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The Bellringer

Page 68

by William Timothy Murray

  Vendril-- A high mountain northwest of Duinnor. Ever covered with snow, it is the source of unusually pure silver ore. It is also the location of the ancient tower of the same name. (See Map Coordinates C1)

  Veritask-- A legendary advisor and soothsayer to Aperion who foretold the coming of strife among the Faerekind. In the late Second Age, this name was given to a bright red star that appeared in the west and was seen in Vanara and Duinnor. It was first observed on Midwinter's Day in the Year 869 and remained visible until Midsummer's Day of 870.

  Vidican-- (Branthis Vidican) Tracian Redvest general who led an army into the Eastlands during the late Second Age and captured County Barley and Passdale.*

  Vinkasinea-- A witch of the ancient world. She persisted until the Second Age and re-emerged during the Second Demon War. She briefly captured Collandoth, but he was rescued by one of his companions of the Nine Banes who killed her.

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  Watcher-- A term sometimes given to those who delve into the mysterious and mystical. Sometimes it only means one who is an agent of another, or one who is commissioned to observe events and discern the meaning of those events and other signs.

  Waterstone-- A House of Men, of the Weatherlee estates in Tracia. In the late Second Age, Lord Waterstone was a staunch Royalist, although a critic of Prince Lewtrah and an advocate for reform, and he actively opposed the Triumvirate's violent rise to power.*

  Wayfind-- One of the stags of Uncle Solstice.

  Wayregyle-- Region to the northwest of the Carthane Mountains from which hardy olives are grown for their oil. (See Map Coordinates I2)

  Weatherlee-- Name of estates and minor principality of Tracia belonging to the House of Waterstone (a House of Men). (See Map Coordinates K5)

  Weepingbrook-- Small stream in Barley. Legend tells that during the fall of Tulith Attis, women fleeing from the slaughter came upon their dead spouses lying about the banks of the stream. There, they wept and swore terrible oaths of vengeance and anguish, and were turned to stone by their anger. (See Map of County Barley)

  Westerman-- A term used to refer to Men living or from the western parts of the world, particularly Duinnor and Vanara.

  Westlands-- A term generally referring to Altoria, Duinnor, and Vanara, but may be used to refer to any area west of the Great Bletharn Plains

  Westlawn-- Town in the western edge of the Plains of Bletharn. It was overtaken by devotees of the cult of Wokan, called Wickermen, and entered into a feud with the neighboring town of Edgewold. The resulting hostilities led to a major battle involving armies from both places and, joining with the Edgewold fighters, Kingsman forces of Duinnor. It was at Westlawn that the Wickermen created a monster from the choking vines that they propagated. (See Map Coordinates F4)

  Westleaf-- A type of aromatic smoking herb or tobacco that is mildly intoxicating.

  Weylan-- (Chrisafer Weylan) Tallinvale Captain of the Northern Gate and childhood friend of Ullin Saheed Tallin.

  Wickerlands-- Those areas in the west that were under the possession of the Wickermen of the town of Westlawn during the Second Age. (See Map Coordinates F4)

  Wickermen-- Worshipers of Wokan, spirit of the grasping vine, which is a form of kudzu. The Wickermen made woven armor from the vine and planted it throughout the fields of their enemies.

  Winborn-- (Sam Winborn) Farmer of Barley.

  Windard-- Head butler and keeper of Tallin Hall in the late Second Age.

  Winterford-- Young man of Martin Makeig's Hill Town people. Winterford was a midshipman under Makeig aboard the Golden Swallow. He was aboard during the Battle of Grisland Strait and was with Makeig's surviving group after the loss of their ship and during their subsequent escape from Tracia. He and his fellow shipmates eventually settled in Hill Town, in the Thunder Mountains.

  Wokan-- Dark spirit of the grasping vine. Wokan was worshipped in various places, but its most notable adherents were those of the Wickerman rebellion who took over the town and region of Westlawn in the west. There a mysterious sorcerer invoked Wokan to infest neighboring fields with a vine known as "kudzu." In Wokan's name, the sorcerer conjured a monster made of the flesh of men and tendrils of the vine. The monster almost immediately killed its creator, whose name remains unknown. That same day, it was destroyed by fire set upon it by a Kingsman army.

  Wolftooth-- Also called Slobberfang, A feverish ailment resulting from being bitten by wild animals, particularly wolves.

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  Zurlamont-- A low mountain located in the southernmost region of Karkarando in the Dragonlands rising up from the Craggy Sea. Upon its summit is the Tower Zurlamont, one of the Seven Towers of mysterious origin and purpose. (See World Map Coordinate C8)

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  Many of these entries are abridged versions of those found within

  The Reader's Companion

  to the

  Year of the Red Door.

  Put a copy on your Shopping List today!


  A Note from the Cartographers

  The geography and place names depicted on the following maps are generally accepted to be accurate as of the year of their preparation (869 Second Age). Distances are approximate, given the scales of the maps. However, these are only intended to give a general sense of the scale and relationship of the various regions and features. They are not intended for travel or navigation. Any mishap as a result from the use of these maps for such purposes of travel are the responsibility of the user, not the mapmakers.

  For maps more suitable for travel within particular regions of the world, all interested parties are invited to inquire at our establishment.

  Brannon & Gray Cartographers

  No. 16, Miller's Pond Lane

  Duinnor City

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  Publisher's Notes:

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  Map of County Barley

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  Map of the Western World

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  Map of the Eastern World


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  Nasakeeria and Middlemount

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  The Carthanes

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  Vanara and Shatuum

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  Thunder Mountains

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  Western Eastlands

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  Eastern Eastlands

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  The Dragonlands

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