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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

Page 25

by Michael W. Huard

  “What is it?” she then asked, frowning at the young man. “Spit it out. I can tell something’s up.”

  He nodded. “I need you to do something with me first. You’re not going to like it.”

  Sun raised an eyebrow. “We have very little time to do anything but get Karma and fly out of there without hesitation.”

  Johan curled his lip. “Actually, we will get her, but I have to meet with someone in that region too.”

  Sun raised her hands up. “And who would that be?”

  “Ummmmm, Galax.” Johan announced.

  Sun was taken aback. “Are you freaking nuts?”

  The curly-haired teen tried to fake a smile. “I’m dead serious,” he then replied. “We go way back. I think a conversation with him would be to our advantage.”

  “He’s a Corporation killing machine, you idiot. We’ll be toast if we encounter him. Didn’t he lead you on the bridge to fight your own mother? Do you expect him to have changed? No way. Nada!”

  “He once took me under his wing. I was named Trevor. The corporation took my memory, and Galax made me the elite marksman I am today while I went along with thinking they were the good guys. My robotics studies were one of the most fascinating things I dealt with. I studied spitters and showerheads daily and learned how robots can be taken down. They have weaknesses just like you and me. But mostly, I formed a relationship with Galax.

  “He was fascinated I could still remember my past. He once told me all the other taken kids had their minded wiped and implants put in their heads, but none could recall anything.

  “I have to say, Galax is different than Omagus. He sees the world unlike his brother. He could help us.”

  Sun spat out at such a thought. “Help us? He’s a super robot of Y-Wood. Why would he ever help us?”

  Johan took a long breathe. “He is unlike the other robots. You must trust me on this one, Sun. He has agreed to meet me, and I have to do this.”

  The fires that were being set by the Godbot’s Martian bots continued when resistance came about. However, the number of troops had been lowered considerably now that most were gathering in New York.

  Mahira and Victory were out in such a zone of resistance today, where fires were soon to demolish many areas in Hartford, Connecticut. In particular, a block in the city that was home to the Mark Twain House & Museum. The 1874 mansion contained thousands of artifacts from the past even still. The people there had gone to great lengths to keep it safe.

  The women’s ship zoomed in close to the area and started shooting down on the advancing red and black robots. Many tried to return fire but the vessel they sought was small and quick and soon out of range.

  They did it again and were able to take down several of the menacing fire-starting bots.

  “Yahoo!” yelled Mahira, who was driving the flyer wearing her new black hat. “It’s target practice and I love it!”

  Victory pushed back her long bright blonde hair next to her sister and almost threw up. This was wild and dangerous, but she held on still, loving every minute of it.

  They soon landed in a secluded spot, trying to stay out of sight.

  “Let’s circle around and get them from behind. Several have fallen back and are getting in their own ships now, seeking us out above. We’ll give them a surprise and then head to the inner-city spot where most of their numbers gather.”

  Victory followed Mahira.

  When they got to the landing area of the Martian bots, the women ducked down behind several large metal bins and watched as they boarded and flew up looking for them.

  “Let them be,” Mahira instructed. “There’s a clear path to the land units now. Let’s take it.” She then waved Victory to come with her and ran towards a nearby building area.

  The bots out threatening humans in the street had no idea what was coming up behind them. There were at least a dozen still there. They had flamethrowers in hand and the drones above them were now spitting out flames all about the city block.

  Victory pointed up at the drones and said, “I got those.” She then went about drawing her laser guns out. The young slayer then darted to her right, taking cover at the edge of a wide lamp post. She fired consecutive shots at the drones, making them malfunction and go up in flames themselves. They were simple in make and were taken down rather easily.

  Red and black bots spun about looking to see where the shots were coming from, and Mahira greeted them with a volley of her own before turning and running around a nearby building.

  Many of the bots now chased after her.

  The people about saw opportunity now and many attacked what was left of a half dozen bots trying to light more building on fire. This gave Victory time to get a better position and when she did, she added her own attacks directed at them. With the help of the humans who were fighting back, she took down the remaining bots out on the street.

  The six chasing after Mahira came around to see her nowhere in sight. One called out in a drone-like, auto-stimulated tone, “You’re under arrest. Resistance is futile. The Godbot will not be happy.”

  Mahira, who had climbed up a nearby fire ladder and was hiding above thought to herself, no shit he won’t be happy. And what the heck is a Godbot anyhow?

  She then fired her laser, dropping two of the six while jumping down between the other four.

  “Hey, boys!” she called out. “It’s been too long!”

  The bots were caught by surprise but still all tried to recover to shoot this rebel down. She was a resister in a strange red, white, and blue costume, an oddity if they had ever seen one.

  The first tried to shoot her in the face. Mahira knocked his gun aside, kneed him in the inner thigh, and disarmed the long rifle, turning it at him and shooting the bot in the face.

  She looked to another, asking, “What? You don’t like my outfit?”

  The bot gave her no expression but had his gun up and pointing at her now. The two others who she had landed near and pushed as she dropped from above both were coming at her now too. One swung to hit her in the head, but she ducked under.

  Man, it felt good to fight again. She was in all her glory now. The arenas having not been active had left the gladiator with a lot of built-up aggression.

  A jab, cross, and fake hand strike let her spin around and clock one of the bots in the ear. The one with a gun tried to shoot her but she had already leaned behind the other bot and he shot his own soldier. Drawing her gun on him, she blasted a volley into the bot and he dropped in seconds. Another bot came at her and grabbed her around her body. He was holding the red head from behind with a full nelson grip. Both his hands had her from under the arms and around the back of her head.

  “So nice of you to hug me,” she called out. “Did you actually miss me?” And with those words, she lifted her arms up high and dropped down, making the bot release his grip. From below him now she spun around and hooked her legs around the bot’s in a x-like style and posture. He was unable to free himself and leaned over to hit her.

  She looked up at him. “Hi. Wanna play?” She then rolled him over and got on top of the robot.

  From her side she pulled a knife out and rammed it into the thing’s throat. Its wires were penetrated and sparks and smoke poured out.

  It was then Victory came running over and shot the remaining bot down from behind.

  “You okay?” she asked her sister.

  Mahira smiled, licking blood from her mouth. She had not even noticed she actually had been hit in the face during the scuffle. “I haven’t been better,” she then answered. “What about those back there?”

  Victory was now the one smiling. “All finished,” she announced.

  Mahira was pleased. “Good job, kid. Let’s get out of here and head to our next destination. Keep an eye out above. There are still some looking for us.”

  The sisterhood had now gotten an update on the fighting in New York. Tessa Zune had conveyed such to Tyne Gem and the cyborg relayed such to her fellow sist
ers in Georgetown.

  “It appears they have been trading jabs at one another,” Tyne explained. “Omagus, the Godbot, has demanded they step down now and follow his commands. President Purcell has dispatched his killer bot, BSR1, and Aliah, his elite fighting creation, to overtake Omagus. They are on route to his ship at this very moment.”

  Chaya held her temples hearing this news. “Who knows where this is going to lead. Are we sure we have no members in the New York vicinity?”

  Sinaye shook her head. “Not that anyone knows of. Most are here in Maine now or close by somewhere in New England as we had planned out.”

  Reagan then announced, “Okay, whatever happens there, we need our own plan. Here’s what it’s going to be.”

  Tyne interrupted her. “I have a message coming in you all are going to want to hear. Sun is with Johan and they’re in New York attempting to get Karma away from Torres. She just sent it with no other explanation.”

  Raegan swallowed hard. She closed her eyes for a moment.

  Everyone else was silent as well.

  Tyne then added, “She now just texted me again. They’re already there.”

  Jansa put her hand to her forehead.

  “Those idiots. Why didn’t they check in with us first? How did they pull this off?”

  Sin then asked, “Should we try and send others in to assist them?”

  Everyone now waited for Reagan to say something.

  Chaya wondered out loud, “Are Mahira and Victory close to New York? Perhaps they can get over and get those teens out of there?”

  Raegan held a hand up, asking everyone to stop.

  But it was then Tyne relayed yet another situation that had just come about.

  “I have to tell you all, the Godbot has just declared that if Y-Wood does not step down he will nuke all of New York!”

  Raegan looked to Tyne. “Tell my son to hurry, tell Sun there is no time to spare. Tell her New York could be lost in nuclear war at any moment now. They must get out of that region immediately.”

  The cyborg nodded that she would and went about making the transfer of info back to Sun.

  With both Corporation and Martian ships roaming the skies, it was easy enough for Sun and Johan to land in a grassy field far from the city. They made their way to place near the Empire State Building in Manhattan, New York.

  It was close by in the ruins of Madison Square Garden, a one-time sports arena, they entered. The super robot Galax was supposed to meet them there.

  “This is nuts,” Sun said, looking at her friend.

  Johan acted as if he did not disagree.

  They waited, not sure what else to say, for a good twenty minutes. It was then they spotted the tall blue and silver robot coming towards them amongst the rubble of the stadium walls all about.

  The robot came closer announcing, “It has been a long time, Trevor. You are all grown up, I see.”

  Johan stood from a fallen granite wall and looked right at Galax.

  “My name is Johan; it always has been.”


  BSR1 had already manipulated a nearby vessel and boarded it without much resistance. The Martian-made robot flier was red and black and had the customary numbers representing the Godbot’s fleet.

  He and Aliah and several Ruthies, the black robots with bright green eyes, flew up into the main army of the Godbot and soon, through his voice-changing ability, were allowed to fly into the mother ship.

  Inside as they exited the small flyer, the main hall saw numerous red and black robots appear fully armed. They were then followed by Omagus himself and a rather odd-looking red bot with tall ear-like horns attached to his head. The Godbot stood at the top of a metal stairwell with “Old Horny” beside him.

  BSR1 saw him, as did Aliah. They now looked up, waiting for the ultimate confrontation.

  Omagus was first to speak. “You didn’t think I was unaware of your coming, did you?”

  BSR1 grinned. “Not in the least bit,” he then replied.

  Omagus studied the black crystal bot closely now. He was born the same day he and Galax were. So, in truth they were brothers. But it did not feel like so.

  Resin had always been fascinated by robots. His time at Y-Wood gave him great intel into such. He expected things could get nasty now in New York. He had gathered all he could of the sisterhood’s members and flew them as far northeast as possible, soon reaching Maine. They landed in the Portland area to refuel and it was then he became aware of what was going down.

  He was on with Sinaye through a newly constructed airway channel, talking to her and asking questions.

  “Is everyone away from New York?”

  She hesitated before telling him all were safe except Sun and Johan. Mahira and Victory were on route to Florida as well.

  They bickered back and forth on issues, but it did not matter now.

  He soon asked, “So what’s the plan then?”

  Sin explained that Raegan said no more running. “I don’t know what else to tell you,” she added. “Raegan said we’re to all head north and meet in Millinocket. I’ll see you there and be in touch.”

  Resin knew quick communication was all they should be doing. Listening ears were all about. “I love you,” he then said, “very much.”

  Sinaye then went back to her sisters and gave them her full attention.

  “So, what’s in Millinocket?”

  The others all looked at Raegan.

  She rolled her neck some. She was visibly shaken with Johan still out there and it showed. But she remained focused as best she could.

  “There is a place nestled in the middle of the largest mountain in all the country called Chimney Pond. I have researched it and done much thinking on this particular spot or years.

  “It is in Baxter State Park, within the Mount Katahdin region.

  “The whole area is close to two thousand acres, a nice place to get lost in. On foot it will take anyone at least 3 miles to get to where I speak of. Chimney Pond itself is 3 acres big and around its basin is 2000 feet of granite rising walls. It is there once could climb higher even, with a hiking train leading to the peak of Katahdin, which is over 5,000 feet high.

  “The Native Americans named the peak “the Greatest Mountain.” The region is filled with fresh water and a vast number of animals and fish. The trees there are beautiful, tall and robust. They are fir, birch, and spruce. It is there we will make our final home, secret to all outside the sisterhood. We will not just be in that one spot. We’ll have a side home nearby so that we may hide our true location.”

  Chaya right away asked, “And where is that going to be?”

  Raegan grinned.

  “Glad you asked. It’s for you all to decide.” She then pointed to her right. “I have a map I just placed on the wall. One of you take you knife and throw it at that Maine map. Where it lands is where our second home, our decoy location, will reside.”

  Sinaye pulled out her knife. “I’ll do it!” she said, flipping it around and aiming the blade towards the map on the wall.

  She looked at all her sisters: Raegan, Jansa, Tyne, Sinaye, the newly arrived Naiera, and Grammy Wal. “Here goes nothing!” She then fired, and the tip of the blade stuck heavily into the wooden log cabin’s wall and on the map’s midsection.

  Tyne was first to go to it, looking closely where she had hit.

  She studied it, pulled the knife free, and turned to all her sisters.

  “Liberty, Maine,” Tyne then announced. “The knife landed on Liberty, Maine.”

  “It's been a long time, Trevor. You’re are now a young man. I remember the moments that we had together, for it was the first time that I had ever been with a young boy, teaching you all that I know. I sense a hidden rebel about. Someone is watching over us. Please tell this human female that I know she's there, and that she may come out and join us.”

  Johan now looked to the hiding place of Sun. The two made eye contact, as if to say that she might as well come out
and there was no need to be hidden anymore.

  And it was then that the red-haired young woman came forth, looking intently at the tall silver and blue Super Robot.

  She had no love for robots, none whatsoever.

  Johan now explained his reasoning for wanting to meet with Galax, after introducing his friend, the young lady now beside him.

  “I always felt that you were different than the other robots I have encountered, including Omagus. You see, he always struck me as someone that wanted to conquer the world, a being with higher aspirations, even though he was supposed to be acting on behalf of a corporation.

  “But you were forthright, not only in your instruction, but in the way you view the world. Now, whether it was true or not, you seem to want to do the right thing for the president. That at least shows me that you are thinking in a way that can make a difference in all this mayhem as of late.”

  Galax listened closely to the boy, now a teen, who he had once trained and gotten to know years ago.

  “I am but a soldier,” he then replied. “I have been programmed to do as I am told. I am only trying to make the world better. You’re correct. We are trying to bring a sense of order to the United States of America, which is no longer united.”

  Sun could not help herself now from intervening.

  “They are divided because of the Corporation. You’re being told to do more harm than good.” She blurted this out much to the distain of her friend Johan.

  He looked at her, putting his hand up as if to tell her to stay out of it.

  “None of that matters right now,” he explained. “The issue at hand is some of the creations have turned on you, and the president, the corporation, are no longer in control. Something has to change, Galax. I hope you see this?”

  Sun again spoke out. “You have brought in that horrible black robot, and he’s just made things worse. He's destructive and power-hungry, and in truth doesn't care about this country whatsoever.”

  Galax turned to Sun more now. “BSR1 is a simple killing machine. What is it that you want me to do?” he then asked Johan. “We have a bigger issue now with the rogue robot, my brother Omagus. He has reached beyond his system’s basic demands and is now thinking millenniums ahead.”


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