Redstone Arsenal, AL, 9, 22
Redstone rocket, 82, 117–118, 120, 155
Reedy, George, 30
Reston, James, 68
Ribicoff, Abraham, 208
Ride, Sally K., 85, 87
Right Stuff, The, 213
RNII (Reaction Propulsion Scientific Research Institute), 1–2
Rocketdyne Corp., 148
Roland, Alex, 218
Roosa, Stuart, 188
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 16, 207
RP–318, 1
Rusk, Dean, 98
Rygalov, Vadim, 87–88
S1C Stage, 148
SII, 148
S-IVB, 148
Safire, William, 178
Sarabhai, Vikram, 135–136
Saturn I rocket, 155, 156, 160
Saturn IB rocket, 155–156
Saturn V rocket, 10, 123, 146, 148–149, 155–159
Scheer, Julian, 180
Schellhardt, Mary Kate, 212–213
Schirra, Walter M, Jr., 66, 83, 130, 171
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 190–191
Schmitt, Harrison H., 188, 189, 203, 204
Schriever, Bernard A., 120
Schweickart, Russell L., 171
Scott, David R., 130, 133–134, 171, 188, 189–190
Sedov, Leonid Ivanovich, 24
Shea, Joseph F., 160, 161–164, 173
Shepard, Alan B., Jr., 65, 120, 188, 218
and Freedom 7, 80–82
Sidey, Hugh, 109
Silent Spring, 195
Slayton, Donald K. “Deke,” 65, 66
Somnium (Dream), 41
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 180
Soviet Academy of Sciences, 25, 26
Soviet Union (USSR): and Cold War competition, 16–20
and origins of space age, 23–27
and Soviet rocket development, 116–117
and Soyuz, 124–126
Soyuz, 124–126, 132
Space Age Management, 162
Space Task Group, 6–7, 36–37
and Gemini program, 6, 115, 126–130
and Mercury Seven, 60–70
Sports Night, 200–201
Sputnik 1, 5, 12, 13, 45, 47, 78, 102, 117
American responses to, 27–34
and Cold War competition, 16–20
and “freedom of space,” 34–35
and origins of space age, 20–27
Sputnik Night, 12–15
Sputnik 2, 5, 31, 47, 117
Sputnik 5, 47
Stafford, Thomas P., 130, 171
Stalin, Joseph, 1–2, 4, 18
and origins of space age, 20–27
Stapp, John Paul, 74
Star Trek, 213
Star Wars, 213
Storms, Harrison, 163
Sullivan, Walter, 13
Surveyor 1, 47, 51
Surveyor 2, 52
Surveyor 3, 47, 54, 184
Surveyor 5, 52–53
Surveyor 6, 52–53
Surveyor 7, 52, 54, 58
Swigart, Jack, 171, 186–187, 211, 213
Tasca, Henry, 182–183
Tereshkova, Valentina, 73, 81, 84–85
Thompson, Floyd L., 161
Titan missile, 121–122
Titov, Gherman, 5, 70–71, 77, 81, 84–85
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 206–207
Tolstoy, Aleksey, 43
Tsentr Podgotovka Kosnavti (Cosmonaut Training Center), 70
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 1, 25, 208
Tyuratam, USSR, 5
“Urgent National Needs” speech, 100–101
Ustinov, Dmitri Fedorovich, 2
V-2, 4, 7, 8–9
Van Allen, James A.: and discovery of Van Allen Radiation Belts, 32–34, 39
and launch of Explorer 1, 31–34
and origins of space age, 20–27
Van Allen Radiation Belts, 32–34, 39
Vanguard, Project, 13, 31
and launch of Vanguard 1, 33–34
and origins of space age, 20–27
Verein für Raumschiffarht (VfR), 8
Verne, Jules, 7–8, 42
Vertical Assembly Building, 246
Viking rocket, 21–22
Voskhod, 27, 123–124
Voskhod 1, 81, 123–124
Voskhod 2, 81, 123–124, 131–132
Vostok 1, 75–80, 81, 94
Vostok 2, 81
Vostok 3, 79, 81
Vostok 4, 79, 81
Vostok 5, 81, 84
Vostok 6, 81, 84
Voyage dan la Lune (The Voyage to the Moon), 41–42
Wallops Island, Virginia, 5–6
War of the Worlds, 42
Washington Post, 212
Webb, James E.: and Apollo funding, 140–144
and Apollo mode decision, 151–154
and Apollo organizational culture, 149–151
and Apollo personnel mobilization, 144–146
and Apollo program management concept, 146–151, 216–217
and Apollo spacecraft fire, 161–164
and interpretations of Apollo decision, 104–109
and Moon landing decision, 89–112
Wells, H. G., 8, 42
White, Edward H., II, 81, 129, 132
and Apollo spacecraft fire, 161–164
White Sands Proving Ground, NM, 9
Whole Earth Catalog, 196
Wiesner, Jerome B., 91–92, 99, 107, 111, 154
Williams, Hosea, 180
Winthrop, John, 207
Women Army service Pilots (WASP), 86
Woodruff, Jude, 190
Worden, Aldred M., 188
World War II, 1–3, 5, 8–9
Yangel, Mikhail, 76
Ye-1, 45
Yegorov, Boris, 81
Yeliseyev, Aleksei, 132
Young, John W., 129, 130, 171, 188
Zond, 126, 166, 167–168, 173
Reaching for the Moon Page 24