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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 100

by Jenny Ramshard

  “It is what it is,” Carolyn shrugged. “We both had our problems.”

  Zack headed off to the garage and Carolyn went over to see her friend Gloria. Carolyn needed ice for her head and Gloria was a big part of the reason that there was no ice in the house. The friends had enjoyed several daiquiris in the late afternoon and into the evening, but Gloria had never mentioned that her son was home.

  Carolyn walked right in through Gloria’s side door. It led right into the kitchen. Carolyn grabbed an icepack from the fridge and started soothing her head. Gloria walked into the room and mumbled a greeting. She poured her neighbor a cup of coffee and they sat down at the kitchen table.

  “Well, he got in early this morning,” Gloria sighed as she answered her friend’s accusations. “He is a lot bigger than he used to be.”

  “You could’ve shown me a picture of him at least,” Carolyn groaned as she held the cold icepack to her head. “I thought I was under attack.”

  “I can’t believe you were going to take on a burglar,” Gloria laughed as she thought about her friend trying to fight off an intruder. Carolyn had always kept herself in good shape, but she was not a fighter. She was afraid to send food back in a restaurant. Physical confrontation was not something she generally did. “You’re 47 for god’s sake, call the police.”

  “That sounds so old, stop saying that,” Carolyn chastised her friend.

  “You’re right, we’re both 29,” Gloria laughed. They were both in amazing shape. Carolyn and Gloria kept each other in great shape. They were workout buddies, but because they were next door neighbors they kept each other honest, and helped the other stick to the diets they tried.

  The result of this work was two women in their forties who still looked like they were in their thirties. It was hard work, but they loved each other, and both genuinely enjoyed the other’s company. They were rarely apart, especially after Carolyn’s divorce. The two divorced ladies spent a lot of time together.

  The women continued to gossip about the neighborhood. The Potts, who lived down the road, they were getting a divorce. Marcy had slept with Steve’s boss. There was drama on the other side of the road too. The Barnaby twins were going to jail for robbing a bank, or petty larceny, the stories seemed to conflict.

  Normally Carolyn lived for these stories. She loved hearing about what was going on down Manchurian Avenue. Today, however, Carolyn’s mind and her eyes kept wandering back over to her pool, and the shirtless man who was skimming out the leaves.

  “Carolyn!” Gloria gasped.


  “Are you staring at Zack?” Gloria laughed at her friend. “He’s less than half your age.”

  “I told you,” Carolyn tried to defend herself. “I hit my head. I might have a concussion.” The two friends laughed it off, but Carolyn could already feel that there was going to be a problem. Maybe it was that it was so wrong, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the young man.

  She finished her coffee, and told Gloria she was going for her run. She always took a run. This wasn’t out of the ordinary. She headed back home to go get ready.

  Chapter 2

  Zack waved to Mrs. Robbins as she headed off on her run. He was glad that she was recovering nicely from her fall earlier. He watched the older woman as she jogged out of the gate. She had been a part of many of Zack’s fantasies. Zack used to volunteer to help out with the Robbins pool and yard just to sneak candid peeks at Carolyn Robbins.

  Zack was more worldly now, he had been with girls all over the world. However, as he ran the skimmer through the pool he couldn’t help thinking back to high school, and watching Mrs. Robbins in her red bikini. It was still a favorite memory for the young man.

  “You’re the pool boy?” The voice took Zack by surprise.

  “Ye…yes,” Zack said as he turned to see the pretty brunette coming out of the pool house. “I’m your neighbor, Zack.”

  “Hi, neighbor Zack,” the woman teased. “I’m Lexi. Carolyn told me it was going to be a skinny little neighbor boy.”

  “That’s me,” Zack shrugged as he looked Lexi over. She was dressed in a black one piece. She had a girl next door vibe, and her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. She had thick black rims on her glasses. “Mrs. Robbins hasn’t seen me in a few years.”

  “You’re all grown up,” Lexi tried to keep in a laugh but it erupted anyway. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know why but that sounded awkward. I am better at writing out my thoughts, I likely shouldn’t talk to people.”

  “I never say the right things too.” Zack laughed as he tried to commiserate with Lexi.

  “Really, what do you need to worry about?” Lexi said as she pointed to Zack’s toned upper body. “You look like the guy who posed for all of those Greek statues.

  “Why don’t you have dinner with me tonight?” Zack was looking at the pool as he spoke. “I promise I will be putting my foot in my mouth all night.”

  “So you’re flexible too, huh?” Lexi was trying to make a joke, but Zack was still waiting for the answer to his question and he missed the punch line. He just looked at her like a wounded puppy. “I meant that you would need to be flexible to get your foot in your mouth…but…I mean, I don’t know why I do this, and it isn’t funny if you explain it. Ah, yes, yes, let’s do it…ah…have dinner I mean…not it in the other sense. I’m running away before I sound even dumber than I just did.”

  Zack was still laughing as the door to the pool house closed behind Lexi. He went back to skimming the leaves and started thinking about how the two of them might spend their night. Zack had dreaded coming back home, but he had promised his mother that he would visit this summer. It was only his first day in town and things were already looking up.

  Carolyn was trying to focus on her running. Normally after the first 500 yards, Carolyn got into a rhythm and then the world around her started to slow down. She loved her runner’s high. Today Carolyn was having trouble finding her rhythm and she couldn’t go very far before giving up entirely.

  She walked back to the house in defeat and went in the front door. She didn’t want to go near the pool and start ogling her friend’s son again. She closed the heavy front door behind her and headed right for the shower.

  Carolyn slowly took off her running top. The tight fabric released her heavy breasts and the cool air immediately sent chills through her. She pulled the yoga pants down and enjoyed the stretch as she took her hands low to the ground. Her body had not been cooperating during her run, but it seemed very receptive now.

  She looked at her body in the mirror and she imagined Zack looking at her body. Her hands came to her breasts and she grabbed them playfully. At first she was making fun of herself for feeling this way. She wanted to pretend that she was being silly. However as soon as she touched the soft flesh, she couldn’t stop.

  “Oooo, oh,” she moaned as she played with her nipples. Carolyn was watching her breasts in the mirror. How could anyone not want to touch her breasts? She wondered to herself. She got into the shower to muffle the sounds that were already coming out of her.

  Carolyn let the hot water run down her body. As the water started to move between her legs she let out a low guttural moan. She moved out of the water and started to cover her body in a thick layer of body wash. She let her hands roam all over her curves.

  She was imaging these hands belonged to her pool boy. She pictured his strong hands, grabbing her breasts and her ass. As a hand found its way between her legs, Carolyn started to think about the bulge she had noticed underneath Zack’s thin workout shorts.

  Carolyn leaned back against the shower wall. Her left hand was going between her soaped up nipples, tweaking and pulling. The other hand was rubbing her clit. Her eyes were shut tight, and Zack’s chiseled body was the only thing on her mind. She could feel the pleasure building inside of her.

  “GRRRRAhhhh!” Carolyn growled as she got closer. Her hands were moving at a furious pace, and she could feel every muscle in her
body tensing and yearning for release. “Ahhh!” Carolyn screamed as she crumpled and slid down the shower wall.

  Her legs had turned to jelly, and she needed a cigarette. Carolyn was no stranger to masturbation. She had a great relationship with her vibrator. This was the first time in years that she had masturbated without Hermie. She had thought about men, and even women during her sessions with Hermie, but never like that.

  “I’m in trouble,” Carolyn said as she let the water drop down on her. She was going to get up and finish her shower eventually, but she needed some time to collect herself after an orgasm like that. “I’m in so much trouble.”

  Chapter 3

  “I’m in way over my head,” Lexi said after Carolyn finished explaining the last few years of Zack’s life. Lexi had wanted the scoop.

  “What do you mean?” Carolyn asked.

  “He asked me out,” Lexi said. She was too consumed by her own concerns to notice the look that she was getting from her landlord. Lexi stood up from the table. “Are European girls necessarily more sexually experienced?”

  Carolyn shrugged, she had met several European girls on her own travels, “It’s just a more open place,” Carolyn shrugged. “But you’re in college. You must’ve experimented a bit.”

  “Oh, I have,” Lexi laughed. “I am double majoring in Biology and Chemistry, I perform experiments and design possible experiments, and I’m in three different science clubs. I almost never get out of the lab.”

  “But you go on dates,” Carolyn asked. She had forgotten about her jealousy and she really felt concern for the young woman. College was supposed to be about learning about yourself, as much as it was about academic learning. “You’re a very pretty young woman.”

  “Really?” Lexi seemed genuinely surprised.

  Carolyn had snooped Lexi on Facebook before letting her move into the pool house. Lexi was a late bloomer that was for sure. Still, Carolyn was surprised by the reaction. Lexi had a cute, innocent looking face, and a killer body. She didn’t seem to know how to really show it off, but she was very attractive.

  “Yes, of course,” Carolyn said. Then she giggled to herself adding, “Didn’t that Greek god just ask you out?”

  “Yeah,” Lexi said as if she was just realizing this fact. He was gorgeous and he had just asked her out. Lexi hugged Carolyn, “Thank you.”

  “No problem,” Carolyn said as she pressed her body tightly against the firm young body of her tenant. Suddenly, Carolyn realized that she really was attracted to Lexi. The hug felt so nice, their breasts mashing together. Carolyn also realized that she had likely hugged Lexi for long enough. “Okay…” Carolyn stopped herself as she suddenly had an idea, “Why don’t you let me help you pick something out for tonight.”

  “Would you?” Lexi said as she put her hands in Carolyn’s. Carolyn was eager to help. She was hoping that helping Lexi and Zack get together would sublimate her need to sleep with Zack. She was going to live vicariously through Lexi and that was going to have to be good enough.

  “Where are we going?” Lexi asked as Carolyn started leading the girl to her bed room.

  “I’ve seen all of your clothes,” Carolyn teased. “I am going to lend you something a little saucy, come on, it’ll be fun.”

  Lexi wasn’t sure, but she followed. She also wasn’t sure about the getting undressed in Carolyn’s room. “I think I should just use the bathroom,” Lexi sighed as she looked down at the pile of clothes Carolyn had for her to try on.

  “Come on, it’s just us girls,” Carolyn was busying herself around the room. She was doing a good job pretending not to look.

  Lexi shrugged and pulled off her t-shirt and undid her pants. Carolyn remembered when her legs and stomach used to look like that, and she didn’t even have to run, or do crunches all day. Lexi didn’t look happy with herself as she looked into the full-length mirror on the wall just outside the closet.

  “Look at you,” Carolyn said as she moved in behind the young woman. Carolyn put her hands on Lexi’s hips. “Perfect.”

  “You don’t think they’re too wide?” Lexi hummed and hawed at herself in the mirror. Carolyn decided to show Lexi the places that she should be focused on. She started with her hands on Lexi’s arms.

  “Your arms are smooth, and toned,” Carolyn started small. “And look at this flat stomach.” Lexi shivered as Carolyn’s hand grazed the soft flesh of her stomach. “And this ass!” Carolyn grabbed two big handfuls.

  “Oh!” Lexi laughed and playfully smacked at Carolyn.

  Carolyn grabbed Lexi’s hand and pulled her onto the bed. The older woman was laughing as she hit Lexi with a pillow. The younger woman rolled up and fought back with a pillow of her own.

  They hit each other with the pillows again, and then Carolyn decided to lunge for Lexi. She took the student right down to the bed, and pinned her there. She moved her head up to look in Lexi’s eyes. They stared at each other for a minute, and the tension was thick in the air. All of the giggling had stopped.

  “Carolyn?” Gloria said as she came in the French doors.

  Her friend’s voice snapped Carolyn right out of it. Both women sat up and looked at each other with the same unsure look. What exactly was happening between them? They were both flush and unsure of how to move forward.

  “I better go see what she needs,” Carolyn sighed. She tried to conceal her disappointment.

  “And I have a lot of clothes to try on,” Lexi said. She didn’t seem to be concealing her disappointment very well at all. Carolyn could see that the student was eager to experience new things. She took a step back, but then she heard Gloria in the kitchen. Whatever was happening had to stop, at least for the moment.

  “Why don’t you put on a fashion show for Gloria and I?” Carolyn said with as much cheer as she could muster “I will crack a bottle of Chardonnay.”

  “Of course,” Lexi said as she moved back to the end of the bed, and the pile of clothes. Carolyn walked out of the room and invited Gloria to have a drink.

  “She’s wearing the clothes on a date with Zack?” Gloria had to think about it, but as soon as the cork popped, she decided she could stay for a few glasses. Carolyn was relieved; at least if Gloria was between them Carolyn and Lexi couldn’t get any friskier.

  Chapter 4

  Zack and Lexi had left earlier in the evening. Carolyn had been trying to keep herself occupied. Gloria had helped her keep busy. They had polished of three bottles since the fashion show ended.

  Carolyn had hoped that she would be able to calm down and just watch some TV. She wanted to take her mind off the two young people. She looked over at Gloria who was sawing logs on the couch. Why couldn't Carolyn find peace like that?

  A car door closed in the driveway next door and Carolyn could hear Zack leading Lexi through the gate toward the pool. Carolyn laid down on the couch and pretended to sleep. She heard the couple come in and check on them.

  “I told you,” Zack laughed. “I could tell Mom had had it before we left. Let's hit the pool.”

  “I will get my suit,” Lexi teased.

  “We don't need them,” Zack had a sly tone to his voice. Carolyn could hear the clothes hitting the floor. She fought to maintain the appearance of sleep, but she desperately wanted to look. She stayed motionless until she heard the French doors close.

  “Gloria, psst,” Carolyn poked at her friend to make sure that Zack’s mom was definitely asleep.

  When she was sure, Carolyn crept off the couch and moved over to a chair by a window overlooking the pool. She watched as the couple splashed in the pool. Lexi was not very experienced, but she was flirting well enough. As Carolyn watched them come together in the shallow end, the older woman slipped a hand between her legs. She played with her clit right through her yoga pants.

  Carolyn followed Zack’s hand as it moved to Lexi’s breast. He was teasing her nipples as they kissed passionately. Zack’s other hand disappeared below the water. Lexi was moaning and squirming. Zack had her pinne
d against the wall. Lexi had her eyes closed tight and her mouth open wide.

  Carolyn would have given anything to trade places with her tenant. She took a look to make sure no one was watching, and then her hand disappeared below her waistband. Her middle and ring finger slipped easily into her sopping wet vagina. She bit her lip to try and stop the screams of pleasure that were building deep inside.

  Carolyn looked back to see that the kids had moved. She assumed that they went into the pool house. Carolyn tried to sit down, and just finish herself off, but she needed to know what was happening. She stood up and went to follow.

  Coming out of the French doors, Carolyn forgot about the motion sensing lights and when they came on she forgot about the little lip in the doorway.


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