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Tempting Elizabeth

Page 18

by Becca Jameson

  “Of course,” she murmured. Duh. He owned a restaurant. That didn’t necessarily mean the man could cook though, or that he enjoyed doing so. My God, her mouth watered as he cut into the quiche and served her a large slice.

  After pouring her a glass of juice, he slid into the seat next to her and cut another piece for himself. “I couldn’t remember you ever mentioning anything you don’t like or any allergies. I hope this is okay.”

  She shook her head as she picked up her fork. “I like most foods, and I’m not allergic to anything. This smells divine.” The first bite melted in her mouth, and she closed her eyes and moaned as she slowly chewed and swallowed.

  When she met his gaze, he was smiling at her. “I pass?”

  “I take back everything I assumed about men. You’re nothing like my dad.” That admission slipped out without hesitation. Maybe there was hope for them after all.

  “How do you know for sure? Maybe I’m about to demand you clean the kitchen, barefoot.”

  She smirked at him. “Are you?”


  “Okay then. You’re still in the safe zone.”

  He reached out with one hand and set it over her free one. “Elizabeth, I’m far from perfect, but I appreciate the insight into what makes you tick, and I’ll do my best to make sure you never feel pressured to do anything around me. No matter how long this thing between us lasts, I will always treat you as my equal. You’re not my servant.”

  “What about when you’re dominating me?” She trembled as she considered how that would make her feel.

  “Mmm.” He finished swallowing his bite and leaned toward her again. “I’ve never dominated anyone in my home. It’s something that has always happened at the club. So, I can’t say for sure what our dynamic might be, but for now, let’s stick to planned scenes that only occur in the bedroom.”

  She considered his words. How did he always manage to say and do the right things? She stared at him as he continued eating, wondering if maybe there was something between them that could last. The thought shocked her, but it didn’t scare her as badly as it would have a week ago.

  When they finished eating, she helped him load the dishwasher side by side. Afterward, he led her back to the bedroom and straight through to the bathroom. “Let’s shower.” He turned on the water and then turned to pull her T-shirt over her head, dropping it on the floor without looking.

  She stepped closer, suddenly feeling like doing far more than simply showering. The man looked delicious with his bare chest and nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants that sat low on his hips. She tucked her fingers into the waistband and hauled them over his hips. “Just shower?”

  He drew in a sharp breath as she wrapped her hand around his cock. His groan filled the room, and he rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “I don’t want to pressure you. I figure you need time after last night. I want to take a shower with you, but that doesn’t have to lead to sex.”

  She smoothed her other hand around to his fantastic ass and gripped it while sliding her palm up and down his erection. “I don’t need time. I need you to erase what he did. Replace it with a better memory.”

  Flynn’s hands landed on her butt and then trailed up to her sides, his fingers grazing along the edges of her breasts. He leaned down to kiss her, and this time he didn’t stop with just a peck. He granted her one of his mind-numbing, life-altering kisses. The kind that made her knees weak and the world disappear. Just how she needed it.

  Without breaking the kiss, he backed them into the shower and shut the door. The steam and hot water filled the space, making it easier to slide her fingers up and down his shaft. She loved the feel of him in her palm. Firm and thick and hard. So much power.

  Flynn grabbed her hand to still her and then pulled it off his cock. “Let me take care of you first, E. Please.”

  She tipped her head back. “Dominate me, Flynn.”

  He hesitated, but then cupped her chin and kissed her again, when he pulled back this time, he turned her around. “Hands flat on the tile above your head. If you move them, I’ll spank you. If you can keep them there, I’ll make you come so hard you won’t know your name.”

  Her entire body came fully alive at his words. Once again, she was letting a man dominate her. Not just any man. Flynn. The only man she’d considered opening up to in over a decade. He melted her in an instant, and it was so fucking good.

  She planted her palms on the tile and spread her feet apart. Her breasts felt heavy. Her pussy was swollen and wet, but he wouldn’t know that last part. She hoped her legs would hold her up if he intended to make her come standing in the shower.

  He slid his hands up her sides until he reached her breasts, cupping them and molding them in his palms. When he pinched both her nipples at once, she whimpered.

  “That’s so sexy, E. I love the noises you make.”

  She set her forehead on the tile, unable to respond, already putty in his hands.

  Still gripping one breast, he slid his other hand down over her belly and reached between her legs. The moment he stroked her clit, she gasped, rising up onto her toes.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re so wet for me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He thrust two fingers into her and then flattened his chest to her back, still whispering in her ear. “You’re incredibly horny, E. How many times have you made yourself come since I was last inside you?”

  She shivered. “None, Sir.” She hadn’t had the time or been in the right frame of mind to masturbate. Every time she’d thought about taking out her vibrator in the last few days, she’d decided against it.

  “Why’s that, E?”

  She licked her lips and forced herself to admit the truth, albeit in a faint voice. “Because I knew it wouldn’t be as satisfying. Now that I’ve had you.”

  He groaned into her ear. “That makes me so hard, E.”

  Good. They were even.

  Flynn rubbed his cock against her lower back as he fingered her.

  She lost all ability to focus on anything but his fingers and how damn good it felt to have his body wrapped around her, his hand on her breast, his other fingers fucking her. When he flattened his thumb on her clit, she lost it, the orgasm slamming into her so fast it took her breath away. She never came this fast, not even when she controlled the pace, the exact spot, and the pressure.

  Her entire body trembled as she realized he was holding her up with a knee between her legs. She was gasping for air too, as if she’d had a hard workout when really, she had done nothing but stand there, and it had taken only minutes to get her off.

  She wanted to return the favor, but when she turned around and reached for his cock, he swatted her hand away playfully and grabbed the shampoo. “Let me wash you, then we’ll move to the bed. I need to be inside you, and I don’t have a condom in the shower. Though, that’s the first thing I’m going to rectify after we recover.” He gave her a lopsided smile that melted her heart.

  “I haven’t been with anyone but you in fucking forever, Flynn. You could pull out,” she suggested.

  He sighed and gave her hair a tug. “Close your eyes, imp.” As he rubbed her scalp, he continued. “I promise I’m clean. It’s been a while for me too, but I still won’t take that kind of liberty with you. You’ll always be protected with me, E.”

  He was too good to be real. “Why don’t you have a girlfriend or a wife or at least a submissive?” she asked, keeping her eyes squeezed shut.

  “I guess I’ve been busy. When I first moved back to Miami, I had my hands full with my father’s funeral and my mother’s mourning and the restaurant. I put all my energy into making sure nothing fell through the cracks for my family. I joined Zodiac, and went there often, but I never met anyone I wanted something more with. You’re the first woman I’ve brought to my house.” He continued to massage her scalp, forcing her to relax even though her mind was still stuck on his previous concern about pro
tecting her. From what? She worried he meant pregnancy.

  She wondered if he realized how old she was. At forty-two, her chances of getting pregnant were dwindling. And then she wondered if he wanted kids. He was younger than her. Thirty-eight. He was a family man. He could easily still have a dozen children if he wanted, but not with her.

  She’d never even considered having kids. Like marriage, she just didn’t see it in the cards. She wouldn’t want any child to feel even a tenth of what she felt growing up. It scared her enough that she put it out of her mind. With men and relationships and everything family.

  Flynn finished washing her and then washed himself and made sure all the soap was rinsed from their bodies. She loved how he took care of her. It made her heart expand and a tingly feeling spread over her body.

  He led her from the shower and dried her off in record time, his erection bobbing in front of him. Normally, she would’ve giggled at how comical the scene was with him hurrying to get inside her, except it wasn’t funny. It was erotic.

  He swatted her bare ass. “On the bed, hands and knees.”

  She scurried from the room to do as he asked, positioning herself in the middle of the mattress.

  Flynn followed her, yanked the drawer to the bedside table open, and grabbed a condom. Two seconds later, he was suited up and climbing behind her. He kneeled between her thighs and grabbed her butt cheeks. “Lower to your elbows, E. I want your tits to graze the mattress.” His voice was deeper than before. Sultry. Sexy.

  She dropped to her elbows, setting her forehead on the bed. This position made her even more vulnerable, and surprisingly hornier. Because it was Flynn making the demands. Because she trusted him. Because she wanted this more than anything in the world.

  Instead of thrusting into her like she expected, he continued to mold his fingers to her butt, pulling her cheeks apart, exposing her rear hole. She wondered what his intentions were, but bit her lip, forcing herself not to ask. She didn’t care. If he wanted to take her there, she wouldn’t stop him. The thought was heady and exciting. It would be another first. So many of her experiences with him were firsts. A forty-two-year-old woman who’d never had anal sex. She’d used plugs with herself. But she’d never done anything anal with other people. It was so intimate. Exposing. Imagining anal sex in her fantasies wasn’t the same as actually having a man touch her there.

  Flynn’s fingers reached between her legs and found her folds. He gathered her arousal and circled her clit, repeating the action several times until she lost herself in the sensations and forgot about the tighter hole he was still exposing with his other hand.

  When he dragged her wetness up to that tighter channel, circling the rim, she arched her back and moaned. “Has anyone taken you here, E?”

  “No, Sir.” She lifted her head and turned her face toward him. “I’m not opposed to it though, Sir.”

  He lifted a brow. “Is that so?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She winced as she returned her forehead to the mattress.

  “You’re not trying to top me, are you?”

  “No, Sir.” Oh, but she kinda had been.

  “Liar.” He gave a slight chuckle and swatted her ass. “I’m going to let it slide this one time because I shouldn’t have sprung that on you without warning. We’ll discuss it when you’re not submitting. For now, I’m going to fuck your pussy, but I’m going to tease this tight rim while I do so, driving you crazy. When I’m done, you’re going to wish I’d slid inside your ass, E.”

  She sucked in a breath. Damn, he was good. With words and with actions. “Yes, Sir,” she murmured.

  Flynn thrust into her a moment later, taking her breath away. He also made her arousal shoot through the roof because he flicked her clit with one thumb while pressing the pad of his other thumb against her forbidden entrance.

  She cried out at all the sensations assaulting her at once. Her legs trembled as he continued, thrusting in and out of her, his fingers working their magic on both her clit and her rim. Bombarded with an overload of stimulation, she started to moan and couldn’t stop.

  That must have pushed him over the edge because a moment later, he thrust one last time, deeper than before, and groaned out his release. His fingers kept rubbing her clit though, and seconds later, she followed him over the edge.

  They remained like that for several long moments, her ears ringing, his fingers slowly easing off her. When he finally pulled out and helped her drop to her side, she could do no more than blink at him while he padded from the room and returned a few minutes later with a washcloth.

  Flynn was so damn gentle as he rolled her to her back and spread her legs to clean her. She couldn’t imagine where he got the energy. She didn’t even have the wherewithal to speak yet. Nor could she have formed sentences.

  Finally, he climbed up beside her, gathered her in his arms, and pulled the covers over them. “I think we need a nap.”

  She smiled. They’d been up less than an hour, but she had to agree. They hadn’t slept long enough in the night. Without a single concern, she closed her eyes and slid into slumber.

  Chapter 28

  The next week flew by. Every day was easier. At first, Elizabeth felt strange about having bared her soul to Flynn. She felt raw and exposed. But he didn’t say or do anything to make her feel like the freak she’d always considered herself. It was as if each day, the problems that had weighed her down for so long slowly slipped away. They didn’t hold power over her anymore. She let them go to replace them with new memories. With Flynn.

  She spent most of her mornings in Flynn’s office. Her tension had eased further when the police informed her that Sean, which was surprisingly his real name, was being held without bond. Apparently, he had attacked several women in the last few months. The fact that they had a DNA match meant some of the other women hadn’t been as fortunate as Elizabeth. That saddened her, but at least she didn’t have to worry about him coming after her if he was locked up.

  Elizabeth was busy planning the best damn event Miami had ever seen. She was going way overboard with this project because she was a perfectionist, had nothing better to do, and really wanted to knock this event out of the park. She wanted it to be perfect. She wanted Flynn’s mom to be pleased. She’d found she wanted his family to like her. The more time she spent with each of them, the more comfortable she felt.

  Each day one of his siblings came by. She realized by the second day that they were taking turns checking her out. She tried not to giggle as she pictured what each of their roles was in the wedding plans. She figured Rick, the fireman, had the bachelor party all worked out. Paula, the yoga instructor, probably had a bridesmaid’s spa day planned. Damon, the teacher, was undoubtedly proofreading the bulletin. And that left Shelly. The woman was about to pop, and when she came in on the fourth day, Thursday, she was holding her belly and wincing every now and then.

  She worried Elizabeth the most because Flynn doted on her. She was the baby of the family, and Flynn seemed beyond excited to meet his niece or nephew. Elizabeth watched him and knew they needed to have a talk before too long. She was forty-two. At her age, kids weren’t likely in her future, and he seemed like a man who would make a great father.

  After Shelly left, Flynn leaned back in his desk chair, hands behind his head and met her gaze from across the room.

  “What?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Somethings off with you today. You okay?”

  “Yep.” She glanced away. Shit. She hadn’t controlled her concerns about Flynn and kids. She didn’t really want to get into it right now either.

  “Okay…” He let that word drawl out. “Is this about last night then?”

  She furrowed her brow. “What about last night? Nope. I said nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.” They’d gone to the club last night, their first time since entering into a more committed relationship. Everything had gone smoothly. She’d dominated a few people. He’d dominated a few people. Neither of them had included
anything sexual. Other than the fact that some members might have seen them come in together, they didn’t interact in a way that would raise eyebrows.

  Elizabeth had insisted before he picked her up that she didn’t mind people knowing they were a couple, but he’d just as fervently refused to address that possibility yet. He’d said there was no rush.

  In truth, the night had not been as fulfilling as every other time she’d come to a club. Not by a long shot. It felt flat. Forced. Unnatural to her. She found herself staring at him often, wishing his hands were on her instead of someone else. She put her full concentration into the two subs she scened with, but her heart hadn’t been in it.

  Flynn sighed, dropping his arms and leaning forward. “Okay, but I want to talk about it later. I want to take your pulse. You’ve been off all morning, so either something bothered you last night, or something got under your skin this morning.”


  He held up a hand. “Not now. Not here. And I need to work late tonight. My staff is shorthanded. I’m not sure what time I’ll get off.”

  She nodded. “It happens. Don’t worry. I’ll find some way to occupy my time. I managed to get through every evening without you before we started seeing each other. I bet I can handle one night alone,” she teased, forcing what she hoped was a silly smile.

  In truth, the thought actually made her feel a bit lost. They had seen each other every day for at least part of the day at work and every night they’d had dinner together. Monday, he had been a perfect gentleman and dropped her off at home with nothing more than a kiss. She wasn’t sure what he was trying to prove, but she said nothing. If he wanted to keep his clothes on, she certainly didn’t want to seem like a total lush inviting him in for sex.

  Tuesday, he’d made up for it by ravishing her right inside her door almost before they shut it. He’d left her still panting, however, to sleep by herself.


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