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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

Page 19

by Michael W. Huard

  Sinaye knew very well that even if they stayed out in the swamp area of Pine Haven, they should still expect someone to come looking for them. They had been seen leaving the boat, and she knew it was coming.

  “They still don’t know us, but yeah, I’m ready either way. It feels good to be out in the open air.”

  The white adorned cyborg agreed wholeheartedly.

  “It feels amazing.”

  Both knew a few details to keep in mind here on Pine Haven. A red-headed woman who liked to dress elaborately and wear giant green glasses was part of the leadership. They saw her earlier. Her name was given to them as Barb Deville, or Miss Deville, as people called her. Second, the top dog on the isle was Juan Ravel, a short, dark-haired fellow of a Hispanic look. He had not been spotted yet.

  The soldiers here wore camo suits to blend in with the woodland areas and swampy grounds. The ladies set up a lookout point on a high rise in a swampy section that gave them a good view of anyone that would come for them.


  More and more ships had now arrived from Mars. Omagus, with no resistance and a recent verbal agreement from President Purcell, went about implementing his plan. The robot now had good sized robotic army at his beck and call.

  President Purcell gave amnesty to Jerry Bends and the alliance members, who had stepped down fighting him. They were not subject to being lab rats for Omagus. The surrender of these fractions and dismantling of the sisterhood were all steps in the right direction for the Y-Wood Corporation.

  So, it was now Omagus and his army moved ahead.

  His new world order was being carried out in various regions of the country.

  Panic and fear were at an all-time high in old America as of late.

  The standard of gold, silver, and bronze citizenship terrified the nation, not to mention an army of red and black Martian-made robots carrying out the task of labeling human beings.

  Just when the fallen remains of a nation thought things could not get worse, a new nightmare surfaced.

  There were no announcements, not on the radio or via online bulletins. Word of mouth spread about these lifestyle and standards. All were made to register for the credentials. Those who resisted paid a stiff price. No more prisons; you were enslaved to work for the bots or shot on the spot.

  It had begun with imprisonments, for those who fought this new system. But soon Omagus became sick of the human defiance.

  Any attacks on Omagus and his regime saw retaliation with chemical attacks, people being put in gas chambers, executions, and outright decreasing of the human population. The Martian-bot army was flying from state to state, region to region now.

  If a vessel arrived in your area of the country, shock and despair followed. Humans slowly were becoming third-rate citizens; all were being labeled bronze as their status. Of course, a few here and there that were helpful for spying and military assistance were given silver status.

  After a week of such new world order progression, it was not long before that the people called for Y-Wood to put an end to this madness. The Corporation was being asked to be the land’s savior. President Purcell liked what he was hearing. As for BSR1, he was no fan. Working beside the lunatic Omagus in any sort of way…well, he knew it was dangerous.

  Spying was next for Sinaye and Tyne.

  Both, after waiting a few days and not being pursued, went about looking for an opportunity to see the atrocities that this island was known to partake in.

  As they made way through a swampy section, they spotted a group of men coming their way.

  “Stop right there,” one of the soldiers yelled out. “What are you doing here? Are you involved with the attack?”

  Before either could reply, another soldier called forth, “Drop down to your knees and place your hands behind your head.”

  Another two men to the right appeared, making it now a total of five overall. He pointed to Sin, calling out, “Do not touch that gun on your side.”

  He then looked closer at Tyne Gem. “This one, men, she might be a borg; it’s hard to tell. Don't you try anything either,” he added.

  It was then that Sinaye spoke out. “You guys are doing bad things out here. I'm guessing you’re mercenaries, hired hands, and to be honest, it’s not too late to try and clean your hands of some of the mess that you've been a part of.”

  The soldier who had last spoke, he wearing a black beret on his head, looked at her with an odd expression.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” He then walked up closer, putting the end of his rifle at Sin’s forehead.

  It was then that Sinaye did an interesting move. She lowered her head forward, under the barrel of the gun, then snapped it upward, which made him shoot out over her head. She then dropped to her left and roundhouse kicked him in the knee. It buckled the guard over and just then she sat back and stomp kicked his face, thus knocking him out on impact.

  The other guys were threatening them now guns raised and hollering. But each were distracted by the fight prior just enough to allow Tyne to extend her arms into duel laser rifles. She fired out multiple shots at two of the guards, dropping them almost instantaneously. The other guy in the three-pack fired at her and she dodged to the left. The bullet went right over her right shoulder. He shot again at her.

  This time she went right but was grazed on her right shoulder. It did not seem to faze her as she ran right at him leaping on his chest.

  He almost fell back, but was able to shove her to the wet grass under him now. She wasted no time grabbing both his ankles and hoisting him backwards. She then got on top of him.

  He was a tough sucker, and bridged her off of him getting back to his feet.

  He came at her, leaning over to strike the cyborg, but Tyne was too quick. She grabbed his wrist and placed both feet on his stomach then launched him over her body in a circular-like throw that sent him crashing down on his head and neck. Something snapped as he hit a rocky area. He was now not moving yet moaning out that his collarbone was broken.

  The one remaining soldier took a stance now pointing his weapon at Sin. She fired at his fingers and he dropped his gun like a hot potato. Pissed off, he wanted a hand-to-hand fight with this crazy bitch.

  She smiled at him. “Come on! Bring it, big boy!’

  He yelled a war cry and charged at her, swinging to smash her in the face. She avoided it, moving to her left. He then punched with his left, which she slipped as well. Mad as hell, he grabbed her by the throat next.

  She ducked forward, releasing his grip, and then turned about, kicking him in the ribs.

  He grunted but came back at her.

  She then did a back kick, nailing him fully in the diaphragm. This sent him back, gasping for air.

  His buddy with the broken collarbone was slowly standing nearby, calling out, “Okay, okay, stop it. We’re just hired hands as you say. Stop! I think the people here have done horrible stuff, but that's not the only reason things are crazy right now. Something is here. Something has come to take over the island. I’m not kidding.”

  Those guards still alive gathered and all admitted they worked here but didn’t agree with what went on. They then began walking away from the women.

  Sin and Tyne looked at one another, not sure what to now do.

  “Hey,” Sin called to them. “What is it that’s here freaking you all out?”

  The guards all looked back, but did not answer.

  Sin then spotted the black beret hat and scooped it up out of the swampy grass.

  Tyne noticed. “Is that for you?”

  Sin shook her head no. “I got it for Mahira, a souvenir. I think she’ll like it! Should we go after those remaining guards or not?”

  Tyne thought it over for a second, but shook her head no.

  They then decided to stay the night under an open fire, still hidden from the main community buildings. Those men were going in the opposite direction. There was no need to follow them.

  When they finally settl
ed down for the evening, sitting in a small clearing, Tyne could not help ask Sin if she missed being on Saturn's moon. Also, more about the people there and of her connection with Resin.

  “I was thinking, from everything you've told us, there seems to have been some good things mixed in with the bad while you were out there,” the cyborg now added. She said this while pointing up into the sky.

  Sin nodded as she tossed another piece of wood on to the crackling fire.

  “The people that lived below within the water section of Enceladus are not much unlike the humans here on this planet. They are just built for the water and have adapted quite nicely. The thing is, there was no real hierarchy there. They just went about living and didn't know the difference of power and leaders and all that crap. Each worked to help one another, so to speak. So, in essence they were pretty happy.”

  Tyne liked hearing about races she had never encountered herself.

  “I bet they were pretty amazed at the things you and Resin could do, especially the technology aspects?”

  Sinaye smiled.

  “Oh yes; they were astounded, but we always felt like we were walking on thin water, trying to not overwhelm them with too much. Their hidden oasis was a peaceful domain. I didn't want to disturb them and change things.”

  “But you had to, right?” Tyne asked curiously. “You got lost out in a barbarian tribe world?”

  Sin sighed.

  “Yeah, that's when things got just a bit crazy. I don’t really speak of it much. Those people in that civilization were savage in their ways. The place was male dominated, a tribal setting where the males took what they wanted from the females and enslaved them day in and day out.

  “I felt the women’s pain and lived that lifestyle first hand. Brutal is all I can say.”

  Tyne frowned some now.

  “I am sorry that you had to experience that part, my friend.”

  “What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?” the robotic scientist replied.

  Tyne still wondered one more thing.

  “Now you had mentioned that you saved a young girl who lived in that region. You sent her on a spacecraft to a far-off planet, if I’m not mistaken. How are you feeling about that these days?”

  “I don't know.” Sin replied. “It just kind of happened at that moment. I can only hope that she got somewhere safer than the place she was before. It's kind of like a nightmare in my head, one that's replaying over and over again. But I can only hope for the best.”

  “I don't think I have as many human emotions as you do, being what I am,” Tyne replied. “But I have this never-ending database of knowledge and when you say things like you dwell on stuff, I too sometimes feel the same way. It’s the aspect of having so much knowledge running through my system; it's hard to find time to just calm oneself.”

  Sin knew exactly what she meant.

  “Well, it feels good to be out here. Whatever is going on, we're going to get to the bottom of it. We'll definitely track inland in the morning.”

  Tyne nodded. Sin could sleep. She would keep watch. The cyborg needed no sleep, ever!

  There had been no ceremonies so far, but perhaps soon, thought Tyne. The evening passed uneventfully.

  In the morning, the pair got closer and closer to the buildings of this community, and that's when they noticed a heated discussion was outside.

  Tyne focused her long-range eyesight, looking closer into the matter.

  She saw that many of the doors in the various buildings had been broken and busted open.

  A few people were moving about in panic, calling out to others to hurry and leave the area with them.

  Something was definitely wrong here.

  Sinaye scanned about as well.

  “I don't know what’s going on. This is kind of strange. Let’s move up.”

  It was then a massive red and black flyer was spotted above, flying over them. The women hid, but after came closer, peering through the woods where the ship had headed

  In a clearing of tall grass, several more were spotted grounded. Both looked at each other, puzzled at what was before them.

  “This isn't right,” Sin declared.

  Her cyborg sister studied the writings on the ships, which were weird at first to her.

  “I don't understand the name. They say Alpha Omegas GB 1. Others say the same but with a new number at the end of the tag. They’re not Corporation vessels. I'll tell you that much.”

  The two women now saw several robotic soldiers walking about the perimeter by the vessels. One stopped and stooped, then turned to look back at them.

  “It’s better we get out of here right now,” Tyne said, pulling Sin with her. “No time to debate. We’ve been spotted. Let’s move.”

  They ran in the dense woods, but it was soon Sin saw several bots now running beside them, no more than 25 yards to their left.

  “We cannot avoid a fight,” she announced, slowing down. “Better to get a good position. Over there. Let’s use those thicker trees as coverage.”

  The bots had already cut more towards them now and one was calling out for the ladies to stop. “Halt your escape, or you will be eliminated. Lower your weapons and surrender.”

  “Fat chance,” Tyne whispered to her sister. “My rifles are on the way. Let’s see how good their aim is?”

  Sin nodded, drawing her pistol.

  An ensuing blasting of laser beams ran through the trees as each side began with heavy fire at one another.

  “More are going to come soon,” Sin noted. “We should try and lose them.”

  Tyne thought it over. “Well, I can blur their vision if you want?”

  “That sounds good to me,” Sin replied. “This could go on all day.”

  The cyborg adjusted her arm artillery and fired several smoke grades into the robots’ area. The woods filled up fast and both women slipped back some and headed away from the landing spot of whatever these odd red and black robots represented.


  Realizing very well that these robots were not connected to the leaders of this island, the plan of scoping out the audacity that these islanders had committed had changed now.

  Whether it was wrong or right, it did not matter. There were innocent people here, and the girls had to get to them to help. Both Q-Jin slipped into the woods again and skirted around the building on the other side.

  It was there they saw robots entering many of the buildings, soon dragging the islanders out and declaring that they were now under the jurisdiction of the Godbot Omagus.

  In a drone-like voice, a black and red robot announced to a group gathered, “It is he who sets the law now. You are to be labeled bronze citizens, the lowest level of lifestyle.” Then these robots took these humans’ arms and branded them.

  They used a device that burned into their flesh with no remorse. After, it showed a round metal-like design colored in bronze, like an award medal.

  “This is sick,” Sin said, turning to her cyborg companion, who was watching closely. “We have to do something.”

  Tyne immediately stated, “You’re correct, this is not right. I think these are soldiers from the ship that landed on the Empire State Building. There's no doubt a rift with these people has come about with the Y-Wood people.”

  “This could definitely work in our favor,” Sin replied. “But for the time being, the people here need us, even though they have evidently done many evil things themselves. Follow me. Let’s circle behind these buildings and come around to the other side.”

  And off they went.

  The two of them eventually came to a long, narrow building. It appeared to be some sort of hospital or medical complex. Here, they slipped in through a side door which the cyborg easily unlocked.

  Inside, they stumbled upon a woman in a red dress with red hair. She wore thick green glasses and appeared to be packing up a bag of various things in one of the medical offices.

  It was the woman they had seen on the docks on f
irst arriving.

  She turned to the women and said, “Who the hell are you two?” Then she gazed closer. “Wait, I saw you earlier. Did you make the Martian robots attack us?”

  Tyne did a facial recognition and scanned the woman, while Sin pondered the word Martian.

  The woman was not in her data base.

  But both she and Sinaye new it was Barb Deville, one of the island’s top leaders and founders.

  Sin wanted to punch her in the face but stayed calm enough to say, “We know what you've been doing on this island. Our young sister escaped a while back with the druid woman from the woods. Where are you keeping Miggie’s daughter?”

  Tyne then asked, “Are you connected to those robots in any way out there?”

  “Listen, we haven't done anything wrong here,” Barb Deville stated. “People make their own choices on this island. Yes, we're self-sufficient, but what you believe is right or wrong, well, that’s on your own conscience. We have done nothing, and no, these monsters outside just appeared out of nowhere.”

  “Where is the founder of the island?” Sin then asked with her hands in the air.

  “He's dead,” Barbara stated. “He and many of his soldiers tried to stop the robotic army from infiltrating everyone here. There's hardly anybody left; many guards have run away.”

  Tyne heard some commotion outside before turning to the woman talking with them. “What do these robots want, other than to label you in some sort of odd fashion?”

  “They’re telling everyone to gather at the meeting lodge and then they will explain the new laws that they are now in charge of governing. Some may go, but others here are running and trying to escape the island at this very moment.”

  Sin could not hold back.

  “What I should do is let you die with the others for what you have done here. We have seen some of the atrocities firsthand as we walked through this complex. The preservation of eyeballs and other bodily organs to be used and taken from the youth here is pathetic. You don't know how bad I want to smash your face in.”


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