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The Elephant God

Page 4

by Gordon Casserly



  The four transport elephants attached to the garrison of Ranga Duar for thepurpose of bringing supplies for the men from the far distant railway werestabled in a _peelkhana_ at the foot of the hills and a couple of thousandfeet below the Fort. This building, a high-walled shed with thatched roofand brick standings for the animals, was erected beside the narrow roadthat zig-zagged down from the mountains into the forest and eventuallyjoined a broader one leading to the narrow-gauge railway that pierced thejungle many miles away.

  One morning, about three weeks after Dermot's first introduction toBadshah, the Major tramped down the rough track to the _peelkhana_,carrying a rifle and cartridge belt and a haversack containing his food forthe day. Nearing the stables he blew a whistle, and a shrill trumpetinganswered him from the building, as Badshah recognised his signal. Ramnath,hurriedly entering the impatient elephant's stall, loosed him from the ironshackles that held his legs. Then the huge beast walked with stately treadout of the building and went straight to where Dermot awaited him. Forduring these weeks the intimacy between man and animal had progressedrapidly. Elephants, though of an affectionate disposition, are notdemonstrative as a rule. But Badshah always showed unmistakable signs offondness for the white man, whom he seemed to regard as his friend andprotector.

  Dermot was in the habit of taking him out into the jungle every day, wherehe went ostensibly to shoot. After the first few occasions he displacedRamnath from the guiding seat on Badshah's neck and acted as _mahout_himself. But, instead of using the _ankus_--the heavy iron implement shapedlike a boat-hook head which natives use to emphasise their orders to theircharges--the Major simply touched the huge head with his open hand. And hismethod proved equally, if not more, effective. He was soon able to dispensealtogether with Ramnath on his expeditions, which was his object. For hedid not want any witness to his secret explorations of the forest and thehills.

  An elephant, when used as a beast of burden or for shooting from in thickjungle, carries on its back only a "pad"--a heavy, straw-stuffed mattressreaching from neck to tail and fastened on by a rope surcingle passinground the body. On this pad, if passengers are to be carried, a wooden seatwith footboards hanging by cords from it and called a _charjama_ is placed.Only for sport in open country or high grass jungle is the cage-like howdahemployed.

  Dermot replaced Badshah's heavy pad by a small, light one, especially made,or else took him out absolutely bare. No shackles were needed to secure theelephant when his white rider dismounted from his neck, for he followedDermot like a dog, came to his whistle, or stood without moving from thespot where he had been ordered to remain. The most perfect understandingexisted between the two; and the superstitious Hindus regarded with awe theextraordinary subjection of their sacred and revered _Gunesh_ to the whiteman.

  Now, after a greeting and a palatable gift to Badshah, Dermot seized thehuge ears, placed his foot on the trunk which was curled to receive it andwas swung up on to the neck by the well-trained animal. Then, answering the_salaams_ of the _mahouts_ and coolies, who invariably gathered to witnessand wonder at his daily meeting with Badshah, he touched the elephant underthe ears with his toe and was borne away into the jungle.

  His object this day was not to explore but to shoot a deer to replenish themess larder. Fresh meat was otherwise unprocurable in Ranga Duar; and anunvaried diet of tinned food was apt to become wearisome, especially as itwas not helped out by bread and fresh vegetables. These were luxuriesunknown to the British officers in this, as in many other, outposts.

  The sea of vegetation closed around Badshah and submerged him, as he turnedoff a footpath and plunged into the dense undergrowth. The trees weremostly straight-stemmed giants of teak, branchless for some distance fromthe ground. Each strove to thrust its head above the others through theleafy canopy overhead, fighting for its share of the life-giving sunlight.In the green gloom below tangled masses of bushes, covered with large,bell-shaped flowers and tall grasses in which lurked countless thornyplants obstructed the view between the tree-trunks. Above and below was abewildering confusion of creepers forming an intricate network, swingingfrom the upper branches and twisting around the boles, biting deep into thebark, strangling the life out of the stoutest trees or holding up thewithered, lifeless trunks of others long dead. They filled the spacebetween the tree-tops and the undergrowth, entangled, crisscrossed,festooned, like a petrified mass of writhing snakes.

  Through this maddening obstacle Badshah forced his way; while Dermot hackedat the impeding _lianas_ with a sharp _kukri_, the heavy-bladed Gurkhaknife. The elephant moved on at an easy pace, shouldering aside the surgingwaves of vegetation and bursting the clinging hold of the creepers. As hewent he swept huge bunches of grass up in his trunk, tore down leafy trailsor broke off small branches, and crammed them all impartially into hismouth. At a touch of Dermot's foot or the guiding pressure of his hand heswerved aside to avoid a tree or a particularly thorny bush.

  There was little life to be seen. But occasionally, with a whirring soundof rushing wings, a bright-plumaged jungle cock with his attendant bevy ofsober-clad hens swept up with startled squawks from under the huge feet andflew to perch high up on neighbouring trees, chattering and cluckingindignantly in their fright. The pretty black and white Giant Squirrel ranalong the upper branches; or a troop of little brown monkeys leapt awayamong the tree tops.

  It was fascinating to be borne along without effort through the enchantedwood in the luminous green gloom that filled it, lulled by the swayingmotion of the elephant's stride. The soothing silence of the woodland wasbroken only by the crowing of a jungle cock. The thick, leafy screenoverhead excluded the glare of the tropic sunlight; and the heat wastempered to a welcome coolness by the dense shade.

  But, despite the soporific motion of his huge charger, Dermot's vigilanteye searched the apparently lifeless jungle as he was borne along.Presently it was caught by a warm patch of colour, the bright chestnut hideof a deer; and he detected among the trees the graceful form of a _sambhur_hind. Accustomed to seeing wild elephants the animal gazed withoutapprehension at Badshah and failed to mark the man on his neck. But femalesof the deer tribe are sacred to the sportsman; and the hunter passed on.Half a mile farther on, in the deepest shadow of the undergrowth, he sawsomething darker still. It was the dull black hide of a _sambhur_ stag, afine beast fourteen hands high, with sharp brow antlers and thick hornsbranching into double points. Knowing the value of motionlessness as aconcealment the animal never moved; and only an eye trained to the junglewould have detected it. Dermot noted it, but let it remain unscathed; forhe knew well the exceeding toughness of its flesh. What he sought was a_kakur_, or barking deer, a much smaller but infinitely more palatablebeast.

  Hours passed; and he and Badshah had wandered for miles without findingwhat he wanted. He looked at his watch; for the sun was invisible. It wasnearly noon. In a space free from undergrowth he halted the elephant and,patting the skull with his open hand, said:


  Badshah at the word sank slowly down until he rested on his breast andbelly with fore and hind legs stuck out stiffly along the ground. Dermotslipped off his neck and stretched his cramped limbs; for sitting longupright on an elephant without any support to the back is tiring. Thenhe reclined under a tree with his loaded rifle beside him--for thepeaceful-seeming forest has its dangers. He made a frugal lunch off apacket of sandwiches from his haversack.

  Eating made him thirsty. He had forgotten to bring his water-bottle withhim; and he knew that there was no stream to be met with in the jungle formany miles. But he was aware that the forest could supply his wants.Rising, he drew his _kukri_ and looked around him. Among the tangle ofcreepers festooned between the trees he detected the writhing coils of onewith withered, cork-like bark, four-sided and about two inches in diameter.He walked over to it and, grasping it in his left hand, cut it through witha blow of his heavy knife. Its interior consisted of a white, moist pulp.With another
blow he severed a piece a couple of feet long. Taking a metalcup from his haversack he cut the length of creeper into small pieces andheld all their ends together over the little vessel. From them water beganto drip, the drops came faster and finally little streams from the pulpyinterior filled the cup to the brim with a cool, clear, and palatableliquid. The _liana_ was the wonderful _pani-bel_, or water-creeper.

  Dermot drank until his thirst was quenched, then sat down with his backagainst a tree and lit his pipe. He smoked contentedly and watched Badshahgrazing. The elephant plucked the long grass with a scythe-like sweep ofhis trunk, tore down succulent creepers and broke off small branches fromthe trees, chewing the wood and leaves with equal enjoyment. From time totime he looked towards his master, but, receiving no signal to prepare tomove on, continued his meal.

  At last the Major knocked out the ashes of his pipe, grinding them into theearth with his heel lest a chance spark might start a forest fire, andwhistled to Badshah. The elephant came at once to him. From his haversackDermot took out a couple of bananas and held them up. The snake-like trunkshot out and grasped them, then curving back placed them in the huge mouth.Dermot stood up and, slinging his rifle over his shoulder, seized Badshah'sears and was lifted again to his place astride the neck.

  Once more the jungle closed about them, as the elephant moved off. Therider, unslinging his rifle and laying it across his thighs, glanced fromside to side as they proceeded. The forest grew more open. The undergrowththinned; and occasionally they came to open glades carpeted with tallbracken and looking almost like an English wood. But the great boughs ofthe giant trees were matted thick with the glossy green leaves of orchidplants, from which drooped long trails of delicate mauve and white flowers.

  Just as they were emerging from dense undergrowth on to such a glade,Dermot's eye was caught by something moving ahead of them. He checkedBadshah; and they remained concealed in in the thick vegetation. Thenthrough the trees came a trim little _kakur_ buck, stepping daintily inadvance of his doe which followed a few yards behind. As they moved theirlong ears twitched incessantly, pointing now in this, now in that,direction for any sound that might warn them of danger. But they did notdetect the hidden peril. Dermot noiselessly raised his rifle, aimedhurriedly at the leader's shoulder and fired. The loud report sounded likethunder through the silent forest. The stricken buck sprang convulsivelyinto the air, then fell in a heap; while his startled mate leaped over hisbody and disappeared in bounding flight.

  At the touch of his rider's foot the elephant moved forward into the open;and without waiting for him to sink down Dermot slid to the ground. Oldhunter that he was, the Major could never repress a feeling of pity when helooked on any harmless animal that he had shot; and he had long ago givenup killing such except for food. He propped his rifle against a tree and,taking off his coat and rolling up his sleeves, drew his _kukri_ andproceeded to disembowel and clean the _kakur_. While he was thus employedBadshah strayed away into the jungle to graze, for elephants feedincessantly.

  When Dermot had finished his unpleasant task, it still remained to bind thebuck's legs together and tie him on to Badshah's back. For this he wouldneed cords; but he relied on the inexhaustible jungle to supply him withthese.

  While searching for the udal tree whose inner bark would furnish him withlong, tough strips, he heard a crashing in the undergrowth not far away,but, concluding that it was caused by Badshah, he did not trouble to lookround. Having got the cordage that he needed, he turned to go back to thespot where he had left the _kakur_. As he fought his way impatientlythrough the thorny tangled vegetation, he again heard the breaking of twigsand the trampling down of the undergrowth. He glanced in the direction ofthe sound, expecting to see Badshah appear.

  To his dismay his eyes fell on a strange elephant, a large double-tusker.It had caught sight of him and, contrary to the usual habit of its kind,was advancing towards him instead of retreating. This showed that it wasthe most terrible of all wild animals, a man-killing "rogue" elephant, thanwhich there is no more vicious or deadly brute on the earth.

  Dermot instantly recognised his danger. It was very great. His rifle wassome distance away, and before he could reach it the tusker would probablyovertake him. He stopped and stood still, hoping that the rogue had notcaught sight of him. But he saw at once that there was no doubt of this.The brute had its murderous little eyes fixed on him and was quickening itspace. The undergrowth that almost held the man a prisoner was no obstacleto this powerful beast.

  Dermot realised that it meant to attack him. His heart nearly stopped, forhe knew the terrible death that awaited him. He had seen the crushedbodies, battered to pulp and with the limbs torn away, of men killed byrogue elephants. The only hope of escape, a faint one, lay in flight.

  Madly he strove to tear himself free from the clutching thorns and the gripof the entangling creepers that held him. He flung all his weight into hisefforts to fight his way out clear of the malignant vegetation, that seemeda cruel, living thing striving to drag him to his death. The elephant sawhis desperate struggles. It trumpeted shrilly and, with head held high,trunk curled up, and the lust of murder in its heart, it charged.

  The tangled network of interlaced undergrowth parted like gossamer beforeit. Small trees went down and the tallest bushes were trampled flat; thestoutest creepers broke like pack-thread before its weight.

  Dermot tore himself free from the clutch of the last clinging, curvingthorns that rent his garments and cut deep into his flesh. Gainingcomparatively open ground he ran for his life. But he had lost all sense ofdirection and could not remember where his rifle stood. Escape seemedhopeless. He knew only too well that in the jungle a pursuing elephant willalways overtake a fleeing man. The trees offered no refuge, for the lowestbranches were high above his reach and the trunks too thick and straight toclimb. He fled, knowing that each moment might be his last. A false step, atrip over a root or a creeper and he was lost. He would be gored, batteredto death, stamped out of existence, torn limb from limb by the viciousbrute.

  The rogue was almost upon him. He swerved suddenly and with failing breathand fiercely beating heart ran madly on. But the respite was momentary. Hishead was dizzy, his legs heavy as lead, his strength almost gone. He couldhear the terrible pursuer only a few yards behind him.

  Already the great beast's uncurled trunk was stretched out to seize itsprey. Dermot's last moment had come when, with a fierce, shrill scream, ahuge body burst out of the jungle and hurled itself at his assailant.Badshah had come to the rescue of his man.

  Before the rogue could swing round to meet him the gallant animal hadcharged furiously into it, driving his single tusk with all his immenseweight behind it into the strange elephant's side. The shock staggered themurderous brute and almost knocked it to the ground. Only the fact of itshaving turned slightly at Badshah's cry, so that his tusk inflicted asomewhat slanting blow, had saved it from a mortal wound. Before it couldrecover its footing Badshah gored it again.

  Dermot, plucked at the last moment from the most terrible of deaths,staggered panting to a tree and tried to stand, supporting himself againstthe trunk. But the strain had been too great. He turned faint and sankexhausted to the earth, almost unconscious. But the remembrance ofBadshah's peril from a better-armed antagonist--for the possession of twotusks gave the rogue a great advantage--nerved him. Holding on to the treehe dragged himself up and looked around for his rifle. He could not see it,and he dared not cross the arena in which the two huge combatants werefighting.

  As Badshah drew back to gain impetus for another charge, the rogue regainedits feet and prepared to hurl itself on the unexpected assailant. Dermotwas in despair at being unable to aid his saviour, who he feared mustsuccumb to the superior weapons of his opponent. He gazed fascinated at thetitanic combat.

  The rogue trumpeted a shrill challenge. Then it curled its trunk betweenits tusks out of harm's way and with ears cocked forward and tail erectrushed to the assault. But suddenly it propped on stiffened forelegs
andstopped dead. It stared at Badshah, who was about to charge again, andbacked slowly, seemingly panic-stricken. Then as the tame elephant movedforward to the attack the rogue screamed with terror, swung about, and withears and tail dropped, bolted into the undergrowth.

  With a trumpet of triumph Badshah pursued. Dermot, left alone, couldhardly credit the passing of the danger. The whole episode seemed ahideous nightmare from which he had just awaked. He could scarcelybelieve that it had actually taken place, although the trampledvegetation and the crashing sounds of the great animals' progressthrough the undergrowth were evidence of its reality. The need foraction had not passed. The rogue might return, for a fight between wildbull-elephants often lasts a whole day and consists of short anddesperate encounters, retreats, pursuits, and fresh battles. So hehurriedly searched for his rifle, which he eventually found somedistance away. He opened the breach and replaced the soft-nosed bulletswith solid ones, more suitable for such big game. Then, once morefeeling a strong man armed, he waited expectantly. The sounds of thechase had died away. But after a while he heard a heavy body forcing apassage through the undergrowth and held his rifle ready. Then throughthe tangle of bushes and creepers Badshah's head appeared. The elephantcame straight to him and touched him all over with outstretched trunk,just as mother-elephants do their calves, as if to assure himself of hisman's safety.

  Dermot could have kissed the soft, snake-like proboscis, and he patted theanimal affectionately and murmured his thanks to him. Badshah seemed tounderstand him and wrapped his trunk around his friend's shoulders. Then,apparently satisfied, he moved away and began to graze calmly, as ifnothing out of the common had taken place.

  Dermot pulled himself together. Near the foot of the tree at which he hadsunk down he found the cord-like strips of bark which he had cut. Pickingthem up he went to the carcase of the buck and tied its legs together. Awhistle brought the elephant to him, and, hoisting the deer on to the pad,he fastened it to the surcingle. Then, grasping the elephant's ears, he waslifted to his place on the neck.

  Turning Badshah's head towards home he started off; but, as he went, helooked back at the trampled glade and thanked Heaven that his body was notlying there, crushed and lifeless.


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