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Never Desire a Duke

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by Dawn Brower

  Never Desire a Duke

  Never Desire a Duke

  Neverhartts Book Six

  Dawn Brower

  For Victoria. You’re the only reason this book exists so it seems fitting it should be dedicated to you. ;)

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Never Desire a Duke © 2021 Dawn Brower

  Cover art by Midnight Muse

  Edits by Victoria Miller

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  She was one of those, who, having, once begun, would be always in love

  Jane Austen, Emma



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  About The Author

  Also by Dawn Brower


  Excerpt: Loving My Wicked Rogue


  Chapter 1

  Excerpt: Forever My Earl


  Chapter 1


  Miss Amelia Halsey stared out at the dance floor and frowned. This was her comeout ball, and she was a wallflower. Could her life get any sadder? She should be the belle of the ball. Gentlemen should vie for her attention, or at the very least, ask to sign her dance card.

  She looked at the card.

  It wasn’t blank, but it might as well be. There was only one signature on it, and it was Ezra’s. Her brother. He'd led her out for the first dance, and everyone had been riveted. The marriage-minded mamas were, anyway... They eyed her older brother and his title. None of them had any use for her. They hoped to snare a wily viscount for their daughters.

  They were all fools. Ezra was not so easily attained, and anyone with a head on their shoulders should realize that. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop any of them from trying. The entire ton overlooked her, but they all clamored toward her brother. Viscount Carrolton was far more interesting than his little sister.

  It would take someone special to catch Ezra’s attention, and none of the eligible ladies in attendance came close...

  She sighed. Perhaps she should give up. She doubted anyone would notice if she disappeared. Why suffer even a moment longer than she had to? Amelia could go to her bedchamber and read. That sounded far more enjoyable than watching people dance. She wasn’t even certain if she wanted to dance herself. Amelia wasn’t the most proficient dancer, and she often stepped on her partner’s toes. That might explain her empty dance card. No gentleman was brave enough to escort her to the floor when she abused them so mercilessly.

  Amelia glanced around the room once more. She tried to find Ezra, but he seemed to have disappeared. He had probably found a married lady to spend some time with. She wasn’t a fool. Ezra was a notorious rake and didn’t apologize for it. That was also one of the reasons he was so unattainable.

  It was definitely time to give up. If Ezra wasn’t even in the room, she had no reason to stay. No one would stop her, and she couldn’t stand it one second longer. The ennui was enough to drive her mad, and she had no desire to become a resident of Bedlam. She sighed again and slid through one of the balcony doors. She could slip into the garden for a little while and enjoy the fresh air. It had become stifling in the ballroom.

  She went down the stairs and entered the garden. There was a bench in the center, surrounded by rose bushes. It was her favorite part of the garden and she often went there. Especially on days she felt particularly melancholy. It had not been a perfect night. In fact, it hadn’t even come close. She feared nothing would save it now, and she should consider it a total failure.

  “You’re lovely,” a gentleman said. His voice was husky as he spoke. It rolled over like warm brandy on a cold evening. Amelia shivered involuntarily. Who was that?

  He could not be talking to her... The gentleman probably didn’t even know she was there. Which meant it was more likely that another female was in the garden, and they were having some sort of tryst. She should turn around and go back inside, but she couldn’t seem to make herself move.

  “You are so kind, Your Grace,” a lady said, then giggled.

  Amelia rolled her eyes. The lady sounded so childish. If she ever had the attention of a gentleman, she hoped she wouldn’t be a complete fool. Though she had learned something from the simpering woman. Amelia couldn’t help overhearing the ‘Your Grace’ inferring that the woman was in the company of a duke. But the real question was—which one?

  There were not too many available dukes. Her brother’s friend, the Duke of Graystone, had recently married. The other eligible duke, that she was aware of, she hadn’t even glimpsed at the ball, and doubted she would now. It wouldn’t do anyone any good for her to be noticed. The last thing she needed was to be caught in the middle of some sort of scandal.

  “I am not kind,” the duke disagreed. “I speak the truth.” He sighed. “However, I must insist you go back inside. If your husband finds you here, he’ll want to challenge me, and I fear that won’t end well for either of us.”

  Amelia smirked. He was a rogue—like her brother. She should be disgusted, but it only intrigued her more. Amelia had to know who it was, and if the lady was departing, perhaps she could catch a glimpse of the duke. She slid behind some foliage and hid. Once the lady walked past, she would crawl back out.

  “If you insist,” the lady replied in a petulant tone. “I could have given you so much...pleasure.”

  Amelia nearly choked. She definitely didn’t need to witness that.

  “Another time,” he replied smoothly. “When we’re less likely to be caught.”

  “I’ll hold you to that,” the lady said.

  Silence greeted Amelia. She didn’t know what they were doing now, and she didn’t want to either. Footsteps echoed back to her, and she slid back farther into the foliage. After several moments, she skimmed out and promptly fell on her face. Amelia never claimed to have grace... She rolled over and sat on her backside. She blew out a breath to push her hair out of her face.

  “Are you all right?” The duke was definitely still there. His tone was laced with amusement, and Amelia hated herself. Slowly, she turned her head and met his gaze. She sucked in a breath. Heavens, she’d never seen a more handsome man... And she thanked the good lord that there was enough moonlight to appreciate him.

  He had blond hair streaked with gold. It was on the long side, and a stray strand fell over his forehead. The duke reached over and tucked it behind his ear. She wished she could have done that. Amelia wanted to reach out and touch him, to see if he was real. He had the most beautiful face. High chiseled cheekbones, plump, kissable lips, and his eyes...

  She narrowed her gaze... Those eyes were mesmerizing. It was too dark to get an accurate look at the color, but if she had to guess, they were the color of good Scottish whisky. Somehow, she would have to find a way to answer him. What had he asked her before, glancing at him stupefied her? Oh, that’s right...he wanted to know if she was all right. Was she? Amelia didn’t think she’d ever think clearly again when he was near. “I...” She swallowed hard. “I think I am.”

  Drat. Amelia sounded like a bigger fool than the insipid lady from his tryst.

ou don’t sound certain,” he said. The duke held out his hand to her. “Let me help you.”

  She placed her hand in his and frowned. The warmth from his touch spread through her and made her entire body come to life. Was this what it was like when a person fell in love? Surely that was what she felt. There was such a thing as love at first sight, and Amelia definitely had fallen hard.

  Once she was on her feet, she brushed down her skirts. “No,” she told him. “I really am all right.” She should stop talking. Everything that came out of her mouth seemed to make it worse.

  His lips twitched. “I won’t keep asking then.”

  “Thank you,” she blurted out. “For your concern.”

  “Think nothing of it.” He winked. She nearly gasped at his audacity. But she also liked it. Was he flirting with her? “I didn’t see you, and you didn’t see me.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Even if I did, I couldn’t tell anyone anything.”

  “Why not?” He said in a confused tone. He tilted his head to the side as he studied her. Amelia didn’t blame him. She didn’t seem to make much sense at the moment.

  “I don’t know who you are,” she explained. “How would I tell anyone about you?”

  He laughed. “I am the Duke of Darling,” he told her. “But I like you, so you can call me Grant.”

  The duke lifted her hand and kissed her palm. “Have a wonderful night, my lady.”

  Then, with those words, he sauntered off, leaving Amelia a puddle of mush. She couldn’t move, and her only thought was... he’s perfect. “I didn’t tell him my name,” she whispered to herself. How ever will he find me?

  She waited weeks, and that had turned into months. Still, she'd had hope he searched for her. But, as it turned out, she’d been wrong about him. The Duke of Darling was a charmer, and to her knowledge, had never tried to find her. When they had crossed paths, he seemed to look right through her, and Amelia feared if she had addressed him as Grant, he’d have been offended. That night had meant everything to her, but it had been meaningless to him. Sometimes love wasn’t meant to be returned, and she had learned a valuable lesson.

  Never desire a least not the Duke of Darling. No one was more incapable of love than Darling. He didn’t have a heart, and he didn’t care if he broke one. The duke didn’t deserve her love. If only her heart could listen to reason…

  Chapter 1

  Ten years later...

  Miss Amelia Halsey was firmly on the shelf. It was time for her to accept her fate. Spinsterhood was her future and, well, her present. No gentleman had offered for her in the nine seasons she’d presented herself before the ton. She would remain unmarried, and if she had to accept the truth, she should also be honest with herself. None of them had even tempted her—save one.

  The Duke of Darling...

  He was the most unattainable of them all. Every debutante launched each season hoped he would take notice of her and offer marriage. He noticed them long enough to dismiss them. The duke didn’t wish to marry, and the insipid young misses were most definitely not to his liking. Sometimes Amelia wondered if he even liked himself. He presented the world with a charming facade, but did he really feel anything?

  She had fallen madly in love with him a decade earlier. Amelia had been certain he would pay a call on her and court her. When he had kissed her palm...her heart had stopped for a whole second, to only restart at a rapid staccato. He was what she had been searching for. The reason for the constant balls and disappointments. Darling made it all worth it.

  Until she realized their grand love was all in her head...

  Then she picked up the pieces of her shattered heart and moved on. She went through the motions, but she stopped truly feeling or searching. Her search had ended, after all. The duke would never be hers, and she'd learned her lesson. Now it was time to do something with her life. Something that did not involve the Duke of Darling, or marriage to any man.

  Teddy, the Viscountess of Carrolton, her brother’s wife, strolled into the room. She had her son, Remington, by her side…his hand firmly in her grip. Remy had his mother’s golden blond hair and his father’s brown eyes. His features took after the Halsey family and his only feature from his mother was the shade of his hair. Amelia had no doubt he would easily fall into Ezra’s footsteps and be a handsome rogue one day. “There you are,” Teddy said, a little exasperated. “Your brother wishes to speak to you. He asked me to send you to his study.”

  What did Ezra want? “I’ll go straightaway.” Amelia stood. Her brother rarely requested her presence. He was a wonderful brother that always supported her decisions, even if he could be overprotective at times.

  “Before you go,” she said as she held out her hand. “Are you attending the masquerade at Graystone Manor tonight?”

  The Duchess of Graystone was Teddy’s older sister, and the duke was one of Ezra’s oldest friends. Amelia enjoyed attending the balls or soirees the duchess held, but she was not certain she wished to attend a masquerade. She didn’t understand why the duchess held one every year. Amelia had been debating attending, but while she considered it, she still had a gown and mask made. “I don’t know.” She had to decide soon. “I’ll decide soon, I promise.”

  Teddy blew out a breath and stared down at her seven-year-old son. “I am taking Remy with me. It is his governess’s day off.” She mumbled something under her breath, but Amelia couldn’t quite make out what she said. “Miss Benson needs a raise, and I plan on speaking to Ezra about it when we return. A governess isn’t paid nearly enough…” She pasted a smile on her face. “We will need to prepare for the ball. I expect you will already be getting ready by then. You should go. It’ll be fun, and we all need some entertainment in our life.”

  With those words, Teddy attempted to drag Remy out of the room. She gave up when he sat on the floor and refused to move. She leaned down, picked him up, and carried him from the sitting room. Amelia laughed. Her nephew was a stubborn little brat. Hopefully, he would grow out of that soon. Otherwise, Teddy might murder her only child.

  Amelia left the sitting room and went to her brother’s study. She knocked the doorframe and waited for him to respond. He glanced up from some ledgers and motioned for her to come inside. She walked over to a chair near his desk and plopped down on it. Not very ladylike, but she stopped caring about such things three seasons ago.

  Ezra closed the ledger and folded his hands on his desk. “We need to discuss your future.”

  Her future? Amelia sat up straight and lifted a brow. “What about it?”

  He sighed. “Do you wish to marry?”

  She had at one point in time. Now though? Amelia shook her head. “I do not think marriage will be something I have in my life.” Not unless the Duke of Darling opened his eyes and realized they were meant for each other. Which was extremely unlikely.

  “You have a considerable dowry,” he told her. “It is supposed to be used when you marry; however, I do not see why that should be its only use.”

  Amelia’s interest was piqued. “What other use is there?” She had been feeling a little down earlier, and this conversation was doing wonders to brighten her mood.

  “You could live with me and Teddy indefinitely,” he began. “You are always welcome here. Before I tell you what I am thinking, you should know that.”

  “Of course I do,” she said. Ezra would never turn her out. “And I love being here.”

  He took a deep breath. “How would you feel if you had your own home? A cottage near the seaside.” Ezra held his hand up to stop her from talking. “Hear me out.”

  “All right,” she said. “Go on.”

  “Carrolton has several properties. One is a small cottage. It has enough space for you and one servant. You could live there, and I’ll make your dowry available to you. The funds would be used at your discretion for whatever you might need. You would have control over your life. I’ll deed the property for your use for the entirety of your lifetime. At yo
ur death it would revert back to the estate.”

  “No more balls, soirees, or garden parties...” That sounded like a slice of heaven.

  “No,” he said. “Not unless you choose to attend them. I’m sure there might be some planned around the area, and as a member of the gentry you might be invited.”

  Amelia considered what Ezra had offered her. She could live in the country in peace, and never truly worry about what some member of the ton thought of her. She didn’t have to socialize at all if she didn’t wish to. “I would like that very much,” she said. She’d attend that masquerade, after all. The Duke of Darling was sure to attend, and it would be her last night to be near him. While she was there, she might even be brave enough to speak to him, and if she could be enticing enough, perhaps steal a kiss, or something far more wicked.

  “If that is what you want, I’ll have my solicitor prepare the paperwork.” He smiled. “If you don’t find it to your liking, you can always return.”

  She nodded. “That is good to know, but I don’t think it will be displeasing. Thank you.” She smiled at him. “For thinking of my needs.”

  “I’ll always do that. You are my sister. I have to look out for you.”

  “Not all brothers feel that way,” she told him.

  “Then they’re fools.” He grinned. “Now, go rest. Don’t you have a masquerade tonight? You’ll want to be alert for it.”

  He had no idea... She had plans for the night a sister should never discuss with her brother. Amelia nodded. “That I do. Enjoy your morning.” She planned on enjoying her evening. Amelia tilted her lips upward into a sly smile, and the Duke of Darling was at the center of it all.


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