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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 146

by Jenny Ramshard

  His legs were shaking and he was bucking wildly with his whole body gyrating underneath my touch.

  I swallowed the evidence and there was a fair amount to keep between my lips.

  I stood up quickly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and turning two shades of red because of my embarrassment.

  “I don’t even know how to express what I’m feeling right now. I do want to do that again.” I wasn’t surprised by his response, but the first time was only a tease for more to come.

  “I was hoping this could be our little secret, but the cat is out of the bag.” He stumbled over to a chair, sitting down and breathing deeply with one breath after another.

  His spent state was lying against his thigh and I knew that it wouldn’t take much to make him rise from the ashes of his orgasm.

  I opened the door to see her standing there with her arms crossed defiantly. I was about to say something in my defense but then she kissed me out of the blue. She must’ve figured the only way that she was going to get a taste was by stabbing her tongue into my mouth.

  I could see over her shoulder that the old man across the street had taken an interest. He was washing his car and suddenly the hose in his hand was dousing Mrs. Anderson walking her dog. I closed the door and there was no point in giving a show to the neighbors.

  “I got here as fast as I could, but apparently, it wasn’t fast enough.” Jessica was frazzled, but that didn’t stop her from looking at John out of the corner of her eye. “I should have known that I wouldn’t be able to trust you. I don’t blame you and I probably would’ve done the same thing in your shoes.” She took off her long trench coat and underneath was a red negligee. She spun around in a circle with the fabric twirling around her.

  “I see that somebody has come to play. The food is ready and we should take this to the dining room.” I had no preconceived notions about what was going to happen. I had already poked the fire. I could see in his eyes that what I had done to him had opened his eyes to the possibilities.

  Chapter Four

  “I’ve been going over the files you sent me and I think I understand the method to their madness. I’ve taken the liberty of sending some reminders to clients that have been lacking in payment. I was very cordial and I played on their sympathy on your behalf.” Jessica was staring at him and he was purposely trying not to look in her direction.

  “I do like an employee that takes the initiative. I don’t want somebody that’s just going to take orders with no will of their own. I want somebody who will be a level head and know when to strike when the iron is hot.” I was listening to what she had to say and the underlying meaning was very hard for him to resist.

  “I have been thinking and your proposition is intriguing.” With each bite, both of them were getting a little heated under the collar.

  “You are going to be expected to go the extra mile. Think outside the box for a way to please us. There’s going to come a time when you are going to have to have a firm hand.” I thought that she deserved a bit of space to play her games. I could still taste him on my lips.

  He dropped his fork and I didn’t think that it was by accident. When he disappeared underneath the tablecloth and was brushing by my leg, I knew exactly where he was intending to go.

  “Let this be a lesson to you, Julie. You could be in this position had you not been so greedy.” We had shared our deepest darkest desires with one another over the years. It never came up about being with a younger man, but maybe it should have.

  “I don’t know about you, but I have very little interest in taking this to the bedroom. It’s more fun to christen this table which has never seen action.” I had no complaints about my husband’s prowess in the bedroom. He had no idea I had harbored any regrets. There were moments in public where I would have gladly taken him into a clearing to put a smile on his face.

  “I do like the way you think. I have no problem polishing this table with my…ASS.” She jumped like somebody had touched her with a live wire.

  I only had to look underneath to see that her legs were spread and his eager little tongue was now lapping at her clit.

  “I get the feeling this kid is a go getter and will always give his best no matter what the task. Julie, you should come over and see this for yourself. I know that it’s cruel and unusual punishment to make you wait for your turn. I think that you can understand the reason why I’m punishing you.” I pushed back from the table and casually made my way over to where she was sitting at the end of the table. I heard the scraping of the chair and then her legs slapped down on the table with her plate between them.

  His head was nestled underneath the negligee, but there was no doubt about what he was doing. The wet sloppy sounds were followed by her body arching into the air with her nipples quite noticeable through the thin material.

  In a moment of impulsiveness, I grabbed her wine glass and dumped it down between her breasts. The material soaked through almost immediately. I could see rivers of wine converging on where his mouth was currently occupied. That was one way to get him drunk and susceptible.

  She shivered in place with the cold wine touching her skin. It was the perfect contrast to his hot tongue driving her crazy. Her toes were pointing straight out and her mouth was parted with her tongue outstretched.

  “I was hoping that was going to cool things off, but it did the exact opposite.” I was poking fun and the added stimulus of the cold was a catalyst to her climactic moment. The chair bent backward on two legs and I was worried that she was going to tumble onto the floor.

  I had nothing to worry about and John was right there holding onto the chair the entire time. His technique was haphazard, but he continued undeterred. She was biting her tongue and staring at me with her eyes bugging out of her skull.

  “I’m fucking…cumming all over this young man’s face.” She was twisting her head from side to side and whipping her hair like the tendrils of a cat of nine tails. I had one of those in my possession but very rarely did I have a chance to use it.

  I would have retrieved it, but I was worried about leaving her alone with him. I heard the phone and cursed whoever was on the other line. I had to leave them and it was the hardest thing to do. I found myself busy for the next 10-minutes with one of the sales team.

  Chapter Five

  I didn’t find them in the dining room and I frantically looked around hoping that they didn’t ditch me. It brought to mind a time in high school where a few girls pretended to be my friend. It was just a ploy to get me into a compromising position with the high school football star. It was a game and a cruel one which left lasting scars on my psyche.

  I heard a high pitched squeal and I went to investigate further. She was sitting precariously on the edge of the deck outside and it was a good thing the trees surrounding the property gave us a modicum of privacy.

  “You are very eager and I feel that I might have bitten off more than I can chew.” I could hear every word.

  The burning coals of my desire made me take a few steps closer. I was not even close to fireproof. One touch was enough to raise the stakes.

  “I feel like the luckiest man in the world. I blurted out something in the heat of the moment during the interview. I’ve had temptations in the past, but nothing like the two of you. I feel like I’m coming down with a fever. If I’m hallucinating then I never want it to stop.” The spark of his arousal was brought upon by nibbling on her ear with her nails raking down his chest.

  “You are so much fun and we haven’t even scratched the surface. It’s a testament to your age that you’re able to satisfy two women. One should be more than enough,” Jessica stated with her mouth occupied tugging at his ear.

  I saw his well defined posterior and I couldn’t help but slap it. It sounded like the crack of thunder in my ears.

  He didn’t even hesitate or cry out in pain which only fueled me to do it again several more times. There was a rosy red hue on his skin with my fingerprints firmly embe
dded. It would fade over time and my hand could feel the heat from his sizzling flesh.

  “I didn’t think that I had that in me, but I guess you never know what you are going to do until you are faced with the dilemma.” I grabbed a fistful and squeezed with a sigh of hunger in my heart. “John, I want to make one thing perfectly clear before we go any further. We are not looking for a long-term commitment. This is the added bonus of a working relationship between the three of us.” I was risking him leaving by saying the wrong thing. I could’ve waited until we got a piece.

  “I’m still young and impressionable. I’m old enough to know better, but I’m young enough to think with my other head. I’ve never considered a strictly physical relationship. I was brainwashed into believing there wasn’t supposed to be sex before marriage. There’s nothing wrong with pleasure and I don’t feel guilty.” He was waking up to the reality and I was glad that we were able to lead him by the hand.

  He motioned with his head and I knew exactly what he wanted me to do. I took it one step further by dropping the pretense of the little black dress at my feet. I stepped over the bunched up material and walked with no shame in my birthday suit.

  I steeled my nerves and then I jumped up onto the railing with my feet dangling over the side. It was a 10-foot drop down to the manicured lawn below. I suddenly flashed on Miguel, the gardener wearing no shirt. John was going to be the Pandora’s Box to my libido. Once it was opened there was no chance of closing it.

  He was going back and forth with his tongue flitting from one to the other. He was a honeybee in the process of pollinating one flower and then moving on.

  I found myself on the receiving end of him paying particular attention to my wide open legs. He wasn’t just doing it out of gratitude or going through the motions. He was an avid student and he had already surpassed our expectations.

  “I’m almost there… I need you… I need…” I lost my train of thought and it was lucky I had the semblance of mind to wrap my legs around his head.

  I was practically leaning over the side as I pounded a drum against his back with my bare feet. I pulled his hair and his moan of discomfort vibrated along my lower extremities.

  I had no idea how long it lasted, but he continually enhanced it by slipping his oral digit into me relentlessly. Business was one thing, but pleasure took on a whole different meaning when we had him at our beck and call.

  He helped me down from the ledge and the danger of physical harm turned things up a notch.

  “I’m going to send you the dry cleaning bill for this.” She had taken it off and I could see the way that her skin glistened. “Normally, I would be cross with you, but I can’t deny the results.” He was sporting an erection and was standing there stroking it like he couldn’t keep his hands off of himself.

  I became an unbiased observer, sitting down and watching him do what he did when he was alone in his bedroom. It was the first time I had ever seen anything like it and I was completely awestruck.

  “You can send me anything you want and I would agree to anything right about now.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and I constantly shifted my legs trying to find a comfortable position.

  “Julie, this is definitely a performance worth the price of admission. I’ve only seen this on the Internet. It’s far better when it’s in living color.” We were both captured spectators and he didn’t even know that he had an audience. His eyes were closed and I was taking notes on the way that he was corkscrewing his fingers at the top.

  The telltale sound of his hands working himself into a frothy frenzy wasn’t lost on either one of us. We found ourselves sticking our fingers inside our hot holes and matching the pace of his long and deliberate strokes.

  “I love a man who doesn’t mind putting on a show. I feel like I’m burning up inside and he has exactly what is needed to put out my fire. That big hose needs to be put to good use.” The sound of my voice startled him and made him open his eyes. He looked down at his hands and the blush on his cheeks confirmed that he really had no control.

  “I’m going to fuck the both of you. I have no personal preference which one goes first. I’m going to leave that up to you to decide amongst yourselves.” We both raised our hands at the same time.

  “We both have a legitimate claim and the only fair way to decide is rock, paper, and scissors.” This was my idea and she seemed amenable.

  It was a juvenile game, but this one had far reaching implications. I was either going to take his cherry or be left with sloppy seconds.

  I had to get in her head and determine which one she was going to use to knock her out of contention. I prepared myself mentally. She was shaking her fingers and her whole body to get into the right frame of mind.

  “I hope that you are ready to go down.” I stifled a snicker remembering being on my knees and servicing the young man’s needs. “I didn’t mean that. Get your head out of the gutter.” Secretly, I could tell that John was enjoying the way that we were fighting for the right to be with him for his first time. He probably would’ve loved it, even more, had we oiled each other up and wrestled for it.

  “You don’t have to fight over me and there’s more than enough to go around.” We squared off with our hands ready to choose the weapon. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion and my scissors conquered her paper.

  I saw the disappointment in her eyes and as she was just going to have to get over it. I suddenly felt weightless and I was over his shoulders. The view from where I was hanging was something that made the juices inside me boil. I thought steam was literally going to come out of my ears.

  Chapter Six

  He deposited me on the black marble island in the kitchen. Taking a hold of my feet, he sucked each toe with his cock head getting a profound kiss from my lips. I was lying there in a compromising position when Jessica decided to lend a hand. She was right there to feed me his elongated condition.

  “I’m not going to let my jealousy ruin a good thing.” She drooled her hot spit down over the length of him before putting him into position. He looked like he was going to faint and then his shaft was being introduced to the womanly caress of my sex.

  “It comes so naturally like breathing.” This was our way of starting over and the injection of beef between his legs was a daunting proposition. “I’m only halfway in and it’s taking everything in me not to just fuck you senseless.” The lips held him tightly and the vacuum of my desire pulled him in along the silky walls of my hot hole.

  “Don’t ever say that I didn’t do anything for you.” She had ulterior motives.

  I had my hands on his body and I was not going to give up the fight until we were both exhausted beyond words.

  Jessica was right beside me sitting on the island with her feet firmly planted and her knees spread quite provocatively.

  “Remember that I’m here and I don’t see any reason why you can’t share the wealth.” I had my hand on his chest preventing him from continuing his pursuit of pleasure. We were both looking at each other and then he pulled out all the way with an audible pop.

  I nodded my head in consent and he moved to where her spread legs were waiting for him. This time there was nothing gentle about his approach. He let himself go and buried it in one continuous thrust of his hips.

  “Fuck me… I wasn’t ready for that.” He was like the energizer bunny and he gave her at least a dozen strokes before relinquishing his claim.

  I knew the empty feeling, but that was soon replaced by being stuffed full like a Turkey. He had my hands entwined in his own with my legs dangling over his shoulders. He was firing on all cylinders and it was a good thing that I had gotten one out of the chamber earlier by going down on him.

  “I know that you can feel that, John. The way that my muscles twist around you is nothing compared to when I am going to cum with a fiery intensity. Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll find out shortly what I mean.” His shaft was rubbing up against my clit which had become quite
enlarged during this encounter.

  “This is nothing like what I have read and seen on the Internet. The real thing is far superior to my hand.” He was bottoming out each time and then he pulled out slowly to make me feel every inch until only the head remained inside the oven of my lust.

  “I feel that it’s time that we both live with no regrets. I want to live by the seat of my pants never quite knowing what’s going to happen from one day to the next. John will come with us on this ride and we will reward him handsomely for his efforts.” I did believe in a higher power and when one door closed a window opened. John was our window of opportunity and we had each other to fuel us into action.

  “Jessica, I can’t even think straight and all the blood in my head has made its way down to below my waist.” I was having trouble keeping my thoughts together and his pace had quickened. He must have remembered that I wasn’t the only one in the room. It showed amazing fortitude for him to pull free of my iron grip.


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