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Dark Secrets

Page 16

by Jack Steele

  Then there were those people who wrote to criminals on death row in America. Annually over 1500 people write to each other. Their reasons were different again because they were not victims of those incarcerated but felt the need to ease the suffering of those sentenced to death.

  Johanne looked over to Jez before opening up to us all. She delivered her words slowly and quietly.

  ‘I saw a psychiatrist who helped me with the after effects of my traumatic experience. Through her I could see a way to think differently about my ordeal and turn it around. To face my foe and to forgive him was a way to say I can carry on with my life. I wanted to know what I had done to upset him because as his drama teacher it was my job to build his confidence. Instead I noticed that he had become totally withdrawn and introverted. Geb was reluctant to participate in class and then failed to show up for a number of days.

  Eventually he returned but was unable to speak. It was my moral duty to try and help him but the more I tried the angrier he became. So I contacted the school doctor who arranged for him to see the psychiatrist. After that we never saw him at the school ever again.’

  I thought Geb had been mute from birth but clearly something happened to make him lose his voice. The problems with this investigation were that our organisation was being stripped of the assets that could provide these clues. Instead they were being abducted and diminishing our effectiveness.

  I could see that her friend was itching to participate again and without any encouragement she jumped right in.

  ‘It wasn’t until a few years later that a story came out that he had suffered so much abuse from his father that he had chopped him up and stuffed him into a suitcase. It was a fact that his father was to blame!’

  I wasn’t sure how the two women had become friends but I was sure about one thing and that was Ruth really irritated me with her constant speaking on behalf of her friend. I was sure Johanne could quite adequately speak for herself so I asked her how Cross had managed to communicate with the two of them when they were abroad.

  ‘Unbeknown to the authorities we exchanged phone numbers and communicated whenever we could. Then on our last day of holiday he called me to warn us about Blood but not to worry because he had escaped with him to ensure our protection.’

  I studied Cross as he listened to the two of them and watched him give Johanne a reassuring wink and nod his approval. He then looked directly at me.

  This was my chance to appeal for his help in saving my colleagues, but before I could say anything he spoke and it was a game changing announcement.

  ‘I know where Blood has his hideout. If you want me to take you there then we need to make a deal.

  Chapter 76

  Could this really be the breakthrough I had craved for so long? Finally a chance to locate and save my colleagues but I had to be extremely careful not to allow my enthusiasm to end this overshadow his demands. What were his terms?

  ‘Name them and I will see what we can do.’

  He looked like he held all the cards but his face was dead pan. The only person in this room who had a clear idea of his next move was Cross.

  ‘Take off these handcuffs and I will help you.’ He insisted but could he be trusted? After all he had a reputation for being calm one minute and a violent uncontrollable maniac the next. I needed his help but that was too much of a risk.

  ‘The handcuffs remain but I am listening to your other demands.’

  We exchanged looks as if we were prize fighters waiting in opposite corners for the bell to ring. He knew that the clock was against me and the wait was excruciating. All I could think of were my colleagues being subjected to the wrath of Geb Blood. My heart was pounding in my chest and I wanted to scream in his face to stop playing mind games and just agree to take us there!

  ‘I don’t want to go back to that hospital. There are plenty of places you could send me where I could see more of Johanne. I want you to promise me that she will be placed in a safe house under protection until this is over.’

  It was a reasonable request that could be sanctioned for his part in this.

  ‘I will make the call.’ I replied, but he wasn’t finished.

  ‘If I take you to his hideout and you arrest him and save those inside, then I want my sentence commuted.’

  He looked across to where Johanne and her friend were sitting. My gaze followed his and I saw that Johanne was crying. Either the events of this morning could be kicking in or she could genuinely be worried about him returning to Blood’s hideout. Who knew what traps and dangers were waiting around every corner?

  There was no time to lose and so I stepped outside and dialled the Commissioner’s number. Thankfully he answered straight away and I filled him in on events so far.

  ‘He is willing to take us to the hideout but there are a couple of demands.’ Once I repeated his request he rang off to contact the Prime Minister and other parties who would need to sign it off with the utmost urgency.

  I checked my phone and there were no messages. I wondered what had happened to Jasper and whether he had achieved a breakthrough or was just another victim of Geb Blood’s butchery. There had been no sign of Angie Smitheringale either so what had become of her? If he needed six victims in a room to prompt the killing spree then he surely had secured that number. It sent a shiver down my spine. I had to do more.

  I returned to the room where everyone had remained in position and informed them of the wait but reassured them it wouldn’t take long. It was then that Cross looked up at me and studied my face. I could sense that his eyes were looking for signs of my honesty and integrity. Maybe he had more to offer while we waited and so I asked one of the many burning questions scalding my brain.

  ‘If this does go the way I think it will then we should be moving out soon. So answer me this, who was it helped you to escape?’

  There was the obligatory silence while he mulled over the question and the possible fallout of his reply but eventually he lifted his head, looked me square in the eye and gave us a name which totally took my breath away.

  Chapter 77

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Surely the petite woman that we had met at Broadmoor seemed so professional and would never succumb to the charms of a psychopath?

  ‘Angie Smitheringale?’ I repeated. Maybe it was a complete fabrication and part of the mind games he liked to play. Anyway at the risk of annoying him so that he refused to elaborate I offered him something in return.

  ‘Carl, liaise with Scott and see what safe houses we have available near to a low security prison or hospital.’

  He stepped into the kitchen and I turned back to Cross. It was meant to show him my intentions were to honour his request should we get the green light. Hopefully with that in mind he would elaborate further as I probed him for more information.

  ‘Can you give me more information regarding your Psychologist Angie Smitheringale? We believe her life may be in danger.’

  He offered up his hands for me to remove the handcuffs but I had to decline citing his past record for the refusal.

  ‘Anything that could save her life,’ I reiterated as he looked at Johanne, who nodded as if to say ‘comply’. I tried again to coax him into opening up. ‘When we were at Broadmoor we spoke to your psychologist Angie Smitheringale. She was surprised that you didn’t stop the attack on the hospital clinical nurse manager Nigel Stamford by Geb Blood considering the bond you apparently had.’

  ‘Seriously.’ he scoffed, ‘Do me a favour! Have you seen the size of that guy! He had a knife to his throat and all I could think was how to get us all out of there alive and in one piece. You know Geb’s reputation. I had to go with them hoping I could save him.’

  He was giving an account of himself which was in direct conflict with his criminal record. GBH, ABH, Drunk & Disorderly, threatening and abusive behaviour, criminal damage and last, but not least, murder. So I wasn’t buying into the Good Samaritan story.

  ‘Geb can’t speak but as y
ou all know, he can write. So he used to pass her notes and they soon struck up a relationship. She fell for him hook line and sinker and welcomed his plans for their future together. She became besotted and it was more than a patient-doctor thing. First it was passing notes and then that led onto physical contact. Then she made copies of keys and they were passed around to other patients during the workshop lesson. I think it was an old boyfriend that hacked the hospital security system. She even drove us away in her own car. I swear I had no prior knowledge of his intention to escape that day or the arrangements he had made with her to break us out.’

  The mere thought of her being infatuated with someone so violent and depraved made me wonder about the darker side of the psychologist. I asked Carl to arrange for the Met to pick her up and keep guard at her home until we could get over there.

  Then again what Jez was telling us could be a complete pack of lies. My sceptical side kicked in and I wondered if he was winding us all up with a fantastical story.

  ‘So she arranged for you to be in there with him for what reason? You could have jeopardised their plans.’

  He shook his head intimating that I was yet to see the larger picture.

  ‘She knew about Johanne and me. How much I wanted to escape and be with her. I don’t know why she put Blood and me together but my guess is that Angie knew I could be the voice of Blood during our escape from the hospital. I issued the orders because he couldn’t. It enabled us to get out and I intended to assist the poor nurse who he dragged along and stem the flow of blood before he died.’

  The talk of flowing blood made me think of our colleagues and the horrendous vision of a river of blood running from where they were being held captive. I had to do something and couldn’t wait around for my mobile to ring or my earpiece to crackle into life with word from higher authorities. I had a means to end this investigation right now. Cross could direct us to the hideout.

  ‘Why didn’t you call it in when you found his hideout?’

  ‘The timing was all wrong. I needed to be sure you would get him and not let him escape. When I dropped off the geek from your unit he told me I couldn’t go in. So I waited around for a bit wondering whether to go inside or just leave. Then a little later I decided to spy on him from a corner, when he reappeared acting edgy. He kept looking around as if he wanted to find me again but I stayed put preferring to wind him up.’

  ‘You really should have told us sooner.’

  ‘What? You couldn’t even stop me so how were you going to stop him!’

  ‘Now I know the time is right but we have to get him tonight.’

  ‘Why tonight?’

  ‘It’s something I heard. The killing starts tonight.’

  Chapter 78

  That was the prompt I needed. The armed response team were fully trained in these scenarios so they would accompany us there. Then if there was still no word from the Commissioner or the Prime Minister, then it would be my decision alone.

  That would be to storm the building and bring them out safely alive while neutralising the threat. It had to be done now because we were running out of time. I asked Carl to step outside with me for a minute while I went over my plan. If there was something I had overlooked then he would tell me.

  ‘What do you think Carl?’

  He nodded and without hesitation gave me the thumbs up. I think he was as prepared to end this as I was. So we discussed it further with the leader of the Tactical Response Unit who was even larger than Carl and he agreed to my plan. It just left one man who could lead us there and when we returned to the front room it was as if he had heard our conversation.

  ‘Once I have word from you about my terms then we can go and save them.’

  It was my decision and I hoped that I wouldn’t live to regret it when I agreed to his terms. I waited while he promised that he would return to look after Johanne. Then we all made our way outside to the waiting vans. Carl and I thought about the logistics of Jez directing us from the passenger seat at the front of the TRU van. I decided to ride up front with him. Carl decided to follow in his car.

  I questioned Jez as to why he was chuckling to himself as he waited to get into the van. He leant forward and whispered in my ear.

  ‘Geb’s hideout is just around the corner!’

  Chapter 79

  In a matter of minutes we were parked outside what looked like a derelict hospital and now my heart rate increased with the pressure. This was our one and only chance to end this. This building was where Stella, Graham and Miranda were being held along with countless other victims. This old building used to be an asylum. More backup was on the way but I couldn’t wait any longer.

  ‘This is it,’ exclaimed Jez holding out his handcuffed wrists.

  ‘I never said I was going to release you Cross.’

  He looked like he was going to flare up in anger. He had kept his part of the bargain and he must have felt that now I had to show him some respect. The only way the cuffs would come off was if he took us inside and led us directly to Blood. He wasn’t to know that I intended that to be under armed guard. He couldn’t be trusted.

  He jumped out of the van and was escorted by two of the armed officers. We followed them up to the dilapidated door which caved in thanks to the big red key. I had hoped the higher authorities would have called me by now confirming my swift actions were sanctioned but there was nothing.

  Instead we made our way inside behind the crack team of eight armed officers who lit up the corridors with lights on their helmets.

  The whole place was creepy but what added to it was the fact that somewhere deep in the bowels of this building was a maniac intent on murdering those he had captured. Those in the room totalled six and I had to be prepared for the carnage that was ahead of me. Questions raced around my head. Had we made it in time? Could this really be the place? Was Cross as good as his word?

  Suddenly a faint scream echoed around us. It came just as we hit an intersection and I wasn’t sure which route to take. The TCU leader recommended that we split up so half of the team accompanied us and the other half went in a separate direction. The sound of someone being scared and needing our help meant that I agreed immediately and we proceeded down the left corridor.

  All the signs to wards and theatres had been removed but there were still old rusted gurneys and wheelchairs abandoned in side rooms and corridors.

  Jez was by my side and as we continued further into the maze of passageways and down a number of stairs he began to talk to me.

  ‘I know I’ve made mistakes but I really do want to make a go of it for Jo’s sake. The only reason I escaped with Blood was to keep an eye on him and to keep her safe. Keep your enemies closer and all that. Sure there were times when I was assisting him when I questioned my actions but I didn’t have a means to contact anyone I could trust. I had burnt too many bridges in the past so it wasn’t like I could call up a favour from anyone. So I had to play along with him.’

  ‘If this goes to plan then who knows what your future could be.’ There was no way he would get a pardon but there was the promise of a lighter sentence. We turned another corner and I was hopelessly lost. It prompted me to ask him another question.

  ‘How many times have you been in here?’

  ‘Never, I have only delivered someone here with him and then he told me, well, pointed for me to go away. I arranged to follow an old friend of mine here as well when he decided to trade himself in for a colleague called Stacy or something.’

  ‘Stella, her name is Stella.’ I replied.

  ‘Whatever.’ Jez barked back. He had a severe short fuse and his anger management course tutor must have despaired for his own life. That led me to think about the reasons for his hospitalisation and how he could be subdued one moment but then turn on a sixpence into a demented maniac. So what had caused him to over react in the pub?

  ‘Answer me this Jez. Why did you rip off Mark Brook’s ear the other night?’ The mere mention of his name made one
end of his lip curl producing a contemptuous snarl.

  ‘I was quietly enjoying my pint being as inconspicuous as I could be when a news item came on the television. It mentioned Blood and that my Johanne was missing from home. He was a total prick and shouted out Blood had already cut her into little pieces.’

  Even I could forgive him for reacting to that but obviously not so violently. He stared at me knowing full well that his temper was still an issue.

  ‘I can behave and lead a normal life without raising my fists so long as I am left alone.’

  I wasn’t so sure. For now though he was useful to have by our side so long as he was willing to help arrest or take down Geb Blood.

  As we turned another corner there was another blood curdling scream but this time it was nearer and then up ahead we saw a shadow move behind the glass window of a door. The four armed officers turned off their torches and raised their assault rifles. We received the signal to hold our position while they went on ahead. As they pushed open the door all hell broke loose.

  Chapter 80

  There was a huge explosion and the guards were lifted off their feet. They fell to the ground in a heap of twisted flesh. Instinctively we ran to beat out the flames on their uniforms. They were all alive but needed treatment. I tried to make a call out but it was in vain. Nothing worked down here so until the other team arrived we were all alone.

  The dust eventually settled and the TCU uniform had done the job in providing a high level of protection. The leader was conscious but in a bad way. Where the uniform had taken damage and exposed his skin there was a lot of blood seeping from his wounds. I told him to stem the blood by holding it with his large hands.

  ‘The other team will be here soon, they must have heard that explosion.’


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