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The Woman in the Peacock Patterned Coat

Page 22

by Jennifer Jones

  A couple of hours passed. Neil felt as if he had shaken the hand of every dignitary in the city. He joined Garry at the drinks table.

  ‘This is ridiculous, Garry. Everyone’s treating me like some sort of hero. I mean, the police solve murders every single day, it’s not like I’ve done anything special.’

  ‘Does it need to be spelled out for you, Neil? You were tenacious, the lone voice, going after the one man who seemingly couldn’t have done it. Shaun Taverner owes his life to you. You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if Homicide try to headhunt you after this.’

  ‘Oh, God. How depressing. Right at this moment I’d like nothing more than to bury myself in some sleepy little village somewhere.’

  ‘Sleepy little villages are hotbeds of vice and crime! Or so some of our leading crime novelists would have us believe!’

  Neil laughed. He nodded towards the back of the room, where Angela and Tony leaned against a wall, feeding each other from the same plate, intermittently kissing and giggling.

  ‘How long has that been going on?’

  ‘Not long. And it probably won’t last very long, either. He’s got her on the rebound. From an unrequited crush.’

  ‘Garry! You’re such a gossip sometimes!’

  ‘And you, Neil, can be a right idiot!’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Finally, the penny dropped. ‘I’m the unrequited crush?’

  ‘Mmm hmm.’

  ‘So, all those times … coming to my office … I just thought she wanted to get ahead …’

  ‘Into your pants, more like.’

  Neil winced. ‘But … she knows … I’m with someone …’

  ‘I don’t think that mattered very much to her.’

  ‘Well, that’s just morally bankrupt. I’m sure I never did anything to encourage her.’

  ‘Of course you didn’t. Anyway, forget about Angela. How’s Janey? She looks magnificent, Neil. That dress … it’s as if it was made just for her.’

  ‘Yes … I told her that once. Garry, that dress … that’s the dress she was wearing the night she … that’s what she wore to Joe Maguire’s wedding.’

  Garry gave a low whistle. ‘She’s got courage, that one.’

  ‘Yes. She’s turned a corner, Garry. She’s fighting really hard to beat this thing, and she’s winning. She will win. And tonight … every time I look for her, she’s talking with someone new, and she looks so relaxed and happy … I thought she’d be holding onto my arm the whole night – and that would have been OK, in fact, you know, I’m rather put out she isn’t – there’s vanity for you, Garry, wanting to be seen with the most beautiful woman in the room. Would you excuse me?’

  He went up to where Janey and Adele were talking with the CEO of the local hospital. He drew Janey to one side.

  ‘Hello, gorgeous.’

  She smiled. ‘Can we go now? Or would that be frowned upon?’

  ‘Yes to both. But I thought you were enjoying yourself?’

  ‘I am. But I’m starting to feel a bit tired, and I want – not to be tired when we get home.’

  ‘Then let’s get out of here.’

  In the bedroom he undid the diamante clasp so that her hair tumbled over her shoulders, then reached around and unfastened her dress. ‘I never thought I’d see you in this again,’ he murmured.

  ‘I’d like to get married in this dress.’

  He took a step back. ‘Is that a proposal, Ms Janey Christopher Hammond?’

  ‘It is, yes.’

  ‘Then I accept.’ He grinned. ‘We’d better get a move on, then. It’s not going to fit you for much longer.’ He lifted the dress gently over her head and laid it across a chair.


  She smiled. ‘I thought you’d like that!’

  A tiny lace thong barely covered her crotch.

  ‘Are those things even comfortable?’

  ‘I wouldn’t say no to having it taken off.’

  ‘Then, my darling …’ He picked her up and laid her on the bed, eased the undergarment down her legs. He slid his hand along the silky stocking. ‘These stay on?’

  ‘That was the plan.’ A slight breathlessness belied her teasing tone.

  He bent and kissed her on the stomach, her inner thigh. Then he reached across and turned the lights down low.

  The End




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