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Cinderella and the Geek (British Bad Boys)

Page 13

by Christina Phillips

  Chapter Fifteen


  I wind my arms around Harry’s shoulders as he collapses on top of me. He’s still inside me, and it’s amazing.

  Okay, the actual penetration wasn’t exactly as amazing as I imagined, but that’s only because I’ve never done it before. I bask in the lingering effects of my very first orgasm, which was so much better than my expectation of having it all contained inside my head. Seriously, what was I thinking? There’s no way Harry would’ve rushed things like that.

  Next step, mutual orgasms. There’s a silly smile on my face, so thank goodness he can’t see me. Although it’s a little hard to breathe, I really don’t want him to move because I love the way he’s crushing me, but it’s not so great down there.

  Stealthily I shift my bum, but it’s like I can’t coordinate anything. Harry stirs, raises his head, and looks down at me with glazed eyes and a sleepy smile. I’ve often daydreamed how he’d look after sex, and the reality far surpasses anything my imagination conjured up.

  “Best ever,” he murmurs and drifts a kiss across my lips.

  “Me, too.”

  He blinks his long black lashes and a slow frown creases his forehead. His tousled hair—caused by me—and naked shoulders fill my vision, and warmth seeps through me, easing the lingering burning sensation between my thighs.

  Huh, that’s nice. Maybe I am up for another session tonight, after all.

  “Alice.” He sounds drugged and gently brushes my hair back from my face. “That wasn’t so great for you, was it?”

  We both know he’s not referring to the awesome foreplay, and it’s on the tip of my tongue to say it was fantastic, but I can’t do it. He wouldn’t believe me, anyway. And even though we only have two weeks and four days together, I don’t want anything to spoil it, and lying about something as important as this would always cast a shadow in my mind.

  “It was great,” I assure him. “It’s just a bit uncomfortable, that’s all. They say practice makes perfect.” And I need plenty of practice.

  He grimaces and eases out of me. I give an unintentional groan and he cups my face, hovering over me but barely touching me. “Is that better?”

  Once again, I wind my arms around him, this time so he can’t escape. “Yes and no. I guess it takes a bit of getting used to.”

  He gives me the smile I’ve been waiting for. “I’ll never get used to having you in my bed.”

  My heart melts. “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

  He laughs and drops a kiss on the end of my nose. “It’s true. And listen. Anytime you want more practice, I’m up for it.”

  Although I’m sure I’d be ready for more in a couple of hours, that’s a nonstarter since I’m not spending the night here. “Tomorrow sounds good to me.”

  “It’s a date.” He pulls up the sheet and wraps it around me before pulling me into his arms. I flatten my hand on his chest, above his heart. Could this moment be more magical?

  It would be so easy to drift off to sleep and spend the whole night lying next to a naked Harry. But he hasn’t asked me to stay, and there’s no way I’m going to suggest it. I don’t want him to think I’m totally desperate.

  His thumb caresses my shoulder, and every now and then he rubs his jaw across the top of my head, which is both comforting and sends a low-level buzz through my body. I’ve no idea how long we stay like that before he sighs and disentangles himself from me.

  “Need to clean up.”

  “Hmm?” I’ve no idea what he means. And then I do. “Oh, sure.”

  He strolls across the room, and I can’t tear my bewitched gaze from his tight butt. Even though my body’s still tingling from his touch, it’s hard to believe that after all this time my secret wish has come true.

  When he disappears through a door that presumably leads to his en suite, I sigh and once again admire his bedroom. It’s nothing flash, with plain walls and timber floor, but the bed is massive. Like something you see in movies. The sheets and quilt cover are in varying shades of charcoal and silver, and although the mattress itself is as hard as rock, everything else is so soft it’s like floating in clouds.

  When he returns, all he’s wearing are boxers, and he kneels beside me for a lingering kiss. “Do you want to freshen up?”

  Now that he mentions it, I do. Where’s my T-shirt? It’s all very well being nice and naked with Harry in bed, but I haven’t quite got the nerve to parade around his bedroom with nothing on.

  He grins and hands it to me, just like he can read my mind, before he leaves the room.

  His en suite is another eye-opener. There’s a huge oval bath, which, on closer inspection, proves to be a spa, and everything is just…gorgeous. Like a five-star hotel. Even the towels that match the color scheme of his bed linen are super soft.

  We really do live in different worlds.

  Stop overthinking things.

  I’ve always known that, and it doesn’t matter. I’m going to enjoy this time with him for exactly what it is. A wonderful, never-to-be-repeated fling.

  When I return to the bedroom, he’s already there, sitting up in bed with a tray on his lap. “You’ll have to tell me which tea you prefer,” he says, handing me a cup that I place on his bedside. “I never drink the stuff, so I’ve only got this brand in.”

  “This brand is fine. I’m not a tea snob.” I snuggle next to him, and he slings his arm around my shoulder as we dig into the generous slices of lemon meringue pie we bought for dessert. “Mm. So good. Hope I don’t leave crumbs in your bed.”

  “You can leave as many crumbs as you like.”

  “This is so decadent.”

  “Never eaten lemon meringue pie in bed before?”

  “I’ve never eaten dessert in bed before. How about you?”

  “Not like this.” His arm tightens around me almost in a protective gesture. “I know it’s none of my business. But it never occurred to me you’d not done any of this before.”

  I lick my fork and give him a sideways look. “Would it have made any difference if you had known?”

  “Is that a trick question? Because if I say no, it makes me sound like a right bastard.”

  I smirk. “It’s not a trick question, and you gave the right answer. Well done.”

  He laughs and rubs his jaw against my head in a gesture that’s becoming achingly familiar. “I’m just surprised a girl as great as you hasn’t done it before.”

  His compliment warms me right down to my toes, especially since he now thinks I’m great for reasons other than my ability to organize admin.

  “I’ve never had the time.” Or the opportunity, but I decide not to tell him that. There’s no way I wanted to get down and dirty with the two guys I kissed before him and, unfortunately, they amount to the full extent of possible opportunities.

  “I know what you mean.”

  Questions burn through my mind, but should I ask them? I can’t help myself. “What about you? You must’ve had some relationships in the past.”

  Apart from Clare. I feel a little bad knowing about her, but it’s not as though I went out of my way to find out. And to be fair to Di, she seemed to assume I already knew about Harry and Clare when she first spilled the beans. It’s not like it’s a state secret or anything.

  He grunts, and I think I’ve crossed a line and spoiled everything. But he doesn’t move his arm or pull away, and I let out a relieved breath. Because as much as I want to know about his past, I don’t if it’s going to screw with the short time we have left together.

  “Not for a while.” He sounds reluctant, and I guess that’s all he’s willing to share. It doesn’t matter, even though a silly part of me hurts. “To be honest, I’ve only had one serious relationship before. Her name was Clare. We’d known each other for a couple of years at high school before we started dating.”

  He’s telling me about Clare. I try not to hyperventilate. Isn’t this what I wanted to hear?

  Well, yes. Ki
nd of. Except deep down I never really expected him to tell me. How mixed up is that?

  “Uh-huh.” I hope my tone sounds encouraging, because I seriously don’t have a clue what I should say.

  “We were good mates. I could talk to her about stuff. Even though she wasn’t into gaming, she understood me.”

  I smother the flare of jealousy. Get real, Alice. Clare happened six years ago, and I’d already guessed Harry wasn’t over her. It doesn’t stop me wanting to do her serious damage, though.

  “Lucas dropped out of school early, when the club signed him.”

  I blink. Did I miss something? What’s his brother got to do with anything? Since Harry pauses, as though he expects me to say something, I make another encouraging noise.

  “Anyway, Clare and I dated for about a year. Then she dumped me for Lucas.”

  Wait. What? Why didn’t Di tell me that?

  “That’s awful. I’m so sorry.”

  “Yeah.” He sighs, and his fingers caress my shoulder. “I was gutted at the time. Seems like she only dated me because once he became famous she thought I was a ticket to get close to him. The first time we all went out together—it wasn’t great.”

  What the hell can I say to that?

  “Were they together for long?”

  “Huh?” There’s a note of surprise in his voice. “He never went out with her. He never even touched her. I’ve never seen him back away from a girl so fast as when Clare made a move on him. But it was the end of us. I couldn’t trust her after that. We left school the following week and I never saw her again.”



  I can’t believe I told all of that to Alice, but strangely it’s cathartic to have it out in the open between us. In any case, I’ve been over Clare for a long time, and I just needed to put the metaphorical lid on that part of my life and move on.

  With Alice.

  “Honestly, I have to say it.” She has a cute frown on her forehead. “That was a horrible thing she did to you.”

  It was, but it stopped eating me up like acid years ago. “In a way, she did me a favor. After we split, I put all my energy into developing Exitium with Caleb. I doubt we’d be where we are today if I’d stayed with Clare.”

  Weird, I’ve never looked at it that way before, but there’s no way I could’ve worked over a hundred hours a week, on both refining the world and the part-time jobs I held down, if I’d been in a relationship.

  “Hmm.” She doesn’t look convinced. “I think you always would’ve made it, Harry.”

  I love the faith she has in me. “Not made it yet. Not until we’ve cracked the States.”

  “Well, Oscar Jarrod is your ticket there. Oh, which reminds me. I made the booking for your golf thingy. Three weeks tomorrow. I put it in your diary.”

  Three weeks tomorrow she would’ve been in Durham for three days. And in two days’ time, Caleb and I have the torturous ordeal of interviewing the two applicants who’ve made it through the process for Alice’s job, and, worse, need to decide between them.

  Alice glances at her watch, and I smother a sigh. Guess I need to get her home, even though all I want is for her to stay over.

  “What time do you need to be home?”

  Guilt flashes over her face. “I told Mum I wouldn’t be back until late. But you know. She worries. I know it’s crazy at my age, but…” Her voice trails away and she shrugs.

  “Not crazy at all. I’ll give you a lift.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can get a cab.”

  I scoff. Does she really think I’d let her take a cab, alone, at this time of night? There are too many screwed-up fuckers out there for that.

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Fingers crossed that after Thursday I’ll be able to borrow Mum’s car.”

  “Okay.” I kiss her, and I don’t need a reason. “I’m still driving you home tonight.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  It’s midafternoon on Wednesday, and I’m a nervous wreck about my test tomorrow. I’m studying the Highway Code for about the millionth time when Harry strolls in and parks his butt on the edge of my desk.

  “You’re not still stressing about the test, are you?”

  “I’m going to do something stupid. I just know it.”

  He plucks the booklet from my hand and skims through it. “No, you’re not. You’re a great driver.”

  “As long as I don’t fall to pieces.”

  He laughs, like he thinks I’m joking. “That’s not going to happen. You’ve got this.”

  I sigh and slump back in my chair. Logically, there’s no need to panic, but my nervous system hasn’t got the memo. “I just wish it was all over.”

  “Do you want extra practice right before your test? It’s not a problem.”

  I’ve been out driving with Harry for over four hours this week already, including lunchtime today, and have a lesson directly before the test, but if he’s offering to give me an additional hour before then…

  “Are you sure? I feel bad, dragging you away from work.” Not that bad, though. In fact, it’s amazing how positive his offer’s made me feel.

  “Sure. I’ll meet you back at the driving center after your test as well, if you like. I know you’re seeing Hannah tomorrow night, but we can celebrate your victory before you meet her.”

  “Yeah, don’t count the chickens yet.” But I can’t help grinning, and not just because he’s so sure I’m going to pass. It’s because he’s willing to take time off work. For me.


  For the first time, I’m not dreading my lesson this evening. Even Francine remarks how calm and collected I am, and her subtext is clear. Considering it’s your test tomorrow.

  I’m not even stressing about that, either. I can do this and I will.


  The following morning I’m in a Zen-like state and refuse to think about this afternoon. In exactly two hours, Harry and I are going out for our final drive. Well, hopefully it’ll be my final drive as an L-plater. I’m already making plans about what we can do when I’m in the driving seat.

  It’s hard enough to concentrate on work today, but I also can’t stop replaying all our sexy times together. Things are definitely better in that department, now, even if we’re not managing half as much practice as I’d like.

  I don’t want this to end when I go to university.

  My smile fades. But it’s only a fling.

  Isn’t it?

  I peer through the glass wall, where I catch a glimpse of Harry in his office. He’s pacing the floor, the way he does when he’s trying to figure something out, and my heart does a stupid little flip in my chest.

  There’s no way this can be serious between us. We exist in different stratospheres. And even if we didn’t, Mum’s right about relationships never lasting. The only one you can rely on is yourself.

  I frown and cup my chin on my hand. Harry’s never let me down, though. Suppose this is more than a fling to him? After all, he’s not the type who goes through girls the way his brother does.

  My stomach churns. What if he’s serious about me? Is that even possible? He’s the most gorgeous guy ever, and me, well, I’m so ordinary it’s not funny.

  I’ve always taken it for granted this amazing thing between us would finish as soon as I left for Durham. But what if I’m wrong? What if, as crazy as it sounds, Harry wants more?

  Possibilities swirl through my mind, and all my preconceived, logical plans for how things will always be shake in their foundations. There’s only one thing for it. I’ll have to ask him if he still wants us to see each other when I leave Blitz.

  Almost as though he can read my mind, he stops pacing and turns to look at me through the glass wall. I smile, and he seems to heave a sigh, which isn’t exactly the response I was hoping for. He leaves his office and strolls into mine.

  “Hey, Alice.”

  “Hey.” I’m not sure why, but something doesn�
�t feel quite right.

  “Look, I’m going to have to bail on our driving practice this afternoon. Oscar Jarrod wants a face-to-face.”

  I stare, disbelief curling through me, as a hard knot forms in the center of my chest. A stupid part of me wants to say but you promised, and how pathetic is that?

  I’ve always known Harry’s work comes first with him. He can’t pass up this opportunity.

  “Sure. No problem.” The words are ash in my mouth, and I fiddle with a pen so I don’t have to look at him.

  “Alice. You don’t need the extra practice. You’re going to ace this.”

  It’s not the extra practice I care about.

  “Fingers crossed.” I force a smile, and it hurts my face.

  He hovers over my desk as though he’s about to kiss me, before he suddenly pulls back as if he’s just remembered where we are, and somehow that hurts even more than him bailing on me.

  “Good luck. Let me know how it goes.”

  So he’s not even going to meet me after the test.

  Grow up, Alice.

  I guess it’s true. The only one you can rely on is yourself.

  After months of worrying, and feeling sick every time I had a driving lesson, a sense of numbness envelopes me after Harry leaves my office. It’s stupid to be so upset about the way he’s let me down, and he probably doesn’t have a clue that he even has, but I can’t help the way I feel.

  It’s my own fault for imagining there’s more between us than there is. It’s just a fling, after all.


  The test itself turns out to be anticlimactic and goes so fast it’s finished before I know it. And…drum roll…I pass. Francine is thrilled, and I’m still riding high on adrenaline when she drops me back home.

  Mum darts out of the kitchen as soon as I walk through the door, and I don’t even have to say anything.

  “Oh, congratulations, darling. That’s fantastic.” She gives me a big hug. “Are you going out with Hannah to celebrate?”

  I’d already planned on seeing Hannah tonight, but before I can answer her, my phone rings. It’s a text from Harry.

  How’d it go?

  I’m so buoyed up that I’m not even upset with him anymore.


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