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Bonded by Fae's Magic

Page 8

by Amelia Wilson

  Rowan opened the paper, his thumb running over an ornament made of clay, filled with dents from fingers trying to make it into a perfect shape. It was broken into two even pieces. His said, “Be, Bud.”

  “Oh, I have the other half,” Mia said, holding up her clay ornament. Together, they spelled ‘Best Buddies.’

  "It's great," Rowan said as he carefully put it in his pocket.

  "It's our promise," Mia said seriously. "Even though you're moving, we can still come here whenever you want. I'll even ride my bike to your new house on weekends."

  Rowan slipped off of the rock, heading for the path towards home. “That sounds dangerous,” he said.

  “Not if I wear a helmet,” Mia said with a smile as she followed after him.

  “That’s not what I meant, dummy,” Rowan said.

  “Excuse me?” Mia said. She was about to nudge him again, when Rowan froze in his tracks. Mia crashed into the puff of his jacket.

  “Don’t move,” Rowan whispered; his breath harsh and as cold as the air around them. Mia felt the warmth drain from her skin as she glanced over his shoulder.

  Just ahead, a dark cluster moved in front of them, barely making a sound. Mia hid behind Rowan without getting another look.

  “What is it?” She whispered, but Rowan shushed her. Then, she could hear them. A low collection of growls and heavy sniffs. In all their trips to the woods, it had never crossed Mia’s mind that there would be wolves lurking in the trees. There wasn’t supposed to be any evil here, not out in these beautiful woods, and she had taken this blissful ignorance for granted.

  The sound was getting closer now. Mia reached out for Rowan’s hand, terrified. It was warm and comforting, even in the moment that might be their last. Rowan held on to her fingers tightly as he tried to take another step towards the trail, back to the safety of the neighborhood. It wasn’t far, but the wolves became more uneasy with each step they took. Mia risked another peek, and could see them more clearly now. They were large. Their dark coats, of various browns and greys, were matted with dirt and – what looked like – blood. Their lips curled dangerously around their razor-like teeth in cruel sneers.

  “What do we do?” Mia said, hot tears now welling in her eyes. She looked at her hand in Rowan’s, startled to find that he was just as scared as she was. He was trembling as he dared another step. But the wolves wouldn’t let him this time. They inched closer, growling louder now in warning…or was it hunger?

  After what felt like hours, Rowan’s voice cracked as he told Mia,

  “You have to run.”

  "Me? Why just me?" Mia whispered in a panic. "We can both go."

  Rowan's shaggy hair shook back and forth. "We won't make it. Run and get my parents. Okay?"

  Mia shook her head, though Rowan couldn't see.

  Rowan clutched her fingers tighter. "Mia, I'm going to be okay, but you need to go," he said, eyeing their death about to circle them. "I'm going to count to three," Rowan said. "You run for the trail." Another snarl interrupted him. Mia jumped at the sound.

  "One…" Mia leaned her cheek against Rowan's back, feeling the roughness of his jacket on her skin. She could swear she could hear his heart pounding. It could have been her own.

  "Two…" Rowan said. He sounded as if he were going to cry.

  "Rowan…" Mia started.


  The world became a blur as Rowan left her. Mia ran, almost floated, towards the trail. She couldn't even feel her feet pounding on the ground, just the cold air and the hammering of her heartbeat in her ears as she sprinted for her life, for Rowan's life. She only looked back once, and she wished that she hadn't. All she saw was a wild flurry of dark fur and a sliver of Rowan's blue jacket as he disappeared into the trees with the wolves. Panic swallowed Mia whole, propelling her forward as her feet somehow found the pavement…

  Hours went by as she sat in front of the door to her backyard. She watched the trees, waiting, trying not to cry. Finally, she pulled open the door and ran outside as a figure clumsily emerged from the trees. Rowan’s father slid down the hill from the forest and bounded towards the street.

  “I need to get to a hospital!” He cried out in terror. Others arrived, neighbors that had heard; Rowan’s mother too. Mia went as white as a sheet at the sight of the mangled figure passing by. Rowan was pale, a ghost of a boy, his head lolled back across his father’s arms. There was so much blood, seeping into his shredded clothes, and dripping onto the grass.

  “Rowan!” Mia called, but Rowan didn’t even stir. She chased after his father, seeing only the tuft of chestnut hair, now matted with blood.

  It happened so fast. Rowan was thrown into his family's car. Mia ran for the side door of the car, pulling at the handle.

  "I want to go with him!" She cried, but her own mother held her back. Mia choked on her tears as she watched the car pass under the streetlights that were just flickering on. It turned a corner and disappeared.

  Mia didn’t know that she would not see him again…not for another fifteen years.

  Continue reading Seeking The Alpha novel on Amazon…


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  ∞ Amelia ∞


  Amelia Wilson has dedicated her life to writing. She is a firm believer in the power of love to conquer all, and her works reflect this belief. Her paranormal romances are known for their love stories, action and suspense. She creates immersive worlds that are rich in detail and full of emotion.

  Amelia can be contacted at her Facebook page or through her newsletter.



  Love Beyond the wall

  Sight of Love

  Claimed by Love

  In Love with the Enemy

  Love for you Alone

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  Rune Sword

  Rune Master

  Rune Hunter

  Rune King's Daughter

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  Aeon Fugitive

  Aeon War

  Aeon Ending

  Sensual Abduction Series Box Set


  Bearly Deniable

  Hunting for Love

  The Soul of a Bear

  UnBearable Romance Series





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  Rival Love

  Strong Love

  Magic Love

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  Prisoner of Avrox

  Champion of Avrox

  Secrets of Avrox


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  Forbidden Reunion



  Ignition (Jan 18)




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