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Power Conspiracy

Page 47

by Pedro Urvi

  “Let’s enjoy ourselves with our friends now. We’ll solve this mystery another day. And it’ll be fantastic!”

  Lasgol laughed. “That’s right, pal, it’ll be fantastic!”

  The end Book 9

  The adventure continues:

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  While you wait for the next installment of the Path of the Ranger, I invite you to explore my other series that have different protagonists, but are related:

  The Ilenian Enigma

  Click the image or link.


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  I’m lucky enough to have very good friends and a wonderful family, and it’s thanks to them that this book is now a reality. I can’t express the incredible help they have given me during this epic journey.

  I wish to thank my great friend Guiller C. for all his support, tireless encouragement and invaluable advice. This saga, not just this book, would never have come to exist without him.

  Mon, master-strategist and exceptional plot-twister. Apart from acting as editor and always having a whip ready for deadlines to be met. A million thanks.

  To Luis R. for helping me with the re-writes and for all the hours we spent talking about the books and how to make them more enjoyable for the readers.

  Roser M., for all the readings, comments, criticisms, for what she has taught me and all her help in a thousand and one ways. And in addition, for being delightful.

  The Bro, who as he always does, has supported me and helped me in his very own way.

  Guiller B, for all your great advice, ideas, help and, above all, support.

  My parents, who are the best in the world and have helped and supported me unbelievably in this, as in all my projects.

  Olaya Martínez, for being an exceptional editor, a tireless worker, a great professional and above all for her encouragement and hope. And for everything she has taught me along the way.

  Sarima, for being an artist with exquisite taste, and for drawing like an angel.

  Special thanks to my wonderful collaborators: Christy Cox and Peter Gauld for caring so much about my books and for always going above and beyond. Thank you so very much.

  And finally: thank you very much, reader, for supporting this author. I hope you’ve enjoyed it; if so I’d appreciate it if you could write a comment and recommend it to your family and friends.

  Thank you very much, and with warmest regards.



  Pedro Urvi

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  Note from the author:

  I really hope you enjoyed my book. If you did, I would appreciate it if you could write a quick review. It helps me tremendously as it is one of the main factors readers consider when buying a book. As an Indie author I really need of your support.

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