upstairs and found Benjamin cradled in his bed with two pillows on either side of him. The kid was naïve and had no idea about his parent’s predilections when it came to showing their affections.

  He had dark hair and I pushed it away from his eyes. They were brilliant blue and they reminded me of his father.

  It was nice to see Kenneth in the throes of ecstasy. There was always time to sit on top of him and look into his eyes at the moment his body betrayed his good sense.

  “He is my treasure. I know what it is to have unconditional love for someone. I would gladly sacrifice my life to save his.” Shana was behind me and I could feel her hot breath on the back of my neck.

  “A child reminds you of what is important. We only get this one life to live and we may as well live it like it is our last day. People forget some time to smell the roses. We never know when our time is up.” I was feeding her the necessary encouragement to do something entirely out of character.

  Her breath was coming in rapid gasps and then she was pulling me towards her in the same position that her husband had me in not more than a few minutes ago.

  “I’ve been going crazy thinking about you. I can’t tell you what insane ideas I have come up with lying in
my bed unable to sleep.” She brought her hands up to my shoulders and put my fingers over hers. She leaned forward and licked them and then she whispered into my ear. “He does taste delicious and much better when he is going off like a cannon between your lips. Don’t tell him, but I enjoy the very idea of him being with another woman.” I was falling deeper under their spell and whatever they had in mind was going to be my pleasure to give them.

  “We can revisit this in the morning when we are properly rested and able to say what is on our mind without sleep deprivation getting in the way. I do feel I need to apologize for taking matters into my own hands. I couldn’t resist the natural urge to do something perfectly natural. Both of you should take a page from my book and let your passions explode like never before.” She turned me quickly and kissed me.

  I stood there motionless and then she was running from the room like she had done something unforgivable. I wanted to pursue, but it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. I got back to my room and Kenneth was no longer in the compromising position of being on his hands and knees.


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