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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 143

by Jenny Ramshard

  “I doubt very seriously you mean a word of what you’re saying. A person in your shoes would say just about anything to walk away from this inferno unscathed.” I wanted to know if his sincerity was real and how far he was willing to go to pay back his debt of honor.

  I was a hard bodied blonde at almost 5’9, 140lbs and legs that were the elevator to heaven.

  “I will do whatever you want and become your indentured slave.” This wasn’t the first time I had been given a similar proposal. It wasn’t going to be the last one I accepted.

  “I’m going to hold you to that statement. I noticed your girlfriend outside wringing her hands with worry. I hope you haven’t made a long-term commitment to her. I plan to use this nicely sculpted body for my own selfish needs.” He seemed relatively shocked by my bold statement of sexual conquest.

  “I love her, but I would gladly cheat on her to keep breathing.” He was a bronzed body and I suspected that he had the stamina to go the distance. I was going to find out.

  He followed from behind and I kicked away some flaming debris to lead the way to the stairs. I walked gingerly down those stairs with my gloved hand holding his and shielding his body with my flame retardant jacket. My breasts were on high beams indefinitely poking a hole through my thin tee shirt with the suspenders rubbing against them in an erotic way.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to thank you, but I have a feeling you have some ideas about that.” I was an opportunist and the adrenaline of fighting a fire turned me into a sexual carnivore. I was strictly a meat-eating animal on the trail of my next prey.

  “I’m a woman with some interesting tastes. I hope you’re not easily shocked. I’ve been known to take things to the extreme. If you expect to get out of my bedroom without a mark on your body then you are underestimating my brazen expectations.” I was an only child and was shown a world not many could comprehend.

  My parents had taught me to take chances and be open to the possibilities when they presented themselves. They were understandably a little concerned when I made my intentions to join the ranks of courageous firefighters. They didn’t know what drove me. The fire was able to unleash the hidden wanton whore underneath the blond and bodacious figure.

  “You scare me but in a good way. Nobody in their right mind would turn down a chance to repay their debt in this way. I know I would have died without you coming to the rescue. You have no idea how much I admire the courage it takes to save a complete stranger.” I brought him out the back door with the fanfare of the public and his girlfriend nowhere to be found.

  “That’s my black truck over there. Get in and wait for me. I’m going to need a moment to tell your girlfriend you have been sent to the hospital for evaluation. She’s upset and won’t know to ask what hospital. She will assume the one closest, but I will take you to the one on the outskirts of town after I’m done with you.” He was coughing, but it didn’t seem to be life-threatening.

  He stumbled away from the fire burning with a life of its own. I stood there and gazed with loving appreciation for something so destructive. I had turned my fascination about fire into a career. I could’ve easily turned into an arsonist, but thankfully I could use my unique understanding of the flames to my advantage.

  I briefly made contact with his girlfriend and a police officer nearby told me he would be happy to take her to the hospital. It would leave me a window of opportunity of about an hour or two. There was no time to waste.

  “I’m glad you found the kid, but nobody is going in there again for any reason.” I pretended to get a phone call from my mother with a family emergency. “Jennifer, we have this under control. I know how much family means to you.” His reaction was typical and I wasn’t about to argue when he was giving me the perfect way to supplement my sexual hunger.

  I went to the truck and we drove away from the scene with my eyes watching in the rearview mirror to see if we were spotted. I still smelled like smoke, but it was an aphrodisiac turning me into a woman with a desperate need to fuck.

  “I’m going to give you a choice. We can either go back to my place or we can find someplace private in the back of my pickup. I know a few out of the way spots not used by the local teenagers in the area.” The superficial feeling of wanting to see him naked was made prevalent by how his cock outlined 10 inches of prime beef between his legs.

  “I would kick myself if I didn’t do something in the back of your pickup. My girlfriend is not very adventurous when it comes to interesting locations to express ourselves physically.” I released my blonde hair from the cover over my head. It was dirty blonde and I had the figure of someone still in their teens.

  “I should warn you I can be rather vocal when we get started. You might not think so, but you’ll find out shortly you are probably the same.” He was a couple of inches shorter than I was. I felt empowered to dominate him into submission.

  We bounced around in the cab and came to a sudden stop in the field of an abandoned farm. The moon was brightly shining from above. I got out and opened up the tailgate.

  I hopped up and lifted my legs in the air to pull off my pants. I wasn’t wearing panties. I never believed in underwear. It was far more pleasing to have my clothes rubbing up against me every second of the day.

  “I would like for you to prove to me how vocal you can be.” I had my jacket behind me as I opened my legs wide enough to be a contortionist.

  “It would be my pleasure to scream your name from my lips. I’m going to knock you out with my thighs pressed up against your head. My body is shaking and my thighs are trembling with the expectation of what you can deliver.” He was one of a kind and I was going to allow him to make me climax.

  The engine was still on chugging with life under the hood. There were moments when it would rev and vibrate my body to make the earth quake underneath me.

  “You are soaking wet and fucking tight. I can barely get a finger in. I should loosen you up before I even attempt to give you my tongue. I’m more than ready to fuck you if you want to forget about the foreplay.” I reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. I got my hands in his hair and made sure to have a firm hold to give him more than a mouthful.

  He mumbled something, but his voice was muffled with wet pussy plastered up against his lips. The young man was startled by my forceful demeanor. He tried to struggle, but I was more than up to the task of holding him in place.

  “You can fuck me after you make me cum all over that face of yours. I could easily have you lying here in my place with my knees on either side of your head. It’s entirely up to you.” He settled in and began lapping noisily with his tongue a little on the inexperienced side.

  My legs were spread with my feet pointed toward the sky. I could feel the wings of my pleasure getting closer. I lifted the lower half of my body to drive his tongue into me with no visible will of his own. He had lack of experience in the oral act of eating me to completion. He was giving me the reins to lead him to the orgasm on the surface waiting to break free.

  My mind was a battlefield of sexual positions and encouraging words to feed his libido.

  I was quite accomplished and knew where to direct his tongue to make my body react in a certain way. The fire inside his apartment building was nothing compared to the full-blown inferno gripping my throat.

  I came with a long wail of satisfaction. I was already primed from the adrenaline rushing through my veins. He was barely at it for less than 10 minutes before I was climbing to heights I had never been before.

  He was moaning and my legs shuttered open. My hands let go of his hair to lie back in the post aftermath bliss. He took that moment to drop his pants to his ankles and present me with a stick of TNT between his legs.

  “I’m ready to get fucked…NOW!” He inserted his tool into a spot that didn’t seem like he was going to be able to fit into.

  “I only have the head inside you and I can’t seem to move any further. I don’t want to hurt you.” It was nice to kno
w there were still gentlemen, but he needn’t worry about my safety.

  I wrapped my legs around him and used the muscles of my thighs to make him comply. I was exerting a lot of pressure and my thighs were rippling with the effort. I brought him down with my fingernail digging into his neck to kiss him. He was gentle and had the kind of plump lips made for a passionate embrace. He was my Adam in the Garden of Eden. He was a forbidden taste sensation like that unattainable piece of fruit on the tree.

  I locked my ankles in place and grunted into his mouth with my eyes wide open. He was quite formidable, but my body responded by swallowing him 1 inch at a time. I felt it sliding along the slippery walls of my sex. We shuffled forward until he was hammering like a madman on top of me.

  We kissed the entire time, battling for the bragging rights of our gender. I came a second and third time both quickly on the heels of the other. The fourth one was a mind-bending moment where we both stared at each other with realization.

  His knob was pulsing with electricity and then it began to fire aimlessly into the space he was occupying. I felt him sputter to the finish line with his head on my shoulder and his heart beating in his chest.

  He was getting a small taste of what I felt every time I walked into the living embodiment of death personified. He gave one final thrust and my legs shook before collapsing altogether.

  I drove him to the emergency room and he was walking a little funny into the sliding doors. I didn’t know how he was going to explain to his girlfriend about the scratch marks on the back of his neck. It was my way of giving him something to remember me by. It was a parting gift I gave all of my previous lovers in one form or another.

  Chapter Two

  “It’s been three months since my last confession. I have made many errors in judgment and have committed sins with only my pleasure to feed me encouragement. I know you’ve heard this several times before, but it requires repeating. I know I have a sickness, but there is no 12 step program for my condition.” A sexual need built on being surrounded by fire would have made any seasoned therapist scratch their head with concern.

  “Jennifer, I know it’s hard, but sometimes you have to refrain from doing what makes you feel good. It’s in your best interest to look at what you’re doing to others. Sex is supposed to be between a man and a woman in the marriage bed. In this day and age, that distinction is hard to find. You don’t feel sorry and truly remorseful for those you have trespassed against.” Father Donald had been my priest since I was a small child and he was the only one who knew my guilty pleasure.

  “I don’t feel guilty during the deed, but I feel the crushing blow of self-recrimination right after the adrenaline wears off.” I had my eye on some of the altar boys who had come of age recently to be legal in the eyes of the law.

  “Doesn’t that tell you something? I’ve tried to help you, but you always fall back into old habits. I want you to sit down and think about the consequences of your actions. This latest example is a good place to start. Think about what happens to his relationship when the guilt is too much for him to take.” I battled my demons with fierce determination, but sometimes I fell short of the mark.

  “I will try, but you know these feelings are stronger than my better judgment. I appreciate the wise counsel, but it looks like I’m going to have to heal myself. I don’t even know where to begin.” I pulled back the black curtain to see a couple of his parishioners kneeling at the cross of Jesus Christ at the front of the church.

  I walked past the holy water and cringed at the possibility of it burning me. My radio squawked into action and I knew this was another test to see if I was worthy of redemption.

  I ran the block to the fire station where they were about to leave without me. I stood on the side with the wind whipping through my hair. The sirens were deafening and the power of them made people pull over to the side of the road to clear a path for us. They respected those first responders called to the scene of whatever fire metaphorically or literally they were going to have to put out.

  We arrived at a small house surrounded by trees and flames shooting from an open window in the kitchen. The two guys greeting us at the door in a blind panic were built for the stamina to put a smile on my face. I couldn’t decide which one I wanted more and then it dawned on me I didn’t have to choose between them.

  “Reinhardt was cooking and was pulled away by his mother on the phone. He got sidetracked and a grease fire broke out.” I smiled reassuringly and we easily put out the fire in a few minutes with the only casualty being an ugly pair of drapes by the window. The pot was scorched and would need to be replaced, but it was a small price to pay.

  “It wasn’t that bad and I wouldn’t be too angry with your friend. You would be surprised at how often this happens. I don’t want to be sexist, but it’s usually women. It’s kind of refreshing to see a man who knows his way around the kitchen.” I was angling for an invitation and my shift was almost up.

  “He always makes more than is necessary. You’re more than welcome to join us. He won’t be home for about an hour and I sent him down to the gym to burn off some excess energy. He never knows what to do in a crisis. He already feels guilty enough and there was no reason to throw salt in the wound.” He was sex on a stick with blond hair down to his shoulders in delicious looking waves.

  “I don’t have a way to get back to the station. I don’t suppose I could impose on you or your friend to give me a ride back after dinner. I’m sure I can figure out a way to pay you back.” I was shamelessly running my fingers down over his pronounced bicep. He purposely flexed that muscle not to mention the one awakening from its slumber between his legs.

  I told my fellow firefighters I would find my own way back. They smiled knowingly already suspecting what my motivation for sticking around was. I was sure there were enough rumors about my promiscuous nature to keep them guessing when an unwilling victim was going to be ensnared in my web.

  I found out his name was Anson and he was currently studying for the bar exam. He offered me the use of his shower and I was inclined to take him up on it. He was a little startled by how I took off my clothes right in front of him with him watching each stitch fall to the floor at my feet.

  “I know what you’re thinking and this is your lucky day. I don’t think that I will be able to reach a couple of areas on my own. Is there a volunteer to help scrub those hard to reach areas?” With his mouth hanging open, he raised his hand like he would when he was in school when a teacher called upon him.

  “I would love to write penthouse about this encounter, but I would rather keep it to myself.” I walked seductively down the hall completely bare ass naked. I glanced over my shoulder with my finger in my mouth to mimic what I was going to do to a certain part of his anatomy.

  “Somebody is wearing too many clothes and it’s not me. I have an idea of how we’re going to work up an appetite. I have a feeling within the hour we are going to be famished. You better catch up or I might have to start without you.” I found his bathroom with black and white tile on the floor and on the wall. There was an accent of red in the middle that was meant to catch a person’s eye.

  I adjusted the water and heard him enter out of breath and pressed up behind me in an obscene way. The long and unyielding presence of his cock had my ass cheeks molding around it. The heat of the shaft made both of my holes ready for more than foreplay.

  I reached back underneath my legs and pierced my womanhood with the pointed end of his spear. I was already juicy and waiting for the invading force between his legs. I thought we would build up to it, but I was in desperate need of a beef injection. I had my hands on my knees with my back bent at an angle to receive his delivery.

  The steam produced from the shower made things sticky in the enclosed space. It was 8 inches and quite formidable in his possession. I had met my match and was ready to vanquish him. He couldn’t seem to move after burying his staff deeply within the quivering walls of my sex. I heard him breathing he
avily and I peeked back to see him licking his parched lips.

  “I don’t think that I can do this. I have a girlfriend and I’m planning to pop the question.” If he thought that was going to damper my spirits then he really didn’t know me at all.

  “I’m not forcing you to do anything against your will. You’re the one who followed me in here and didn’t even mention a girlfriend until now. Don’t you think that says something about your relationship with her? Should you easily be swayed into doing something with another woman? I can’t answer that question for you. I can, however, show you a little variety is the spice of life.” I began to fuck him sliding the lips of my sexual desire along the stalk of his manhood.

  “I don’t know what you are doing, but she has never done anything like that. You could be the last woman I will ever be with besides her. I owe it to myself to see how the other half lives.” His voice had lowered in register and the baritone of seduction was dripping from every word.

  “I love the gravel in your voice. It fucking makes me a wild and untamed spirit. Do you think that you can keep up with my demand of you? Be careful how you answer that question and I might make you eat your words.” His flag was firmly planted and throbbing with a pumping life of its own.


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